







  • 刘永秀
  • 研究员

1971年11月出生于河北省元氏县,1993年和1996年在沈阳农业大学获学士和硕士学位,1999年在中国农业大学获博士学位。2000年至2002年在德国Technische Universit?t München进行客座研究。2002年至2009年在德国Max-Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research 研究所进行博士后研究。现任中国科学院植物所研究员。迄今发表论著20余篇(部),SCI收录刊物论文10余篇。现指导博士后1名、博士生1名和硕士生3名。




[1] “拟南芥调控组蛋白H2B泛素化功能因子的鉴定及作用机理研究”(2012.1-2015.12),国家自然科学基金,资助金额55万元,刘永秀

[2] “拟南芥种子休眠突变体rdo3的克隆和功能分析”(2011.1-2013.12),国家自然科学基金,资助金额28万元,主持人:刘永秀

[3] “染色质修饰调控植物种子休眠的分子机理研究”(2009.1-2011.12),国家自然科学基金,资助金额29万元,主持人:刘永秀



Zuo J, Liu J, Gao F, Yin G, Wang Z, Chen F, Li X, Xu J, Chen T, Li L, Li Y, Xia X, Cao H*, Liu YX*. 2018. Genome-wide linkage mapping reveals QTLs for seed vigor-related traits under artificial aging in common wheat (Triticum aestivum). Front. Plant Sci., 9: 1101.


Wang Z, Chen FY, Li XY, Cao H, Ding M, Zhang C, Zuo JH, Xu CN, Xu JM, Deng X, Xiang Y, Soppe Wim JJ, Liu YX*. 2016. Arabidopsis seed germination speed is controlled by SNL histone deacetylase-binding factor-mediated regulation of AUX1. Nat. Commun., 7: 13412.


Cao H, Li X, Wang Z, Ding M, Sun Y, Dong F, Chen F, Liu L, Doughty J, Li Y, Liu Y. 2015. Histone H2B monoubiquitination mediated by OsHUB1 and OsHUB2 is involved in anther development by regulating tapetum degradation related genes in rice. Plant Physiology, 168: 1389-1405.

Sun Y, Kong X, Li C, Liu Y, Ding Z. 2015. Potassium retention under salt stress is associated with natural variation in salinity tolerance among Arabidopsis accessions. PLoS ONE, 10: e0124032.

Zhu Y, Wang B, Phillips J, Zhang ZN, Du H, Xu T, Huang LC, Zhang XF, Xu GH, Li WL, Wang Z, Wang L, Liu Y, Deng X. 2015. Global transcriptome analysis reveals acclimation-primed processes involved in the acquisition of desiccation tolerance in Boea hygrometrica. Plant Cell Physiology, 56: 1429-1441.


Li W, Xu F, Chen S, Zhang Z, Zhao Y, Jin Y, Li M, Zhu Y, Liu Y, Yang Y, Deng X. 2014. A comparative study on Ca content and distribution in two Gesneriaceae species reveals distinctive mechanisms to cope with high rhizospheric soluble calcium. Front Plant Science, 5: 647.

Li W, Duan H, Chen F, Wang Z, Huang X, Deng X, Liu Y. 2014. Identification of quantitative trait loci controlling high calcium response in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 9: e112511.

Wang Z, Cao H, Chen F, Liu Y. 2014 The roles of histone acetylation in seed performance and plant development. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 84: 125-133.

Van Zanten M, Zǒll C, Wang Z, Philipp C, Carles A, Li Y, Kornet NG, Liu Y, Soppe WJJ. 2014. HISTONE DEACETYLASE 9 represses seedling traits in Arabidopsis thaliana dry seeds. Plant Journal, 80: 475-488.


Wang Z, Cao H, Sun Y, Li X, Chen F, Carles A, Li Y, Ding M, Zhang C, Deng X, Soppe WJJ and Liu Y#. 2013Arabidopsis Paired Amphipathic Helix Proteins SNL1 and SNL2 Redundantly Regulate Primary Seed Dormancy via Abscisic Acid–Ethylene Antagonism Mediated by Histone Deacetylation. Plant Cell25(1):149-166. (# Corresponding author).


Zheng J, Chen F, Wang Z, Cao H, Li X, Deng X, Soppe WJJ, Li Y and Liu Y#. 2012. A novel role for histone methyltransferase KYP/SUVH4 in the control of Arabidopsis primary seed dormancy. New Phytologist,193(3):605-616.

Zheng J, Chen F, Wang Z, Cao H, Li X, Deng X, Soppe WJJ, Li Y, Liu Y*. 2012. A novel role for histone methyltransferase KYP/SUVH4 in the control of Arabidopsis primary seed dormancy. New Phytologist (in press) (*为通讯作者).


