







  • 蒋高明
  • 研究员

1964年9月出生于山东省平邑县,1985年在山东大学生物系植物专业获得学士学位,1988年和1993年在中国科学院植物研究所获得硕士和博士学位。1991年至1992年在英国的Liverpool University进行访问研究,1995年至1996年在美国哥伦比亚大学生物圈二号研究中心高访学者。现任中国科学院植物研究所研究员、博士生导师、中国科学院大学岗位教授、中国环境文化促进会理事、《植物生态学报》副主编、《生态学报》、《生命世界》、《首都食物与医药》编委、联合国大学(UNU)干旱区问题国际咨询专家、中国植物学会植物生态学专业委员会委员。曾任UNESCO-MAB-China副秘书长、中国生态学会副秘书长、山东省人民政府泰山学者特聘教授、中国科学院植物所学位委员等。先后负责科技部科技支撑项目、中国科学院重点部署项目、大型国企委托项目、国家自然科学基金20余项。最早提出自然恢复理论以及“畜南下、禽北上”战略构想;所提出的自然修复观点被写入新修订的《中国共产党章程》;与他人合作提出的生态草牧业被写进2016年中央一号文件;针对风沙源治理、食品安全、生物入侵、自然保护区、水源保护等建议,多次获党和国家领导人批示;研究成果曾两度进入西方大学教科书,并被美国《科学》杂志长篇报道;创建“六不用”(不用化肥、农药、农膜、除草剂、人工合成激素、转基因种子)弘毅生态农业模式,并在全国身体力行地推广,建立有机农业基地30多处。主编国内第一部《植物生理生态学》教科书,发表学术论文200多篇,其中SCI论文110篇,专著10部;发表论文SCI引用2993次,单篇论文引用最高153次;h-index 30;i10-index 77。已培养博士后10名,博士生28名(其中留学生1名),硕士生17名;培养美国、法国、德国、韩国等进修生5名;在研硕士、博士生、博士后11名(其中留学生1名)。


1 陆地生态系统生态学


2 退化生态系统恢复


3 生态系统持续发展的管理策略


4 生态农业
















“Hunshandake Sand area/Xilin Gol Biosphere Reserve in China”, UNESCO Project Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD),(2004.01-2011.12), 资助金额10万美元,person in charge。

“半干旱风沙草原区退化草地治理技术研究”,国家科技支撑(攻关)计划子课题(批准号: 132006BAC01A1201)(2006.10-2010.12),资助金额100万元,主持人蒋高明。





Guo LY, Muminov MA, Wu GL, Liang XT, Li CH, Meng J, Li LJ, Cheng D, Song YJ, Gu X, Zhao JS, Jiang GM*. 2018. Large reductions in pesticides made possible by use of an insect-trapping lamp: A case study in a winter wheat-summer maize rotation system. Pest Manag. Sci., 74: 1728-1735.

Li CH, Song YJ, Guo LY, Gu X, Muminov MA, Wang TZ*. 2018. Nitric oxide alleviates wheat yield reduction by protecting photosynthetic system from oxidation of ozone pollution. Environ. Pollut., 236: 296-303.


蒋高明*, 郑延海, 吴光磊等. 2017. 产量与经济效益共赢的高效生态农业模式: 以弘毅生态农场为例. 科学通报, 62: 289-297.


Caihong Li, Jie Meng, Liyue Guo, Gaoming Jiang*.2016. Effects of ozone pollution on yield and quality of winter wheat under flixweed competition. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 129: 77-84.

Haitao Liu, Jie Meng, Wenjing Bo, Da Cheng, Yong Li, Liyue Guo, Caihong Li, Yanhai Zheng, Meizhen Liu, Tangyuan Ning, Guanglei Wu, Xiaofan Yu, Sufei Feng, Tana Wuyun, Jing Li, Lijun Li, Yan Zeng, Shi V. Liu, Gaoming Jiang*. 2016. Biodiversity management of organic farming enhances agricultural sustainability. Scientific Reports, 6: 23816

Liyue Guo, Guanglei Wu, Yong Li, Caihong Li, Wenjing Liu, Jie Meng, Haitao Liu, Xiaofan Yu, Gaoming Jiang*. 2016. Effects of cattle manure compost combined with chemical fertilizer on topsoil organic matter, bulk density and earthworm activity in a wheat-maize rotation system in Eastern China. Soil & tillage research. 56 (2): 140-147.

