- 周 琪
- 院士
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号

姓 名: | 周 琪 |
学 科: | 发育生物学 |
电话/传真: | +86-010-64807299 / +86-10-64807306 |
电子邮件: | zhouqi@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 干细胞与生殖生物学国家重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 生殖工程研究组 |
研究组现已建立了包括小鼠、大鼠、猪等多个物种的克隆平台;首次获得完全来自诱导多能干细胞(iPS细胞)的健康小鼠,证明完全重编程的iPS细胞具有与胚胎干细胞相似的多能性;通过多能性干细胞发育能力评估和基因表达分析发现并明确证实决定哺乳动物(小鼠)干细胞多能性的关键基因决定簇,并探索了其调控机制;建立了小鼠和大鼠的单倍体胚胎干细胞,并利用基因修饰的单倍体胚胎干细胞成功获得健康成活的转基因小鼠和大鼠,为哺乳动物生殖发育、遗传筛选和转基因研究提供了新的工具;将单倍体干细胞技术和基因编辑技术相结合,首次获得健康的孤雌小鼠和到期发育的孤雄小鼠,首次证实孤雄生殖在哺乳动物中也可能实现;首次创建了新型的异种杂合二倍体胚胎干细胞,为研究进化上不同物种间性状差异的分子机制和X染色体失活提供了新型的有利工具;发现长非编码RNA LincGET通过CARM1调控细胞命运,首次将小鼠第一次细胞命运分化的选择推到了2-细胞胚胎时期等。研究组致力于医用动物模型的研发,首次利用CRISPR/Cas系统实现大鼠多基因的快速同时敲除;并利用CRISPR技术首次通过胚胎注射一步获得猪血液病模型,证实了CRISPR技术在大动物中的可应用性;通过优化CRISPR/Cas9技术,不通过种系交配而一步直接获得p53基因突变的食蟹猴模型,为快速制备灵长类疾病模型奠定了基础。
在干细胞领域已在 Cell, Nature, Science等刊物发表SCI论文180余篇,获得重编程及干细胞技术发明专利7项、另申请发明专利14项。迄今为止研究团队独立或合作的工作已多次入选年度中国科技十大进展,一项成果入选美国《时代》周刊评选的年度十大医学突破。获得国家自然科学二等奖、发展中国家科学院生物学奖、中国科学院杰出科技成就奖、何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖、谈家桢生命科学创新奖、周光召基金会杰出青年基础科学奖、中国青年科技奖、genOway国际转基因技术奖等多项奖励。
2018年 中国侨界杰出人物,中国侨联 2018年 第四届树兰医学奖,树兰基金会 2016年 发展中国家科学院(TWAS)生物学奖,发展中国家科学院 2016年 中国干细胞第六届年会“干细胞杰出贡献奖”,中国细胞生物学学会干细胞研究分会 2016年 第六届中国侨界(创新成果)贡献奖,中华全国归国华侨联合会 2014年 国家自然科学奖二等奖(第一完成人),中华人民共和国国务院 2014年/2012年/2010年 中国科学院“优秀研究生指导教师”奖,中国科学院 2013年 中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(突出贡献者),中国科学院 2013年 与Nathalie BEAUJEAN博士一起获得“中国科学院青年科学家国际合作奖”,中国科学院 2013年 第六届谈家桢生命科学创新奖,谈家桢生命科学奖励委员会 2013年 工人先锋号(授予生殖工程研究组),中华全国总工会 2012年 中国国家高层次人才特殊支持计划(“万人计划”)科技创新领军人才,中共中央组织部 2011年 周光召基金会杰出青年基础科学奖,周光召基金会 2011年 “十一五”国家科技计划执行优秀团队奖,中华人民共和国科学技术部 2010年 干细胞研究杰出贡献奖,中国细胞生物学学会干细胞生物学分会 2010年 何梁何利基金科学与技术进步奖,何梁何利基金评委会 2010年 中国侨界(创新人才)贡献奖,中华全国归国华侨联合会 2010年 第十届“中国科学院杰出青年”,中国科学院 2009年 中国科学院“朱李月华优秀教师”奖,中国科学院 2007年 第十一届“中国青年五四奖章”,共青团中央、全国青联 2006年 第九届中国青年科技奖,中国科学技术协会 2006年 新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选,人事部、中组部等六部委及中国科协 2005年 国务院政府特殊津贴,国务院 2004年 第三届genOway转基因技术奖,国际转基因技术协会(International Society for Transgenic Technologies) 2002年 法国法中科技促进会生物技术奖,法国法中科技促进会
(#为共同第一作者,*为通讯作者) Cui T#, Jiang L#, Li T#, Teng F, Feng G, Wang X, He Z, Guo L, Xu K, Mao Y, Wang L, Yuan X, Wang L, Li W*, Zhou Q*. (2019) Derivation of Mouse Haploid Trophoblast Stem Cells. Cell Rep. 26(2):407-414.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.12.067.Li Y#, Wang L#, Zhang L#, He Z#, Feng G, Sun H, Wang J, Li Z, Liu C, Han J, Mao J, Li P, Yuan X, Jiang L, Zhang Y*, Zhou Q*, Li W*. (2019) Cyclin B3 is required for metaphase to anaphase transition in oocyte meiosis I. J Cell Biol. doi: 10.1083/jcb.201808088.Teng F#, Li J#, Cui T#, Xu K, Guo L, Gao Q, Feng G, Chen C, Han D, Zhou Q*, Li W*. (2019) Enhanced mammalian genome editing by new Cas12a orthologs with optimized crRNA scaffolds. Genome Biol.;20(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1620-8.Wang J#, Wang L#, Feng G#, Wang Y#, Li Y, Li X, Liu C, Jiao G, Huang C, Shi J, Zhou T, Chen Q, Liu Z, Li W*, Zhou Q*. (2018) Asymmetric Expression of LincGET Biases Cell Fate in Two-Cell Mouse Embryos. Cell 2018 Dec 13;175(7):1887-1901.e18. