- 赵建国
- 研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号

姓 名: | 赵建国 |
学 科: | 发育生物学 |
电话/传真: | +86-10-64806259 / |
电子邮件: | zhaojg@ioz.ac.cn, zhaojervis@hotmail.com |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 大动物遗传修饰研究组 |
赵建国,2010年中国科学院“百人计划”引进国外杰出人才,中国科学院动物研究所干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室研究员,大动物遗传修饰研究组组长, 博士研究生导师,中国科技大学,安徽大学兼职博士研究生导师。主要研究方向为:1. 通过化学诱变进行猪全基因组水平的随机突变和表型分析,建立突变家系,筛选功能基因和培育育种新材料;2. 通过基因组编辑(Genome Editing, GE)技术进行猪的基因组遗传修饰进而改善猪的农业生产性状或构建生物医学研究的大动物模型;3,猪早期胚胎发育的表观遗传调控和体细胞核移植。致力于建立高效的猪基因组编辑和功能基因组学分析平台,为生物医学研究和临床前转化提供理想的大动物疾病模型,同时也可以为猪的经济性状改良和品系培育提供新的手段和解决思路。通过化学诱变建立了较大规模的突变体,筛选到了影响骨骼发育、肌肉发生、血细胞再生、行为、毛色等猪重要性状的功能基因和突变家系;不但为进一步培育猪新品种提供了育种材料和分子标记,也促进了猪在生物医学中的应用。创建了在猪的乳汁中表达高活性人抗凝血因子9多转基因猪。首次报道利用组蛋白去乙酰化抑制剂-Scriptaid大幅提高了在生物医学研究中具有广泛应用价值的-NIH近交系小型猪的克隆效率。首次报道了利用锌指核酶技术在大动物当中实现了GFP基因的高效敲除并且利用CRISPR/Cas9实现了猪基因组单一基因或者多个基因的高效同时编辑。近年来在PNAS、Blood、elife、J Mol Cell Biol、Hum Genet、Sci Rep、Biol Reprod、Cell Reprogram、Reproduction、Plos one、Reprod Fertil Dev和Mol Reprod Dev等期刊共发表SCI 论文20多 篇。担任“Sci Rep”等杂志编委会委员。
Zheng Q§, Lin J§, Huang J§, Zhang H, Zhang R, Zhang X, Cao C, Hambly C, Qin G, Yao J, Song R, Jia Q, Wang X, Li Y, Zhang N, Piao Z, Ye R, Speakman JR, Wang H, Zhou Q, Wang Y*, Jin W*, Zhao J*.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1707853114.Zhang Y§, Xue Y§, Cao C§, Huang J, Hong Q, Hai T, Jia Q, Wang X, Qin G, Yao J, Wang X, Zheng Q, Zhang R, Li Y, Luo A, Zhang N, Shi G, Wang Y, Ying H, Liu Z, Wang H, Meng A, Zhou Q, Wei H*, Liu F* , Zhao J* . Thyroid hormone regulates hematopoiesis via the TR-KLF9 axis. Blood, 2017,blood-2017-05-783043.Huang J§, Wang Y*, Zhao J*. CRISPR editing in biological and biomedical investigation. J Cell Physiol. 2017.Hai T§, Cao C§, Shang H§, Guo W§, Mu Y§, Yang S, Zhang Y, Zheng Q, Zhang T, Wang X, Liu Y, Kong Q, Li K, Wang D, Qi M, Hong Q, Zhang R, Wang X, Jia Q, Wang X, Qin G, Li Y, Luo A, Jin W, Yao J, Huang J, Zhang H, Li M, Xie X, Zheng X, Guo K, Wang Q, Zhang S, Li L, Xie F, Zhang Y, Weng X, Yin Z, Hu K, Cong Y, Zheng P, Zou H, Xin L, Xia J, Ruan J, Li H, Zhao W, Yuan J, Liu Z, Gu W, Li M, Wang Y, Wang H* , Yang S*, Liu Z*, Wei H*, Zhao J*, Zhou Q*, Meng A*. Pilot study of large-scale production of mutant pigs by ENU mutagenesis. Elife, 2017, 6:e26248.Wang L§, Cao C§, Wang F, Zhao J*, Li W*. H2B ubiquitination: Conserved molecular mechanism, diverse physiologic functions of the E3 ligase during meiosis. Nucleus, 2017:1.Lin J§, Cao C§, Tao C§, Ye R, Dong M, Zheng Q, Wang C, Jiang X, Qin G, Yan C, Li K, Speakman JR, Wang Y*, Jin W*, Zhao J* . Cold adaptation in pigs depends on UCP3 in beige adipocytes. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology, 2017: 1-12.Jia Q§, Cao C§, Tang H, Zhang Y, Zheng Q, Wang X, Zhang R, Wang X, Luo A, Wei H, Meng A, Zhou Q, Wang H*, Zhao J* . A 2-bp insertion (c. 67_68insCC) in MC1R causes recessive white coat color in Bama miniature pigs. Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 2017, 44(4): 215-217.Song C§, Yao J§, Cao C, Liang X, Huang J, Han Z, Zhang Y, Qin G, Tao C, Li C, Yang H, Zhao J, Li K, Wang Y. PPARγ is regulated by miR-27b-3p negatively and plays an important role in porcine oocyte maturation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2016, 479(2): 224-230.Yao J, Huang J, Zhao J*. Genome editing revolutionize the creation of genetically modified pigs for modeling human diseases. Human Genetics, 2016, 135(9): 1093-1105. Wang X§, Cao C§, Huang J§, Yao J, Hai T, Zheng Q, Wang X, Zhang H, Qin G, Cheng J, Wang Y, Yuan Z, Zhou Q, Wang H*, Zhao J*. One-step generation of triple gene targeted pigs using CRISPR/Cas9 system. Sci Rep. 2016 Feb 9;6:20620.Huang J§, Zhang H, Yao J, Qin G, Wang F, Wang X, Luo A, Zheng Q, Cao C, Zhao J*. BIX-01294 increases pig cloning efficiency by improving epigenetic reprogramming of somatic cell nuclei. Reproduction. 