







  • 黄振英
  • 研究员

1970年8 月出生于新疆自治区乌鲁木齐市,1992年在陕西师范大学获学士学位,1995年在西北大学获硕士学位,1995.9-1998.10为以色列Ben-Gurion大学和中国西北大学联合培养的博士研究生,1998.12 在西北大学获理学博士学位。1999-2001在中国科学院植物所植被数量生态学开放研究实验室做博士后;2001.3-11获英国皇家学会资助高访项目,在Oxford Research Unit做博士后;2003.1-2003.12在以色列Ben-Gurion大学Jacob Blaustein 沙漠研究所做博士后;2008.1-2008.4在美国肯塔基大学进行访问研究(中国科学院高级访问学者),2010.3-2010.10在美国亚利桑那大学进行访问研究(国家留学基金委高级访问学者)。现任沙地植被资源开发与生态治理研究组组长,鄂尔多斯国家站站长,中国科学院研究生院教授。中国植物学会种子科学与技术专业委员会副主任委员(兼秘书长),中国治沙暨沙业学会理事、国际种子科学学会会员、北京生态学学会会员、中国野生植物保护协会会员。SCI核心期刊《Plant Physiology and Biochemistry》(Elsevier出版社,2010年影响因子:2.402)编委,《植物生态学报》编委,《植物分类与资源学报》(原《云南植物研究》)编委。1999年获陕西省高校优秀博士论文奖,2000年获中国科学院王宽诚博士后工作奖励基金。迄今发表论著80余篇(部),SCI收录刊物论文30余篇。其中,第一作者和通讯作者论文60余篇。已培养硕士和博士6名;正在指导博士后2名、博士生和硕士生4名。


1. 种子生态学

1.1 温带干旱生态系统的种群更新机制


1.2 种子性状的适应与进化


1.3 干旱区植物的生活史对策


1.4 沙地植物生活史对变化环境的响应


2. 沙地植被资源开发与生态治理

2.1 沙地植被资源开发





[1] “荒漠植物白沙蒿种子粘液层的生态功能分析”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:31170383)(2012.1-2015.12),资助金额56万元;主持人

[2] “温带内陆盐漠中异子蓬种子二型性的适应价值”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:30970461)(2010.1-2012.12),资助金额29万元;主持人

[3] “北方旱区盐生植被土壤种子休眠动态变化的适应性意义”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(30872074)(2009.1-2011.12),资助金额33万元;主持人

[4] “水分胁迫下鄂尔多斯高原沙地生态系统的适应技术与示范”,973课题“全球变化影响下我国主要陆地生态系统的脆弱性与适应性研究”专题(批准号:)(2010.8-2015.8),资助金额100万元;主持人

[5] “重要物种的综合生态适应对策 ”,973课题“北方草地与农牧交错带生态系统维持与适应性管理的科学基础”专题(批准号:)(2007.5-2012.5),资助金额50万元;主持人

[6] “鄂尔多斯沙化草地两种沙丘禾草种子和幼苗阶段的适应对策”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:30570281)(2006.1-2008.12),资助金额24万元;主持人

[7] “两种沙生植物种子萌发对沙漠环境适应机制的比较研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:30000021)(2001.1-2003.12),资助金额17万元;主持人

[8] “毛乌素沙地克隆两种植物生长和繁殖特性的研究”国家自然科学基金重点项目专题(批准号:30330130)(2004.1-2007.12),资助金额20万元;主持人

[9] “重要野生植物种质资源采集保存技术规范和标准研制及整合共享”,国家科技基础条件平台建设子项目(批准号:2005DKA21006)(2006.1-2006.12),资助金额30万元;主持人

[10] “浑善达克沙地重要植物种子萌发与幼苗生长对水分和沙埋的适应对策”,中国科学院西部行动计划(二期)项目“锡林郭勒草地适应性管理与可持续发展试验示范研究”子专题(批准号:KZCX2-XB2-01)(2006.1-2009.12),资助金额30万元;主持人

[11] “农牧交错带退化沙地土壤种子库及其在生态重建中的动态变化的研究”,国家973项目子专题(批准号:G2000018607)(2001.1-2005.12),资助金额20万元;主持人

