- 陈 立
- 副研究员
- 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号

姓 名: | 陈 立 |
学 科: | 昆虫学 |
电话/传真: | +86-10-64807780 / +86-10-64807780 |
电子邮件: | chenli@ioz.ac.cn |
通讯地址: | 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室 100101 |
更多信息: | 森林害虫化学生态研究组 |
陈立,男,博士,农业虫害鼠害综合治理研究国家重点实验室创新岗位副研究员,挂靠森林害虫化学生态研究组。 2001年7月毕业于华南农业大学农业昆虫与害虫防治专业并获得博士学位,师从赵善欢院士和徐汉虹教授。在攻读博士学位期间,主要从事我国特有杀虫植物活性筛选、有效活性成分的提取、分离和结构鉴定,并研究其杀虫作用机理,在中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物化学与西部植物资源国家重点实验室完成神农香菊和竹叶椒的有效活性成分的提取、分离和结构鉴定工作。2001年8月至2004年1月在中国科学院上海有机化学研究所生命有机和天然产物化学国家重点实验室做博士后研究,合成了50余种茼蒿素和高茼蒿素类似物,并进行了杀虫活性测试。2004年2月至2008年12月在美国奥本大学昆虫与植物病理系做访问学者和高级研究员,从事昆虫行为和化学生态学方面的研究,参加的项目主要是红火蚁-寄生蚤蝇的相互关系、不同专化程度的寄生蜂对鳞翅目害虫的搜寻机制的比较研究等。2009年1月通过人才引进项目进入北京林业大学森保学科从事教学和科研工作。2009年9月调入中国科学院动物研究所从事昆虫行为和化学生态学研究。自1995年攻读硕士学位以来,已发表研究论文100余篇,其中SCI收录60篇。
1991 - 1995,湖北农学院(现“长江大学”);植物保护专业学士学位。1995 - 1998,华南农业大学;昆虫学专业硕士学位,指导教师:赵善欢院士,徐汉虹教授。1998 - 2001,华南农业大学;农业昆虫与害虫防治专业博士学位,指导教师:赵善欢院士,徐汉虹教授。2000,3 - 12,中国科学院昆明植物研究所植物化学与西部植物资源国家重点实验室;联合培养,指导教师:邱明华研究员。2001,8 - 2004,1,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所生命有机和天然产物化学国家重点实验室;有机化学专业博士后,指导教师:吴毓林研究员。2004,2 – 2008,12,Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A); Research Fellow I, supervisor: Prof. Henry Fadamiro.2009,1 – 2009,8,北京林业大学林学院,副教授2011,10 – 2011,12,Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University (Auburn, Alabama, U.S.A); Visiting Scholar, supervisor: Prof. Henry Fadamiro.2014,11 – 2015,5,Department of Biology, University of Neuchatel (Neuchatel, Switzerland); Visiting Scholar, supervisor: Prof. Ted C. J. Turlings.2009,9 – present, 中国科学院动物研究所,副研究员2013,1 – present, Auburn University, Affiliate Associate Professor
专业特长: 昆虫嗅觉仪和风洞技术;昆虫电生理EAG 和 GC-EAD 技术;昆虫神经生理单感受器记录SSR技术;用于气味物质鉴定的GC 和GC/MS 技术;电子显微镜(扫描和透射电镜)技术;寄生天敌昆虫的生理学;昆虫毒理学;生物活性成分的提取、分离、结构鉴定和化学合成;生物活性测定,等等。
任Physiological Entomology编委,Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution副编辑(Associate Editor)。审稿杂志有:Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Archives of Insect Biochemistry & Physiology, Biocontrol Science & Technology, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Bulletin of Entomological Research, Chemosphere, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Entomology, Florida Entomologist, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Insect Science, International Journal of Pest Management, International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, Journal of Applied Entomology, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, Journal of Economic Entomology, Journal of Food Safety, Journal of Insect Physiology, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, Journal of the Entomological Research Society, Microscopy Research and Technique, Oecologia, Pest Management Science, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Physiological Entomology, PLoS One, Scientific Reports, The Canadian Entomologist, The Science of Nature (Naturwissenschaften), Toxicon。
Xu H., Zhou G.-X., D?tterl S., Sch?ffler I., von Arx M., R?der G., Degen T., Chen L., Turlings T. C. J. The combined use of an attractive and a repellent sex pheromonal component by a gregarious parasitoid. Journal of Chemical Ecology accepted.Li J.-Y., Chen L.*, Yin B.-L.* Synthesis, biological evaluation, and structure?activity relationship study of unsaturated spiroacetals as potential sex attractants to oriental fruit flies (Bactrocera dorsalis). Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry 2019, online, DOI: 10.6023/cjoc201808022.Chen L.* Li Y.-Y., Shao K.-M. A practical technique for electrophysiologically recording from lamellated antenna of scarab beetle. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2019, online, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10886-019-01059-3.Shao K.-M., Sun Y., Wang W.-K.*, Chen L.