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2018.11.039.Li ZK#, Wang LY#, Wang LB#, Feng GH#, Yuan XW#, Liu C, Xu K, Li YH, Wan HF, Zhang Y, Li YF, Li X, Li W*, Zhou Q*, Hu BY*. (2018) Generation of Bimaternal and Bipaternal Mice from Hypomethylated Haploid ESCs with Imprinting Region Deletions. Cell Stem Cell 23(5):665-676. (入选The Scientist杂志评选的“2018年度科技进步”、《科技日报》评选的2018国内十大科技新闻)Li TD#, Feng GH#, Li YF#, Wang M#, Mao JJ, Wang JQ, Li X, Wang XP, Qu B, Wang LY, Zhang XX, Wan HF, Cui TT, Wan C, Liu L, Zhao XY, Hu BY, Li W, Zhou Q*. (2017) Rat embryonic stem cells produce fertile offspring through tetraploid complementation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Oct 23. pii: 201708710. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1708710114. [Epub ahead of print]He ZQ#, Xia BL#, Wang YK#, Li J, Feng GH, Zhang LL, Li YH, Wan HF, Li TD, Xu K, Yuan XW, Li YF, Zhang XX, Zhang Y, Wang L, Li W, Zhou Q*. (2017) Generation of Mouse Haploid Somatic Cells by Small Molecules for Genome-wide Genetic Screening. Cell Rep. 20(9):2227-2237.Gu Q#, Wang J#, Wang L#, Liu ZX, Zhu WW, Tan YQ, Han WF, Wu J, Feng CJ, Fang JH, Liu L, Wang L, Li W, Zhao XY, Hu BY, Hao J*, Zhou Q*. (2017) Accreditation of Biosafe Clinical-Grade Human Embryonic Stem Cells According to Chinese Regulations. Stem Cell Reports 9(1):366-380.Li X#, Cui XL#, Wang JQ#, Wang YK, Li YF, Wang LY, Wan HF, Li TD, Feng GH, Shuai L, Li ZK, Gu Q, Hao J, Wang L, Zhao XY, Liu ZH, Wang XJ, Li W*, Zhou Q*. (2016) Generation and application of mouse-rat allodiploid embryonic stem cells. Cell 164(1-2):279–292.Li Z#, Wan H#, Feng G#, Wang L#, He Z, Wang Y, Wang XJ, Li W*, Zhou Q*, Hu B*. (2016) Birth of fertile bimaternal offspring following intracytoplasmic injection of parthenogenetic haploid embryonic stem cells. Cell Res. 26(1):135-138.Zhou Q#, Wang M#, Yuan Y#, Wang X, Fu R, Wan H, Xie M, Liu M, Guo X, Zheng Y, Feng G, Shi Q, Zhao XY*, Sha J*, Zhou Q* (2016) Complete Meiosis from Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Germ Cells In Vitro. Cell Stem Cell 18(3):330-340. (入选2016年度中国十大医学科技新闻)Chen Q#*, Yan M#, Cao Z#, Li X#, Zhang Y#, Shi J#, Feng GH, Peng H, Zhang X, Zhang Y, Qian J, Duan E*, Zhai Q*, Zhou Q*. (2016) Sperm tsRNAs contribute to intergenerational inheritance of an acquired metabolic disorder. Science 351(6271):397-400. (入选2016年度中国科学十大进展、2016年度中国生命科学领域十大进展)Wan H#, Feng C#, Teng F#, Yang S#, Hu B, Niu Y, Xiang AP, Fang W, Ji W, Li W*, Zhao X*, Zhou Q*. (2015) One-step