[12] “几种荒漠植物种子的生物学特性、贮藏中的生理生化变化与DNA修复机理的研究”,中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目子专题(批准号:KSCX2-SW-117)(2002.1-2005.12),资助金额10万元;主持人

[13] “鄂尔多斯沙地灌木水分功能群与沙生态系统的维持”国家自然科学基金重大项目“中国关键地区生物多样性保育的研究” 第三子课题第四专题(批准号:39893360)(1998.1-2001.12),资助金额20万元;主持人

[14] “浑善达克沙地固沙造林中种子萌发方法及提高成苗率技术的引入和示范研究”,中国科学院知识创新工程项目子专题(批准号:KSCX2)(2000-2004),资助金额20万元;主持人

[15] 中国科学院留学经费择优支持回国工作基金(批准号:)(1999-2000),资助金额5万元;主持人

[16] 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金(批准号:)(1999-2000),资助金额2万元;主持人


[18] “新疆准噶尔荒漠固沙植物关键类群的繁殖对策研究及其在荒漠化防治中的应用”,国家外专局项目(批准号:20060491008)(2006-2006),资助金额3万元;主持人




[1]Hu DD, Zhang SD, Baskin JM, Baskin CC, Wang ZR, Liu R, Du J, Yang XJ*, Huang ZY*. 2018. Seed mucilage interacts with soil microbial community and physiochemical processes to affect seedling emergence on desert sand dunes. Plant Cell Environ., DOI: 10.1111/pce.13442.

[2]Erdenebileg E, Ye XH, Wang CW, Huang ZY*, Liu GF*, 2018. Cornelissen JHC. Positive and negative effects of UV irradiance explain interaction of litter position and UV exposure on litter decomposition and nutrient dynamics in a semi-arid dune ecosystem. Soil Biol. Biochem., 124: 245-254.

[3]Ye XH*, Liu ZL, Zhang SD, Gao SQ, Liu GF, Cui QG, Du J, Huang ZY*, 2018. Cornelissen JHC. Experimental sand burial and precipitation enhancement alter plant and soil carbon allocation in a semi-arid steppe in north China. Sci. Total Environ., DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.208.


[4]Liu GL, Wang L, Jiang L, Pan X, Huang ZY*, Dong M, Cornelissen JHC. 2017.Specific leaf area predicts dryland litter decomposition via two mechanisms. J. Ecol., 2017. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12868.

[5]Yang XJ, Huang ZY*, Zhang KL, Cornelissen JHC.2017. Taxonomic effect on plant base concentrations and stoichiometry at the tips of the phylogeny prevails over environmental effect along a large scale gradient. Oikos, 2017. 126: 1241-1249.

[6]Wang J, Baskin JM, Baskin CC, Liu GF, Yang XJ*, Huang ZY*. 2017.Seed dormancy and germination of the medicinal holoparasitic plant Cistanche deserticola from the cold desert of northwest China. Plant Physiol. Bioch., 2017. 115: 279-285.


[7]Zhenying Huang, Shuangshuang Liu, Kent J. Bradford, Travis E. Huxman and D. Lawrence Venable. 2016. The contribution of germination functional traits to population dynamics of a desert plant community. Ecology, 97(1): 250-261.

[8]Xuejun Yang, Zhenying Huang*, D. Lawrence Venable, J. Hans C. Cornelissen & Keliang Zhang. 2016. Linking performance trait stability with species distribution: the case of Artemisia and its close relatives in northern China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27:123-132.


[9]Xuejun Yang, Zhenying Huang*, Keliang Zhang, J. Hans C. Cornelissen.2015. C:N:P stoichiometry of Artemisia species and close relatives across northern China: unraveling effects of climate, soil and taxonomy. Journal of Ecology, 103: 1020-1031.

[10]Xuejun Yang, Zhenying Huang*, Keliang Zhang, J. Hans C. Cornelissen. 2015. Geographic pattern and effects of climate and taxonomy on nonstructural carbohydrates of Artemisia species and their close relatives across northern China. Biogeochemistry, 125(3): 337-348.

