- 桑涛
- 研究员

桑涛,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。 |
1966年1月出生。1986年,复旦大学生物系,学士;1989年,复旦大学生物系,硕士;1995年,美国俄亥俄州立大学植物学系,博士;1995-1996年,美国哈佛大学,博士后。1996年起,美国密西根州立大学植物生物学系,助理教授、副教授、教授。现任中国科学院植物研究所北方资源植物重点实验室主任、系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室研究员。 主要研究工作: 致力于研究植物在自然和农业环境中的适应机制,从而更加有效地利用植物资源促进生物经济增长和生态环境改善。发现了水稻从野草被驯化为粮食作物过程中起关键作用的不落粒基因,开启对粮食作物起源和农业兴起的新认识。研究中国丰富的芒草资源,探索将其驯化成为新型生物质作物的理论和方法,为生物质产业的发展提供优质原料保障。聚集利用北方广袤的边际性土地,培育和推广芒草作物,经过近十年的种植试验和推广示范,筛选培育了一系列耐干旱、寒冷、贫瘠和盐碱的芒草新品系,建立了相关种植技术,阐明了适应性机制、产量模型和生态效益。 在研项目: [1] 芒草生态建设及生物技术产业发展项目,(2013-2019),资助金额500万,主持人。 [2] 北方矿山修复植物的筛选及应用,(2017-2019),资助金额100万,主持人。 研究论文(注*为通讯作者): 2018 Mi J, Liu W*, Zhao XH, Kang LF, Lin C, Yan J, Sang T*. 2018. N2O and CH4 emission from Miscanthus energy crop fields in the infertile Loess Plateau of China. Biotechnol.Biofuels, 11: 321 Xing SL, Tao CC, Song ZH, Liu W, Yan J, Kang LF, Lin C, Sang T*. 2018. Coexpression network revealing the plasticity and robustness of population transcriptome during the initial stage of domesticating energy crop Miscanthus lutarioriparius. Plant Mol. Biol., 97: 489-506. 2017 Yan J, Song ZH, Xu Q, Kang LF, Zhu CY, Xing SL, Liu W, Greimler J, Zust T, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2017. Population transcriptomic characterization of the genetic and expression variation of a candidate progenitor of Miscanthus energy crops. Molecular Ecology 26: 5911-5922 Xu Q, Song ZH, Zhu CY, Tao CC, Kang LF, Liu W, He F, Yan J, Sang T*. 2017. Systematic comparison of lncRNAs with protein coding mRNAs in population expression and their response to environmental change. BMC Plant Biology 17:42 Song ZH, Xu Q, Lin C, Tao CC, Zhu CY, Xing SL, Fan YY, Liu W, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2017. Transcriptomic characterization of candidate genes responsive to salt tolerance of Miscanthus energy crops. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 9, 1222-1237 Zhu CY, Liu W, Kang LF, Xu Q, Xing SL, Fan YY, Song ZH, Yan J*, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2017. Haplotypes phased from population transcriptomes detecting selection in the initial adaptation of Miscanthus lutarioriparius to stressful environment. The Plant Genome 10:2 2016 Xing SL, Kang LF, Xu Q, Fan YY, Liu W, Zhu CY, Song ZH, Wang Q, Yan J*, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2016. The coordination of gene expression within photosynthesis pathway for acclimation of C4 energy crop Miscanthus lutarioriparius. Frontiers in Plant Science 7:109 Yan J, Zhu MD, Liu W, Xu Q, Zhu CY, Li JQ*, Sang T*. 2016. Genetic variation and bidirectional gene flow in the riparian plant Miscanthus lutarioriparius, across its endemic range: implications for adaptive potential. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 8: 764-776 Xu Q, Zhu CY, Fan YY, Song ZH, Xing SL, Liu W, Yan J, Sang T*. 2016. Population transcriptomics uncovers the regulation of gene expression variation in adaptation to changing environment. Scientific Reports 6:25536 Liu W, Peng C, Chen ZF, Liu Y, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2016. Sustainable bioenergy production with little carbon debt in the Loess Plateau of China. Biotechnology for Biofuels 9:161 2015 Fan YY, Wang Q, Kang LF, Liu W, Xu Q, Xing SL, Tao CC, Song ZH, Zhu CY, Lin C, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. Transcriptome-wide characterization of candidate genes for improving the water use efficiency of energy crops grown on semiarid land. Journal of Experimental Botany 66:6415-6429 Yan J, Zhu CY, Liu W, Luo F, Mi J, Ren YJ, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. High photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of Miscanthus lutarioriparius characterize an energy crop in the semiarid temperate region. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 7:207-218 Xu Q, Xing SL, Zhu CY, Liu W, Fan YY, Wang Q, Song ZH, Yang WH, Luo F, Shang F, Kang LF, Chen WL, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2015. Population transcriptomics reveals a potentially positive role of expression diversity in adaptation. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 57:284-299 2014 Liu W, Mi J, Song ZH, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2014. Long-term water balance and sustainable production of Miscanthus energy crops in the Loess Plateau of China. Biomass & Bioenergy 62: 47-57 Mi J, Liu W, Yang WH, Yan J, Li JQ, Sang T*. 2014. Carbon sequestration by Miscanthus energy crops plantations in a broad range semi-arid marginal land in China. Science of The Total Environment 496: 373-380 2013 Li HQ, Li CL, Sang T, Xu J. 2013.Pretreatment on Miscanthus lutarioriparious by liquid hot water for efficient ethanol production. Biotechnology for Biofuels 6:76. Sang T, Ge S. 2013. Understanding rice domestication and implications for cultivar improvement. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 16:139-146. 2012 Liu W, Yan J, Li J, Sang T. 2012. Yield potential of Miscanthus energy crops in the Loess Plateau of China. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4: 545-554. Yan J, Chen WL, Luo F, Ma HZ, Meng A, Li X, Zhu M, Li SS, Zhou HF, Zhu W, Han B, Li J, T. Sang*. 2012. Variability and adaptability of Miscanthus species evaluated for energy crop domestication. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 4: 49-60. 2011 Ge S, Sang T. 2011. Inappropriate model rejects independent domestications of indica and japonica rice. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, USA, 108, E755. Sang T. 2011. Toward the domestication of lignocellulosic energy crops: Leaning from food crop domestication. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 53: 96-104. Sang T, Zhu WX. 2011. China's bioenergy potential. Global Change Biology Bioenergy 3:79-90. |