generation of p53 gene biallelic mutant Cynomolgus monkey via the CRISPR/Cas system. Cell Res. 25(2):258-261.Chen Y#, Niu Y#, Li Y#, Ai Z, Kang Y, Shi H, Xiang Z, Yang Z, Tan T, Si W, Li W, Xia X, Zhou Q*, Ji W*, Li T*. (2015) Generation of cynomolgus monkey chimeric fetuses using embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 17(1):116-124.Chen T#, Hao YJ#, Zhang Y#, Li MM#, Wang M, Han W, Wu Y, Lv Y, Hao J, Wang L, Li A, Yang Y, Jin KX, Zhao X, Li Y, Ping XL, Lai WY, Wu LG, Jiang G, Wang HL, Sang L, Wang XJ*, Yang YG*, Zhou Q*. (2015) m6A RNA methylation is regulated by microRNAs and promotes reprogramming to pluripotency. Cell Stem Cell 16(3):289-301. (封面文章)Li X#, Wang JQ#, Wang LY#, Wan HF, Li YF, Li TD, Wang YK, Shuai L, Mao YH, Cui XL, Wang L, Liu ZH, Li W, Zhou Q*. (2015) Co-participation of paternal and maternal genomes before the blastocyst stage is not required for full-term development of mouse embryos. J Mol Cell Biol. 7(5):486-488.Shuai L#, Wang Y#, Dong M#, Wang X#, Sang L, Wang M, Wan H, Luo G, Gu T, Yuan Y, Feng C, Teng F, Li W, Liu X, Li T, Wang L, Wang XJ, Zhao XY, Zhou Q*. (2015) Durable pluripotency and haploidy in epiblast stem cells derived from haploid embryonic stem cells in vitro. J Mol Cell Biol. 7(4):326-337.Bosley KS, Botchan M, Bredenoord AL, Carroll D, Charo RA, Charpentier E, Cohen R, Corn J, Doudna J, Feng G, Greely HT, Isasi R, Ji W,Kim JS, Knoppers B, Lanphier E, Li J, Lovell-Badge R, Martin GS, Moreno J, Naldini L, Pera M, Perry AC, Venter JC, Zhang F, Zhou Q. (2015) CRISPR germline engineering—the community speaks. Nat. Biotechnol. 33(5):478-486.Andrews PW, Baker D, Benvinisty N, Miranda B, Bruce K, Brüstle O, Choi M, Choi Y-M, Crook JM, de Sousa PA, Dvorak P, Freund C, Firpo M, Furue MK, Gokhale P, Ha H-Y, Han E, Haupt S, Healy L, Hei DJ, Hovatta O, Hunt C, Hwang S-M, Inamdar MS, Isasi RM, Jaconi M, Jekerle V, Kamthorn P, Kibbey MC, Knezevic I, Knowles BB, Koo S-K, Laabi Y, Leopoldo L, Liu P, Lomax GP, Loring JF, Ludwig TE, Montgomery K, Mummery C, Nagy A, Nakamura Y, Nakatsuji N, Oh S, Oh S-K, Otonkoski T, Pera M, Peschanski M, Pranke P, Rajala KM, Rao M, Ruttachuk R, Reubinoff B, Ricco L, Rooke H, Sipp D, Stacey GN*, Suemori H, Takahashi TA, Takada K, Talib S, Tannenbaum S, Yuan B-Z, Zeng F, Zhou Q. (2015) Points to consider in the development of seed stocks of pluripotent stem cells for clinical applications: International Stem Cell Banking Initiative (ISCBI). Regen. Med. 10(2s):1-44.Wang J#, Hao J#, Bai D, Gu Q, Han W, Wang L, Tan Y, Li X, Xue K, Han P, Liu Z, Jia Y, Wu J, Liu L, Wang L, Li W, Liu Z*, Zhou Q*. (2015) Generation of clinical-grade human induced pluripotent stem cells in Xeno-free conditions. Stem Cell Res Ther. 2015 Nov 12;6(1):223. doi: 10.1186/s13287-015-0206-y.Li W#, Li X#, Li T#, Jiang MG#, Wan H, Luo GZ, Feng