[11]Keliang Zhang, Jerry Baskin, Carol C. Baskin, Xuejun Yang, Zhenying Huang*. 2015. Seed ecology of the amphicarpic species Amphicarpaea edgeworthii in China and a comparison with the amphicarpic eastern North American species Amphicarpaea bracteata. American Journal of Botany, 102(6): 860-869.

[12]Yang Fan, Yang Xuejun, Jerry M. Baskin, Carol C. Baskin, Cao Dechang, Huang Zhenying*. 2015. Transgenerational plasticity provides ecological diversity for a seed heteromorphic species in response to environmental heterogeneity. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 17: 201-208.

[13]Yang Fan, Jerry M. Baskin, Carol C. Baskin, Yang Xuejun, Cao Dechang, Huang Zhenying*. 2015. Effects of germination time on seed morph ratio in a seed-dimorphic species and possible ecological significance. Annals of Botany 115: 137–145.

[14]Gao Ruiru, Walck Jeffrey, Yang Xuejun, Liu Guofang, Huang Zhenying*. 2015. Effects of rainfall pattern on the growth and fecundity of a dominant dune annual in a semi-arid ecosystem. Plant and Soil 389:335–347.

[15]Guofang Liu, William K. Cornwell, Xu Pan, Duo Ye, Fenghong Liu, Zhenying Huang*, Ming Dong* & Johannes H. C. Cornelissen. 2015.Decomposition of 51 semidesert species from wide-ranging phylogeny is faster in standing and sand-buried than in surface leaf litters: implications for carbon and nutrient dynamics. Plant and Soil 396:175-187.

[16]Xuehua Ye*, Shuqin Gao, Zhilan Liu, Yalin Zhang, Zhenying Huang*, Ming Dong. 2015. Multiple adaptations to light and nutrient heterogeneity in the clonal plant Leymus secalinus with a combined growth form. Flora 213: 49–56.


[17]Gao Ruiru, Yang Xuejun, Yang Fan, Wei Lingling, Huang Zhenying*, Jeffrey L. Walck. 2014. Aerial and soil seed banks enable populations of a desert annual to cope with an unpredictable environment. Annals of Botany 114:279-287.

[18]Cao Dechang, Carol C. Baskin, Jerry M. Baskin, Fan Yang and Huang Zhenying*. 2014. Dormancy cycling and persistence of seeds in soil of a cold desert halophyte shrub. Annals of Botany, 113: 171-179.

[19]Zhu Yajuan, Yang Xuejun, Carol Baskin, Jerry Baskin, Dong Ming, Huang Zhenying*. 2014. Effects of amount and frequency of precipitation and sand burial on seed germination, seedling emergence and survival of the dune grass Leymus secalinus in semiarid China. Plant and Soil, 374(1): 399-409.


[20]Yang Xuejun, Carol Baskin, Jerry Baskin, Gao Ruiru, Yang Fan, Wei Lingling, Li Leilei, He Hongju, Huang Zhenying*. 2013. Hydrated mucilage reduces post-dispersal seed removal of a sand desert shrub by ants in a semiarid ecosystem. Oecologia, 173:1451-1458.


[21]Yang Xuejun, Jerry Baskin, Carol Baskin & Huang Zhenying*. 2012. More than just a coating: ecological importance, taxonomic occurrence and phylogenetic relationships of seed coat mucilage. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 14: 434-442.

[22]Yang Xuejun, Baskin Jerry, Baskin Carol, Zhang Wenhao, Huang Zhenying*. 2012. Degradation of seed mucilage by soil microflora promotes early seedling growth of a desert sand dune plant. Plant, Cell & Environment, 35: 872-883.

[23]Cao Dechang, Carol C. Baskin, Jerry M. Baskin, Yang Fan and Huang Zhenying*. 2012. Comparison of germination and seed bank dynamics of dimorphic seeds of the cold desert halophyte Suaeda corniculata. Annals of Botany 110: 1545-1558.

