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Rao, L-L., Han, R., Ren, X.-P., Bai, X.-W., Zheng, R., Liu, H.,Wang, Z.-J., Li, J.-Z., Zhang, K.,&Li, S. (2011). Disadvantage and prosocial behavior: The effects of the Wenchuan earthquake. Evolution and Human Behavior.32(1),63-69. (CA; 2010 Ranking: 2/14 in Psychology, Biological, 2/34 in Social Sciences, Biomedical; 2012 Impact Factor: 3.946; 5-year Impact Factor: 4.249)(ranked 4th out of 37 journals in the ISI SOCIAL SCIENCES, BIOMEDICAL category and also 4th out of 14 journals in the ISI PSYCHOLOGY category*.2011 Impact Factor3.113) 93. Li, Y.M., Murata,K., &Li, S. (2010). Better safe than sorry: situational correction in interpersonal competition. Social Cognition. 28(4), 465-489.(2010 Ranking: 17/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.76; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.408)94. Sun, Y., Li, S.,&Bonini, N.(2010). Attribute salience in graphical representations affects evaluation. Judgment and Decision Making. 5(3), 151-158.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 35/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary;2010 Impact Factor: 1.632; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.79)95. Li, S., Rao, L-L., Bai, X-W., Zheng, R., Ren, X-P., Li, J-Z., Wang, Z-J., Liu, H.,& Zhang, K. (2010). Progression of the “Psychological Typhoon Eye” and variations since the Wenchuan earthquake. PLoS ONE. 5(3): e9727. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0009727(co-CA; 2010 Ranking: 12/86 in Biology; 2010 Impact Factor: 4.411; 5-year Impact Factor: 4.610)
96. Li, S., Wang, Z-J., Rao, L-L., & Li, Y.M. (2010). Is there a violation ofSavage’s sure-thing principle in the prisoner’s dilemma game? Adaptive Behavior. 18, 377-385. (2010 Ranking: 18/84 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; 2012 Impact Factor: 1.113; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.54597. Sun, Y., & Li, S. (2010). The effect of risk on intertemporal choice.Journal of Risk Research.13(6), 805–820.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 26/84 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.946)2011 Impact Factor: 0.880 Ranking: 33/89 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary)98. Li, S., Su, Y.,&Sun, Y. (2010). The effect of pseudo-immediacy on intertemporal choices. Journal of Risk Research. 13(6), 781–787.(2010 Ranking: 26/84 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.946)99. Li, J-Z., Li, S., Wang, W-Z.,Rao, L-L., & Liu, H. (2011). Are people alwaysmore risk averse after disasters? Surveys after a heavy snow-hit and a major earthquake in China in 2008. Applied Cognitive Psychology. 25(1), 104–111.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 48/81 in Psychology, Experimental; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.626; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.072)100. Li, S., Li, J-Z.,Chen, Y-W., Bai, X-W., Ren, X-P., Zheng, R., Rao, L-L., Wang, Z-J., & Liu, H. (2010). Can overconfidence be debiased by low-probability/high-consequence event? Risk Analysis. 30(4), 699-707. (CA; 2012 Ranking: 4/44 in Social Sciences Mathematical Methods; 2012 Impact Factor: 2.278; 5-year Impact Factor:2.468)101. Li, S., Zhou, K., Sun, Y., Rao, L-L., Zheng, R., &Liang, Z-Y(2010). Anticipatedregret, risk perception, or both: Which is most likely responsible for our intention to gamble? Journal of Gambling Studies. 26(1),105-116.(2010 Ranking: 50/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.303; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.881)102. Li, S., Rao, L-L., Bai, X-W., Ren, X-P., Zheng, R., Li, J-Z., Wang, Z-J., & Liu, H. (2009). Psychological typhoon eye in the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. PLoS ONE 4(3): e4964. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0004964(2010 Ranking: 12/86 in Biology; 2010 Impact Factor: 4.411; 5-year Impact Factor: 4.610)103. Liu, C-J.,&Li. S. (2009). Contextualized self: When the self runs into social dilemmas. International Journal of Psychology. 44(6), 451-458. (2010 Ranking: 60/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.067; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.117)104. Xu, LJ., Liang, ZY, Wang, K., Li, S., & Jiang, TZ. (2009). Neural mechanism of intertemporal choice: From discounting future gains to future losses. Brain Research. 