1. He SC, Zhang YY, Zhan JY, Wang C, Du XD, Yin GZ, Cao B, Ning YP, Soares JC, Zhang XY. Burnout and cognitive impairment: Associated with serum BDNF in a Chinese Han Population. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2017; 77:236-243
2.Chen DC, Yang KB, Nie Y, Wang N, Li YL, Xiu MH, He SC, Yang FD, Kosten TR, Soares JC, Zhang XY. Impaired glucose tolerance in first-episode drug-na?ve patients with schizophrenia: relationships to clinical phenotypes and cognitive deficits. Psychological Medicine 2016; 46(15):3219-3230.
3. Xiu MH, Tian L, Chen S, Tan YL, Chen DC, Chen J. Chen N, Yang FD, Licinio J, Kosten TR. Soares JC, Zhang XY. Contribution of IL-10 and its -592 A/C polymorphism to cognitive functions in first-episode drug-naive schizophrenia. Brain Behavior and Immunity 2016;57:116-124
4. Zhang XY, Tan YL, Chen DC, Tan SP, Malouta M, Bernard JD, Combs JL, Bhatti S, Davis MC, Kosten TR, Soares JC. Serum IL-18 level, clinical symptoms and IL-18- 607A/C polymorphism among chronic patients with schizophrenia in a Chinese Han population. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2016; 68: 140–147
5. Zhang XY, Chen DC, Tan YL, Tan SP, Luo X, Zuo L, Soares JC. BDNF polymorphisms are associated with cognitive performance in schizophrenia versus healthy controls. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2016; 77(8):e1011-e1018.
6. Zhang XY, Fan FM,Chen DC, Tan YL, Tan SP, Salas R, Kosten TR, Zunta-Soares G, Soares JC. Extensive white matter abnormalities and clinical symptoms in first episode and drug-na?ve schizophrenia: a voxel-based diffusion tensor imaging study. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2016;77(2): 205–211
7. Zhang XY, Tan YL, Chen DC, Tan SP, Yang FD, Wu HE, Zunta-Soares GB, Kosten TR, Huang XF, Soares JC. Interaction of BDNF with cytokines in chronic schizophrenia. Brain, Behavior and Immunity 2016; 51: 169-175
8. Hui L, Han M, Huang XF, Ye MJ, Zhang X, He JC, Lv MH, Soares JC, Zhang XY. Association between DβH 5'-insertion/deletion polymorphism and cognition in patients with chronic schizophrenia. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2016; 77(3):379-385
9. Zhang XY, Chen DC, Tan YL, An HM, Zunta-Soares GB, Huang XF, Soares JC. Glucose disturbances in first-episode drug-na?ve schizophrenia: relationship to psychopathology.Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015; 58:130-140
10. Zhang XY, Chen DC, Tan YL, Tan SP, Wang ZR, Yang FD, Okusage OO, Zunta-Soares GB, Soares JC. The interplay between BDNF and oxidative stress in chronic schizophrenia. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015 Jan; 51:201-208.
11. Zhang XY, Chen da C, Xiu MH, Yang FD, Tan YL, Luo X, Zuo L, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Cognitive function, plasma manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) and MnSOD Ala-9Val polymorphism in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls. Schizophrenia Bulletin 2014; 40(3): 592-601
12.Zhang XY, Chen DC, Tan YL, Tan SP, Wang ZR, Yang FD, Xiu MH, Hui L, Lv MH, Zunta-Soares GB, Soares JC. Gender difference in association of cognition with BDNF in chronic schizophrenia. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2014; 48:136-146.
13. Zhang XY, Chen da C, Xiu MH, Haile CN, Luo X, Zuo L, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Cigarette smoking, psychopathology, and cognitive function in first-episode drug na?ve schizophrenia: a case-control study. Psychological Medicine 2013; 43(8):1651-1660.
14. Zhang XY, Tang W, Xiu MH, Chen DC, De Yang F, Tan YL, Wang ZR, Zhang F, Liu J, Liu L, Chen Y, Wen N, Kosten TR. Interleukin 18 and cognitive impairment in first episode and drug na?ve schizophrenia versus healthy controls. Brain Behavior and Immunity 2013; 32:105-111.
15. Zhang X, Hui L, Liu Y, Wang ZQ, You Y, Miao LN, Sun SL, Guan SL, Xiang Y, Kosten TR, Zhang XY. The type 2 diabetes mellitus susceptibility gene IGF2BP2 is associated with schizophrenia in a Han Chinese population. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 2013; 74(4): 287-292.
16. Zhang R, Miao Q, Wang C, Zhao R, Li W, Haile CN, Nielsen DA, Hao W, Kosten TR, Zhang XY. Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis in alcohol dependence in a male Chinese population. Addictive Biology 2013; 18(2):392-403
17. Zhang XY, Liu L, Liu S, Hong X, Chen DC, Xiu MH, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Short-term tropisetron treatment and cognitive and P50 auditory gating deficits in schizophrenia. American Journal of Psychiatry 2012; 169:974-981
18. Zhang XY, Chen DC, Xiu MH, Haile CN, Zhang HP, Luo X, Xu K, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels and its Val66Met gene polymorphism predict tardive dyskinesia treatment response to Ginkgo biloba . Biological Psychiatry 2012; 72: 700-706
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20. Zhang XY, Chen DC, Xiu MH, Haile CN, Zhang HP, Luo X, Xu K, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Cognitive and serum BDNF correlates of BDNF Val66Met gene polymorphism in patients with schizophrenia and normal controls. Human Genetics 131:1187-1195 (2012).
21. Zhang XY, Tan YL, Zhou DF, Haile CN, Wu GY, Cao LY, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Nicotine dependence, symptoms and oxidative stress in male patients with schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 32:2020-2024 (2007).
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23. Zhang XY, Kosten TA. Previous exposure to cocaine enhances cocaine self-administration in an alpha 1-adrenergic receptor dependent manner. Neuropsychopharmacology 32:638-645 (2007).
24. Zhang XY, Tan YL, Zhou DF, Cao LY, Wu GY, Haile CN, Kosten TA, Kosten TR. Disrupted antioxidant enzyme activity and elevated lipid peroxidation products in schizophrenic patients with tardive dyskinesia. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 68:754-760 (2007).
25. Zhang XY, Kosten TA. Prazosin, an alpha-1 adrenergic antagonist, reduces cocaine-induced reinstatement of drug-seeking. Biological Psychiatry 57:1202-1024 (2005).
26. Zhang XY, Haile CN, Tan YL, Zuo LJ, Yang BZ, Cao LY, Zhou DF. Tumour necrosis factor alpha polymorphism (-1031T/C) is associated with age of onset of schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry 10:897-899 (2005).
27. Zhang XY, Zhou DF, Cao LY, Wu GY, Shen YC. Cortisol and cytokines in chronic and treatment-resistant patients with schizophrenia: association with psychopathology and response to antipsychotics. Neuropsychopharmacology 30:1532-1538 (2005).
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