







  • 刘政安
  • 研究员



1990.1-1991.12 日本静冈清水月季中心,月季鲜切花,研修生









2018.3-2018.11 中国科学院植物研究所,研究员,






























[3]十二五农村领域国家科技计划(863)课题任务: 牡丹分子育种与品种创制(2011-2015)








Li SS, Wu Q, Yin DD, Feng CY, Liu*ZA, Wang* LS. 2018. Phytochemical variation among the traditional Chinese medicine Mu Dan Pi from Paeonia suffruticosa (tree peony). Phytochemistry 146:16-24

舒庆艳,朱瑾,门思琦,郝青,王倩玉,刘政安,曾秀丽,王亮生*. 2018.基于牡丹类黄酮糖基转移酶基因建立VIGS技术体系,园艺学报, 45:168-176

Gu ZY, Zhu J, Hao Q, Yuan YW, Duan YW, Men SQ, Wang QY, Hou QZ, Liu ZA, Shu *QY, Wang* LS. 2018. A novel R2R3-MYB transcription factor contributes to petal blotch formation by regulating organ-specific expression of PsCHS in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Plant Cell Physiology doi.org/10.1093/pcp/pcy232


梅玉芹,刘政安,宋松泉*. 2017. 温度对凤丹种子萌发和上胚轴生长抑制的影响.中国种业,7: 58-60

Hao Q, Ren HX, Zhu J, Wang LS, Huang SC, Liu ZA, Gao* ZM, Shu* QY. 2017 Overexpression of PSK1, a SKP1-like gene homologue, from Paeonia suffruticosa, confers salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports 36: 151-162


Du H, Wu J, Ji KX, Zeng QY, Bhuiyad MW, Su S, Shu*QY, Ren HX, Liu ZA, Wang* LS. 2015. Methylation mediated by an anthocyanin O-methyltransferase, is involved in purple flower coloration in Paeonia. J Experimental Botany 66: 6563-77


Gao ZM, Wu J, Liu ZA, Wang LS, Ren HX, Shu* QY. 2013. Rapid microsatellite development for tree peony and its implications. BMC Genomics 14: 886


Shu *QY, Wang LS, Wu J, Du H, Liu ZA, Ren* HX, Zhang JJ. 2012. Analysis of the formation of flower shapes in wild species and cultivars of tree peony using the MADS-box subfamily gene. Gene 493: 113-123

Zhang JJ, Shu*QY, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Wang* LS, De Keyser E. 2012. Two EST-derived makrer systems for cultivar identification in tree peony. Plant Cell Reports 31: 299-31012


荆丹丹,刘政安*,李新旭,肖雪霁.2011.牡丹远缘杂种‘和谐’育性的初步研究. 林业科学 47 (10): 59-63.


詹彩虹, 刘政安*, 周守标, 韩小燕.2010.植物园一次科普活动分析. 科普研究 5(1): 28-31.

Shu QY, Wischnitzki E, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Han XY, Hao Q, Gao FF, Xu SX, Wang* LS. 2009. Analysis and functional annotation of expressed sequence tags for Tree Peony for the understanding of molecular mechanism controlling flower bud development. Physiologia Plantarum 135: 436-449

Han XY, Wang LS, Shu* QY, Liu ZA, Xu SX, Tetsumura T. 2008. Molecular characterization of Tree Peony germplasms using sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers. Biochemical Genetics 46:162-179

Hao Q, Liu ZA, Shu* QY, De Riek J, Zhang RE, Wang LS. 2008. Studies on Paeonia cultivars and hybrid identification based on Sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) analysis. Hereditas 145: 38-47

Jia N, Shu QY, Wang* LS, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Xu YJ, Tian DK, Tilt KM. 2008. Identification and Characterization of anthocyanins by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Electrospray Ionization-Mass Spectrometry in herbaceous peony species. Journal of The American Society for Horticulture Science 133: 418-426

Jia N, Shu QY, Wang* LS, Du H, Xu YJ, Liu ZA. 2008. Analysis of petal anthocyanins to investigate coloration mechanism in herbaceous peony cultivars. Scientia Horticulturae 117: 167-173

