







  • 韩之明
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院17号
姓 名: 韩之明
学 科: 生理学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807090 /
电子邮件: hanzm@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院17号 中国科学院动物研究所 计划生育生殖生物学国家重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 受精生物学研究组


韩之明,女,博士,副研究员。 1996年毕业于北京师范大学生物学专业,获理学学士学位。1996至1997年在中国科学院动物研究所生殖生物学国家重点实验室受精生物学研究组工作,从事受精机理的研究。1997至2002年为北京师范大学生命科学学院硕博连读研究生,主要在中国科学院动物研究所从事动物克隆的研究,参与了中国科学院知识创新和科技部攀登项目“异种克隆大熊猫研究”,国家自然科学基金“体细胞克隆牛研究”,“973”课题“异种克隆中线粒体命运研究”以及“治疗性克隆灵长类动物模型的建立”等课题的研究工作。2002年7月于北京师范大学获理学博士学位。2002年12月赴美国坦普尔大学医学院费尔斯肿瘤与分子生物学研究所从事博士后研究工作,研究方向为动物克隆及胚胎发育机理,参与了“小鼠克隆的表观遗传学研究”,“克隆胚胎的核重编程研究”及“着床前胚胎的卵裂球胞质碎片化研究”等多项美国国立卫生研究院课题的研究工作。2007年12月任中国科学院动物研究所副研究员,主要从事哺乳动物受精、克隆和早期胚胎发育的研究。现承担国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家高技术研究发展计划(863项目)课题以及中国科学院动物研究所青年科技创新人才资助项目。已在 Biology of Reproduction, Molecular Reproduction and Development, Developmental Biology, Genetics, Trends in Biotechnology, Molecular Biology of the Cell 等学术期刊上发表学术论文53篇,其中SCI文章共计43篇,已被引用200余次。






