- 沈芳
- 无
- 助理研究员
- 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院中国科学院心理所

简历:2004.09-2008.07,辽宁师范大学,生命科学学院,生物技术专业,学士 2008.09-2013.07,北京大学,神经科学研究所,药物成瘾方向,博士 2013.07-2015.12,中国科学院心理研究所,健康与遗传心理学研究室,博士后 2016.01-至今,中国科学院心理研究所,健康与遗传心理学研究室,助理研究员 研究兴趣:以大鼠、树鼩为主要动物模型,通过小动物内窥成像、行为药理、电生理及分子生物学等技术手段,研究药物成瘾的脑机制;以及从情绪和认知角度研究抑郁症的神经机制及抗抑郁药物的比较及筛选。 代表性论文:1)Fang Shen, Keke Qi, Ying Duan, Yonghui Li, Jing Liang, Xiaolu Meng, Ming Li, Nan Sui*. Differential effects of clomipramine on depression-like behaviors induced by the chronic social defeat paradigm in tree shrews [J]. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2018, 32(10): 1141-1149. 2)Xingyue Wang, Yanhua Qiao, Zhonghua Dai, Nan Sui, Fang Shen, Jianjun Zhang, Jing Liang*. Medium spiny neurons of the anterior dorsomedial striatum mediate reversal learning in a cell-type-dependent manner [J]. Brain Structure and Function, 2018: 1-16. 3)Fang Shen#, Shubo Jin#, Ying Duan, Jing Liang, Meng Zhang, Fengze Jiang, Nan Sui*. Distinctive changes of L-type calcium channels and dopamine receptors in the dorsomedial and dorsolateral striatum after the expression of habitual cocaine-seeking behaviour in rats [J]. Neuroscience, 2018, 370: 139-147. 4)Fang Shen#, Xuewei Wang#, Feifei Ge, Yijing Li, Cailian Cui*. Essential role of the NO signaling pathway in the hippocampal CA1 in morphine-associated memory depends on glutaminergic receptors [J]. Neuropharmacology, 2016, 102: 216-228. 5)Xiaolu Meng, Fang Shen*, Chunlu Li, Yonghui Li, Xuewei Wang. Depression-like behaviors in tree shrews and comparison of the effects of treatment with fluoxetine and carbetocin [J]. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016, 145: 1-8. 6)Ying Duan#, Fang Shen#, Tingting Gu, Nan Sui*. Addiction: from context-induced hedonia to appetite, based on transition of micro-behaviors in morphine abstinent tree shrews [J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, 7: 816. 7)Chong Qi, Xinjuan Wang, Feifei Ge, Yijing Li, Fang Shen, Jungai Wang, Cailian Cui*. mGluR5 in the nucleus accumbens shell regulates morphine-associated contextual memory through reactive oxygen species signaling [J]. Addict Biol, 2015, 20(5):927-40. 8)Fang Shen#, Ying Duan#, Shubo Jin, Nan Sui*. Varied behavioral responses induced by morphine in the tree shrew: a possible model for human opiate addiction [J]. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 2014, 8: 333. 9)Fang Shen, Na Wang, Chong Qi, Yi-Jing Li, Cailian Cui*. The NO/sGC/PKG signaling pathway in the NAc shell is necessary for the acquisition of morphine-induced place preference [J]. Behav Neurosci, 2014, 128(4): 446-459. 10)Fang Shen, Yijing Li, Xiaojing shou, Cailian Cui*. Role of the NO/sGC/PKG signaling pathway of hippocampal CA1 in morphine-induced reward memory [J]. Neurobiol Learn Mem, 2012, 98(2): 130-138. 11)Xiaohui Xiang, Yin Jiang, Yanjun Ni, Min Fan, Fang Shen, Xuewei Wang, Jisheng Han, Cailian Cui*. Catechol-O-methyltransferase polymorphisms do not play a significant role in pain perception in male Chinese Han population [J]. Physiol Genomics, 2012, 1; 44(5):318-28. 12)张萌#,沈芳#,段颖,蒙怡蒙,隋南*. 习惯化用药及其策略转换的神经环路调控机制[J],生物化学与生物物理进展,2018, 45(10), 1039-1046. 13)金书博#,沈芳#,段颖,李鸣,隋南*. 脑内LTCCs在药物成瘾形成过程中的调控机制. 科学通报, 2016, 11, 1173-1180. 14)段颖#,沈芳#,隋南*,强迫性用药行为的神经生物学机制研究进展,科学通报,60: 1 –7,2015. 15)沈芳,崔彩莲*,Homer蛋白与药物成瘾,中国药物依赖性杂志,第18卷,第3期,167-171,2009. 发明专利:1.维拉帕米抑制长时间戒断后的用药渴求及其机制研究,201710496170.7 2.卡贝缩宫素对树鼩抑郁样行为的治疗作用,201710496206.1 更多成果信息请见:http://ir.psych.ac.cn/shenf@psych.ac.cn 承担科研项目1.中国科学院心理健康重点实验室自主研究项目,KLMH2018ZG05,背侧纹状体调控可卡因觅药行为的脑环路机制,2018.04-2021.04,6万元,在研,主持。 2.国家自然科学基金青年项目,31500893,树鼩伏隔核LTCCs调控可卡因渴求的亚型特异性及其分子机制,2016.01-2018.12,23.9万元,已结题,主持。 3.心理所青年人才科研启动项目,Y6CX221007,树鼩伏隔核内D1R-LTCCs信号通路调控可卡因复吸的机制,2017.01-2018.12,10万元,已结题,主持。 4.中国博士后科学基金,2014M550809,应用近灵长类动物树鼩探索吗啡成瘾记忆的脑机制,2014.01-2015.12,5万元,已结题,主持。 |