C, Cui X, Teng F, Yuan Y, Zhou Q, Gu Q, Shuai L, Sha J, Xiao Y, Wang L, Liu Z, Wang XJ, Zhao XY, Zhou Q*. (2014) Genetic modification and screening in rat using haploid embryonic stem cells. Cell Stem Cell 14(3):404-414.Hai T#, Teng F#, Guo R, Li W, Zhou Q*. (2014) One-step generation of knockout pigs by zygote injection of CRISPR/Cas system. Cell Res. 24(3):372-375.Zhou Q*. (2014) Balancing the welfare: the use of non-human primates in research. Trends Genet. 30(11):476-478.Gu Q#, Hao J#, Hai T#, Wang J#, Jia Y, Kong Q, Wang J, Feng C, Xue B, Xie B, Liu S, Li J, He Y, Sun J, Liu L, Wang L, Liu Z*, Zhou Q*. (2014) Efficient generation of mouse ESCs-like pig induced pluripotent stem cells. Protein Cell. 5(5):338-342.Li W#, Teng F#, Li T, Zhou Q*. (2013) Simultaneous generation and germline transmission of multiple gene mutations in rat using CRISPR-Cas systems. Nat. Biotechnol. 31(8):684–686.Wan H#, He Z#, Dong M, Gu T, Luo GZ, Teng F, Xia B, Li W, Feng C, Li X, Li T, Shuai L, Fu R, Wang L, Wang XJ, Zhao XY*, Zhou Q*. (2013) Parthenogenetic haploid embryonic stem cells produce fertile mice. Cell Res. 23(11):1330-1333.Zhang Y, Teng F, Luo GZ, Wang M, Tong M, Zhao X, Wang L, Wang XJ*, Zhou Q*. (2013) MicroRNA-323-3p regulates the activity of polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2) via targeting the mRNA of embryonic ectoderm development (Eed) gene in mouse embryonic stem cells. J Biol. Chem. 288(33):23659–23665.Li W#, Shuai L#, Wan H#, Dong M#, Wang M, Sang L, Feng C, Luo GZ, Li T, Li X, Wang L, Zheng QY, Sheng C, Wu HJ, Liu Z, Liu L, Wang L, Wang XJ, Zhao XY*, Zhou Q*. (2012) Androgenetic haploid embryonic stem cells produce live transgenic mice. Nature 490(7420):407-411. (受到Nature China等媒体的报道,并入选2012年度'中国科学十大进展' http://www.natureasia.com/en/nchina/article/10.1038/nchina.2012.72)Sheng C#, Zheng Q#, Wu J#, Xu Z, Wang L, Li W, Zhang H, Zhao XY, Liu L, Wang Z, Guo C, Wu HJ, Liu Z, Wang L, He S, Wang XJ, Chen Z*, Zhou Q*. (2012) Direct reprogramming of Sertoli cells into multipotent neural stem cells by defined factors. Cell Res. 22(1):208-218. (入选中国科学技术信息研究所公布的'2012年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文')Sheng C#, Zheng Q#, Wu J#, Xu Z, Sang L, Wang L, Guo C, Zhu W, Tong M, Liu L, Li W, Liu ZH, Zhao XY, Wang L, Chen Z*, Zhou Q*. (2012) Generation of dopaminergic neurons directly from mouse fibroblasts and fibroblast-derived neural progenitors. Cell Res. 22(4):769-772.Gu Q#, Hao J#, Zhao XY, Li W, Liu L, Wang L, Liu ZH, Zhou Q*. (2012) Rapid conversion of human ESCs into mouse ESC-like pluripotent state by optimizing culture conditions. Protein Cell. 3(1):71-79.Tong M#, Lv Z#, Liu L#, Zhu H#, Zheng QY#, Zhao XY, Li W, Wu YB, Zhang HJ, Wu HJ, Li ZK, Zeng F, Wang L, Wang XJ, Sha JH*, Zhou Q*. (2011) Mice generated from tetraploid complementation