







  • 朱之光
  • 研究员
  • 天津空港经济区西七道32号


1、教育经历 2003.9-2007.6,华中科技大学,生物技术,学士 2007.8-2009.5,弗吉尼亚理工大学,生物系统工程,硕士 2009.8-2013.5,弗吉尼亚理工大学,生物系统工程,博士

2、工作经历 2013.7-2016.6,Cell-Free Bioinnovations Inc.,首席技术官 2016.7-至今,中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所,研究员




(Website: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/zhuzhiguang)



1·Wu RR, Ma CL, Zhu ZG*. 2020. Enzymatic electrosynthesis as an emerging electrochemical synthesis platform. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 19:1-7

2· Ma CL, Wu RR, Huang R, Jiang WX, You C, Zhu LL, Zhu ZG*. 2019. Directed evolution of a 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase for operating an enzymatic fuel cell at lowered anodic pHs. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 851:113444-1113451

3· Song HY, Ma CL, Liu P, You C, Lin JP, Zhu ZG*. 2019. A hybrid CO2 electroreduction system mediated by enzyme-cofactor conjugates coupled with Cu nanoparticle-catalyzed cofactor regeneration. Journal of CO2 Utilization 34:568-575

4· Xiao XX1, Xia HQ1, Wu RR1, Bai L, Yan L, Magner E, Cosnier S, Lojou E*, Zhu ZG*, Liu AH*. 2019. Tackling the challenges of enzymatic (bio)fuel cells. Chemical Reviews 119:9509-9558 (1 co-first authors)

5· Wu RR, Ma CL, Yong Y-C, Zhang Y-HP, Zhu ZG*. 2019. Composition and distribution of internal resistance in an enzymatic fuel cell and its dependence on cell design and operating conditions. RSC Advances 9:7292-7300

6· Kang ZP, Zhang Y-HP, Zhu ZG*. 2019. A shriveled rectangular carbon tube with the concave surface for high-performance enzymatic glucose/O2 biofuel cells. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 132:76-83

7· Song HY, Ma CL, Zhou W, You C, Zhang Y-HP, Zhu ZG*. 2018. Construction of enzyme-cofactor/mediator conjugates for enhanced in vitro bioelectricity generation. Bioconjugate Chemistry 29:3993-3998

8·Wu RR, Zhu ZG*. 2018. Self-Powered Enzymatic Electrosynthesis of L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine in a Hybrid Bioelectrochemical System. ACS Sustainable Chemistry Engineering 6:12593-12597

9·Zhou W, Huang R, Zhu ZG*, Zhang Y-HP*. 2018. Coevolution of both Thermostability and Activity of Polyphosphate Glucokinase from Thermobifida fusca YX. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 84:e01224-18

10·Meng DD, Wei XL, Zhang Y-HP, Zhu ZG, You C*, Ma YH. 2018. Stoichiometric Conversion of Cellulosic Biomass by in Vitro Synthetic Enzymatic Biosystems for Biomanufacturing. ACS Catalysis 8:9550-9559

11·Wu RR, Ma CL, Zhang Y-HP, Zhu ZG*. 2018. Complete oxidation of xylose for bioelectricity generation by reconstructing a bacterial xylose utilization pathway in vitro. ChemCatChem 10:2030-2035

12·Zhu ZG*, You C, Ma YH, Zhang Y-HP. 2018. In vitro synthetic enzymatic biosystems at the interface of the food-energy-water nexus: A conceptual framework and recent advances. Process Biochemistry 74:43-49

13·Zhu ZG*, Ma CL, Zhang Y-HP. 2018.Co-utilization of mixed sugars in an enzymatic fuel cell based on an in vitro enzymatic pathway.Electrochimica Acta263:184-191

14·You C*, Huang R, Wei XL, Zhu ZG, Zhang Y-HP. 2017. Protein engineering of oxidoreductases utilizing nicotinamide-based coenzymes, with applications in synthetic biology. Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 2:208-218

15·Zhu ZG, Zhang Y-HP*. 2017.In vitro metabolic engineering of bioelectricity generation by the complete oxidation of glucose.Metabolic Engineering39:110-116

Before TIB

16·Chen H#, Zhu ZG#, Huang R, Zhang Y-HP. 2016. Coenzyme engineering of a hyperthermophilic 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase from NADP+ to NAD+ with its application to biobatteries. Scientific Reports 6:36311 (#co-first author)

17·Zhu ZG, Zhang Y-HP. 2015. Use of nonimmobilized enzymes and mediators achieved high power densities in closed biobatteries. Energy Science & Engineering 3:490-497

18·Zhu ZG, Tam TK, Sun FF, You C, Zhang Y-HP. 2014. A high-energy-density sugar biobattery based on a synthetic enzymatic pathway. Nature Communications 5:3026

19·Zhu ZG, Tam TK, Zhang Y-HP. 2013. Cell-free biosystems in the production of electricity and bioenergy. Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology 137:125-152

20·Zhu ZG, Sun FF, Zhang XZ, Zhang Y-HP. 2012. Deep oxidation of glucose in enzymatic fuel cells through a non-natural synthetic enzymatic pathway containing a cascade of two thermostable dehydrogenases. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 36: 110-115

21·Zhu ZG, Wang YR, Minteer SD, Zhang Y-HP. 2011. Maltodextrin-powered enzymatic fuel cell through a non-natural enzymatic pathway. Journal of Power Sources 196:7505-7509

22·Zhu ZG, Sathitsuksanoh N, Vinzant T, Schell DJ, McMillan JD, Zhang Y-HP. 2009. Comparative study of corn stover pretreated by dilute acid and cellulose solvent-based lignocellulose fractionation: Enzymatic hydrolysis, supramolecular structure, and substrate accessibility. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 103: 715-724

23·Zhu ZG, Sathitsuksanoh N, Zhang Y-HP.2009. Direct quantitative determination of adsorbed cellulase on lignocellulosic biomass with its application to study cellulase desorption for potential recycling. Analyst 134:2267-2272


24·朱之光,张以恒. 2017. 生物制氢. 中国生物产业发展报告2016. 化学工业出版社,北京,中国. ISBN 978-7-122-29797-6, pp 133-139

25·Zhu ZG, Zhang Y-HP. 2014. Chapter 4. Chemical Biotechnology of in vitro Biosystems for Biomanufacturing. Chemical Promoted Biotechnology and Bioengineering. RSC Green Chemistry Series, RSC Publishing, UK. ISBN:9781849738101. pp 98-121


26·朱之光;张以恒;宋海燕;马春玲. 一种酶电极、生物传感器及其制备方法和用途201811109488.6

27·Zhang Y-H.Percival, Zhu Zhiguang. A high-power and high-energy-density sugar biobattery through an in vitro synthetic enzymatic pathway. U.S. Patent PCT/US14/41103

28·朱之光;吴晓亮;张以恒;马晖. 可瞬时充电的酶燃料电池CN105932307A

29·朱之光;张以恒;马晖;吴晓亮. 体外生物燃料电池嵌入式供电系统CN105914387A




2017 中国科学院北京分院启明星复合型人才

2013 弗吉尼亚理工大学生物系统工程系杰出博士生奖 2012 中国政府国家优秀自费留学生奖学金