Jie Meng, Lijun Li, Haitao Liu, Yong Li, Caihong Li, Guanglei Wu, Xiaofan Yu, Liyue Guo, Da Cheng, Mahmud A. Muminov, Xiaotian Liang, Gaoming Jiang*. 2016. Biodiversity management of organic orchard enhances both ecological and economic profitability. Peer J, 4: e2137

Mahmud A. Muminov, Muhtor G. Nosirov, Tashpulot F. Rajabov, Tolibjon Kh. Mukimov, Haitou Liu, Jie Meng, Caihong Li, Liyue Guo, Cheng Da, Gaoming Jiang*. Monitoring vegetation coverage and biomass using landsat thematic mapper 5 images in a foothill artemisia-ephemeral rangeland of Uzbekistan. Open Journal of Ecology, 6, 736-752.

蒋高明, 吴光磊, 程达, 郑延海, 刘美珍, 李彩虹.2016. 生态草业的特色产业体系与设计: 以正蓝旗为例. 科学通报, 61: 224-230

方精云, 白永飞, 李凌浩, 蒋高明, 黄建辉, 黄振英, 张文浩, 高树琴. 2016. 我国草原牧区可持续发展的科学基础与实践. 科学通报, 61: 155-164.

蒋高明, 郑延海, 吴光磊, 等. 2016.产量与经济效益共赢的高效生态农业模式: 以弘毅生态农场为例. 科学通报, doi: 10.1360/N972016-00646


Liyue Guo, Guanglei Wu, Caihong Li, Wenjing Liu, Xiaofan Yu, Da Cheng, Gaoming Jiang. 2015. Vermicomposting with maize increases agricultural benefits by 304%. Agronomy for Sustainable Development. 35(3): 1149-1155.

Da Cheng, Guanglei Wu, Yanhai Zheng. 2015.Positive correlation between potassium uptake and salt tolerance in wheat. Photosynthetica, 53(3): 447-454。

Haitao Liu, Jing Li, Xiao Li, Yanhai Zheng, Sufei Feng, Gaoming Jiang.2015. Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions through replacement of chemical fertilizer with organic manure in a temperate farmland. Science Bulletin, 60(6):598-606.


Xu Hong, Su Hua, Su Benying, Han Xingguo, Biswas Dilip K., Li Yonggeng*. 2014.Restoring the degraded grassland and improving sustainability of grassland ecosystem through chicken farming: A case study in northern. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 186: 115-123.

Zhen Zhen, Liu Haitao, Wang Na, Guo Liyue, Meng Jie, Ding Na, Wu Guanglei, Jiang Gaoming*. 2014.Effects of manure compost application on soil microbial community diversity and soil microenvironments in a temperate cropland in China. PLoS ONE, 9(10): e108555. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108555


Biswas DK, Xu Hong, LiYonggeng, Ma Baoluo, NingTangyuan, Jiang Gaoming*. 2013. Modification of photosynthesis and growth responses to elevated carbon dioxide by ozone in two cultivars of winter wheat with different years of release. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64(6): 1485-1496.

Liu Meizhen, Wang Bingxue, Colin P. Osborne, Jiang Gaoming*. 2013. Chicken Farming in Grassland Increases Environmental Sustainability and Economic Efficiency. Plos One, 8(1): e53977.

Li Caihong, WangTianzuo, Li Yong, ZhengYanhai, NingTangyuan, Jiang Gaoming*. 2013. Flixweed is more competitive than winter wheat under ozone pollution: evidences from membrane lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and biomass. Plos One, 8(3): e60109.


Ning Tangyuan, Zheng Yanhai, Han Huifang,Jiang Gaoming, Li Zengjia. 2012. Nitrogen uptake, biomass yield and quality of intercropped Spring- and Summer- sown maize at different nitrogen levels in the North China Plain. Biomass & Bioenergy, 47: 91-98.

Zheng Yanhai, Wei Jiguang, Li Jing, Feng Sufei, Li Zongfeng, Jiang Gaoming, Mario Lucas, Wu Guanglei, Ning Tangyuan. 2012. Anaerobic fermentation technology increases biomass energy use efficiency in crop residue utilization and biogas production. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16: 4588-4596.