[24]Wang Lei, Carol C. Baskin, Jerry M. Baskin, J. Hans C. Cornelissen, Ming Dong and Huang Zhenying*. 2012. Seed dimorphism, nutrients and salinity differentially affect seed traits of the desert halophyte Suaeda aralocaspica via multiple maternal effects. BMC Plant Biology, 12: 170. doi:10.1186/1471-2229-12-170.

[25]Cao Dechang, Li Jingwen*, Huang Zhenying*, Baskin CC, Baskin JM, Hao Peng, Zhou Weilei, Li Junqing. 2012. Reproductive Characteristics of a Populus euphratica Population and Prospects for Its Restoration in China. PLoS ONE, 7(7): e39121. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0039121.

[26]Yang Xuejun, Baskin Jerry, Baskin Carol, Liu Guangzheng, Huang Zhenying*. 2012. Seed mucilage improves seedling emergence of a sand desert shrub. PLoS ONE, 7(4): e34597. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034597.


[27]Yang Xuejun, Zhang Wenhao, Dong Ming, Boubriak Ivan, Huang Zhenying*.2011. The Achene Mucilage Hydrated in Desert Dew Assists Seed Cells in Maintaining DNA Integrity: Adaptive Strategy of Desert Plant Artemisia sphaerocephala. PLoS ONE 6(9): e24346. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024346.

[28]Liu Huiliang, Shi Xiang, Wang Jiancheng, Yin Linke, Huang Zhenying*, Zhang Daoyuan*. 2011. Effects of sand burial, soil water content and seed bank distribution pattern on seed germination and seedling survival of Eremosparton songoricum (Fabaceae), a rare species inhabiting the moving sand dunes of the Gurbantunggut Desert of China. Plant and Soil, 345 (1-2): 69-87.


[29]Yang Xuejun, Dong Ming, Huang Zhenying*. 2010. Role of mucilage in the germination of Artemisia sphaerocephala (Asteraceae) achenes exposed to osmotic stress and salinity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 48: 131-135.

[30]Yang Huiling, Zhu Xuanwei, Huang Zhenying*, Dong Ming*. 2010. Effects of soil moisture level on seedling establishment in the psammophyte Hedysarum laeve in the semiarid Otindag Sandland, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 74: 350-354.

[31]Guo Xiaoyun, Zhang Xinshi*, Huang Zhenying*. 2010. Drought tolerance in three hybrid poplar clones submitted to different watering regimes. Journal of Plant Ecology, 3(2): 79-87.

[32]Wu AP, Huang ZY*, Miao SL, Dong M*. 2010. Allelopathic effects of the alien invasive Mikania micrantha on seed vigor, seed germination and seedling growth in different exposure time. Allelopathy Journal, 25(2): 503-511.


[33]Yang Huiling, Huang Zhenying*, Baskin Carol, Baskin Jerry, Cao Zhiping, Zhu Xuanwei, Dong Ming*. 2009. Responses to soil salinity of caryopsis germination, early seedling growth and ramet clonal growth of Bromus inermis, a dominant perennial grass inhabiting the Otindag Sandland, semiarid China Plant and Soil 316: 265-275.

[34]Zhu Yajuan, Dong Ming & Huang Zhenying*. 2009. Response of seed germination, seedling emergence and growth to sand burial of two dominant perennial grasses in Mu-Us Sandy Grassland, semiarid China. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 62: 337-344.


[35]Wang Lei, Baskin Carol, Baskin Jerry, Huang Zhenying* and Dong Ming*. 2008. Germination of dimorphic seeds of the desert annual halophyte Borszczowia aralocaspica (Chenopodiaceae), a C-4 plant without Kranz-anatomy. Annals of Botany 102: 757-769.

[36]Qu Xiao-Xia, Baskin Jerry, Huang Zhenying*. 2008. Effects of cold stratification, temperature, light and salinity on seed germination and radicle growth of the desert halophyte shrub, Kalidium caspicum (Chenopodiaceae). Plant Growth Regulation, 54(3): 241-248.

[37]Huang Zhenying, Boubriak Ivan, Gutterman Yitzchak, Osborne Daphne. 2008. Possible Role of Pectin-containing Mucilage and Dew in Repairing Embryo DNA of Seeds Adapted to Desert Conditions. Annals of Botany 101: 277-283.

