







  • 曲乐庆
  • 研究员











[1] “水稻谷蛋白液泡分选决定因子确定及其作用机制研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:31171368)(2012.1-2015.12)主持人

[2] “营养品质转基因水稻新品种选育”,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:“优质转基因水稻新品种培育”子课题(批准号:2011ZX08001-006)(2011.7-2015.12),子课题负责人

[3] “水稻种子及花器官特异调控元件克隆和功能验证”,转基因生物新品种培育重大专项:“重要调控元件克隆和功能验证”子课题(批准号:2011ZX08009-004)(2011.7-2015.12),子课题负责人

[4] “水稻谷蛋白由内质网向高尔基体运输调控因子研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:30971562)(2010.1-2012.12),主持人

[5] “3'-UTR对水稻种子中外源基因表达的调控作用”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:30871375)(2009.1—2011.12),主持人

[6] “保健功能性转基因水稻创制”,中国科学院知识创新方向性项目(批准号:KSCX2-YW-N-009)(2006.9—2009.12),主持人

[7] “沈阳地区镉污染土壤植物修复研究”,中日合作项目(2006.6—2009.3)主持人

[8] “水稻种子中内源基因表达调控机制”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:30571035) 2006.1—2008.12,主持人

[9] “水稻种子中外源基因表达调控机制”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(批准号:30470971) 2005.1—2007.12,主持人



Qian D, Chen G, Tian L, Qu LQ*. 2018. OsDER1 is an ER-associated protein degradation factor that responds to ER stress. Plant Physiol., 178: 402-412.

Tian L, Xing Y, Fukuda M, Li R, Kumamaru T, Qian D, Dong X, Qu LQ*. 2018. A conserved motif is essential for the correct assembly of proglutelins and for their export from the endoplasmic reticulum in rice endosperm. J. Exp. Bot., 69: 5029-5043


Wang XC, Guan YY, Zhang D, Dong X, Tian L, Qu LQ*. 2017. A β-ketoacyl-CoA synthase is involved in rice leaf cuticular wax synthesis and requires a CER2-LIKE protein as a cofactor. Plant Physiol., 173: 944-955.


Li S, Wang X, He S, Li J, Huang Q, Imaizumi T, Qu LQ, Qin G, Qu LJ, Gu HY. 2016. CFLAP1 and CFLAP2 are two bHLH transcription factors participating in synergistic regulation of AtCFL1-mediated cuticle development in Arabidopsis. PLoS Genetics, 12: e1005744.


Dong XB, Zhang D, Liu J, Liu QQ, Liu HL, Tian L, Jiang L, Qu LQ. 2015. Plastidial disproportionating enzyme participates in starch synthesis in rice endosperm by transferring maltooligosyl groups from amylose and amylopectin to amylopectin. Plant Physiology, 169: 2496-2512.

Qian DD, Tian L, Qu LQ. 2015. Proteomic analysis of endoplasmic reticulum stress responses in rice seeds. Scientific Reports, 5: 14255.

Xu XP, Liu H, Tian L, Dong XB, Shen SH, Qu LQ. 2015. Integrated and comparative proteomics of high-oil and high-protein soybean seeds. Food Chemistry, 172: 105-116.


Yin ZJ, Liu HL, Dong XB, Tian L, Xiao L, Xu YN, Qu LQ*. 2014. Increasing α-linolenic acid content in rice bran by embryo-specific expression of ω-3/Δ15-desaturase gene. Molecular Breeding, 33: 987-996.


Liu WX, Liu HL, Qu LQ*. 2013. Embryo-specific expression of soybean oleosin altered oil body morphogenesis and increased lipid content in transgenic rice seeds. Theor Appl Genet, 126(9): 2289-2297

Tian LH, Dai LL, Yin ZJ, Fukuda M, Kumamaru K, Dong XB, Xu XP, Qu LQ*. 2013. Small GTPase Sar1 is crucial for proglutelin and α-globulin export from the endoplasmic reticulum in rice endosperm. J Exp Bot, 64(10): 2831-2845


Liu HL, Yin ZJ, Xiao L, Xu YN, Qu LQ*. 2012. Identification and evaluation of ω-3 fatty acid desaturase genes for hyperfortifying α-linolenic acid in transgenic rice seed.J Exp Bot,63: 3279-3287

Li WJ, Dai LL, Chai ZJ, Yin ZJ, Qu LQ*. 2012. Evaluation of seed storage protein gene 3’-untranslated regions in enhancing gene expression in transgenic rice seed. Transgen Res, 21(3):545-53.


Li WJ, Dai LL, Chai ZJ, Yin ZJ, Qu LQ*. 2011. Evaluation of seed storage protein gene 3’-untranslated regions in enhancing gene expression in transgenic rice seed. Transgen Res, DOI: 10.1007/s11248-011-9552-4

Zhou QY, Wang L, Cai X, Wang D, Hua XJ, Qu LQ, Lin JX, Chen T. 2011. Net sodium fluxes change significantly at anatomically distinct root zones of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. J Plant Physiol, 168: 1249–1255


Liu WX, Liu HL, Chai ZJ, Xu XP, Song YR, Qu LQ*. 2010. Evaluation of seed storage protein gene 5'-UTR in enhancing gene expression in transgenic rice seed. Thero Appl Genet, 121: 1267-1274

Li XJ, Yang MF, Chen H, Qu LQ, Chen F, Shen SH. 2010. Abscisic acid pretreatment enhances salt tolerance of rice seedlings: Proteomic evidence. BBA Protein Proteom, 1804: 929-940

Qu LQ*, Xing YP, Liu WX, Xu XP, Song YR. 2008. Expression pattern and activity of six glutelin gene promoters in transgenic rice. J Exp Bot, 59: 2417-2424

Wei JH, Wang YZ, Wang HZ, Li RF, Lin N, Ma RC, Qu LQ, Song YR. 2008. Pulping performance of transgenic poplar with depressed Caffeoyl-CoA O-methyltransferase. Chin Sci Bull53: 3553-3558

Qu LQ, Yoshihara T, Ooyama A, Goto Y, Takaiwa F. 2005. Iron accumulation does not parallel the high expression level of ferritin in transgenic rice seeds. Planta, 222: 225-233

Qu LQ, Takaiwa F. 2004. Evaluation of tissue specificity and expression strength of rice seed component gene promoters in transgenic rice. Plant Biotech J2: 113-125.

