







  • 李向东
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
姓 名: 李向东
学 科: 生物化学与分子生物学
电话/传真: +86-10-64806015 (Office); +86-10-64806280 (Lab) / +86-10-64806015
电子邮件: lixd@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 细胞运动与肌肉收缩研究组


李向东,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师;现为中国科学院动物研究所细胞运动与肌肉收缩研究组组长,兼任农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室副主任。1990年华东化工学院生物化学专业学士毕业,1993年中国科学院上海昆虫研究所硕士毕业,1996年中国科学院上海生物化学研究所博士毕业,1996-2009年在美国马萨诸塞大学医学院从事研究工作,先后担任博士后,讲师和研究助理教授。2009年入选中国科学院百人计划,担任中国科学院动物研究所研究员,主要从事细胞内物质转运的分子机制研究及无脊椎动物肌肉系统发育调节研究。近年来取得的研究成果主要发表于国际核心学术期刊,包括PNAS, J. Biol. Chem., Biochemistry, Insect Molecular Biology等。





中国科学院百人计划 (2009-2011)American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship (1999–2001)


国家自然科学基金面上项目(31672359)可变剪切部位调节飞蝗横纹肌肌球蛋白马达功能的分子机制(2017.01-2020.12),项目负责人国家自然科学基金面上项目(31470791)平滑肌肌球蛋白磷酸化调节的分子机理(2015.01-2018.12),项目负责人国家重大科学研究计划973项目纳米生物机器的可控组装与多功能集成/课题二(2013CB932802)蛋白质纳米机器系统的功能集成研究(2013.01-2017.12),课题负责人国家重点基础研究发展规划973项目害虫暴发成灾的遗传与行为机理/课题二(2012CB114102)害虫种群暴发的行为遗传机制(2012.01-2016.12),课题骨干国家自然科学基金面上项目(31171367)非典型肌球蛋白V 调节机理的研究(2012.01-2015.12),项目负责人国家自然科学基金面上项目(31071973)昆虫特有肌球蛋白的功能与调节研究(2011.01-2013.12),项目负责人中国科学院知识创新工程前沿领域项目(KSCX2-YW-N-072)昆虫肌肉收缩机理研究(2009.01-2011.12),项目负责人American Heart Association - Scientist Development Grant (0530211N), Regulation of myosin-Va (2004.1-2008.12),项目负责人