Biswas DK & Jiang Gaoming*. 2011. Differential drought induced modulations of ozone tolerance in winter wheat species. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62(2): 1-10.

Wang Bingxue &Jiang Gaoming*. 2011. Effect of chicken litter on grassland productivity and environmental quality in a sandland ecosystem. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 31(1): 14-23.

Li Gang, Liu Meizhen, Li Yonggeng & Jiang Gaoming*. 2011. Biomass carbon storage and net primary production in different habitats of Hunshandake Sandland, China. Acta Ecologica Sinica,31(5): 217-224.

Li Yong, Li Caihong, Zheng Yanhai, Wu Guanglei, Wuyun Tana, Xu Hong, He Xinhua &Jiang Gaoming *. 2011. Cadmium pollution enhanced ozone damage to crops: biochemical and physiological evidences in winter wheat. Journal of Environmental Science, 23(2): 255-265.

Chen Shengbin, Jiang Gaoming*, Ouyang Zhiyun, Xu Weihua & Xiao Yi. 2011. Relative importance of water, energy, and heterogeneity in determing regional pteridophyte and seed plant richness in China. Journal of Sysmatics and Evolution, 49(2): 95-107.

Chen Shengbin, Jiang Gaoming, Zhang Jinlong, Li Yonggeng & Qian Hong. 2011. Species turnover of amphibians and reptiles in eastern China: disentangling the relative effects of geographic distance and environmental difference. Ecological Research, 26: 949-956.

Zheng Yanhai, Jiang Gaoming, Xu Hong, Li Yonggeng, Ning Tangyuan. 2011. Responses of gas exchange, cellular membrane integrity and antioxidant enzymes activities of salinity stressed winter wheat to ozone pollution. Photothesistica, 49(3): 389-396.

Jiang Gaoming & Bo Wenjing. 2011. Urban vegetation. In Robin Kundis Craig, John Copeland Nagle, Bruce Pardy, Oswald Schmitz, & William Smith (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Sustainability, Vol. 5: Ecosystem Management and Sustainability, pp. [to come]. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing.


Zheng Y.H., Li Z.F., Feng S.F., Lucas M., Wu G.L., Li Y., Li C.H. & Jiang G.M.*. 2010. Biomass energy utilization in rural areas may contribute to alleviating energy crisis and global warming: A case study in a typical agro-village of Shandong, China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 14:3132-3139.

Liu Meizhen, Jiang Gaoming*, Yu Shunli, Li Yonggeng & Li Gang. 2009. The role of soil seed bank in natural restoration of the degraded Hunshandak Sandland, NorthChina. Restoration Ecology, 17(1): 127-136.

Biswas D.K., Li Yonggeng, Xu Hong, Li Weidong & Jiang Gaoming*. 2009. Impacts of methods and sites of plant breeding on ozone sensitivity in winter wheat cultivars. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 134(3-4):168-177.

Li Wei-Dong, D. K. Biswas, Hong Xu, Chang-Qing Xu, Xian-Zhong Wang, Jia-Kun Liu & Jiang Gaoming*. 2009. Photosynthetic responses to chromosome doubling in relation to leaf anatomy in Lonicera japonica subjected to water stress. Functional Plant Biology, 36(9): 783-792.

Biwas D. K., Xu H., Li Y. G., Sun J. Z., Wang X. Z., Han X. G. & Jiang G. M*. 2008. Genotypic differences in leaf biochemical, physiological and growth responses to ozone in 20 winter wheat cultivars released over the past 60 years. Global Change Biology 14: 46-59.

Biswas D.K., Xu H, Li Y.G., Liu M.Z., Chen Y.H., Sun J.Z. & Jiang G.M. 2008. Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. Journal of Experimental Botany 59: 951-963.

Liu H, Jiang GM*, Zhuang HY, Wang KJ. 2008. Distribution, utilization structure and potential of biomass resources in rural China: With special references of crop residues. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 12: 1402-1408.

Zheng Yanhai, Wang Zhenlin, Sun Xuezhen, Jia Aijun, Jiang Gaoming* and Li Zengjia. 2008. Higher salinity tolerance cultivars of winter wheat relieved senescence at reproductive stage. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 62: 129-138.