[38]Wei Yan, Dong Ming, Huang Zhenying*, TAN Dun-yan. 2008. Factors influencing seed germination of Salsola affinis, a dominant annual halophyte inhabiting the deserts of Xinjiang, China. Flora 203 (2): 134-140.

[39]Qu Xiao-Xia, Huang Zhenying*, Baskin Jerry, Baskin Carol. 2008. Effect of temperature, light and salinity on seed germination and radicle growth of the geographically-widespread halophyte shrub Halocnemum strobilaceum. Annals of Botany 101: 293-299.


[40]Wei Yan, Dong Ming & Huang Zhenying*. 2007. Seed polymorphism, dormancy and germination of Salsola affinis (Chenopodiaceae), a dominant desert annual inhabiting the Junggar Basin of Xinjiang, China. Australian Journal of Botany 55(4): 464-470.

[41]Zhu Yajuan, Dong Ming & Huang Zhenying*. 2007. Caryopsis germination and seedling emergence in an inland dune dominant grass Leymus secalinus. Flora, 202 (3): 249-257.


[42]Yang Huiling, Zhu Xuanwei, Dong Ming, Huang Zhenying*, CAO Zhiping. 2005. Responses of caryopses germination, seedling emergence and development to sand water content in Agropyron cristatum and Bromous inmeris, two grasses in Otindag sandy land, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 47(12): 1450-1458.


[43]Huang Zhenying, Gutterman Yitzchak & Osborne Daphne. 2004. Value of the mucilaginous pellicle to seeds of the sand-stabilizing desert woody shrub Artemisia sphaerocephala (Asteraceae). Trees: Structure and Function, 18(6): 669-676.

[44]Huang Zhenying, Dong Ming & Gutterman Yitzchak. 2004. Caryopses dormancy, germination and seedling emergence in sand, of Leymus racemosus (Poaceae), a perennial sand dune grass inhabiting the Junggar Basin of Xinjiang, China. Australian Journal of Botany 52(4): 519-528.

[45]Huang Zhenying & Gutterman Yitzchak. 2004. Seedling desiccation tolerance of Leymus racemosus (Gramineae) (wild rye), a sand dune grass inhabiting the Junggar Basin of Xinjiang, China, Seed Science Research, 14(2): 233-239.

[46]Huang Zhenying, Dong Ming & Gutterman Yitzchak. 2004.Factors influencing seed dormancy and germination in sand, and seedling survival under desiccation, of Psammochloa villosa (Poaceae), inhabiting the moving sand dunes of Ordos, China. Plant and Soil, 259:231-241.


[47]Huang Zhenying, Zhang Xinshi, Zheng Guanghua & Gutterman Yitzchak. 2003. Influence of Light, Temperature, Salinity and Storage on Seed Germination of Haloxylon ammodendron. Journal of Arid Environments, 55 (3): 453-464.

[48]Huang Zhenying, Song Songquan. 2003. A brief report on the seventh international workshop on seed biology, Salamanca, Spain, May 2002. Acta Botanica Sinica. 45: 503-504.


[49]Huang Zhenying & Osborne Daphne. 2002. Exo-glycanhydrolases activities in Artemisia sphaerocephala mucilaginous achene germination process. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44(11): 1380-1383.

[50]Huang Zhenying & Osborne Daphne. 2002. Endo-glycanhydrolases activities in Artemisia sphaerocephala mucilaginous achene germination process. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44(6): 753-756.

[51]Huang Zhenying, Zhang Xinshi, Zheng Guanghua, Jing Xinming & Lin Jian. 2002. Increased Storability of Haloxylon ammodendron seeds in Ultra-dry Storage (Chenopodiaceae). Acta Botanica Sinica, 44(2): 239-241.


[52]Huang Zhenying, Hu Zhenghai & Gutterman Yitzchak. 2000. Structure and function of mucilaginous achenes of Artemisia monosperma from the Negev Desert of Israel. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 48: 255-266.