* A SEM study of antennal sensilla in Maladera orientalis Motschulsky (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae). Micron 2019, 119:17-23.Wei J., Shao W., Cao M., Ge J., Yang P., Chen L., Wang X., Kang L. Phenylacetonitrile in locusts facilitates an antipredator defense by acting as an olfactory aposematic signal and cyanide precursor. Science Advances 2019, 5: eaav5495.Fox E. G. P., Wu X.-Q., Wang L., Chen L., Lu Y.-Y., Xu Y.-J. Venom isosolenopsin A delivers rapid knockdown of fire ant competitors. Toxicon 2019, 158: 77-83.Jia L.-Y., Chen L., Keller L., Wang J., Xiao J.-H., Huang D.-W. Doublesex evolution is correlated with social complexity in ants. Genome Biology and Evolution 2018, 10(12): 3230-3242.Xu M., Lu Z.-K., Lu Y.-Y., Balusu R. R., Ajayi O. S., Fadamiro H. Y., Appel A. G.*, Chen L.* Cuticular hydrocarbon chemistry, an important factor shaping the current distribution pattern of the imported fire ants in the USA. Journal of Insect Physiology 2018, 110: 34-43.Fox E. G. P., Xu M., Wang L., Chen L., Lu Y.-Y. Speedy milking of fresh venom from aculeate hymenopterans. Toxicon 2018, 146: 120-123.Li Y.-Y., Lu Y.-Y., Lu M., Wei H.-Y.*, Chen L.* HPLC separation of 2-ethyl-5(6)-methylpyrazine and its electroantennogram and alarm activities on fire ants (Solenopsis invicta Buren). Molecules 2018, 23: 1661.Liu Y.#, Dong W.-X.#, Zhang F., Kenis M., Griepink F., Zhang J.-P., Chen L.*, Xiao C.* Identification of active components from volatiles of Chinese bayberry, Myrica rubra attractive to Drosophila suzukii. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 2018, 12(3): 435-442.Hu L.#, Balusu R. R.#, Zhang W.-Q.#, Ajayi O. S., Lu Y.-Y., Zeng R.-S., Fadamiro H. Y., Chen L.* Intra- and inter-specific variation in alarm pheromone produced by Solenopsis fire ants. Bulletin of Entomological Research 2018, 108(5): 667-673.Chen L.*, Fadamiro H. Y. Pseudacteon phorid flies: host specificity and impact on Solenopsis fire ant populations. Annual Review of Entomology 2018, 63: 47-67.Hu L., Vander Meer R. K., Porter S. D., Chen L.* Cuticular hydrocarbon profiles differentiate tropical fire ant populations (Solenopsis geminata, Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Chemistry & Biodiversity 2017, 14(11): e1700192.Liu H.-W., Lu Y.-Y., Wang W.-K.*, Chen L.* Whole body solvent soak gives representative venom alkaloid profile from Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) workers. Florida Entomologist 2017, 100(3): 522-527.Li F.-N., Tuo L., Pan Z., Guo M., Lee S. M.-Y., Chen L., Hu L., Sun C.-H. Aureimonas endophytica sp. nov., a novel endophytic bacterium isolated from Aegiceras corniculatum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2017, 67(8): 2934-2940.Liu S.-W., Tuo L., Li X.-J., Li F.-N., Li J., JiangM.-G., Chen L., Hu L., Sun C.-H. Mangrovihabitans endophyticus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Micromonosporaceae isolated from Bruguiera sexangula. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2017, 67(6): 1629-1636.Sun Y.#, Shao K.-M.#, Lu Y.-Y., Shi Q.-H., Wang W.-K.*, Chen L.* Electrophysiological and alarm behavioral responses of Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to alkoxypyrazines. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 2017, 20(2): 541-546.Liu X.-F., Chen H.-H., Li J.-K., Zhang R., Turlings T. C. J., Chen L.* Volatiles released by Chinese liquorice roots mediate host location behavior by neonate Porphyrophora sophorae (Hemiptera: Margarodidae). Pest Management Science 2016, 72(10): 1959-1964.Tuo L., Pan Z., Li F.-N., Lou I., Guo M., Lee S. M.-Y., Chen L., Hu L., Sun C.-H. Friedmanniella endophytica sp. nov., a novel endophytic actinobacterium isolated from bark of Kandelia candel. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66(8): 3057-3062.Li X.-J., Liu J.-M., Wu Y., Zhang W.-M., Li J., Liu S.-W., Wu G., Hu L., Chen L., Huang D.-L., Li R.-F., Sun C.-H. Description of Salilacibacter albus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from a dried salt lake, and reclassification of Paraglycomyces xinjiangensis Luo et al. 2015 as a later heterotypic synonym of Salininema proteolyticum Nikou et al. 2015 with emended descriptions of the genus Salininema and Salininema proteolyticum. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66(7): 2558-2565.Tuo L., Li F.-N., Pan Z., Lou I., Guo M., Lee S. M.-Y., Chen L., Hu L., Sun C.-H. Nakamurella endophytica sp. nov., a novel endophytic actinobacterium isolated from the bark of Kandelia candel. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66(3): 1577-1582.Li X.-J., Dai S.-J., Liu S.-W., Liu J.-M., Chen L., Hu L., Sun C.-H. Tenggerimyces flavus sp. nov., isolated from soil in a karst cave and emended description of the genus Tenggerimyces. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66(3): 1499-1505.Liu S.-W., Xu M., Tuo L., Li X.-J., Hu L., Chen L., Li R.-F., Sun C.-H. Phycicoccus endophyticus sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacterium isolated from Bruguiera gymnorhiza. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66(3): 1105-1111.Tuo L., Li J., Liu S.-W., Liu Y., Hu L., Chen L., Jiang M.-G., Sun C.-H. Microlunatus endophyticus sp. nov., a novel endophytic actinobacterium isolated from bark of Bruguiera sexangula. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2016, 66(1): 481-486.Tuo L., Guo L., Liu S.-W., Liu J.-M., Zhang Y.-Q., Jiang Z.-K., Liu X.-F., Chen L., Zu J., Sun C.-H. Lysinibacter cavernae gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Microbacteriaceae isolated from a karst cave. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2015, 65(10): 3305-3312.Tuo L., Dong Y.-P., Habden X., Liu J.-M., Guo L., Liu X.-F., Chen L., Jiang Z.-K., Liu S.-W., Zhang Y.-B., Zhang Y.-Q., Sun C.-H. Nocardioides deserti sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from desert soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2015, 65(5): 1604-1610.Liu J.-M., Tuo L., Habden X., Guo L., Jiang Z.-K., Liu X.-F., Chen L., Zhang Y.-Q., Sun C.-H. Nesterenkonia populi sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from Populus euphratica. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 2015, 65(5): 1474-1479.Liu J.-M., Habden X., Guo L., Tuo L., Jiang Z.-K., Liu S.-W., Liu X.-F., Chen L., Li R.-F., Zhang Y.-Q., Sun C.-H. Prauserella endophytica sp. nov., an endophytic actinobacterium isolated from Tamarix taklamakanensis. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 2015, 107(6): 1401-1409.Yan Y-X, Liu J-Q, Wang H-W, Chen J-X, Chen J-C, Chen L., Zhou L., Qiu, M.-H. Identification and antifeedant activities of limonoids from Azadirachta indica. Chemistry & Biodiversity 2015, 12: 1040-1046.Shi Q.-H., Hu L., Wang W.-K., Vander Meer R. K., Porter S. D., Chen L.* Workers and alate queens of Solenopsis geminata share qualitatively similar but quantitatively different venom alkaloid chemistry. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2015, 3: 76. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2015.00076.Guan D., Lu Y.-Y., Liao X.L., Wang L., Chen L.* Electroantennogram and behavioral responses of the imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, to an alarm pheromone component and its analogues. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2014, 62(49): 11924-11932.Chen L., Mullen G. E., Le Roch M., Cassity C. G., Gouault N., Fadamiro H. Y., Barletta R. E., O’Brien R. A., Sykora R. E., Stenson A. C., West K. N., Horne H. E., Hendrich J. M., Rui K., Davis J. H. Jr. On the formation in nature of a protic ionic liquid. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition2014, 53(44): 11762-11765.Yu Y.-Y., Wei H.-Y., Fadamiro H. Y., Chen L.* Quantitative analysis of alkaloidal constituents in imported fire ants by gas chromatography. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2014, 62(25): 5907-5915.
李慎磊, 陆永跃, 林小军, 陈立, 刘欢. 2016. 屋式诱捕器. 2017.04.12, 中国专利ZL201621127899.4, 申请日期: 2016.10.17.张蓉, 陈宏灏, 陈立, 南宁丽, 杨炜迪. 2014. 一种甘草胭脂蚧化学引诱剂. 2016.02.24, 中国专利ZL201310722248.4, 申请日期: 2013.12.24.尹标林, 陈立, 吴毓林. 2003. 茼蒿素类似物、合成方法及其用途. 2006.02.22, 中国专利ZL03115808.0, 申请日期: 2003.03.14.尹标林, 吴毓林, 陈立. 2003. 茼蒿素类似物、合成方法及其用途. 2006.09.06, 中国专利ZL03115152.3, 申请日期: 2003.01.24.