(* 通讯作者)1. Xigeng Zheng,‡, Olivier Deschaux, Jennifer Lavigne, Ophélie Nachon, Carine Cleren, Jean-Luc Moreau, René Garcia, Prefrontal tetanic stimulation prevents sub-conditioning procedure-provoked, but not acute stress-provoked, reemergence of extinguished fear, Neurobiology of Learning & Memory, 2013; 101:33-38 (‡: co-first author)2. Olivier Deschaux‡, Xigeng Zheng‡, Jennifer Lavigne, Ophélie Nachon, Carine Cleren, Jean-Luc Moreau, René Garcia, Post-extinction fluoxetine treatment prevents both sub-conditioning procedure-provoked and acute stress-provoked reemergence of extinguished fear, Pychopharmacology, 2013; 225(1): 209-216 (‡: co-first author)3. Xian-Li An, Xi-Geng Zheng*, Jing Liang, and Yun-Jing Bai, Corticosterone combined with intramedial prefrontal cortex infusion of SCH 23390 impairs the strong fear response in high-fear-reactivity rats, Psych Journal, 2012 (Accepted)4. Bai Yunjing, Peng Yonghua, Liang Jing, Zheng Xigeng*, Differential patterns of Neuronal Activation in Rostral versus Caudal Ventral Tegmental Area Involved in Behavioral Sensitization Induced by an Escalating Dose Morphine Administration Paradigm, European Journal of Pharmarcology, 2012; 689:118-1245. Ding, X., Liang, J., Zheng, X., Bai, Y. Liu, Z., Li, Y., Xing, X., Altered phosphorylation of GluA1 in the striatum is associated with locomotor sensitization induced by exposure to increasing doses of morphine, European Journal of Pharmacology, 2013 (accepted)6. Jing Liang, Xigeng Zheng*; Jihuan Chen, Yingying Li, Xiaoli Xing, Yunjing Bai, Yingcong Li, Roles of BDNF, dopamine D3 receptors, and their interactions in the expression of morphine-induced context-specific locomotor sensitization, European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2011; 21:825-8347. Jing Liang, Ji-Huan Chen, Xiao-Hong Chen, Yong-Hua Peng, Xi-Geng Zheng*, Gene expression of conditioned locomotion and context-specific locomotor sensitization controlled by morphine-associated environment, Behavioural Brain Research 2011; 216:321-3318. Youhong Li, Xigeng Zheng*, Jing Liang, Yonghua Peng, Coexistence of Anhedonia and Anxiety-independent Increased Novelty-seeking Behavior in the Chronic Mild Stress Model of Depression, Behavioural Processes, 2010; 83:331-3399. LIANG Jing, PENG YongHua, GE XiaoXiang, ZHENG XiGeng*. The expression of morphine-induced behavioral sensitization depends more on treatment regimen and environmental novelty than on conditioned drug effects. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010; 55(3):1-510. Bai, Y. J., Li, Y. H., Zheng, X. G., Han, J., Yang, X. Y., Sui, N. Orexin A attenuates unconditioned sexual motivation in male rats, Pharmacology Biochemistry Behavior, 2009; 91:581-58911. Li Yonghui, Zheng Xigeng, Bai Yunjing, Yang Xiaoyan, Sui Nan, Opposite Effects of MK-801 on The Expression of Food and Morphine -induced Conditioned Place Preference in Rats, Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2006; 20(1):40-4612. Ya Yang‡, Xigeng Zheng‡, Yongfu Wang, Jun Cao, Zhifang Dong, Jingxia Cai, Nan Sui, Lin Xu. Stress Enables Synaptic Depression in CA1 Synapses by Acute and Chronic Morphine: Possible Mechanisms for Corticosterone on Opiate Addiction, The Journal of Neuroscience, 2004; 24(10):2412-20. (‡: co-1st author)13. Zheng Xigeng, Li Yonghui, Luo Xiaojing, Xiao Lin, Wang Dongmei, Liu Jie, Yang Xiaoyan, Sui Nan. Social crowding sensitizes high-responding rats to psychomotor stimulant effects of morphine Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 2004; 79:213-814. X. G. Zheng, B. P. Tan, X. J. Luo, W. Xu, X. Y. Yang, N. Sui. Novelty-seeking behavior and stress-induced locomotion in rats of juvenile period differentially related to morphine place conditioning in their adulthood Behavioural Processes 2004; 65(1):15-2315. Zheng Xigeng, Ke Xue, Tan Beiping, Luo Xiaojing, Xu Wei, Yang Xiaoyan, Sui Nan. Susceptibility to Morphine Place Conditioning: relationship with stress-induced locomotion and novelty-seeking behavior in juvenile and adult rats Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 2003; 75:929-3516. ZHENG Xi-Geng, LI Xin-Wang, YANG Xiao-Yan, SUI Nan. Effects of scopolamine and physostigmine on acquisition of morphine-treated rats in Morris water maze performance. Acta Pharmacologia Sinica 2002 (23) 5:476-8017. Tan Beiping, Zheng Xigeng, Sui Nan. Effects of repeated morphine exposure on open-field activity and novelty seeking behavior in a playground maze Acta Psychologia Sinica, 2003;35: 93-9818. Wang DM, Li J, Li YH , Zheng XG, Yang XY, SUI N, Post-training infusions of dopamine receptor antagonist into the basolateral amygdala prevent morphine-induce conditioned place preference, Acta Pharmacologia Sinica, 2006; 27:420-420