[53]Huang Zhenying & Gutterman Yitzchak. 2000. Comparison of germination strategies of Artemisia ordosica with its two congeners from deserts of China and Israel, Acta Botanica Sinica, 42(1): 71-80.


[54]Huang Zhenying & Gutterman Yitzchak. 1999. Influences of Environmental factors on achene germination of Artemisia sphaerocephala, a dominant semi-shrub occurring in the sandy desert areas of Northwest China. South African Journal of Botany, 65: 187-196.

[55]Huang Zhenying & Gutterman Yitzchak. 1999. Water absorption by mucilaginous achenes of Artemisia monosperma, floating and germination affected by salt concentrations, Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 47: 27-34.


[56]Huang Zhenying & Gutterman Yitzchak. 1998. Artemisia monosperma achene germination in sand: effects of sand depth, water/sand content, cyanobacterial sand crust and temperature. Journal of Arid Environments, 38(1): 27-43.


[57]Ye Xuehua, Tang Shuangli, Cornwell, William K., Gao Shuqin, Huang Zhenying, Dong Ming, Cornelissen Johannes H. C. 2015. Impact of land-use on carbon storage as dependent on soil texture: Evidence from a desertified dryland using repeated paired sampling design. Journal of Environmental Management, 150:489-498.

[58]Huiliang Liu, Daoyuan Zhang, Xuejun Yang, Zhenying Huang, Shimin Duan, XiyongWang. 2014. Seed Dispersal and Germination Traits of 70 Plant Species Inhabiting the Gurbantunggut Desert in Northwest China. The Scientific World Journal, doi: 10.1155/2014/346405

[59]Guofang Liu, Xiufang Xie, Duo Ye, Xuehua Ye, Indree Tuvshintogtokh, Bayart Mandakh, Zhenying Huang, Ming Dong. 2013. Plant functional diversity and species diversity in the Mongolian steppe. PLOS ONE, 8: e77565.

[60]Guofang Liu, William K. Cornwell, Xu Pan, Kunfang Cao, Xuehua Ye, Zhenying Huang, Ming Dong, Johannes H.C. Cornelissen. Leaf litter decomposability and plant stature of a broad spectrum of 1 extant basal and eudicot angiosperm lineages help to understand the ecosystem implications of the angiosperm rise to dominance. Journal of Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.12192.

[61]Wang Hongling, Wang Lei, Tian Changyan & Huang Zhenying. 2012. Germination dimorphism in Suaeda acuminata: A new combination of dormancy types for heteromorphic seeds. South African Journal of Botany 78: 270–275.

[62]Guo Xiao-Yun, Huang Zhen-Ying, Xu Ai-Chun, Zhang Xin-Shi. 2011. A comparison of physiological, morphological and growth responses of 13 hybrid poplar clones to flooding. Forestry, 84(1):1-12. DOI: 10.1093/forestry/cpq037.

[63]Wu AP, Yu H, Gao SQ, Huang ZY, He WM, Miao SL, Dong M. 2009. Differential belowground allelopathic effects of leaf and root of Mikania micrantha, Trees: Structure and Function, 23:11-17.

[64]Wang Lei, Zhang Daoyuan, Huang ZY and Tian Changyan. 2009. Factors influencing seed germination of Kalidium caspicum (Chenopodiaceae), a halophytic desert shrub of Xinjiang, China. Seed Science and Technology, 37(2): 281-290.

[65]Gutterman Yitzchak, Gendler Tayna, Huang Zhenying. 2007. Pant Dispersal Strategies, Seed Bank Distribution and Germination of Negev Desert Species. In: Navie S., Adkins S., Ashmore S. Eds. Seeds: Biology, Development and Ecology. CAB International, 408-415.

[66]Baskin Jerry, Hidayati Siti, Baskin Carol, Walck Jeffrey, Huang Zhenying and Chen Ching-Te. 2006. Evolutionary aspects of seed dormancy in Dipsacales. Seed Science Research.16: 233-242.

[67]ZHU Xuanwei, Huang Zhenying, Liu Haidong, Chu Yu, Zhang Shumin & Dong Ming. 2004. Effects of burial in sand and seed size on seed germination and seedling emergence in two leguminous shrubs in the Otindag Sandland, China. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences, 52(2): 133-142.

