- 沈建仁
- 研究员

沈建仁,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。 |
1961年11月出生。1982年,浙江农业大学环境保护系,学士;1986年,日本东京农工大学环境保护系,硕士;1990年,日本东京大学生物系,博士。1990年至2003年,先后任日本理化学研究所博士后研究员、研究员、高级研究员。2003年,任日本国立冈山大学理学院生物系教授。2003年至2008年被日本理化学研究所聘为兼职研究员。2007年至2012年被日本兵库县立大学聘为特邀教授。2002年至2006年兼任日本科学技术振兴机构先驱研究项目研究员,2011年至2012年被聘为日本科学技术振兴机构先驱研究领域顾问。2013至今,中国科学院植物研究所,研究员。 主要研究方法: 结合结构生物学、生物化学、生物物理学、分子生物学等方法,在分子和原子水平上阐明光系统II的结构和功能。着重培养PSII的高分辨率晶体,用X光衍射学方法来解析其各不同状态的结构。并结合其它各种方法来研究其功能。同时对其它光合和相关膜蛋白复合体的高分辨率晶体的生长和结构分析进行研究。 主要研究工作: 通过结构生物学,生物化学,生物物理学等方法,在原子水平上阐明光合作用水裂解反应的机理,为人工模拟光合作用,利用太阳光能裂解水制氢和合成其它有机物,或把光能高效转换为电能提供有效的理论依据,对于新能源的开发和气候环境问题的改善有重大理论意义和应用价值。研究成果和内容包括:1)在世界上首次确立了从嗜热蓝藻Thermosynechococcus vulcanus提取具有高纯度,高放氧活性的光系统II (PSII) 复合体的方法;2) 首次发现蓝藻PSII特有的2个放氧反应必需的外周蛋白PsbU,PsbV(细胞色素c550),并利用分子生物学,生物物理学等方法对其功能展开了一系列的研究, 阐明了它们在光合作用放氧反应中的作用;3)成功地制备了PSII复合体的晶体,并将其分辨率提高到1.9 ?,解析了其结构,阐明了PSII中几乎所有氨基酸残基侧链和辅因子的详细结构,首次鉴定了PSII蛋白复合体中水分子的位置,以及水裂解催化中心Mn4CaO5簇化合物的详细结构。该研究成果被Science杂志评为2011年世界十大科技突破之一。 主要研究方向: 鉴于PSII水裂裂和放氧反应在自然界演化和人类文明进程中的重要性,我们的主要研究方向为:光系统II的结构和功能, 膜蛋白高分辨率晶体的制备和其结构解析。 获奖及荣誉: 1. 2013年获得日本山阳新闻报社第71届山阳报社奖; 2. 2013年获得日本朝日新闻报社2012年朝日奖; 3. 2012年获得日本光合作用学会特别奖。 研究论文(注*为通讯作者): 2018 [1]Pi X, Tian LR, Dai HE, Qin XC, Cheng LP, Kuang TY, Sui SF*, Shen JR*. 2018. Unique organization of photosystem I-light-harvesting supercomplex revealed by cryo-EM from a red alga. PNAS, 115: 4423-4428. [2]Giovagnetti V, Han GY, Ware MA, Ungerer P, Qin XC, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Shen J-R*, Ruban AV*. 2018. A siphonous morphology affects light-harvesting modulation in the intertidal green macroalga Bryopsis corticulans (Ulvophyceae). Planta, 247: 1293-1306. [3]Chen JH, Yu LJ, Boussac A, Wang Otomo ZY, Kuang TY, Shen JR*. 2018. Properties and structure of a low-potential, penta-heme cytochrome c552 from a thermophilic purple sulfur photosynthetic bacterium Thermochromatium tepidum. Photosynth. Res. DOI: 10.1007/s11120-018-0507-y. 2017 [4]Tian LR, Liu ZY, Wang FJ, Shen LL, Chen JH, Chang LJ, Zhao SH, Han GY, Wang WD, Kuang TY, Qin XC, Shen JR*. 2017. Isolation and characterization of PSI-LHCI supercomplex and their sub-complexes from a red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae. Photosynth. Res., 133: 201-214 [5]Suga M, Akita F, Sugahara M, Kubo M, Nakajima Y, Nakane T, Yamashita K, Umena Y, Nakabayashi M, Yamane T, Nakano T, Suzuki M, Masuda T, Inoue S, Kimura T, Nomura T, Yonekura S, Yu LJ, Sakamoto T, Motomura T, Chen J-H, Kato Y, Noguchi T, Tono K, Joti Y, Kameshima T, Hatsui T, Nango E, Tanaka R, Naitow H, Matsuura Y, Yamashita A, Yamamoto M, Nureki O, Yabashi M, Ishikawa T, Iwata S, Shen JR*. 2017. Light-induced structural changes and the site of O=O bond formation in PSII caught by XFEL. Nature, 543:131-135. 2016 [6]Zhou Y, Wu Y, Yao MD, Liu ZY, Chen J, Chen J, Tian LR, Han GY, Shen J-R, Wang FJ*. 2016. Probing the lysine proximal microenvironments within membrane protein complexes by active dimethyl labeling and mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem., 88: 12060-12065. [7]Suga Michihiro, Qin Xiaochun, Kuang Tingyun*, Shen Jian-Ren*. 2016. Structure and energy transfer pathways of the plant photosystem I-LHCI supercomplex. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 39: 46-53. [8]Ago Hideo, Adachi Hideyuki, Umena Yasufumi, Tashiro Takayoshi, Kawakami Keisuke, Kamiya Nobuo, Tian Lirong, Han Guangye, Kuang Tingyun, Liu Zheyi, Wang Fangjun, Zou Hanfa, Enami Isao, Miyano Masashi, Shen JianRen*. 2016. Novel features of eukaryotic photosystem II revealed by its crystal structure analysis from a red alga. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 291: 5676-5687. [9]Wang Wangyin, Wang Hong, Zhu Qingjun, Qin Wei, Han Guangye, Shen Jian-Ren, Zong Xu*, Li Can*. 2016. Spatially separated photosystem II and a silicon photoelectrochemical cell for overall water splitting: A natural-artificial photosynthetic hybrid. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55: 9229-9233 2015 [10]Qin Xiaochun, Suga Michihiro, Kuang Tingyun*, Shen Jianren*. 2015. Structural basis for energy transfer pathways in the plant PSI-LHCI supercomplex. Science, 348: 989-995. [11]Shen Jianren*. 2015. The structure of photosystem II and the mechanism of water oxidation in photosynthesis. Annuel Review of Plant Biology, 66: 23-48. [12]Qin Xiaochun, Wang Wenda, Chang Lijing, Chen Jinghua, Wang Peng, Zhang Jianping, He Yikun, Shen Jianren*, Kuang Tingyun*. 2015. Isolation and characterization of a PSI-LHCI super-complex and its sub-complexes from a siphonaceous marine green alga, Bryopsis Corticulans. Photosynthesis Research, 123: 61-76. 2013 [13]Koua F. H. M., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R. 2013. Structure of Sr-substituted photosystem II at 2.1 ? resolution and its implications in the mechanism of water oxidation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 110: 3889-3894. [14]Shibata Y., Nishi S., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Renger T. 2013. Photosystem II does not possess a simple excitation energy funnel: Timae-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy meets theory. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135: 6903-6914. [15]Asada M.,Nagashima H., Koua F.H.M., Shen J.-R., Kawamori A., Mino H. 2013.Electronic structure of the S2 state of the oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II studied by PELDOR. Biochim. Biophys. Acta.1827:438-445. [16]Wang W., Qin X., Sang M., Chen D., Wang K., Lin R., Lu C., Shen J.-R., Kuang T. 2013. Spectral and functional studies on siphonaxanthin-type light-harvesting complex of photosystem II from Bryopsis corticulans. Photosynth Res. [Epub ahead of print]. [17]Yamaguchi K., Yamanaka S., Isobe H., Saito T., Kanda K., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Okumura M., Nakamura H., Shoji M., Yoshioka Y. 2013. The nature of chemical bonds of the CaMn4O5 cluster in oxygen evolving complex of photosystem II: Jahn-Teller distortion and its suppression by Ca doping in cubane structures. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry113:453-473. [18]Yamaguchi K., Isobe H., Yamanaka S., Saito T., Kanda K., Shoji M., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Okumura M. 2013. Full geometry optimizations of the mixed-valence CaMn4O4X(H2O)4 (X=OH or O) cluster in OEC of PS II: Degree of symmetry breaking of the labile Mn-X-Mn bond revealed by several hybrid DFT calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry113:525-541. [19]Najafpour M. M., Moghaddam A. N., Shen J.