Qu LQ*, Wei XL, Satoh H, Kumamaru T, Ogawa M, Takaiwa F. 2003. Biochemical and molecular characterization of a rice glutelin allele for the GluA-1 gene. Theor Appl Genet, 107: 20-25.

Qu LQ, Tada Y, Takaiwa F. 2003. in situ Western hybridization: a new highly sensitive technique to detect protein distribution in seeds. Plant Cell Rep, 22: 282-285.

Qu LQ*, Wei XL, Satoh H, Kumamaru T, Ogawa M, Takaiwa F. 2002. Inheritance of alleles for glutelin a -2 subunit genes in rice and identification of their corresponding cDNA clone. Theor Appl Genet, 105: 1099-1108.

Chen Y, Li H, Li HJ, Li YW, Zhu YF, Qu LQ*, Jia X. 2004. Expression of rice glutelin gene GluA-2 in wheat endosperm. Acta Botanica Sinica, 46: 1220-1225.

Chen Y, Qu LQ*, Jia X. 2004. Expression pattern of UidA gene under the control of rice glutelin GluA-2 gene upstream sequence in transgenic rice endosperm. Acta Genetica Sinica. 31:281-286.

Qu LQ*, Wei XL, Satoh H, Kumamaru T, Ogawa M, Jia X. 2001. Micro-heterogeneity of rice seed storage glutelin. Acta Botanica Sinica, 43: 815-820.

Qu LQ*, Wei XL, Satoh H, Kumamaru T, Ogawa M, Jia X. 2001. New rice mutants lacking glutelin α-1 subunit. Acta Genetica Sinica, 28: 229-235.


[1] 陈昆松,葛毅强,孙传范,张富,张波,刘凤权,魏建华,曲乐庆,何勇,李忠,张琦,王静,翟峻峰,赵耕毛,白卫滨,朱华平,车东升,王晓波,2011。总体篇(第一章至第五章)。贾敬敦,孙晓明,陈昆松主编:农业前沿技术与战略新兴产业。北京:中国农业出版社。P.3-36 (中文)

[2] 曲乐庆,杨代常,唐克轩,2011。第十三章:植物生物反应器。贾敬敦,孙晓明,陈昆松主编:农业前沿技术与战略新兴产业。北京:中国农业出版社。P.248-254 (中文)

[3] 中国科学院农业领域战略研究组,2010。中国至2050年农业科技发展路线图(中文,英文)。北京科学出版社。


[1] 曲乐庆,宋艳茹. 植物胚乳特异性启动子及其应用:中国,ZL200710098626.0. 2009-11-25.

[2] Fumio Takaiwa, Leqing Qu. Seed-specific promoter from the rice glutelin GluB-4 gene and uses thereof. US7619135B2, 2009-11-17

[3] Fumio Takaiwa, Leqing Qu. Seed-specific promoter from the rice 10kDa prolamin gene and uses thereof. US7595384B2, 2009-09-29

[4] Fumio Takaiwa, Leqing Qu. AGPase promoter from rice and uses thereof. US7700835B2, 2009-04-20

[5] Fumio Takaiwa, Leqing Qu. Seed-specific promoter from the rice glutelin GluB-1 gene and uses thereof. US7192774B2, 2007-03-20

[6] 曲乐庆,徐秀苹,董祥柏. 一种植物胚乳特异性表达启动子及其应用: 中国,201010183723.1. 2010-05-28

[7] 曲乐庆,徐秀苹,董祥柏. 植物胚乳特异性表达启动子及其应用: 中国,201010183783.3. 2010-05-28

[8] 曲乐庆,代玲玲. 一种植物胚特异性表达启动子及其应用: 中国,201010184251.1. 2010-05-28

[9] 曲乐庆,徐秀苹,董祥柏. 植物胚特异性表达启动子及其应用: 中国,201010184284.6. 2010-05-28.

[10] 曲乐庆,刘华梁. 一种提高转基因植物种子中α-亚麻酸含量的方法: 中国,201010199786.6. 2010-06-17

[11] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子16kD醇溶蛋白基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110197633.2. 2011-07-15

[12] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子26kD球蛋白Glb-1基因终止子及其应用: 中国,201110197966.5. 2011-07-15

[13] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子谷蛋白GluA-1基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110197897.8. 201107-15

[14] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子谷蛋白GluA-2基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110198131.1. 2011-07-15

[15] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子谷蛋白GluA-3基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110197891.0. 2011-07-15

[16] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子谷蛋白GluB-4基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110197625.8.2011-07-15

[17] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子谷蛋白GluB-5基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110197664.8. 2011-07-15

[18] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子谷蛋白GluC基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110197906.3. 2011-07-15

[19] 曲乐庆,李文静. 水稻种子谷蛋白GluD-1基因终止子及其应用: 中国, 201110197678.X. 2011-07-15