2016 Jan;151(1):39-49.Zhao J§. , Xu WJ, Ross JW., Walters EM., Butler SP., Whyte JJ., Kelso L., Fatemi M, Vanderslice NC., Giroux K., Spate LD., Samuel MS., Murphy CN., Wells KD., Masiello NC., Prather RS*. & Velander WH*. Engineering protein processing of the mammary gland to produce abundant hemophilia B therapy in milk . Sci Rep. 2015 Sep 21;5:14176.Huang J§, Zhang H, Wang X, Dobbs KB, Yao J, Qin G, Whitworth K, Walters EM, Prather RS*, Zhao J*. Impairment of Preimplantation Porcine Embryo Development by Histone Demethylase KDM5B Knockdown Through Disturbance of Bivalent H3K4me3-H3K27me3 Modifications. Biol Reprod. 2015 Mar; 92(3):72.Yao J§, Huang JJ, HaiTang , Wang XL, Qin GS, Zhang HY, Wu R, Xi J. J, Yuan Z, Zhao J*. Efficient bi-allelic gene knockout and site-specific knock-in mediated by TALENs in pigs. Sci Rep. 2014 Nov 5;4:6926.Whyte JJ*, Zhao JG*, Samuel M, Laughlin HM, Prather RS, Gene Targeting with Zinc Finger Nucleases to Produce Cloned eGFP Knockout Pigs. Mol Reprod Dev. 2011, Accepted.Zhao JG, Whyte JJ, Prather RS. The effect of epigenetic regulation on somatic cell nuclear transfer. Cell. Cell Tissue Res. 2010, 341(1):13-21.Zhao JG, Hao Y, Ross JW, Spate LD, Walters EM, Samuel MS, Rieke A, Murphy CN, Prather RS. Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors Improve In Vitro and In Vivo Developmental Competence of Somatic cell Nuclear Transfer Porcine Embryos. Cloning and stem cells, 2010;12(1):75-83Ross JW, Prather RS, Whyte JJ, Zhao JG. Cloning and transgenics: progress and new approaches. Invited review by Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International 2009,4, No. 38Zhao J, Ross JW, Hao Y, Spate LD, Walters EM, Samuel MS, Rieke A, Murphy CN, Prather RS. Significant Improvement in Cloning Efficiency of an Inbred Miniature Pig by Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Treatment after Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer. Biol Reprod. 2009 81: 525-530Zhao M, Isom SC, Lin H, Hao Y, Zhang Y, Zhao J, Whyte JJ, Dobbs KB, Prather RS. Tracing the stemness of porcine skin-derived progenitors (pSKP) back to specific marker gene expression. Cloning Stem Cells. 2009 ;11(1):111-22Miao YL, Sun QY, Zhang X, Zhao JG, Zhao MT, Spate L, Prather RS, Schatten H. Centrosome abnormalities during porcine oocyte aging. Environ Mol Mutagen. 2009; 50(8): 666-71Yang XY, Zhao JG, Li H, Liu HF, Huang Y, Huang SZ, Zeng F, Zeng YT. Effect of individual heifer oocyte donors on cloned embryo development in vitro. Anim ReprodSci. 2008 104(1):28-37Yang XY, Li H, Ma QW, Yan JB, Zhao JG, Li HW, Shen HQ, Liu HF, Huang Y, Huang SZ, Zeng YT, Zeng F. Improved efficiency of bovine cloning by autologous somatic cell nuclear transfer. Reproduction. 2006 132(5):733-9Zhao JG, Li H, Kong X, Tang ZQ. Association analysis of SNPs in the chicken UCP gene with growth and body composition traits. Canadian Journal of Animal Science. 2006, 86:345-350Zhao JG, Li H, Wang YX, Meng H. The expression characterization of chicken uncoupling protein gene. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Science, 2005, 18 (11): 1552-1556Yang XY, Zhao JG, Li HW, Li H, Liu HF, Huang SZ, Zeng YT. Improve the in vitro development of cloned bovine embryos by use of holstein-chinese yellow hybrid recipient oocytes recovered by ovum pick up. Theriogenology. 2005, 64(6):1263-72Meng H, Li H, Zhao JG and Gu ZL. Differential expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors alpha and gamma gene in various chicken tissues. Domestic Animal Endocrinology, 2005, 28:105-110赵建国,孟 和,李辉。鸡解偶联蛋白基因内含子的克隆与系统发生树的构建。遗传(BeiJing), 2004, 26(1): 50-54赵建国,李辉,孟和,顾志良,王启贵,王宇祥. 鸡UCP基因作为脂肪性状候选基因的研究。遗传学报,2002, 29(6): 481-486顾志良,赵建国,李辉, 孟和,王启贵,王清华,朱大海. 鸡瘦蛋白受体(OBR)基因外显子9单核苷酸多态性分析。遗传, 2002, 24(3)