-R.,Govindjee.2013. Water Oxidation and Water Oxidizing Complex in Cyanobacteria, Stress Biology of Cyanobacteria, Edited by Srivastava A. K., Rai A. N., Neilan B. A., Taylor, Francis, LCC, pp. 41-60. [20]神谷信夫, 川上恵典, 梅名泰史, 沈建仁.2013. 光合成の水分解?酸素発生機構の解明に向けて. 放射光学会誌, 2013. 2012 [21]Saito T., Yamanaka S., Kanda K., Isobe H., Takano Y., Shigeta Y., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Okumura M., Shoji M., Yoshioka Y.,Yamaguchi K.2012. Possible mechanisms of water splitting reaction based on proton and electron release pathways revealed for CaMn4O5 cluster of PSII refined to 1.9 ? X-ray resolution. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry112: 253–276. [22]Yamanaka S., Saito T., Kanda K., Isobe H., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Okumura M., Nakamura H., Yamaguchi K.2012. Structure and reactivity of the mixed-alence CaMn4O5(H2O)4 and CaMn4O4(OH)(H2O)4 clusters at oxygen evolution complex of photosystem II. Hybrid DFT (UB3LYP and UBHANDHLYP) calculations. International Journal of Quantum Chemistry112: 321–343. [23]Saito K., Shen J.-R., Ishikita H. 2012. Cationic state distribution over the chlorophyll d-containing PD1/PD2 pair in photosystem II. Biochim. Biophys. Acta1817: 1191-1195. [24]Shevela D., Eaton-Rye J. J., Shen J.-R., Govindjee.2012.Photosystem II and the unique role of bicarbonate: A historical perspective. Biochim. Biophys. Acta1817: 1134-1151. [25]Saito K., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Ishikita H.2012. Deformation of chlorin rings in the photosystem II crystal structure. Biochemistry51: 4290-4299. [26]Saito K., Shen J.-R., Ishikita H.2012. Influence of the axial ligand on the cationic properties of the chlorophyll pair in photosystem II from Thermosynechococcus vulcanus. Biophys. J.102: 2634-2640. [27]Milikisyants S.,Chatterjee R., Coates C. S., Koua F. H. M., Shen J.-R., Lakshmi K. V. 2012. The structure and activation of substrate water molecules in the S2 state of photosystem II studied by hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy.Energy Environ. Sci.5: 7747-7756. [28]Isobe H., Shoji M., Yamanaka S., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Kamiya N., Shen J.-R., Yamaguchi K. 2012. Theoretical illumination of water-inserted structures of the CaMn(4)O(5) cluster in the S(2) and S(3) states of oxygen-evolving complex of photosystem II: full geometry optimizations by B3LYP hybrid density functional. Dalton Trans. 41: 13727-13740. [29]沈建仁, 梅名泰史, 川上恵典, 神谷信夫. 2012. 高分解能構造から見えてきた光合成水分解の仕組み. 生物物理, 2012, (52):140-143. [30]沈建仁.2012. 高分解能結晶構造に基づく光合成水分解?酸素発生の分子機構. 酵素工学ニュース, 2012, (67): 15-19. [31]Najafpour M. M., Barber J., Shen J.-R., Moore G. F., Govindjee. 2012. Running on sun. Chemistry World. 2011 [32]沈建仁. 2011.光合成水分解?酸素発生を可能にする光化学系IIの原子構造. 光合成研究, 2011, (21): 72-79. [33]Noji T., Kamidaki C., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kajino T., Fukushima Y., Sekitoh T., Itoh S. 2011. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution in mesoporous silica material: Adsorption ofphotosystem II reaction center complex into 23-nm nanopores in SBA. Langmuir27: 705-713. [34]Kawakami K., Umena Y., Iwai M., Kawabata Y., Ikeuchi M., Kamiya N., Shen J.-R.2011. Roles of PsbI and PsbM in photosystem II dimer formation and stability studied by deletion mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography. Biochim. Biophys. Acta1807: 319-325. [35]Matsuoka H., Shen J.-R., Kawamori A., Nishiyama K., Ohba Y., Yamauchi S. 2011. Proton-Coupled Electron-Transfer Processes in Photosystem II Probed by Highly Resolved g-Anisotropy of Redox-Active Tyrosine Y(Z). J. Am. Chem. Soc.133: 4655-4660. [36]Kanda K., Yamanaka S., Saito T., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Okumura M., Nakamura H., Yamaguchi K.2011. Labile electronic and spin states of the CaMn4O5 cluster in the PSII system refined to the 1.9 ? X-ray resolution. UB3LYP computational results. Chem. Phys. Lett.506: 98-103. [37]Umena Y., Kawakami K.,Shen J.-R.*, Kamiya N*.2011. Crystal structure of oxygen-evolving photosystem II at a resolution of 1.9 ?Nature473: 55-60. (*corresponding authors) [38]Kawakami K., Umena Y., Kamiya N., Shen J.-R.2011. Structure of the catalytic, inorganic core of oxygen-evolving photosystem II at 1.9 ? resolution. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B104: 9-18. [39]Rivalta I., Amin M., Luber S., Vassiliev S., Pokhrel R., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Bruce D., BrudvigG. W., Gunner M. R., Batista V. S. 2011. Structural-functional role of chloride in photosystem II. Biochemistry50: 6312-6315. [40]Luber S., Rivalta I., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Brudvig G. W., Batista V. S. 2011. S1-state model of the O2-evolving complex of photosystem II. Biochemistry 50: 6308-6311. [41]Yamanaka S., Isobe H., Kanda K., Saito T., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Okumura M., Nakamura H., Yamaguchi K.2011. Possible mechanisms for the O-O bond formation in oxygen evolution reaction at the CaMn4O5(H2O)4 cluster of PSII refined to 1.9 A X-ray resolution. Chem. Phys. Lett. 511: 138-145. [42]Saito K., Ishida T., Sugiura M., Kawakami K., Umena Y., Kamiya N., Shen J.-R., Ishikita H. 2011. Distribution of the cationic state over the chlorophyll pair of photosystem II reaction center. J. Am. Chem. Soc.133: 14379-14388. [43]Saito K., Shen J.-R., Ishida T., Ishikita H. 2011. Short hydrogen bond between redox-active Tyrosine YZ and D1-His190 in the photosystem II crystal structure. Biochemistry50: 9836-9844. 2010及以前 [44]Takasaka K., Iwai M., Umena Y., Kawakami K., Ohmori Y., Ikeuchi M., Takahashi Y., Kamiya N., Shen J.-R.2010. Structural and functional studies on Ycf12 (Psb30) and PsbZ deletion mutants from a thermophilic cyanobacterium. Biochim. Biophys. Acta1797: 278-284. [45]Nagao R., Suzuki T., Okumura A., Niikura A., Iwai M., Dohmae N., Tomo T., Shen J.-R., Ikeuchi M., Enami I. 2010. Topological analysis of the extrinsic PsbO, PsbP and PsbQ proteins in a green algal PSII complex by cross-linking with a water-soluble carbodiimide. Plant Cell Physiol.51: 718-727. [46]Nagao R., Moriguchi A., Tomo T., Niikura A., Nakajima S., Suzuki T., Okumura A., Iwai M., Shen J.