1261, 65-74. (CA; 2010 Ranking:128/239 in Neurosciences; 2010 Impact Factor: 2.623; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.665;Acceptance: 42%)105. Li, L-B., He, S-H., Li, S., Xu, J-H., &Rao, L-L. (2009). A closer look at the Russian roulette problem: A re-examination of the non-linearity of the prospect theory’s decision weight π.International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 50(3), 515-520. (CA; 2010 Ranking: 38/108 in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.684; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.720; 2011 Impact Factor: 1.948; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.155)106. Li, S., Bi, Y-L. &Zhang, Y. (2009). Asian risk-seeking and overconfidence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 39(11), 2706-2736.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 49/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.721; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.21) 107. Han, R., Li, S. & Shi, J.N. (2009). The territorial prior residence effect and children’s behavior in social dilemmas. Environment and Behavior, SAGE Publications-USA. 41(5), 644-657.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 18/78 in Environmental Studies, 25/120, Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.921; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.297) 108. Xu, J-H., Ye, X-B., &Li, S. (2009). Communication mode preference paradox among native Chinese speakers. Journal of Social Psychology, Heldref Publications -USA. 149(1), 125 – 129.(2010 Ranking: 50/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.691; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.1) 109. Li, S. &Liu, C-J. (2008). Individual differences in a switch from risk-averse preferences for gains to risk-seeking preferences for losses: Can personality variables predict the risk preferences? Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis-UK. 11(5), 673-686.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 26/84 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.946) 110. Sun, Y., Li, S., & Li, Y-M. (2008). Reexamine the role of the description of problem texts in the disjunction effect. Journal of Psychology, Heldref Publications -USA. 142(3), 261 – 265.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 73/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.899; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.159) 111. Li, S., Zheng, R., & Li, L-B. (2007). Do shared features of offered alternatives have an effect in consumer choice? Journal of Economic Psychology. 28(6), 658-677.(CA;2010 Ranking: 72/305 in Economics, 46/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.358; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.749) 112. Li, S., Sun, Y., & Wang, Y. (2007). 50% off or buy one get one free? Frame preference as a function of consumable nature in dairy products. Journal of Social Psychology, Heldref Publications –USA. 147 (4), 413 - 421.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 50/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.691; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.1) 113. Li, S., Taplin, J.E., & Zhang, Y. (2007). The equate-to-differentiate’s way of seeing the prisoner’s dilemma. Information Sciences. 177(6), 1395-1412. (CA; 2010 Ranking:10/128 in Computer Science, Information Systems; 2010 Impact Factor: 2.833; 5-year Impact Factor: 3.005) 114. Li, S. & Li, Y.M.(2007). How far is far enough: A measure of information privacy in terms of interpersonal distance. Environment and Behavior, SAGE Publications-USA. 39(3), 317-331.(2010 Ranking: 18/78 in Environmental Studies, 25/120, Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.921; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.297)Impact Factor: 1.275Ranked: 50 out of 124 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary 115. Li, S. & Liang, Z-Y. (2007). Action/inaction and regret: The moderating effect of closeness. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Bellwether Publishing-USA. 37(4), 807-821.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 49/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.721; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.21) 116. Li, S. & Xie, X. (2006). A newlook at the “Asian disease” problem: A choice between the best possible outcomes or between the worst possible outcomes? Thinking and Reasoning, Psychology Press-UK. 12(2), 129-143.(2010 Ranking: 72/81 in Psychology, Experimental; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.778; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.213) 117. Li, S. (2006). Preference reversal: A new look at an old problem. Psychological Record, Psychological record-USA. 56 (3), 411-428.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 57/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.114; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.006) 118. Li, S., Chen, W-W., & Yu, Y. (2006). The reason for Asian overconfidence. Journal of Psychology, Heldref Publications -USA.140 (6),615-618.