Han Z, Liang CG, Cheng Y, Duan X, Zhong Z, Potireddy S, Moncada C, Merali S, Latham KE. 2010. Oocyte Spindle Proteomics Analysis Leading to Rescue of Chromosome Congression Defects in Cloned Embryos. J Proteome Res. 9(11):6025-6032.Han Z, Cheng Y, Liang CG, Latham KE. 2010. Nuclear transfer in mouse oocytes and embryos. Methods Enzymol. 476:171-184.Han Z, Mtango NR, Zhong Z, Vassena R, Latham KE. 2010. Early transcription from the maternal genome controlling blastomere integrity in mouse two-cell-stage embryos. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 298(5):C1235-1244.Han Z, Mtango NR, Patel BG, Sapienza C, Latham KE. 2008. Hybrid Vigor and Transgenerational Epigenetic Effects on Early Mouse Embryo Phenotype. Biology of Reproduction. 79(4):638-648.Han Z, Vassena R, Chi MM, Potireddy S, Sutovsky M, Moley KH, Sutovsky P, Latham KE. 2008. Role of glucose in cloned mouse embryo development. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 295(4):E798-809.Liang CG, Han Z, Cheng Y, Zhong Z, Latham KE. 2009. Effects of ooplasm transfer on paternal genome function in mice. Hum Reprod. 24(11):2718-2728Wang J, Zhang M, Zhang Y, Kou Z, Han Z, Chen DY, Sun QY, Gao S. 2009. The Histone Demethylase JMJD2C Is Stage-Specifically Expressed in Preimplantation Mouse Embryos and Is Required for Embryonic Development. Biol Reprod. 82(1):105-111.Shi LH, Ai JS, Ouyang YC, Huang JC, Lei ZL, Wang Q, Yin S, Han ZM, Sun QY, Chen DY. 2008. Trichostatin A and nuclear reprogramming of cloned rabbit embryos. Journal of animal science 86(5):1106-1113.Shi LH, Miao YL, Ouyang YC, Huang JC, Lei ZL, Yang JW, Han ZM, Song XF, Sun QY, Chen DY. 2008. Trichostatin A (TSA) improves the development of rabbit-rabbit intraspecies cloned embryos, but not rabbit-human interspecies cloned embryos. Developmental Dynamics. 237(3):640-648.Han Z, Vandevoort CA, Latham KE. 2007. Therapeutic cloning: status and prospects. Current opinion in molecular therapeutics. 9(4):392-397.Vassena R, Han Z, Gao S, Latham KE. 2007. Deficiency in recapitulation of stage-specific embryonic gene transcription in two-cell stage cloned mouse embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 74(12):1548-1556.Kuzmin A, Han Z, Golding MC, Mann MR, Latham KE, Varmuza S. 2008. The PcG gene Sfmbt2 is paternally expressed in extraembryonic tissues. Gene Express Patterns. 8(2):107-116.Hao L, Vassena R, Wu G, Han Z, Cheng Y, Latham KE, Sapienza C. 2009. The unfolded protein response contributes to preimplantation mouse embryo death in the DDK syndrome. Biol Reprod. 80(5):944-953.Cheng Y, Wang K, Kellam LD, Lee YS, Liang CG, Han Z, Mtango NR, Latham KE. 2009. Effects of Ooplasm Manipulation on DNA Methylation and Growth of Progeny in mice. Biology of Reproduction. 80(3):464-472.Vassena R, Han Z, Gao S, Baldwin DA, Schultz RM, Latham KE. 2007. Tough beginnings: alterations in the transcriptome of cloned embryos during the first two cell cycles. Developmental Biology. 304(1):75-89.Latham KE, Gao S, Han Z. 2007. Somatic cell nuclei in cloning: strangers traveling in a foreign land. Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 591:14-29.Miyara F, Han Z, Gao S, Vassena R, Latham KE. 2006. Non-equivalence of embryonic and somatic cell nuclei affecting spindle composition in clones. Developmental Biology. 289(1):206-217.Han Z, Chung YG, Gao S, Latham KE. 2005. Maternal factor controlling blastomere fragmentation in early mouse embryos. Biology of Reproduction. 72(3):612-618.Gao S, Wu G, Han Z, de la Casa E, Sapienza C, Latham KE. 2005. Recapitulation of the Ovummutant (Om) phenotype and loss of Om locus polarity in cloned mouse embryos. Biology of Reproduction. 72(2):487-491.Nolan L, Gao S, Han Z, Chung YG, Bartolomei M, Latham KE. 2005. Aberrant X chromosome regulation in cloned mice. Developmental Biology. 279(2):525-540.Wu G, Hao L, Han Z, Gao S, Latham KE, Pardo-Manuel de Villena F, Sapienza C. 2005. Maternal transmission ratio distortion at the mouse Om locus results from meiotic drive at the second meiotic division. Genetics. 170: 327-334.Becker M, Becker A, Miyara F, Han Z, Kihara M, Brown DT, Hager GL, Latham K, Adashi EY, Misteli T. 2005. Differential in vivo binding dynamics of somatic and oocyte-specific linker histones in oocytes and during ES cell nuclear transfer. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 16(8): 3887-3895.Gao S, Han Z, Kihara M, Adashi E, Latham KE. 2005. Effects of protease inhibitor MG132 on nuclear reprogramming in cloned mouse embryos. Trends in Biotechnology. 23(2):66-68.Gao S, Czirr E, Chung YG, Han Z, Latham KE. 2004. Genetic variation in oocyte phenotype revealed through parthenogenesis and cloning: correlation with differences in pronuclear epigenetic modification. Biology of Reproduction. 70(4):1162-1170.Han ZM, Chen DY, Li JS, Sun QY, Wan QH, Kou ZH, Rao G, Lei L, Liu ZH, Fang SG. 2004.Mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmy in calves cloned by using adult somatic cell. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 67(2):207-214.Han ZM, Chen DY, Li JS, Sun QY, Wang PY, Du J, Zhang HM. 2003. Flow cytometric cell-cycle analysis of cultured fibroblasts from the giant panda, Ailuropoda melanoleuca L. Cell Biology International. 27(4):349-353.Yang CX, Han ZM, Wen DC, Sun QY, Zhang KY, Zhang LS, Wu YQ, Kou ZH, Chen DY. 2003. In vitro development and mitochondrial fate of macaca-rabbit cloned embryos. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 65(4):396-401.Zhu ZY, Chen DY, Li JS, Lian L, Lei L, Han ZM, Sun QY. 2003. Rotation of meiotic spindle is controlled by microfilaments in mouse oocytes. Biology of Reproduction. 68(3):943-946.Zhu ZY, Wen DC, Han ZM, Lei L, Liu ZH, Kou ZH, Xu Y, Wang MK, Chen DY. 2003. The dynamics and functions of cytoskeleton during meiotic resumption induced by parthenogenetic activation in mouse oocytes. Progress in Biochemistry andBiophysics. 30(5):819-823.Chen DY, Li JS, Han ZM, Lei L, Liu ZH, Kou ZH, Ma SY, Du QK, Sun QY. 2003. Somatic cell bovine cloning: Effect of donor cell and recipients. Chinese Science Bulletin. 48(6):549-554. [陈大元,李劲松,韩之明,雷蕾,刘忠华,寇朝辉,马世援,杜启科,孙青原. 2003. 体细胞克隆牛:供体细胞和受体的影响. 科学通报. 48(8):768-773.]

