







  • 卢静
  • 副研究员
  • 北京市西城区西直门外大街142号

简 历:


2011.1年 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所 博士

2007.1年 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所 硕士

2002.7年,四川师范学院 生物系 学士


2016.12-今 中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所 副研究员


2016.6-2017.6 The Australian National University,博士后





承担科研项目情况:1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,云南昭通早泥盆世布拉格期肉鳍鱼类形态学与系统学研究,2015/01-2018/12,在研,主持2) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,云南早泥盆世四足形类形态学与系统学研究,2012/01-2014/12 ,已结题,主持代表论著:


J. Lu*, S. Giles, M. Friedman, J. L. Den Blaauwen, and M. Zhu*. (2017) A new stem sarcopterygian illuminates patterns of character evolution in early bony fishes, Nature Communications, 8(1932)

Y.-Z. Hu, G. Young, J. Lu. (2017) New findings in a 400 million-year old Devonian placoderm shed light on jaw structure and function in basal gnathostomes, Scientific Reports, 7(7813). (co-first author)

J. Lu*, M. Zhu*, P. E. Ahlberg, T. Qiao, Y-A Zhu, W.-J. Zhao, and L.-T. Jia. (2016) A Devonian predatory fish provides insights into early evolution of modern sarcopterygians. Science Advances.2, e1600154.

J. Lu, S. Giles, M. Friedman, J. L. Den Blaauwen, and M. Zhu* (2016). The oldest actinopterygain highlights the cryptic early history of the hyperdiverse ray-finned fishes. Current Biology 26, 1602–1608.

J. Lu, Y.-A. Zhu, and M. Zhu*. (2016) From fish to human: Origin and early evolution of osteichthyans. Chinese Journal of Nature 38, 391–398. (doi:10.3969/j.issn.0253-9608.2016.06.001) (in Chinese with English absetract)

M. Zhu*, P. E. Ahlberg*, Z.-H. Pan, Y.-A. Zhu, T. Qiao, W.-J. Zhao, L.-T. Jia, and J. Lu(2016). A Silurian maxillate placoderm illuminates jaw evolution. Science.

M. Zhu*, X.-B. Yu, P. E. Ahlberg, B. Choo, J. Lu, T. Qiao, Q.-M. Qu, W.-J. Zhao, L.-T. Jia, H. Blom, and Y.-A. Zhu (2013). A Silurian placoderm with osteichthyan-like marginal jaw bones. Nature, 502: 188–193.

J. Lu*, M. Zhu*, J. A. Long, W.-J. Zhao, T. J. Senden, L.-T. Jia, and T. Qiao (2012). The earliest known stem-tetrapod from the Lower Devonian of China. NatureCommunications, 3:1160.

M. Zhu*, X.-B. Yu, J. Lu, T. Qiao, W.-J. Zhao, and L.-T. Jia (2012). Earliest known coelacanth skull extends the range of anatomically modern coelacanths to the Early Devonian. NatureCommunications,3:772.

M. Zhu*, X.-B. Yu, Choo, B., Q.-M. Qu, L.-T. Jia, W.-J. Zhao, T. Qiao, and J. Lu (2012). Fossil fishes from China provide first evidence of dermal pelvic girdles in osteichthyans. PLos ONE,7:e35103.

J. Lu* and M. Zhu (2010). An onychodont fish (Osteichthyes, Sarcopterygii) from the Early Devonian of China, and the evolution of the Onychodontiformes. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 277: 293–299.

M. Zhu*, W.-J. Zhao, L.-T. Jia, J. Lu, T. Qiao, and Q.-M. Qu, (2009). The oldest articulated osteichthyan reveals mosaic gnathostome characters.Nature, 458: 469–474.

J. Lu* and M. Zhu (2008). An Early Devonian (Pragian) sarcopterygian from Zhaotong, Yunnan, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 46: 161–170.


2017 Y.-A. Zhu, Y.-Z. Hu, G. Young, J. Lu.

The endocast of an exceptionally preserved 400 myr placoderm, and evolution of the central neural

system in stem gnathostomes.

14th International Symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates, 2017.7.3-2017.7.8, Wasaw, Poland

2017 J. Lu, G. Young, T. Senden, J. Hunt.

Tetrapodomorph fish from the Early-Middle Devonian of Australia shed light on the early evolution of


14th International Symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates, 2017.7.3-2017.7.8, Wasaw, Poland

2016 J. Lu, S. Giles, M. Friedman, M. Zhu.

The first stem-sarcopterygian from the Pragian of South China highlights the early evolution of sarcopterygians.

76th Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, October 26 – 29, Salt Lake City, USA

2016 B. Choo, J. Long, J. Lu, S. Giles.

A new actinopterygian fish from the Upper Devonian Gogo Formation of Western Australia.

76th Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, October 26 – 29, Salt Lake City, USA

2015 B. Choo, J. Long, J.Lu, S. Giles

Australia an ancient cradle of the ray-fins? A new actinopterygian fish from the Upper Devonian.

13th International symposium on Early and Lower Vertebrates, August 2 – 5, Melbourne, Australia

2013 J.Lu, M.Zhu, P. E. Ahlberg,T.Qiao

Cranial structure in the early Devonian onychodont Qingmenodus yui and its implications for the phylogenetic position of Onyhodontiformesamong sarcopterygians

73th Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, November 2 – 5, Los Angeles, USA

2012J.Lu, T.Qiao,M.Zhu

Rostral tubuli and lateral line sensory system in sarcopterygians from deep time. (Invited Presentation)

International Symposium of the Sensory World of Fish and Fisheries: the Impact of Human Activities,October 29–November 1, Shanghai, China


The earliest known stem tetrapod and its significance for tetrapod ancestry. NSF Critical Transitions Workshop,March 9–11, Los Angeles, USA.

2011 T.Qiao,J.Lu, M.Zhu, J. A. Long

Cranial anatomy of a primitive osteichthyan Psarolepis based on high-resolution computed tomography.

71th Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, November 2 – 5, Las Vegas, USA

2010J.Lu, M.Zhu

Neurocranial morphology of a basal onychodont Qingmenodus revealed by high-resolution computed tomography.

70th Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, October10 – 13, Pittsburgh, USA

2009J.Lu, M.Zhu

The cranial anatomy of a new tetrapodomorph fish from the Lower Devonian of China.

69th Annual Meeting of Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Bristol, UK

2007J.Lu, M.Zhu

A new genus of the Tetrapodomorpha from the Posongchong Formation (Pragian, Early Devonian) of Zhaotong, Yunnan, China.

11th conference on Australasian Vertebrate Evolution Palaeontology andSystematics, April 10–13, Melbourne, Australia


1) 朱敏、赵文金、贾连涛、卢静、乔妥,中华人民共和国国务院,硬骨鱼纲起源与早期演化研究,国家自然科学奖,二等奖,2013

2) 卢静、朱敏、赵文金、贾连涛、乔妥,中国地质学会,最古老的基干四足动物——奇异东生鱼的发现,中国地质学会2012年度十大地质科技进展,2013