







  • 张梅
  • 研究员









Sun S, Zhou Y, Chen J, Shi J, Zhao H, Zhao H, Song W, Zhang M, Cui Y, Dong X, Liu H, Ma X, Jiao Y, Wang B, Wei X, Stein JC, Glaubitz JC, Lu F, Yu G, Liang C, Fengler K, Li B, Rafalski A, Schnable PS, Ware DH, Buckler ES, Lai J. 2018. Extensive intraspecific gene order and gene structural variations between Mo17 and other maize genomes. Nat Genet. 50(9):1289-1295.

Dong X, Chen J, Li T, Li E, Zhang X, Zhang M, Song W, Zhao H, Lai J. 2018. Parent-of-origin-dependent nucleosome organization correlates with genomic imprinting in maize. Genome Res. 28(7):1020-1028.


Dong X#, Zhang M#, Chen J#, Peng L, Zhang N, Wang X, Lai J. 2017. Dynamic and Antagonistic Allele-Specific Epigenetic Modifications Controlling the Expression of Imprinted Genes in Maize Endosperm. Mol Plant. 6;10(3):442-455. (# Equal Contribution)


Lei L, Shi J, Chen J, Zhang M, Sun S, Xie S, Li X, Zeng B, Peng L, Hauck A, Zhao H, Song W, Fan Z, Lai J. 2015. Ribosome profiling reveals dynamic translational landscape in maize seedlings under drought stress. Plant J. 84(6):1206-18.


Zhang M#, Xie S#, Dong X#, Zhao X, Zeng B, Chen J, Li H, Yang W, Zhao H, Wang G, Chen Z, Sun S, Hauck A, Jin W, Lai J. 2014. Genome-wide high resolution parental-specific DNA and histone methylation maps uncover patterns of imprinting regulation in maize. Genome Res. 24(1):167-76. (# Equal Contribution)

Chen J, Zeng B, Zhang M, Xie S, Wang G, Hauck A, Lai J. 2014. Dynamic transcriptome landscape of maize embryo and endosperm development. Plant Physiol. 166(1):252-64.


Jiang Y, Zeng B, Zhao H, Zhang M, Xie S, Lai J. 2012.Genome-wide transcription factor gene prediction and their expressional tissue-specificities in maize. J Integr Plant Biol. 54(9):616-30.

Jiao Y, Zhao H, Ren L, Song W, Zeng B, Guo J, Wang B, Liu Z, Chen J, Li W, Zhang M, Xie S, Lai J. 2012. Genome-wide genetic changes during modern breeding of maize. Nat Genet. 44(7):812-5.

PMID: 22660547

Zhao Y, Lu X, Liu C, Guan H, Zhang M, Li Z, Cai H, Lai J. 2012. Identification and fine mapping of rhm1 locus for resistance to Southern corn leaf blight in maize. J Integr Plant Biol. 54(5):321-9.


Jiao Y#, Song W#, Zhang M#, Lai J. 2011. Identification of novel maize miRNAs by measuring the precision of precursor processing. BMC Plant Biol. 11: 141. (# Equal Contribution)

Zhang M#, Zhao H#, Xie S#, Chen J, Xu Y, Wang K, Zhao H, Guan H, Hu X, Jiao Y, Song W, Lai J. 2011. Extensive, clustered parental imprinting of protein-coding and noncoding RNAs in developing maize endosperm. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108: 20042-7. (# Equal Contribution)

Dong Y, Lu X, Song W, Shi L, Zhang M, Zhao H, Jiao Y, Lai J. 2011. Structural characterization of helitrons and their stepwise capturing of gene fragments in the maize genome. BMC Genomics. 12: 609.


Lai J, Li R, Xu X, Jin W, Xu M, Zhao H, Xiang Z, Song W, Ying K, Zhang M, Jiao Y, Ni P, Zhang J, Li D, Guo X, Ye K, Jian M, Wang B, Zheng H, Liang H, Zhang X, Wang S, Chen S, Li J, Fu Y, Springer NM, Yang H, Wang J, Dai J, Schnable PS, Wang J. 2010. Genome-wide patterns of genetic variation among elite maize inbred lines.Nat Genet. 42(11):1027-30.