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 73/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.899; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.159) 119. Li, S., Triandis, H.C., & Yu, Y. (2006). Cultural orientation and corruption. Ethics &Behavior, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates –USA. 16(3), 199-215.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 26/39 in Ethics, 91/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.528; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.797) 120. Li, S. (2005). Romantic music activates minds rooted in a particular culture. Journal of Consciousness Studies, Imprint academic -UK. 12(7), 31–37.(SJR 2009 Ranking: Q1(Top 25%) in Philosophy) 121. Chen, X P. & Li, S. (2005). Cross-National differences in cooperative decision making in mixed-motive business contexts: The mediating effect of vertical and horizontal individualism. Journal of International Business Studies,Palgrave Publishers-UK. 36(6), 622-636.(2010 Ranking: 3/103 in Business, 9/144 in Management; 2010 Impact Factor: 4.184; 5-year Impact Factor: 5.539) 122. Li, S. & Lee-Wong, S. M. (2005). A study on Singaporeans’ perception of sexual harassment from a cross-cultural perspective. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Bellwether Publishing-USA. 35(4), 699-717.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 49/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.721; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.21) 123. Li, S. (2004-a). A behavioral choice model when computational ability matters. Applied Intelligence, Kluwer-USA. 20(2), 147-163. 124. Li, S. (2004-b). Decision-making of the collectivist family in risk-seeking and overconfidence. In Kashima, Y., Endo, Y., Kashima, E., Leung, C., and McClure, J. (Eds.), Progress in Asian Social Psychology, 4, 263-288. Seoul, Korea: Kyoyook-kwahak-sa. 125. Li, S. (2004-c). An alternative way of seeing the Allais-type violations of the sure-thing principle. Humanomics, Barmarick Publications-UK. 20(1&2), 17-31. 126. Li, S. (2004-d). Equate-to-differentiate approach: An application in binary choice under uncertainty, Central European Journal of Operations Research, Springer-Germany. 12(3), 269-294. 127. Li, S., & Fang, Y. (2004). Respondents in Asian cultures (e.g., Chinese) are more risk-seeking and more overconfident than respondents in other cultures (e.g., in United States) but the reciprocal predictions are in total opposition: How and why? Journal of Cognition and Culture, Brill Academic Publishers - The Netherlands. 4(2), 263-292.(SJR 2009 Ranking: Q1(Top 25%) in Cultural Studies) 128. Li, S. (2003-a). Violations of conjoint independence in binary choices: The equate-to-differentiate interpretation, European Journal of Operational Research, Elsevier-The Netherlands. 148, 65-79.(2009 Ranking: 10/73 = 13.70% in Operations Research & Management Science; 2009 Impact Factor: 2.093; 2010 Impact Factor: 2.158; Acceptance: 22%) 129. Li, S. (2003-b). The role of expected value illustrated in decision-making under risk: single-play vs multiple-play. Journal of Risk Research, Taylor & Francis-UK. 6(2), 113-124.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 26/84 in Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.946) 130. Li, S. (2002). Do money-earning time and money-exchanging route matter? Psychology and Marketing, Wiley-USA. 19(9), 777-782.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 50/103 in Business, 29/69 in Psychology, Applied; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.385; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.934)
131. Li, S. &Taplin, J.E. (2002). Examining whether there is a disjunction effect in Prisoner’s Dilemma Games. Chinese Journal of Psychology, Taiwan. 44(1), 25-46. 132. Li, S., & Fang, Y. (2002). Are Kiasuism and Singapore 21 diametrically opposed in influencing Singaporeans’ decision-making? Psychologia, PsychologiaSociety-Japan. 45(1), 34-45.(2010 Ranking: 74/81 in Psychology, Experimental; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.581; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.675) 133. Li, S. (2002). An evaluation of traditional English-Chinese translation criteria for Internet-related technological terms: A study using multivariate analyses. Journal of Translation Studies, Hong Kong. 7, 45-58. 134. Li, S. (2001). How closeis tooclose? A comparison of proxemic reactions of Singaporean Chinese to male intruders of four ethnicities. Perceptual and Motor Skills. Ammons Scientific-USA. 93, 124-126.