competent iPS cells show similar developmental features as those from ES cells but are prone to tumorigenesis. Cell Res. 21(11):1634-1637. (封面文章)Li W#, Zhao XY#, Wan HF, Zhang Y, Liu L, Lv Z, Wang XJ, Wang L*, Zhou Q*. (2011) iPS cells generated without c-Myc have active Dlk1-Dio3 region and are capable of producing full-term mice through tetraploid complementation. Cell Res. 21(3):550-553.Riaz A#, Zhao X#, Dai X#, Li W, Liu L, Wan H, Yu Y, Wang L, Zhou Q*. (2011) Mouse cloning and somatic cell reprogramming using electrofused blastomeres. Cell Res. 21(5):770-778.Niu Y#, Yu Y#, Bernat A#, Yang S, He X, Guo X, Chen D, Chen Y, Ji S, Si W, Lv Y, Tan T, Wei Q, Wang H, Shi L, Guan J, Zhu X, Afanassieff M, Savatier P*, Zhang K*, Zhou Q*, Ji W*. (2010) Transgenic rhesus monkeys produced by gene transfer into early-cleavage–stage embryos using a simian immunodeficiency virus-based vector. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 107(41):17663-17667. (获得中国首例转基因猕猴)Zhao XY, Lv Z, Li W, Zeng F*, Zhou Q*. (2010) Production of mice using iPS cells and tetraploid complementation. Nat. Protoc. 5(5):963-971.Liu L#, Luo GZ#, Yang W#, Zhao X#, Zheng Q, Lv Z, Li W, Wu HJ, Wang L, Wang XJ*, Zhou Q*. (2010) Activation of the imprinted Dlk1-Dio3 region correlates with pluripotency levels of mouse stem cells. J. Biol. Chem. 285(25):19483-19490. (封面文章,并被选为Paper of the Week。被美国生物化学与分子生物学学会(ASBMB)以'Finding is expected to steer future work on therapies down the most efficient and promising paths'为题报道)Maruotti J#, Dai XP#, Brochard V, Jouneau L, Liu J, Bonnet-Garnier A, Jammes H, Vallier L, Brons IG, Pedersen R, Renard JP, Zhou Q*, Jouneau A*. (2010) Nuclear transfer-derived epiblast stem cells are transcriptionally and epigenetically distinguishable from their fertilized-derived counterparts. Stem Cells 28(4):743-752.Dai X#, Hao J#, Hou XJ#, Hai T, Fan Y, Yu Y, Jouneau A, Wang L, Zhou Q*. (2010) Somatic nucleus reprogramming is significantly improved by m-carboxycinnamic acid bishydroxamide (CBHA), a histone deacetylase inhibitor. J. Biol. Chem. 285(40):31002-31010.Zhao XY#, Li W#, Lv Z#, Liu L, Tong M, Hai T, Hao J, Guo CL, Ma QW, Wang L, Zeng F*, Zhou Q*. (2009) iPS cells produce viable mice through tetraploid complementation. Nature 461(7260):86-90. (2009年入选美国《时代周刊》评选的'十大医学突破'、入选'中国基础研究十大新闻'、两院院士评选的'中国十大科技进展新闻'及'世界十大科技进展新闻')Dai XP, Hao J, Zhou Q*. (2009) A modified culture method significantly improves the development of mouse somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos. Reproduction 138(2):301-308.Andrews PW, Arias-Diaz J, Auerbach J, Alvarez M, Ahrlund-Richter L, Baker D, Benvenisty N, Ben-Josef D, Blin G, Borghese L, Borstlap J, Bruce K, Brüstle O, Buckle R, Camby C, Choo A, Chen W, Collins D, Colman A, Crombie C, Crook J, Cypess R, De Sousa P, Dhawan J, Douay