







  • 孙向红
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院中国科学院心理所




中国人类工效学会副秘书长, 中国心理学会副秘书长泛太工效学委员会 理事

期刊论文:Yang, J., Du, F., Qu, W. *, Gong, Z., Sun, X. (2013) Effects of Personality on Risky Driving Behavior and Accident Involvement for Chinese Drivers. Traffic Injury Prevention. (in press)孙向红,吴昌旭,张亮,瞿炜娜,杜锋,张侃. (2011). 工程心理学作用、地位和进展. 中国科学院院刊,26(6): 650-660崔陈福,张侃,孙向红. (2011). 创伤后应激障碍患者驾驶相关认知能力研究. 人类工效学,17(2):11-15刘静,孙向红. (2011). 什么决定着用户对产品的完整体验. 心理科学进展,19(1):94-106孙向红, 扬帆. (2008). 车辆驾驶心理负荷测量工具的测评与发展:一个现场研究的尝试. 人类工效学, 14(3):27-31张亮, 孙向红. (2006). 消防监控界面的语音信号研究. 中国安全学报, 1.石庆馨, 孙向红, 张侃. (2005). 可用性评价的焦点小组法. 人类工效学, 11(3).Qingxin Shi, Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang. (2005). Usability Test Method: Focus Group, Journal of Chinese Ergonomics, 2005(3): 64-67孙向红, 张侃, 杨斌. (1999). 相容性在拼音和旋键盘设计中的应用. 人—机—环境系统工程研究进展, 4: 153-158.Xianghong Sun, Sumei Guo, Kan Zhang. (1998). The Effect of Inputting Modality of Secondary Task on Tracking Performance and Mental Workload. ACTA PSYCHOLOGICA SINICA, 3(30):343-347孙向红, 张侃, 郭素梅. (1996). 利手因素对追踪操作的影响. 人类工效学, 2(3):5-9.

会议论文:Wang,Y.,Zhang, H.T., Yu, L., Zhang, K., Sun, X.H., Plocher, T. (2011) Believe what you hear, not what you see - Vision interferes with auditory Route guidance in complex environment, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Mobile and Intelligent Interaction Environments, Volume 6763,(0):346-354Licheng Xue, Xianghong Sun.(2010).Typical Scenarios and Influencing Factors on Speech-handwriting, 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation Vol.4:2194-2197Licheng Xue, Xianghong Sun.(2010).Natural Behavioral Patterns of Speech Recognition Error Recovery, 2010 Sixth International Conference on Natural Computation Vol.4:2135- 2139Xianghong Sun, Weina Qu.(2009).A study of fire information detection on PDA device HCII2009,LNCS 5612:105-113Xianghong Sun, Huiyang Li, Torkil Clemmensen, Qingxin Shi .(2008). Is cultural factors affect both evaluator's and test user's thinking in a usability test? ICP 2008Huiyang Li, Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang,Torkil Clemmensen,Qingxin Shi(2008). Do Asian people take longer for warm-up during usability test? ICP 2008Huiyang Li, Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang,(2008). Improving synthesized Chinese speech alarm design in emergency evacuation: Quantifying and predicting effects of different parameters on perceived urgency, intelligibility and impact on behavior, ICP 2008Xianghong Sun, Weina Qu, Tom Plocher.(2009). A Study of Fire Information Detection on PDA Device. LNCS 5612, p.105 ff.Ning Liu, Kan Zhang, Xianghong Sun. (2007). The measurement of driver's mental workload: a simulation-based study. ICTE 2007 conference proceedingsXianghong Sun, Qingxin Shi. (2007). Language issues in cross cultural usability testing: a pilot study in China. HCII2007 conference proceedingsXianghong Sun, Tom Plocher, Weina Qu. (2007). A Study on the Vertical Navigation of High Rise Buildings. HCII2007 conference proceedings Ning Liu, Zhiguo Wang, Xinghong Sun. (2007). Do the users really hate it: evidence from both explicit and implicit attitudes towards mobile added-value service? PPCOE2007 conference proceedingsHuiyang LI, Xianghong SUN, Kan ZHANG.(2007). Cultural Centered Design: Cultural Factors in Interface Usability and Usability Tests. Proceeding - SNPD 2007: Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, v 3, Proceedings - SNPD 2007: Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing, 2007, p 1084-1088Huiyang LI, Xianghong SUN, Kan ZHANG.(2007). Voice Alarm System in Emergency Evacuation. D. Harris (Ed.): Engin. Psychol. and Cog. Ergonomics, HCII 2007 (12th Conference of Human Computer Interaction. Beijing, China, 2007.7), LNAI 4562, pp. 723–730, 2007. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007Sun X, Plocher T, Zhang L. (2006) The Intelligibility of Speech Signal in Fire Alarm System APCHI2006 proceedings Sun X., Plocher, T. (2006) The smallest comfortable size of on touch screen APCHI2006 proceedingsXianghong Sun, Tom Plocher (2004). Changes of Elders’ Attitude and Behavior to High-tech Products, ICP2004 proceedings Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang (2003). In-Vehicle Navigation Information Display: Integration of Visual and Auditory Presentation, IEA2003 proceedings, (1):354-357Xianghong Sun, Kan Zhang (2003), Comparison of Verbal Comprehension and Speech Production During Driving, IEA2003 proceedings, (1):123-126Xianghong Sun, Enlie Wang, Kan Zhang (1999).A time study in HCI, the 5th proceedings of Chinese Congress of Application of Computer Science:28-33

编著译著:软件著作权登记(均排名第一):模拟驾驶情境意识测量软件V1.0 (简称:心驰-情境) 登记号:2007SRBJ0804模拟驾驶心理和行为监测系统软件V1.0 (简称:心驰-监测) 登记号:2007SRBJ0837模拟驾驶心理负荷测量软件V1.0 (简称:心驰-导航) 登记号:2007SRBJ0836

发明专利:一种基于模拟驾驶平台的心理和行为监测系统 授权专利号:ZL200710063789.5


空港X光行李检测的视觉搜索效率的研究 (所发展基金)人机工程评审标准研究(国防科工委)多模态汉字输入的人因学研究(Nokia, 20万,2008-2009)驾驶事故倾向性测评研究火情探测界面的人因学研究(国际合作)