[68]杨慧玲,魏玲玲,叶学华,刘国方,杨学军,黄振英*.2015. 煤粉尘沉降对鄂尔多斯高原优势植物羊柴幼苗生长的影响,生态学报,接受.

[69]王雷,杨学军,曹德昌,朱雅娟,高瑞如,杨帆,黄振英*.2015. 干旱区植物种子萌发及其影响因素。《生态学透视:种群生态学》第5章,68-83.871


[71]黄振英,叶学华. 2014. 鄂尔多斯高原植物多样性及其保育. 内蒙古政协杂志,188(1):20-22.

[72]杨慧玲,黄振英*.2012. 沙埋和种子大小对柠条锦鸡儿种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长的影响,生态学报,32(24): 7757-7763.

[73]黄振英,曹敏,刘志民,王雷. 2012.种子生态学:种子在群落中的作用, 植物生态学报,36(8):705-707.

[74]杨帆, 曹德昌, 杨学军, 高瑞如, 黄振英*. 2012. 盐生植物角果碱蓬种子二型性对环境的适应策略. 植物生态学报,36(8):781-790。

[75]王雷, 董鸣, 黄振英*.2012. 种子异型植物异子蓬的生殖分配和结实格局.植物生态学报,36 (9): 948-955.

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[77]黄振英.2010. 第三届国际种子生态学学术研讨会在美国犹他州盐湖城召开。植物生态学报,2010, 34 (8): 1006-1006.

[78]王雷,董鸣,黄振英*. 2010.种子异型性及其生态意义的研究进展。植物生态学报,34 (5): 578-590.

[79]宋兆伟,郝丽珍,黄振英,李娜,赵清岩, 2010.光照和温度对沙芥和斧翅沙芥植物种子萌发的影响,生态学报, 30(10):2562-2568.

[80]高瑞如,赵瑞华,杜新民,黄振英*,杨学军,魏学智,黄培祐. 2010. 2种盐生植物根系的适盐特性。林业科学, 2010 46 (7): 176-182.

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[82]杨慧玲,王会勤,曹志平,董鸣,黄振英*.2009.克隆整合对无芒雀麦在异质性盐分环境中存活和生长的影响.生态学报, , 29(6):2827-2834.

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[84]郝丽珍,杨忠仁,张凤兰,王萍,黄振英*.2008. 沙葱种子萌发过程中几种重要营养物质动态变化.林业科学, 44(6):148-152.

[85]王宏飞,魏岩,黄振英.2007.散枝猪毛菜的种子多型性及其萌发行为.植物生态学报, 31(6):1046-1053.

[86]杨慧玲,朱选伟,黄振英*,董鸣,曹志平.2007. 沙埋对无芒雀麦种子萌发、出苗和幼苗生长的影响.应用生态学报,18(11):2438-2443.

[87]杨慧玲,朱选伟,黄振英*,董鸣,曹志平.2007.浑善达克沙地无芒雀麦的空间分布格局。生态学报, 27(7): 2765-2773.

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[89]朱雅娟,阿拉腾宝,董鸣,黄振英*.2007. 养分与水分对羊柴种群有性与克隆繁殖权衡的影响. 植物生态学报, 31 (4): 658~664.


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[92]朱雅娟,董鸣,黄振英*. 2005. 沙埋和种子大小对固沙禾草沙鞭的种子萌发与幼苗出土的影响. 植物生态学报, 29(5):730-739.

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[124]黄振英;胡正海;张新时. 2001. 白沙蒿种子传播和萌发特性的生理生态学研究. 西部地区第二届植物科学与开发学术讨论会,pp 115-116,中国乌鲁木齐, 2001/8/1. 会议论文


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[2] 参编《生态学透视:种群生态学》(董鸣主编,科学出版社,2015)

[3] 参编《种子生物学》(宋松泉主编,科学出版社,2008)

[4] 参编《种子生理研究》(郑光华主编,科学出版社,2005)

[5] 参编《植物生理生态学》(蒋高明主编,高教出版社,2004)


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