-R., Ikeuchi M., Enami I.2010. Binding and functional properties of five extrinsic proteins in oxygen-evolving Photosystem II from a marine centric diatom, Chaetoceros gracilis. J. Biol. Chem.285: 29191-29199. [47]Enami I., Adachi H., Shen J.-R.2010. Mechanisms of acido-tolerance and characteristics of photosynthesis in an acido- and thermophilic red alga, Cyanidium caldarium.Red Algae in The Genomics Age, Edited by Seckbach J., Chapman D. J., pp. 373-389, Springer, Dordrecht. [48]Shen J.-R., Kawakami K., Koike H. 2010. Purification and crystallization of oxygen-evolving photosystem II core complex from thermophilic cyanobacteria. Methods in Molecular Biology: Photosynthesis Protocols 684: 41-51. [49]Yamamoto Y., Leng J., Shen J.-R.2010. Isolation of photosystem II-enriched membranes and the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC) subunit proteins from higher plants. In R. Carpentier (ed.) Methods in Molecular Biology: Photosynthesis Protocols 684: 1-10. [50]Shen J.-R.2010. Location and function of chloride ions in oxygen-evolvingphotosystem II revealed by X-Ray crystallography. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 106: 58679-8572. [51]沈建仁, 川上恵典.2009. 光化学系IIの例から見る膜タンパク質複合体の結晶化と構造解析. 光合成研究,2009, (19): 19-25. [52]沈建仁, 榎並勲. 2009.系II複合体の精製法. 低温科学, 2009, (67): 275-283. [53]沈建仁. 2009. 電子伝達活性. 低温科学, 2009, (67): 551-560. [54]沈建仁(分担). 2009.現代生物学入門. 岡山大学出版会, 2009. [55]Adachi H., Umena Y., Enami I., Henmi T., Kamiya N., Shen J.-R.2009. Towards structural elucidation of eukaryotic photosystem II: Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of photosystem II from a red alga. Biochim. Biophys. Acta1787: 121-128. [56]Ren Y., Zhang C., Bao H., Shen J.-R., Zhao J.2009. Probing tyrosine Z oxidation in photosystem II core complex isolated from spinach by EPR at liquid helium temperatures. Photosynthesis Research99: 127-138. [57]Kawakami K,, Umena Y., Kamiya N., Shen J. R.2009. Location of chloride and its possible functions in oxygen-evolving photosystem II revealed by X-ray crystallography. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA106: 8567-8572. [58]Henmi T., Iwai M, Ikeuchi M., Kawakami K., Shen J.-R., Nobuo Kamiya. 2008. X-ray crystallographic and biochemical characterizations of a mutant Photosystem II complex from Thermosynechococcus vulcanus with the psbTc gene inactivated by an insertion mutation. J. Synchrotron Rad.15: 304-307. [59]Bao H., Zhang C., Kawakami K., Ren Y., Shen J.-R., Zhao J. 2008. Acceptor side effects on the electron transfer at cryogenic temperatures in intact photosystem II.Biochim. Biophys. Acta1777: 1109-1115. [60]Leng J, Sakurai I, Wada H., Shen J.-R.2008. Effects of phospholipase and lipase treatments on photosystem II core dimer from a thermophilic cyanobacterium.Photosynthesis Research 98:469-478. [61]Shen J.-R., Henmi T., Kamiya N. 2008. Structure and Function of Photosystem II. Photosynthetic Protein Complexes: A Structural Approach, Edited by Fromme F., pp. 83-106, WILEY-VCH, Germany. [62]Enami I., Shen J.-R.2008. A Brief Introduction of Kimiyuki Satoh.Photosynthesis Research 98: 7-11. [63]Enami I., Okumura A., Nagao R., Iwai M., Suzuki T., Shen J.