







  • 黄志勇
  • 研究员
  • 天津空港经济区西七道32号


1995.08 - 1999.08,在中国科学院微生物所任实习研究员;1999.09 - 2000.10,获联合国教科文组织奖学金,在日本大阪大学和东京大学留学;2000.11 - 2001.12中国科学院微生物所任助理研究员;2002.01 - 2002.09美国University of Missouri 访问学者;2002.10 - 2008.10在美国University of Georgia 的Savannah River Ecology Lab任研究主任;2008.11至今在中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所任研究员。天津市“工业生物系统与过程工程”重点实验室副主任、“应用微生物生态工程”研究组负责人。毕业于兰州大学获理学博士学位。现为中国欧美同学会会员、天津市知联会理事、天津滨海新区政协委员、天津市滨海新区留联副主席,国际微生物生态学会会员、美国微生物学会会员、美国地质学会资深会员、中国微生物学会会员,天津微生物学会常务理事、天津环境科学学会理事。



1. Y. Han, X. Ma, W. Zhao, Y. Chang, X. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Wang, and Z. Huang*. (2013) Sulfur-oxidizing bacteria dominate the microbial diversity shift during the pyrite and low-grade pyrolusite bioleaching process, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering,116(4): 465-471

2. S. Xu, Y. Liu, J. Wang, T. Yin, Y. Han, X. Wang, and Z. Huang*. (2015) Isolation and potential of Ochrobactrum sp. NW-3 to increase the growth of cucumber, International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research, 3(9):341-350

3. Z. Huang*, Song Xu, Yifan Han, Yuan Gao, Y. Wang and C. Song, (2016) Comparative study of Dushanzi and Baiyanggou mud volcano microbial communities in Junggar Basin in Xinjiang, China. International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health, 3(11):244-256

4. J. Wang,W. Zhao, Y. Liang, Y. Han, X. Wang, X. Zhang, X. Ma, D. Zhang, Z. Huang*, (2017) Development of a prototype 16S rRNA gene-based microarray for monitoring planktonic actinobacteria in shrimp ponds, International Aquatic Research, 9:71–80

5. W. Zhao, J. Wang, Y. Liang, Z. Huang*. (2017) Development of a 16S rRNA gene-based microarray for the detection of marine bacterioplankton community, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36:106-114

6. J. Wang, H. Wang, T. Yin, S. Xu, W. Zhao, J. Wang, Z. Huang*, (2017) The persistence and performance of phosphate-solubilizing Gluconacetobacter liquefaciens qzr14 in a cucumber soil, 3 Biotech, 7:294

7. Abbass Jafari Kang, Alistair K. Brown, Charles S. Wong, Zhiyong Huang, Qiuyan Yuan*, (2018) Variation in Bacterial Community Structure of Aerobic Granular and Suspended Activated Sludge in the Presence of the Antibiotic Sulfamethoxazole,Bioresource Technology, 261:322-328

8. J. Wang, Q. Li, S. Xu, W. Zhao, Y. Lei, C. Song and Z. Huang*, (2018) Traits-based integration of multi-species inoculants facilitates shifts of indigenous soil bacterial community, Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:1692

In 2015, we won the 'Innovation Achievement Award of Industry-University-Research Cooperation in China'.