Zanten M, Koini M A, Geyer R, Liu Y, Brambilla V, Bartels D, Koornneef M, Fransz P, and Soppe WJJ. 2011. Seed maturation in Arabidopsis thaliana is characterized by nuclear size reduction and increased chromatin condensation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. (in press)

Liu Y, Geyer R, Zanten M, Carles A, Li Y, H?rold A, Nocker S and Soppe WJJ. 2011. Identification of the Arabidopsis REDUCED DORMANCY 2 Gene uncovers a Role for the Polymerase Associated Factor 1 Complex in Seed Dormancy. PLoS One 6(7):e22241.


Osnato M, Stile MR, Wang Y, Meynard D, Curiale S, Guiderdoni E, Liu Y, Horner DS, Ouwerkerk PB, Pozzi C, Müller KJ, Salamini F, Rossini L. 2010. Cross Talk between the KNOX and Ethylene Pathways Is Mediated by Intron-Binding Transcription Factors in Barley. Plant Physiology, 154(4):1616-1632.

Zhu Y, Wang Z, Jing Y, Wang, Liu X, Liu Y, Deng X. 2009. Ectopic over-expression of BhHsf1, a heat shock factor from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica, leads to increased thermotolerance and retarded growth in transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco. Plant Molecular Biology, 71(4-5): 451-67.

Wang Z, Zhu Y, Wang L, Liu X, Liu Y, Phillips J, Deng X.2009. A WRKY transcription factor participates in dehydration tolerance in Boea hygrometrica by binding to the W-box elements of the galactinol synthase (BhGolS1) promoter. Planta, 230(6): 1155-1166.

Wang L, Shang H, Liu Y, Zheng M, Wu R, Phillips J, Bartels D, Deng X. 2009. A role for a cell wall localized glycine-rich protein in dehydration and rehydration of the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica. Plant Biology, 11(6):837-48.

Liu Y, Koornneef M and Soppe WJJ .2007 .The Absence of Histone H2B Monoubiquitination in the Arabidopsis hub1 (rdo4) Mutant Reveals a Role for Chromatin Remodeling in Seed Dormancy. Plant Cell 19: 433-444.

Zuo Y, Liu Y, Zhang F and Christie P. 2004. A Study on the Improvement Iron Nutrition of Peanut Intercropping with Maize on Nitrogen Fixation at Early Stages of Growth of Peanut on a Calcareous Soil. Soil Scienceand Plant Nutrition, 50(7): 1071-1078.

Heuwinkel H, Reents H, Gutser R, Pommer G, Schmidhalter U, Locher F, Liu Y.2003 .Steuerung von N-Flüssen im ?kologischen Landbau durch standortangepasste Nutzungsstrategien bei Leguminosen. In: FAM – Jahresbericht 2002, Teilprojekt LT 6, 33-41. (In German)

Locher F, Heuwinkel H, Reents H, Gutser R, Pommer G., Schmidhalter U, Liu Y. 2002. Steuerung von N-Flüssen im ?kologischen Landbau durch standortangepasste Nutzungsstrategien bei Leguminosen. In: FAM – Jahresbericht 2001, Teilprojekt LT6, 35-41. (In German)

左元梅,刘永秀,张福锁,2004. 玉米/花生混作改善花生铁营养对花生根瘤碳氮代谢及固氮的影响。生态学报, 24(11):2584-2590。

左元梅,刘永秀,张福锁,2003. NO-3态氮对花生结瘤与固氮作用的影响。生态学报, 23(4):758-764。

左元梅,刘永秀,张福锁,2003. 与玉米混作改善花生铁营养对其根瘤形态结构及豆血红蛋白含量的影响。植物生理与分子生物学学报,29(1):33-38。

左元梅,刘永秀,张福锁,2002. 铁营养对花生根瘤生长发育和功能的影响。植物营养与肥料学报,8(4):462-466。

刘永秀,左元梅,张福锁,毛达如,1999. 玉米—花生混作对改善花生铁营养及固氮的影响。土壤通报30(2): 55-59。

刘永秀,张福锁,毛达如,1999. 根际微生态系统中豆科植物-根瘤菌共生固氮及其在可持续农业发展中的作用。中国农业科技导报, 1 (4):28-33。

李隆,左元梅,刘永秀,李晓林,张福锁,1999. 根际微生态系统理论在我国农业高产高效中的作用--间套种作物种间的根际微生态效应的发现及应用前景。中国农业科技导报, 1 (4):34-340。


Martijn van Zanten*, Yongxiu Liu* and Wim J.J. Soppe.2013 Epigenetic signalling during the life cycle of seeds.Page:127-153. G.Grafi and N.Ohad (eds.), Epigenetic Memory and Control in Plants, Signaling and Communication in Plants 18,Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

Liu Y, Geyer R, Brambilla V, Nakabayashi K and Soppe WJJ (2011) Chromatin dynamics during seed dormancy.Methods in molecular biology, 773:239-57.