Li Linfeng, Li Yinghao, Biswas Dilip Kumar, Nian Yuegang & Jiang Gaoming*. 2008. Potential of constructed wetlands in treating the eutrophic water: Evidence from Taihu Lake of China. Bioresource Technology, 99 (6):1656-1663.

蒋高明、刘美珍、牛书丽、李永庚、彭羽、李刚、苏本营. 2011. 浑善达克沙地10年生态恢复回顾与展望. 科技导报,29(25): 19-25.

刘美珍、张海敏、杨珊、杜建材、郭翠艳、蒋高明*. 2011. 浑善达克沙地C3和C4植物对干旱胁迫响应策略. 科技导报,29(25): 48-53.

王晶苑、蒋高明、刘美珍. 2011. 浑善达克沙地榆树干液流动态研究. 科技导报,29(25): 54-58.

苏本营、李永庚、苏华、许宏、蒋高明*. 2011. 浑善达克沙地草原牧鸡生态与经济效益研究. 科技导报,29(25): 59-64.


[1]蒋高明. 2016. 中国生态六讲. 北京:中国科学技术出版社(中文).

[2]蒋高明. 2013. 生态农场纪实. 北京: 中国科学技术出版社(中文).

[3]蒋高明. 2011. 中国生态环境危急. 海南: 海南出版社(中文).

[4]蒋高明. 2008. 以自然之力恢复自然. 北京: 中国水利水电出版社(中文).

[5]蒋高明, 常杰, 高玉葆, 李永庚. 2004. 植物生理生态学. 北京: 高等教育出版社(中文).

[6]韩念勇, 蒋高明, 李文军. 2003. 锡林郭勒生物圈保护区退化生态系统管理. 北京: 清华大学出版社(中文).

[7]方精云, 唐艳鸿, 林俊达, 蒋高明. 2000. 全球生态学. 北京-Heidelberg:高教出版社-Springer Verlag联合出版. P.26-42, P.226-228, P.230-235(中文).


[1]李彩虹, 蒋高明, 孟杰. 硝普酸钠和/或硝普钠在减缓农作物减产中的应用. 专利号: ZL201510608038.1.

[2]蒋高明, 刘海涛. 2015. 一种培育有机植物的方法(ZL201410014376.8)

[3]蒋高明, 郭立月. 2015. 一种双灯双波段太阳能诱虫灯(ZL 201420565686.4)

[4]蒋高明, 将高亮, 曾彦. 2015. 一种遮雨分隔式微储鲜秸草青储池(ZL 201420629637.2)

[5]蒋高明, 窦观一, 庄会永, 李永庚. 2013. 生态修复特区用抗霾治沙型水与能源系统(ZL201320342536.2)

[6]蒋高明, 董元华, 陈建生, 庄会永, 窦观一. 2012. 利用替代核电和石油的速生林制备的强化多层隔音板(ZL201120241364.0)

[7]蒋高明,李永庚. 2012. 一种沙地草地恢复植被发展生产的方法(ZL200910076656.0)

[8]马建新, 倪红军, 蒋高明, 庄会永, 吴国庆, 王文蔚, 钱达, 窦观一. 2011. 低碳型生物或煤发电充电车(ZL201020519994.5)

[9]窦观一, 袁银男, 蒋高明, 庄会永, 李十中, 倪红军, 吴国庆, 仇鸣德, 张逸明, 陈抗英,王文蔚, 钱达, 华平, 陈伯森, 李小刚, 朱天龙. 2011. 低碳型生物成品油(ZL201010549201)

[10]蒋高明, 孟庆翔, 窦观一, 王进, 邵义祥, 王培. 2010. 利用风电场和非粮田能源植物生产的肥料/饲料(ZL200910213439)

[11]窦观一, 蒋高明, 唐爱民. 2009. 发电种养一体化生态修复型太阳能光伏农场棚舍(ZL200820036556.6)

[12]窦观一, 蒋高明, 唐爱民. 2009. 发电的牛棚、道路、蓄能装置和阳光代煤炭石油工程模型(200820034307.3)

[13]蒋高明, 温铁军, 窦观一. 2008. 新农业革命模型体(ZL200720035375.7)



[2]2000年,参编的《全球生态学- 气候变化与生态响应》获中华人民共和国新闻出版总署第十届全国优秀科技图书三等奖。