期刊论文: Ma, S., Wu, C., Zhang, J.*, Zeng, X., Zhao, G., & Sun, X. (2019). Looking for an optimal pedal layout to improve the driving performance of patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Applied Ergonomics, 80, 43–49. (IF = 2.435, Q1, SSCI) Lyu,Y., Zhang, X., Zuo, X., Hu, Z., Zhang, J., & Shi, Y. (2018). Non-invasive Measurement of Cognitive Load and Stress Based on the Reflected Stress-Induced Vascular Response Index. ACM Transaction on Applied Perception. 15 (3), 1-17. (IF = 0.962, Q3, SCI) 张警吁 & 张亮 (2018). 自然交互的认知机理与心理模型. 中国计算机学会通讯,14(5),30-35. E., X., & Zhang, J.*(2017). Holistic thinking style and intervention decision making of air traffic controllers: taking risk perception and workload management into consideration. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 45, 110–121.(IF = 1.444, Q2 in Applied Psychology) Ge, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., Zhao, W., Yu, T., Zhang, K., & Qu, W. (2016). Validation of the Driver’s Angry Thoughts Questionnaire (DATQ) in a Chinese sample. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 95, 362–372. (IF = 2.571, Q1 in Ergonomics) Du, X., Zhang, Y., Tian, Y., Huang, W., Wu, B., & Zhang, J.* (2015). The Influence of Spatial Ability and Experience on Spacecraft Rendezvous and Docking Operation Performance. Frontiers in Psychology. (IF = 2.56, Q1 in Multidisciplinary) Zhang, J.*, Yang, J. & Wu, C. (2015). From trees to forest: relational complexity network and workload of air traffic controllers. Ergonomics. (IF = 1.671, Q1 in Ergonomics) Zhang, J., & Wu, C. (2014). The Influence of Dispositional Mindfulness on Safety Behaviors: A Dual Process Perspective. Accident Analysis & Prevention. 70, 24–32. (IF = 2.571, Q1 in Ergonomics) Zhang, J., Li, Y., & Wu, C. (2013). The Influence of Individual and Team Cognitive Ability on Operators’ Task and Safety Performance: A Multilevel Field Study in Nuclear Power Plants. PLoS ONE, 8(12), e84528. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0084528. (IF = 3.730, Q1 in Multidisciplinary) Zhang, J., Ding, W., Li, Y., & Wu, C. (2013). Task Complexity Matters: The Influence of Trait Mindfulness on Task and Safety Performance of Nuclear Power Plants Operators. Personality and Individual Differences, 55(4), 433-439. (IF = 1.897, Q2 in Psychology, Social) Zhang, J., Mandl, H. & Wang, E. (2011). The Effect of Vertical-Horizontal Individualism-Collectivism on Acculturation and the Moderating Role of Gender. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 35(1), 124-134. (IF = 0.940, Q2 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary) Zhang, J., Mandl, H. & Wang, E. (2010) Personality, Acculturation and Psychosocial Adjustment of Chinese International Students in Germany. Psychological Reports. 107, 511-525. (IF = 0.372, Q4 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary) 张警吁 & 王二平(2006) 军事单位团队凝聚力的理论研究及应用. 心理科学进展, 4(2):199-203
会议论文: Zhang, L., Zhang, J.*, Lin, L., Qiao, H., & Zou, X. (accepted) A survey on the intention to use a fully-automated vehicle. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, xxx. xxx-xxx. (EI) Sun, Y., Zhang, J.*, Qiao, H., Sun, X., Qian, P., & Song, Y. (accepted) Fixation adjustment during the landing process and its relationship with pilot expertise and landing performance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11571, xxx-xxx. (EI) Yu, S., Zhang, J.* & E, Xiaotian (accepted) How Task Level Factors Influence Controllers’ Backup Behavior: the Mediating Role of Perceived Legitimacy and Anticipated Workload. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11571, xxx-xxx. (EI) Qiao, H., Li, Y., Zhang, J. *, Xiaotian, E., Zou, X., Jiang, Y., … Sun, X. (2018). The peak-end effects in controllers’ mental workload evaluation. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 62(1), 87–91. (EI) Zhang, X., Lyu, Y., Luo, X., Zhang, J., Yu, C., Yin, H., & Shi, Y. (2018). Touch Sense: Touch Screen Based Mental Stress Sense. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 2(2), 87:1–18. (EI) Li, Y., E, X., Qiao, H., Zou, X., Lv, C., Xiong, L., … Zhang, J. * (2018). Inter-sector Backup Behaviors in Parallel Approach ATC: The Effect of Job Satisfaction. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 147–157. (EI) Ma, S., Wu, C., Zhang, J.*, Zhao, G. & Sun, X. (2017) Do Type 2 diabetes patients have declined driving performance during non-hypoglycemia? A preliminary simulated driving study. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 2017,61, 858–862. (EI) Zhang, J. *, & Du, F. (2015). Relational complexity network and air traffic controllers’ workload and performance. Invited review paper presented at HCI International 2015. Los Angeles, USA. Zhang, J. *, Ren, J. & Wu, C. (2014).Modeling air traffic controllers' decision making processes with relational complexity network. In Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems(ITSC)(pp. 2663-2668). (EI) Jiang, R., Zhang, J., Zhao, G., & Wu, C. (2014). Enhancing speed estimation accuracy of electric bike riders through training. In Proceedings of 2014 IEEE 17th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) (pp. 1915–1916). (EI) Zhang, J. , Yang, J., & Wu, C. (2014). From trees to a forest: a network approach to model air traffic controllers’ workload. Paper presented at the 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France. Zhang, J. , & Wang, E. (2011). How Incidental Fear Can Influence Chinese People’s Evaluation of Government: an Experimental Study. Poster presented at 2011 SPSP conference, San Antonio, USA. Zhang, J. , & Wang, E. (2010). The Psychological Mechanism of Chinese Oversea Student’s Protest. Paper presented at the 26th International Conference of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia. Zhang, J. , & Wang, E. (2008). Rural Residents' Attitudes and Political Behaviors on Public Policies in China. Paper presented at the 6th Chinese Psychologists Conference. Hong Kong, China.
工作论文:Zhang, J.*, E., X. & Du, F. (under revision). Untying the Gordian knot: a network disentangling model of air traffic controllers’ conflict resolution. Manuscript submit to Human Factors Ma, S., & Zhang, J.*, Wu, C., Zhang, K. & Sun, X. (under revision). Type 2 diabetes can undermine driving performance of middle-aged male drivers through its deterioration of perceptual and cognitive functions. Manuscript submitted to Accident Analysis and Prevention