Qing-Juan Cao#, Ning Zhang#, Rui Zhou, Lin-Lin Yao, and Xiang-dong Li* (2019) The cargo adaptor proteins RILPL2 and melanophilin co-regulate myosin-5a motor activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry 294 (29): 11333–11341.Huan-Hong Ji#, Lin-Lin Yao#, Chang Liu, and Xiang-dong Li* (2019) Regulation of Myosin-5b by Rab11a and the Rab11 family interacting protein 2. Bioscience Reports 39 (1): BSR20181252.Ning Zhang#, Lin-Lin Yao#, and Xiang-dong Li* (2018) Regulation of Class V Myosin. Cellular and Molecular Life Science 75(2): 261-273.Hai-Man Zhang, Huan-Hong Ji, Tong Ni, Rong-Na Ma, Aibing Wang, and Xiang-dong Li* (2017) Characterization of Blebbistatin Inhibition of Smooth Muscle Myosin and Nonmuscle Myosin-2. Biochemistry 56(32):4235-4243.Ning Zhang and Xiang-dong Li* (2017) Directional Transportation of Assembled Molecular Linear Motors, in Supramolecular Chemistry of Biomimetic Systems (Li, J., Ed.) Springer Nature, Singapore.Mei Shen#, Ning Zhang#, Sanduo Zheng#, Wen-Bo Zhang, Hai-Man Zhang, Zekuan Lu, Qian Peter Su, Yujie Sun, Keqiong Ye, and Xiang-dong Li*(2016) Calmodulin in complex with the first IQ motif of myosin-5a functions as an intact calcium sensor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 113: E5812-E5820.Jing Li, Zekuan Lu, Jing He, Qianquan Chen, Xianhui Wang, Le Kang, and Xiang-dong Li*(2016) Alternative Exon-encoding Regions of Locusta migratoria Muscle Myosin Modulate the pH dependence of ATPase Activity. Insect Molecular Biology 25:689–700.Nan Chen, Yong-Liang Fan*, Yu Bai, Xiang-dong Li, Zhan-Feng Zhang, and Tong-Xian Liu*(2016) Cytochrome P450 gene, CYP4G15, modulates hydrocarbon production in the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 76: 84-94.Wen-Bo Zhang, Lin-Lin Yao, and Xiang-dong Li*(2016) The Globular Tail Domain of Myosin-5a Functions As a Dimer in Regulating the Motor Activity Journal of Biological Chemistry 291: 13571 -13579.Lin-Lin Yao, Mei Shen, Zekuan Lu, Mitsuo Ikebe, and Xiang-dong Li* (2016) Identification of the isoform-specific interactions between the tail and the head of class V myosin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 291: 8241-8250.Hanna Witwick, Hong Jia, Artem Kutikov, Pablo Reyes-Gutierrez, Xiang-dong Li, Paul R. Odgren*(2015) TRAFD1 (FLN29) Interacts with Plekhm1 and Regulates Osteoclast Acidification and Resorption. PLOS ONE 10: e0127537Chengqi Zhang#, Yun Chen#, Yanni Yin, Huan-Hong Ji, Won-Bo Shim, Yiping Hou, Mingguo Zhou*, Xiang-dong Li*, and Zhonghua Ma* (2015) A small molecule species-specifically inhibits Fusarium myosin I. Environmental Microbiology 17(8): 2735–2746.Huan-Hong Ji, Hai-Man Zhang, Mei Shen, Lin-Lin Yao, Xiang-dong Li*(2015) The motor function of Drosophila melanogaster myosin-5 is activated by calcium and cargo-binding protein dRab11. Biochemical Journal 469 (1):135-144.Lin-Lin Yao#, Qing-Juan Cao#, Hai-Man Zhang#, Jie Zhang, Yang Cao, and Xiang-dong Li*(2015) Melanophilin Stimulates Myosin-5a Motor Function by Allosterically Inhibiting the Interaction between the Head and Tail of Myosin-5a. Scientific Reports 5:10874.Zekuan Lu, Xiao-Nan Ma, Hai-Man Zhang, Huan-Hong Ji, Hao Ding, Jie Zhang, Dan Luo, Yujie Sun, and Xiang-dong Li*(2014) Mouse Myosin-19 is a Plus-end-directed, High-duty Ratio Molecular Motor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 289: 18535–18548.Yang Cao, Howard D. White, and Xiang-dong Li* (2014) Drosophila myosin-xx functions as an actin-binding protein to facilitate the interaction between zyx102 and actin. Biochemistry 53, 350–360.Rong-Na Ma, Katsuhide Mabuchi, Jing Li, Zekuan Lu, Chih-Lueh Albert Wang, and Xiang-dong Li* (2013) Cooperation between the Two Heads of Smooth Muscle Myosin Is Essential for Full Activation of the Motor Function by Phosphorylation. Biochemistry 52, 6240?6248.Zekuan Lu#, Mei Shen#, Yang Cao, Hai-Man Zhang, Lin-Lin Yao, Xiang-dong Li*(2012) Calmodulin bound to the first IQ motif is responsible for calcium-dependent regulation of myosin 5a. Journal of Biological Chemistry 287: 16530-16540 (#, equal contribution).曹洋,沈梅,张洁,李向东*(2011) 果蝇非常规肌球蛋白的结构与功能.