-R.2008.Structures and functions of the extrinsic proteins of photosystem II from different species. Photosynthesis Research98: 349-363. [64]Nakano M., Shen J.-R., Kamino K. 2007.Self-assembling peptide inspired by a Sbarnacle underwater adhesive protein. Biomacromolecules8: 1830-1835. [65]Kawakami K., Iwai M., Ikeuchi M., Kamiya N., Shen J.-R.2007.Location of PsbY in oxygen-evolving photosystem II revealed by mutagenesis and X-ray crystallography. FEBS Lett.581: 4983-4987. [66]Okumura A., Sano M., Suzuki T., Tanaka H., Nagao R., Nakazato K., Iwai M., Adachi H., Shen J.-R., Enami I. 2007.Aromatic structure of Tyrosine-92 in the extrinsic PsbU protein of red algal Photosystem II is important for its functioning. FEBS Lett. 581: 5255-5258. [67]Matsuoka H.,Furukawa K., Kato T.,Mino H., Shen J.-R., Kawamori A.2006.g-Anisotropy of the S2-state manganese cluster in single crystals of cyanobacterial photosystem II studied by W-band electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. J Phys Chem B Condens Matter Mater Surf Interfaces Biophys 110:13242-13247. [68]Sakurai I., Shen J.-R., Leng J., Ohashi S., Kobayashi M., Wada H.2006. Lipids in Oxygen-Evolving Photosystem II Complexes of Cyanobacteria and Higher Plants. J Biochem (Tokyo) 140: 201-209. [69]Shen J.-R., Kamiya N. 2005. 3D Crystal Structure of the Photosystem II Core.Photosystem II: The Light-Driven Water:Plastoquinone Oxidoreductase, Edited by Wydrzynski T. J., Satoh K., Springer, The Netherlands, pp. 449-467. [70]神谷信夫, 沈建仁.2005. 光化学系II複合体の構造と機能. 蛋白質 核酸 酵素, (50): 1174-1179. [71]Tan C. Y., Xu C. H., Wong J, Shen J.-R., Sakuma S., Yamamoto Y., Lange R., Balny C., Ruan K. C. 2005. Pressure Equilibrium and Jump Study on Unfolding of 23kDa Protein from Spinach Photosystem II. Biophys J.88: 1264-1275. [72]?rsk?ld S. P., Smith P. J., Shen J.-R., Pace R. J., Krausz E. 2005. Key cofactors of photosystem II cores from four organisms identified by 1.7-K absorption, CD and MCD. Photosynthesis Res.84: 309-316. [73]Enami I., Suzuki T., Tada O., Nakada Y., Nakamura K., Tohri A., Ohta H., Inoue I., Shen J.-R.2005. Distribution of the extrinsic proteins as a potential marker for the evolution of photosynthetic oxygen-evolving photosystem II. FEBS Journal272: 5020-5030. [74]Kamata T., Hiramoto H., Morita N., Shen J.-R., Mann N. H., Yamamoto Y. 2005. Quality control of photosystem II: An FtsH protease plays an essential role in the turnover of the reaction center D1 protein in Synechocystis PCC 6803 under heat stress as well as light stress conditions. Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences4: 983-990. [75]Vasil'ev S., Shen J.-R., Kamiya N., Bruce D.2004. The orientations of core antenna chlorophylls in photosystem II are optimized to maximize the quantum yield of photosynthesis. FEBS Lett.561: 111-116. [76]Tomoya H., Eiji K., Shen J.-R., Tsutomu K. 2004. An Icosahedral assembly of the Light-Harvesting Chlorophyll a/b Protein Complex from Pea Chloroplast Thylakoid Membranes. Acta Crystallogr. D60: 803-809. [77]Weng J., Tan C., Shen J.-R., Yu Y., Zeng X., Xu C., Ruan K. 2004. pH-induced conformational changes in the soluble manganese stabilizing protein of photosystem II. Biochemistry43: 4855-4861. 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