发表的文章1. Gao J, Li Y, Zhu N, Brimijoin S, Sui N. Roles of dopaminergic innervation of nucleus accumbens shell and dorsolateral caudate-putamen in cue-induced morphine seeking after prolonged abstinence and the underlying D1- and D2-like receptor mechanisms in rats. J Psychopharmacol. 2013,27(2):181-912. Wu Y*, Li YH*, Yang XY, Sui N. Differential effect of beta-adrenergic receptor antagonism in basolateral amygdala on reconsolidation of aversive and appetitive memories associated with morphine. Addiction Biology, 2012 Mar 28. doi: 10.1111/j.1369-1600.2012.00443.x. [Epub ahead of print]3. Rogala B, Li Y*, Li S, Chen X, Kirouac GJ .Effects of a post-shock injection of the kappa opioid receptor antagonist norbinaltorphimine (norBNI) on fear and anxiety in rats. PLoS One. 2012; 7(11):e49669. doi: 10.13714. Xu W, Li YH, Tan BP, Luo XJ, Xiao L, Zheng XG, Yang XY, Sui N. Inhibition of the acquisition of conditioned place aversion by dopaminergic lesions of the central nucleus of the amygdala in morphine-treated rats. Physiol Res. 2012,61(4):437-425. Sun X, Meng X, Zhang J, Li Y, Wang L, Qin X, Sui N, Zhang Y. GABA attenuates amyloid toxicity by downregulating its endocytosis and improves cognitive impairment. J Alzheimers Dis. 2012;31(3):635-49.6. Wu Y, Li YH, Gao J, Sui N. Differential effect of NMDA receptor antagonist in the nucleus accumbens on reconsolidation of morphine -related positive and aversive memory in rats. European Journal of Pharmacology, 2012, 674(2-3): 321-326..7. Chen X, Li Y, Li S, Kirouac GJ. Early fear as a predictor of avoidance in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder. Behav Brain Res, 2012,226(1):112-78. Li Y, Wang H, Qi K, Chen X,Li S, Sui N, Kirouac G. Orexins in the midline thalamus are involved in the expression of conditioned place aversion to morphine withdrawal. Physiol Behav, 2011, 102(1):42-50. 9. Li YH , Li S, Wei CG, Wang HY, Sui N, Kirouac G. Orexins in the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus mediate anxiety-like responses in rats. Psychopharmacology, 2010, 212(2):251-6510. Han J, Li YH, Wang DM, Wei CG, Yang XY, Sui N. Effect of 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine microinjecting into hippocampus and prelimbic cortex on acquisition and retrieval of cocaine-induced place preference in C57BL/6 mice. Eur J Pharmacol, 2010, 642:93-9811. He X, Bao Y, Li Y, Sui N. The effects of morphine at different embryonic ages on memory consolidation and rewarding properties of morphine in day-old chicks. Neurosci Lett, 2010,482(1):12-612. Li YH, Li S, Wei CG, Wang HY, Sui N, Kirouac GJ. Changes in emotional behavior produced by orexin microinjections in the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2010, 95(1):121-8.13. Li YH, Li S Sui N Kirouac G. Orexin-A acts on the paraventricular nucleus of the midline thalamus to inhibit locomotor activity in rats. 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会议文章:1 Yonghui Li, Huiying Huang, Sa Li, Gilbert Kiourac, Sui Nan. Orexins act on the paraventricular necleus of thalamus to mediate the expression of negative emotion (poster). Chinese-American Kavili Frontiers of Science Symposium, 2012 October 12-142 Y. LI, X. CHEN, S. LI, *G. J. KIROUAC. Effect of blocking kappa opioid receptors on fear and anxiety-like behaviors in a rat model of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 40th annual Society for Neuroscience meeting, 20103 Y. LI, H. WANG, C. WEI, K. QI, N. SUI, G. KIROUAC. Orexins in the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus (PVT) as a mediator of dysphoria in morphine withdrawal. 40th annual Society for Neuroscience meeting, 20104 X. CHEN, Y. LI, S. LI, G. J. KIROUAC. Individual differences in peritraumatic generalized fear as a predictor of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) -like behaviors in rats. 40th annual Society for Neuroscience meeting, 20105 Li Yonghui Li Sa Wei Sui Nan Kirouac G Orexin-A acts on the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus to inhibit locomotor activity and induce stress-like behaviors. 38th annual Society for Neuroscience meeting,20086 Li Yonghui Li Sa Wang Huiying Sui Nan Kirouac G. Orexin-A acts on paraventricular nucleus of thalamus to induce anxiety-like behaviors: interaction with CRF and dynorphin system.39th annual Society for Neuroscience meeting,20097 Li Yonghui Bai Yunjing Zheng Xigeng Yang Xiaoyan Sui Nan. Lateral hypothalamic neuropeptides Melanin concentrating hormone acts in the nucleus accumbens to exert opposite control on morphine and food seeking behaviors in rats. 15th World Congress of Pharmacology8 Yonghui Li, Xigeng Zheng,. Xiaojing Luo, Nan Sui. The ability of acute corticosterone to facilitate morphine-induced conditioned locomotion activity can be dissociated from its effects on conditioned place preference (oral presentation). 28th International Congress of Psychology. August 8-13, 2004, Beijing, China.9 李勇辉 The role of orexin receptors in paraventricular nucleus of thalamus in morphine addiction. 中国生理学会学术年会,2012,10 李勇辉.药物成瘾精神依赖的脑机制-自然奖赏与成瘾药物奖赏的比较研究. 第三届中国科学院北京生命科学研究生论坛,200711 李勇辉 郑希耕 隋南. 吗啡、食物诱导的条件性位置偏爱的获得与保持:自然奖赏与药物奖赏记忆的比较. 北京大学“2004年全国博士生学术论坛”生命科学分论坛论文集,2004,339-34312 李勇辉 郑希耕 隋南. 纳络酮、MK-801对大鼠摄食动机的影响.基础医学与临床(增刊)2004北京神经科学年会