







  • 葛燕
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区林萃路16号院和谐楼710
2015.3-至今 中国科学院心理研究所,副研究员 2008.7-2015.2 中国科学院心理研究所,助理研究员 2003.9-2008.7 中国科学院心理研究所,理学博士学位1999.9-2003.7 北京师范大学心理系,理学学士学位



期刊论文:2018年 Ge, Y., Zhao, G. *, Zhang, Y., Houston, R. J., & Song, J. (2018). A standardised database of Chinese emotional film clips. Cognition & emotion, 1-15. Shen, B., Ge, Y. *, Qu, W. *, Sun, X., & Zhang, K. (2018). The different effects of personality on prosocial and aggressive driving behaviour in a Chinese sample. Transportation Research Part F-Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 56, 268-279. Shen, B., Qu, W., Ge, Y. *, Sun, X., Zhang, K., 2018. The relationship between personalities and self-report positive driving behavior in a chinese sample. Plos One 13 (1). Zhang, Q., Ge, Y. *, Qu, W. *, Zhang, K., Sun, X., 2018. The traffic climate in china: The mediating effect of traffic safety climate between personality and dangerous driving behavior. Accident analysis and prevention 113, 213-223. 2017年 Ge, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhao, W., Zhang, K., Qu, W., 2017. Effects of trait anger, driving anger, and driving experience on dangerous driving behavior: A moderated mediation analysis. Aggressive behavior. Liu, Y.J., Yu, M., Zhao, G., Song, J., Ge, Y., Shi, Y., 2017. Real-time movie-induced discrete emotion recognition from eeg signals. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing. Zhang, H., Qu, W., Ge, Y., Sun, X., Zhang, K., 2017. Effect of personality traits, age and sex on aggressive driving: Psychometric adaptation of the driver aggression indicators scale in china. Accident Analysis and Prevention 103, 29-36. Zhao, W., Ge, Y., Qu, W., Zhang, K., Sun, X., 2017. The duration perception of loading applications in smartphone: Effects of different loading types. Applied Ergonomics 65, 223-232. Zheng, T.T., Qu, W.N., Ge, Y., Sun, X.H., Zhang, K., 2017. The joint effect of personality traits and perceived stress on pedestrian behavior in a chinese sample. Plos One 12 (11), 18. 2016年Ge, Y., Zhang, Q., Zhang, J., Zhao, W., Yu, T., Zhang, K., & Qu, W. * (2016). Validation of the Driver’s Angry Thoughts Questionnaire (DATQ) in a Chinese sample. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 95, Part B, 362-372. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2016.04.025Qu, W. N., Zhang, H., Zhao, W., Zhang, K., & Ge, Y.* (2016). The effect of cognitive errors, mindfulness and personality traits on pedestrian behavior in a Chinese sample. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 41, Part A, 29-37. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2016.06.009Qu, W. N.,Zhang, Q., Zhao, W., Zhang, K., & Ge, Y.* (2016). Validation of the Driver Stress Inventory in China: Relationship with dangerous driving behaviors. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 87, 50-58. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2015.11.019Qu, W. N., Dai, M. N., Zhao, W. G., Zhang, K., & Ge, Y.* (2016). Expressing Anger Is More Dangerous than Feeling Angry when Driving. Plos One, 11(6). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0156948Zheng, T., Qu, W. *, Zhang, K., & Ge, Y.* (2016). The relationship between attentional bias toward safety and driving behavior. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 96, 22-28. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2016.07.034Chai, J., Qu, W. N. *, Sun, X. H., Zhang, K., & Ge, Y.* (2016). Negativity Bias in Dangerous Drivers. Plos One, 11(1). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0147083

2015年Ge, Y., Qu, W. *, Zhang, Q., Zhao, W., & Zhang, K. (2015). Psychometric adaptation of the driving anger expression inventory in a Chinese sample. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 33, 75-86. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trf.2015.07.008Qu, W. N.,Ge, Y.*, Zhang, Q., Zhao, W., & Zhang, K. (2015). Assessing dangerous driving behavior during driving inattention: Psychometric adaptation and validation of the Attention-Related Driving Errors Scale in China. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 80, 172-177. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2015.04.009Qu, W. N., Ge, Y.*, Xiong, Y. X., Carciofo, R., Zhao, W. G., & Zhang, K. (2015a). Dangerous Driving in a Chinese Sample: Associations with Morningness-Eveningness Preference and Personality. Plos One, 10(1). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116717Qu, W. N., Ge, Y.*, Xiong, Y. X., Carciofo, R., Zhao, W. G., & Zhang, K. (2015b). The relationship between mind wandering and dangerous driving behavior among Chinese drivers. Safety Science, 78, 41-48. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2015.04.016

2014年Ge, Y., Qu, W. *, Jiang, C., Du, F., Sun, X., & Zhang, K. (2014). The effect of stress and personality on dangerous driving behavior among Chinese drivers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 73, 34-40. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2014.07.024Qu, W., Ge, Y.*, Jiang, C., Du, F., & Zhang, K. (2014). The Dula Dangerous Driving Index in China: An investigation of reliability and validity. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 64, 62-68. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aap.2013.11.004葛燕, 陈亚楠,刘艳芳*,李稳,孙向红 (2014).电生理测量在用户体验中的应用. 心理科学进展, 22(6): 959-967.

