







  • 孙际宾
  • 研究员
  • 天津空港经济区西七道32号


1989.09-1993.09 山东大学微生物系微生物工程专业,学士

1993.09-1996.07 山东大学微生物系/华东理工大学生化工程系,硕士

1996.07-2000.09 山东大学微生物系微生物技术国家重点实验室,助教/讲师

2000.10-2002.10 DAAD德意志学术交流奖学金资助到德国国家生物工程中心GBF学习

2001.10-2004.10 德国布伦瑞克工业大学/ GBF 博士

2004.10-2008.03 德国亥姆霍兹传染病研究中心(原GBF)系统生物学课题组,博士后


2008.05-2010.01 兼任汉堡工业大学生物系统与过程工程研究所科学家,工业生物技术领域协调人

2011.05-2015.05 中国科学院系统微生物工程重点实验室,副主任






1.Dele-Osibanjo T#, Li Q #, Zhang X #, Guo X, Feng J, Liu J, Sun X, Wang X, Zhou W, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Growth-coupled evolution of phosphoketolase to improve l-glutamate production by Corynebacterium glutamicum. Appl Microb Biotech. 2019

2.Wang W#, Li Q#, Sun C, Cai Z, Zheng X, Guo X, Ni X, Zhou W, Guo Y, Zheng P*, Chen C, Sun J* , Li Y, Ma Y. GREACE-assisted adaptive laboratory evolution in endpoint fermentation broth enhances lysine production by Escherichia coli. Microb Cell Fact. 2019

3.Cairns TC#, Feurstein C#, Zheng X, Zheng P, Sun J*, Meyer V*. A quantitative image analysis pipeline for the characterization of filamentous fungal morphologies as a tool to uncover targets for morphology engineering: a case study using aplD in Aspergillus niger. Biotech Biofuels. 2019

4.Zhu C#, Chen J#, Wang Y, Wang L, Guo X, Chen N, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Enhancing 5‐aminolevulinic acid tolerance and production by engineering the antioxidant defense system of Escherichia coli. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2019

5.Zhao J#, Liu C#, Guo X, Wang J, Liu H, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Efficient production of trans-3-hydroxyproline by a bacterial trans-3-proline hydroxylase and characterization of enzymatic properties. Biochem Eng J, 2019, 147:57-61.

6.S Sun D#, Chen J#, Wang Y, Li M, Rao D, Guo Y, Chen N, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Metabolic Engineering of Corynebacterium glutamicum by Synthetic Small Regulatory RNAs. J Industr Microb & Biotech, 2019, 46 (2):203–208.

7.Liu J#, Wang Y #, Lu Y, Ni X, Guo X, Zhao J, Chen J, Dele-Osibanjo T, Zheng P*,Sun J*, Ma Y.Mutations on Peptidoglycan Synthesis Gene ponA Improve Electro-transformation Efficiency of Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC 13869. Appl Envir Microb,2019, 84(24):e02225-18

8.Zheng X, Yu J, Cairns TC, Zhang L, Zhang Z, Zhang Q, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Comprehensive Improvement of Sample Preparation Methodologies Facilitates Dynamic Metabolomics of Aspergillus niger. Biotech J, 2019, 14(3): 1800315

9.Wang X#, Liu J#, Zhao J, Ni X, Zheng P, Guo X, Sun C, Sun J*, Ma Y. Efficient production of trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline from glucose using a new trans-proline 4-hydroxylase in Escherichia coli.J Biosci Bioeng, 2018, 126 (4):470-477.

10.Liu C#, Zhao J#, Liu J, Guo X, Rao D, Liu H, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Simultaneously improving the activity and thermostability of a new proline 4-hydroxylase by loop grafting and site-directed mutagenesis. Appl Microb Biotech, 2018, 103 (10):265–277.

11.Tuyishime P#, Wang Y#, Fan L, Zhang Q, Li Q,Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Engineering Corynebacterium glutamicum for methanol-dependent growth and glutamate production.Metab Eng, 2018, 49:20-231.

12.Fan L#, Wang Y#, Tuyishime P, Gao N, Li Q, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. Engineering Artificial Fusion Proteins for Enhanced Methanol Bioconversion. ChemBioChem, 2018, 19 (23):2465-2471.

13.Zhang Q#, Zheng X#, Wang Y, Yu J, Zhang Z, Dele-Osibanjo T, Zheng P*,Sun J*, Jia S, Ma Y.Comprehensive Optimization of the Metabolomics Methodology for Metabolite Profiling of Corynebacterium glutamicum. Appl Microb Biotech, 2018, 102 (16): 7113-7121.

14.Zheng X, Zheng P, Zhang K, Cairns TC, Meyer V, Sun J*, Ma Y. 5S rRNA Promoter for Guide RNA Expression Enabled Highly Efficient CRISPR/Cas9 Genome Editing in Aspergillus niger. ACS Synth Biol., 2018, e7b00456.

15.Wang Y#, Liu Y #, Liu J, Guo Y, Fan L, Ni X, Zheng X, Wang M*, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y. MACBETH: Multiplex automated Corynebacterium glutamicum base editing method. Metab Eng, 2018, 47: 200-210

16.Zheng X, Zheng P*,Sun J*, Zhang K, Ma Y.Heterologous and endogenous U6 snRNA promoters enabled CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing in Aspergillus niger.Fung. Biol. Biotech,2018, 5(1):2.

17. Wang Y, Cao G, Xu D, Fan L, Wu X, Ni X, Zhao S, Wang Y, Cao G, Xu D, Fan L, Wu X, Ni X, Zhao S, Zheng P*, Sun J*, Ma Y.A Novel L-Glutamate Exporter of Corynebacterium glutamicum.Appl Enviro Microb, 2018, 84(6):e02691-17.




2019 中国粮油学会科学技术特等奖(第二位)

2017 国务院政府特殊津贴专家

2016 中国科学院特聘研究员

2015 天津市劳动模范

2014 中国产学研合作促进奖,中国产学研合作创新成果奖(第一位)

2008 中国科学院“百人计划入选者”

2005 德国GBF基金会优秀博士论文奖