应用昆虫学报 48: 239-246.Nobuhisa Umeki, Hyun Suk Jung, Shinya Watanabe, Tsuyoshi Sakai, Xiang-dong Li, Reiko Ikebe, Roger Craig, and Mitsuo Ikebe*(2009)The tail binds to the head-neck domain, inhibiting ATPase activity of myosin VIIA Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 106:8483-8.Xiang-dong Li*, Hyun Suk Jung, Qizhi Wang, Reiko Ikebe, Roger Craig, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2008) The globular tail domain puts on the brake to stop the ATPase cycle of the myosin Va. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105: 1140-1145 (Citied in “Faculty of 1000”).Zhiping Wang, Jeffrey G. Edwards, Nathan Riley, D. William Provance, Jr., Ryan Karcher, Xiang-dong Li, Ian G. Davison, Mitsuo Ikebe, John A. Mercer, Julie A. Kauer, and Michael D. Ehlers* (2008) Myosin Vb mobilizes recycling endosomes and AMPA receptors for postsynaptic plasticity. Cell 135, 535-548.Osamu Sato, Xiang-dong Li, and Mitsuo Ikebe* (2007) Myosin Va becomes a low duty ratio motor in the inhibited form. Journal of Biological Chemistry 282:13228-13239.Xiang-dong Li*, Hyun Suk Jung, Katsuhide Mabuchi, Roger Craig, and Mitsuo Ikebe (2006) The globular tail domain of myosin Va functions as an inhibitor of the myosin Va motor. Journal of Biological Chemistry 281:21789-21798(Citied in “Faculty of 1000”).Xiang-dong Li, Reiko Ikebe, and Mitsuo Ikebe* (2005) Activation of Myosin Va function by melanophilin, a specific docking partner of Myosin Va. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278: 29435-29441.Xiang-dong Li, Katsuhide Mabuchi, Reiko Ikebe, and Mitsuo Ikebe* (2004) Ca2+ induced activation of ATPase activity of myosin Va is accompanied with a large conformational change. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 315: 538-545.Xiang-dong Li and Mitsuo Ikebe* (2003) Two functional heads are required for full activation of smooth muscle myosin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278: 29435-29441.Yu Chen, Norio Takizawa, Jessica L Crowley, Sang W. Oh, Cheryl L. Gatto, Taketoshi Kambara, Osamu Sato, Xiang-dong Li, Mitsuo Ikebe, and Elizabeth J. Luna* (2003) F-actin and myosin II binding domains in supervillin. Journal of Biological Chemistry 278:46094-46106Xin Zhou, Xiang-dong Li, Jian-zhong Yuan, Zhen-hua Tang, and Wang-yi Li*(2000) Toxicity of Cinnamomin-A new type II ribosome-inactivating protein to ballworm and mosquito. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 30(3): 259-264Xiang-dong Li, Junya Saito, Reiko Ikebe, Katsuhide Mabuchi, and Mitsuo Ikebe* (2000) The interaction between the regulatory light chain domains on two heads is critical for regulation of smooth muscle myosin. Biochemistry 39(9): 2254-2260.Xiang-dong Li, Troy E. Rhodes, Reiko Ikebe, Taketoshi Kambara, Howard D. White and Mitsuo Ikebe* (1998) Effects of mutations in the g-phosphate binding site of myosin on its motor function. Journal of Biological Chemistry 273(42): 27404-27411.Wang-yi Liu*, Huai-yang Chen, Wen-feng Chen, Xiang-dong Li, Norbert Ulbrich and Werner Schroder (1997) A proposed position of a disulfide bridge in the molecules of cinnamomin and porrectin-two new type II ribosome-inactivating proteins isolated from the seeds of camphor trees. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International 44(5): 1045-1049.Xiang-dong Li, Wen-feng Chen, Wang-yi Liu*, and Gui-hai Wang (1997) Large-scale purification of two new ribosome-inactivating proteins --- cinnamomin and camphorin from the seed of Cinnamomum camphora. Protein Expression and Purification 10:27-31. 李向东,刘望夷* (1997) 核糖体失活蛋白研究进展。生命的化学17(2): 15-18.李向东,刘望夷* (1997) 核糖体失活蛋白结构功能与分布。细胞生物学杂志19(2): 69-75.Xiang-dong Li, Wang-yi Liu*, and Ching-i Niu. (1996) Purification of a new ribosome-inactivating protein from the seeds of Cinnamomum porrectum and characterization of the RNA N-glycosidase activity of the toxic protein. Biological Chemistry, 377: 825-831.Jun Ling, Xiang-dong Li, Xiao-hua Wu, and Wang-yi Liu* (1995) Topological requirements for recognition and cleavage of DNA by ribosome-inactivating proteins. Biological Chemistry Hoppe-Seyler, 376: 637-641.李向东, 唐振华* (1993) 马拉硫磷羧酸酯酶在小菜蛾抗药性中的作用. 昆虫学研究集刊11: 1-10.