Han XY, Wang LS, Liu ZA, De Riek J, Shu* QY. 2008. Characterization of Sequence-related Amplified Polymorphism Marker Analysis of Tree Peony Bud Sports. Scientia Horticulturae, 115: 261-267

郝青,刘政安*,舒庆艳,王亮生,陈富飞. 2008. 中国首例芍药牡丹远缘杂交种的发现及鉴定. 园艺学报, 35(6): 853-858

韩小燕,刘政安*,王亮生. 2008. 丹皮储存过程中药效成分含量变化研究.中药材31: 823-825

韩小燕,刘政安*,王亮生. 2008. 牡丹野生种与主要药用品种的药效成分含量比较.中药材31: 327-331

Zhang JJ, Wang* LS, Shu QY, Liu ZA, Li CH, Zhang J, Wei X, Tian D. 2007. Comparison of anthocyanins in non-blotches and blotches of the petals of Xibei tree peony. Scientia Horticulturae, 114: 104-111

Jiang Z, Liu*ZA, Wang LS, Shu QY. 2007. Relationship between the types of flower-bud differentiation and forcing successive secondary flowering of tree peony. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 34: 683-687

张晶晶,王亮生*,刘政安,李崇晖. 2006. 牡丹花色研究进展.园艺学报33(6): 1383-1388.

王亮生,刘政安,舒庆艳,韩小燕,李崇晖,肖红强. 2005. 芍药引种栽培试验研究初报. 中国植物园, 9: 181-185

刘政安,王亮生,舒庆艳,王志丰,韩小燕,姜卓. 2005. 牡丹引种栽培研究初报. 中国植物园, 9: 176-180

刘政安,王亮生,张丽萍,韩小燕. 2005. 丹皮产业化发展中存在的问题与对策.中医药发展与现代科学技术(上册)312 - 316.

Liu* ZA,Wang LS, Zhang LP, Shu QY, Han XY. 2005. Problems and strategy on the industrialization of Moutan cortex. Traditional Chinese Medicine Development and Modern Science & Technology.Sichuan Science & Technology Press. 312-316

Wang LS, Liu ZA, Shu QY, Tian DK, Han XY, Zhang JJ, Zhang Z, Li CH. (translated). 2005. Foreword, Preface, Introduction, Chapter 1, Chapter 3, Chapter 5. Chinese Tree Peony (Xibei, Xinan, Jiangnan Volume). Jia-Jue Li (wrote), Chun-Neng Wang et al. (translated). China Forestry Publishing House. pp. 1-15, 26-35, 43-52

Liu ZA, Aoki N, Yamagishi K. 2003. Effect of flower-bud stage and root pruning at onset of chilling on the flowering of forced and retarded tree peony. Horticultural Research (Japan). 2: 101-104

Liu ZA, Aoki N, Yamagishi K, Sakata Y. 2003. Effect of chilling treatment methods on flowering of various retarded tree peony cultivars. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management. 10: 55-60

Liu ZA, Aoki N, Ito N, Sakata Y. 2002. Flower-bud differentiation in Chinese tree peony cultivars and grown under protected cover (forced). Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 71: 818-825

Liu ZA. 2002. Study on the forcing and retardation culture of tree peony. United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University, Japan. p.1-120

Wang LS, Hashimoto F, Aoki N, Liu ZA, Shimizu K, Shiraishi A, Sakata Y. 2002. Effect of forcing culture in tree peony cultivars on flower coloration and petal pigmentation. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management. 9: 77-85

Cheng FY, Aoki N, Liu ZA. 2001. Development of forced tree peony and comparative study of pre-chilling effect on Chinese and Japanese cultivars. Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science. 70: 46-53

Aoki N, Sakata Y, Liu ZA. 2001. Effect of pre-chilling, onset of chilling treatment and topping of terminal bud on the flowering of forced yellow tree peony. Journal of the Japanese Society of Agricultural Technology Management. 8: 25-31


《中国牡丹品种图志》续志,中国林业出版社. 2015 (编委第四)

《中国牡丹品种图志》江南西南西北卷,中国林业出版社. 2006(编委第十二)

《中国牡丹品种图志》中原卷,中国林业出版社. 1997 (编委第二)



