L, Dvorak P, Dyke T, Eriksson L, Firpo M, Fitzgerald C, Glover C, Gokhale P, Greene M, Ha HY, Hampl A, Healy L, Hei D, Holm F, Hovatta O, Hunt C, Hwang SM, Inamdar M, Isasi R, Itskovitz-Eldor J, Jessie N, Kim DW, Kirzner R, Kiatpongsan S, Knowles B, Kuo HC, Laughlin M, Lavon N, Ludwig T, Lakov M, Lee DR, Macauley J, McKay R, Menasche P, Menendez P, Michalska A, Mileikovskaia M, Minger S, Mishra G, Moody J, Montgomery K, Morris C, Mummery C, Nagy A, Nakamura Y, Nakatsuji N, Nishikawa S, Oh S, Oh SK, Olson P, Otonkoski T, Patole M, Park HS, Pei X, Pera M, Puceat M, Rajala K, Reubinoff B, Robins A, Rooke H, Rumayor V, Scotman H, Sherlock J, Simon C, Sipp D, Skinner R, Smith D, Stacey G, Stefanovic S, Strehl R, Taft R, Takahashi T, Talib S, Terstegge S, Turner R, Tuuri T, Yu J, Zandstra P, Zapata A, Zeng F, Zhou Q, Tannenbaum S. (2009) Consensus guidance for banking and supply of human embryonic stem cell lines for research purposes. Stem Cell Rev. 5(4):301–314.Ma M#, Guo X#, Wang F, Zhao C, Liu Z, Shi Z, Wang Y, Zhang P, Zhang K, Wang N, Lin M, Zhou Z, Liu J, Li Q, Wang L, Huo R*, Sha J, Zhou Q*. (2008) Protein expression profile of the mouse metaphase-II oocyte. J. Proteome Res. 7(11):4821-4830.Mai Q#, Yu Y#, Li T, Wang L, Chen MJ, Huang SZ*, Zhou C*, Zhou Q*. (2007) Derivation of human embryonic stem cell lines from parthenogenetic blastocysts. Cell Res. 17(12):1008-1019.Yang J, Yang S, Beaujean N, Niu Y, He X, Xie Y, Tang X, Wang L, Zhou Q*, Ji W*. (2007) Epigenetic marks in cloned rhesus monkey embryos: comparison with counterparts produced in vitro. Biol. Reproduc. 76(1):36-42.Yang S*, He X, Hildebrandt TB, Jewgenow K, Goeritz F, Tang X, Zhou Q*, Ji W*. (2007) Effects of rhFSH dose on ovarian follicular response, oocyte recovery and embryo development in rhesus monkeys. Theriogenology 67(6):1194-1201.Zhou Q#*, Yang SH#, Ding CH#, He XC, Xie YH, Hildebrandt TB, Mitalipov SM, Tang XH, Wolf DP*, Ji WZ*. (2006) A comparative approach to somatic cell nuclear transfer in the rhesus monkey. Hum. Reproduc. 21(10):2564-2571.Li T, Zheng J, Xie Y, Wang S, Zhang X, Li J, Jin L, Ma Y, Wolf DP, Zhou Q*, Ji W*. (2005) Transplantable neural progenitor populations derived from rhesus monkey embryonic stem cells. Stem Cells 23(9):1295-1303.Zhou Q, Renard JP*, Le Friec G, Brochard V, Beaujean N, Cherifi Y, Fraichard A, Cozzi J. (2003) Generation of fertile cloned rats by regulating oocyte activation. Science 302(5648):1179. (受到Nature,Science等杂志评价,并因此获得国际转基因研究genOway奖、入选2003年中国十大科技新闻人物 http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2003/09/lab-rats-cloned-finally)Zhou Q, Boulanger L, Renard JP*. (2000) A simplified method for the reconstruction of fully competent mouse zygotes from adult somatic donor nuclei. Cloning 2(1):35-44. (2000年被'克隆羊多莉之父' Wilmut教授评价为'克隆领域迄今为止最重要的文章之一')