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 77/81 in Psychology, Experimental; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.492; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.566) 135. Li, S. (2001). Extended research on dominance violations in similarity judgments: The equate-to-differentiate interpretation. Korean Journal of Thinking and Problem Solving, Korean Association for Thinking-South Korea. 11(1), 13-38. 136. Li, S. (2001). Equate-to-differentiate: The role ofshared and unique features in the judgment process. Australian Journal of Psychology, APS-Australia. 53(2), 109-118.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 83/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.644; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.922) 137. Li, S. & Taplin, J.E. (2001). A test of independence axiom in diagnosis context that offers common symptom.Psychologia, PsychologiaSociety-Japan. 44(3), 188-196.(2010 Ranking: 74/81 in Psychology, Experimental; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.581; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.675) 138. Li, S. (1999). One country two systems: A psychological perspective. Psychology and Developing Societies, Sage-India. 11(2), 157-177. 139. Li, S. (1998-a). Can the conditions governing the framing effect be determined? Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier-The Netherlands. 19, 133-153. (CA; 2010 Ranking: 72/305 in Economics, 46/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.358; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.749) 140. Li, S. (1998-b). Tian Ji and Chariot-racing: Violation of dominance in similarity judgment of Chinese characters. Psychologia, PsychologiaSociety-Japan. 41, 20-31.(CA; 2010 Ranking: 74/81 in Psychology, Experimental; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.581; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.675) 141. Li, S. (1996-a). An additional violation of transitivity and independence between alternatives. Journal of Economic Psychology, Elsevier-The Netherlands. 17, 645-650. (CA; 2010 Ranking: 72/305 in Economics, 46/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.358; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.749) 142. Li, S. (1996-b). What is the price for utilizing deductive reasoning? A reply to generalized expectation maximizers. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Elsevier-The Netherlands. 29(2), 355-358. 143. Li, S. (1995). Is there a decision weight p? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Elsevier-The Netherlands. 27(3), 453-463.144. Li, S., & Adams, A. S. (1995). Is there something more important behind framing? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 62, 216-219. (CA; 2010 Ranking: 36/144 in Management, 11/69 in Psychology, Applied, 6/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 2.48; 5-year Impact Factor: 3.586) 145. Li, S., Zhu, Z., & Adams, A. S. (1995). An exploratory study of arm-reach reaction time and eye-hand coordination. Ergonomics, Taylor & Francis-UK. 38 (4) 637-650. (2010 Ranking: 4/14 in Ergonomics, 30/69 in Psychology, Applied; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.377; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.779) 146. Li, S. (1994-a). What is the role of transparency in cancellation? Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Academic-USA. 60, 353-366. (2010 Ranking: 36/144 in Management, 11/69 in Psychology, Applied, 6/58 in Psychology, Social; 2010 Impact Factor: 2.48; 5-year Impact Factor: 3.586) 147. Li, S. (1994-b). Is there a problem with preference reversals? Psychological Reports, Ammons Scientific-USA. 74, 675-679. (2010 Ranking: 96/120 in Psychology, Multidisciplinary; 2010 Impact Factor: 0.439; 5-year Impact Factor: 0.446) 148. Li, S. (1993). What is wrong withAllais' certainty effect? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, Wiley-UK. 6, 271-281.(2010 Ranking: 24/69 in Psychology, Applied; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.672; 5-year Impact Factor: 2.409) 149. Li, S., & Xi, Z. (1990). The measurement of functional arm reach envelopes for young Chinese males. Ergonomics, Taylor & Francis-UK. 33(7), 967-978. (2010 Ranking: 4/14 in Ergonomics, 30/69 in Psychology, Applied; 2010 Impact Factor: 1.377; 5-year Impact Factor: 1.779)
博士论文Li, S. (1994). “Equate-to-differentiate theory: A coherent bi-choice model across certainty, uncertainty and risk,” (Doctoral dissertation, University of New South Wales, 1994). Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: the Sciences & Engineering. Vol 55(4-B), 1658.更多成果信息请见:http://ir.psych.ac.cn/lishu@psych.ac.cn |