2011年以前Ge, Y., Wu, J.H., Sun, X.H., Zhang, K. (2011).Enhanced mismatch negativity in adolescents with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). International Journal of Psychophysiology, 79(2): 231-235.Wu, J. H., Ge, Y., Shi, Z., Duan, X., Wang, L., Zhang, K. (2010).Response inhibition in adolescent earthquake survivors with and without posttraumatic stress disorder: A combined behavioral and ERP study. Neuroscience Letters, 486(3): 117-121.Zhang, Q., Chintakovid, T., Sun, X., Ge, Y., & Zhang, K. (2006) Saving Face or Sharing Personal Information? A Cross-cultural Study on Knowledge Sharing,Journal of information & knowledge management, Vol. 5(1), 73-79.葛燕,周荣刚,张侃(2005)。可用性测试方法之启发式评价,人类工效学,11(4), 64-66。葛燕,秦宪刚,周荣刚,石庆馨,张侃(2005)。中小学生网络学习的认知态度调查,人类工效学, 11(3),50-52.葛燕,周荣刚,林钦,刘西,张侃(2004)。年轻学生对计算机操作界面的颜色偏好研究, 人类工效学,10(3), 23-25.石庆馨,周荣刚,葛燕,张侃(2005)。中学生网络成瘾和感觉寻求的关系,中国心理卫生杂志,Vol.19(7), 453-456。

会议论文:Chai, J., Ge, Y. *, Liu, Y.F., Li, W., Zhou, L.,Yao,L., Sun, X.H. (2014). Application of frontal EEG asymmetry to user experience research. D. Harris (Ed.): EPCE 2014, LNAI 8532, 234–243. (EI )Yao, L., Liu, Y.F., Li, W., Zhou, L., Ge, Y., Chai, J., Sun, X.H. (2014).Using physiological measures to evaluate user experience of mobile applications. D. Harris (Ed.): EPCE 2014, LNAI 8532, 301-310. (EI)Ge, Y., Sun, X., Wang, L. (2013). Presenting a Fire Alarm Using Natural Language: The Communication of Temporal Information. D. Harris (Ed.): EPCE/HCII 2013, Part I,, LNAI 8019: 31–38.(EI)Liu, J., Ge, Y., Sun, X.H., Pan, W., Wang, X., Ning, L., & Zhang, K.* (2011).Can subliminal signal affect human’s judgment and decision-making? Proceedings of the fourth International Conference on Intelligent Computation Technology and Automation (ICICTA 2011): 1026-1029. (EI)Ge, Y., Wang, L. Sun, X. (2011).Application of Natural Language in Fire Spread Display. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, Volume 6781, Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, LNAI 6781: 365-373. (EI)Yu, L., Sun, X., Ge, Y. (2009).The application of Hidden Markov Model in classifying novice and experienced drivers by driving behavioral features. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering2009, Vol. 4: 3160-3165. (EI)Xu, X.G., Ge, Y. Sun, X.H., Zhang, K. (2009). Influences of On-Road Driving Fatigue, Mental Workload on Drivers’Performance. Proceedings of International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009, Vol. 2: 1523-1529. (EI)Ge, Y., Xu, X., Li, J., Lu, X., & Zhang, K. (2007). The effect of secondary task on driving performance, physiological indices and mental workload: A study based on simulated driving, ICTE proceedings 2007, vol.1:491-496. (EI)Ge, Y., Zhou, R., Liu, X., & Zhang, K. (2007). Chinese Color preference in software design. D. Harris (Ed): Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, HCII 2007, LANI 4562, 62-68. (EI)

书籍:张侃等. (2015). “国民重要心理特征调查”总报告. 北京: 世界图书出版公司张侃等. (2015). “国民重要心理特征调查”指标与工具. 北京: 世界图书出版公司张侃等. (2015). “国民重要心理特征调查”技术报告. 北京: 世界图书出版公司张侃等. (2015). “国民重要心理特征调查”数据库使用手册. 北京: 世界图书出版公司张侃等. (2014). 工程心理学与人的作业. 北京: 机械工业出版社.张侃, 孙向红等. (2007). 人因工程学导论. 上海: 华东师范大学出版社

