







  • 侯亚梅
  • 研究员
  • 北京西直门外大街142号

简 历:

1987年毕业于吉林大学历史系考古专业。1990和2000年在IVPP分获硕士与博士学位。现任研究员、博导、古人类室副主任。曾重点参与中美合作华北泥河湾盆地东谷坨遗址-广西百色盆地遗址-贵州盘县大洞遗址发掘与研究及内蒙古萨拉乌苏、湖北郧县、泥河湾盆地三棵树等遗址的发掘与研究;主持过中斯(洛文尼亚)国际合作、中法合作龙骨坡遗址发掘与研究项目和国家自然科学基金项目;曾赴法进修研学,到欧美、叙利亚、印度等国学术交流。曾获中国基础科学研究十大新闻(2000)、全国优秀博士学位论文(2003)和首届中国青年女科学家奖(2004)奖项。在我国首次开展系统的微痕实验和“盲测”检验;提出 “东谷坨石核” 概念和史前东西方文化交流与传播的“前丝绸之路”即“石器之路(Lithic Road)”的假说。兼任任国际学术期刊“Journal of Human Evolution” Associate Editor(2006-2008)和联合国教科文国际史前与原史科学会(UISPP)常委(1998-)与执委(2008-)。主要从事早期人类技术起源与演化研究,发表论著70余篇。


Books and Volumes:

1 Hou Y.M. Huang Wanbo, Boëda E. Longgupo Site, Science Press: Beijing (in Chinese, in press)

2 Hou Y.M., Lithic Industry of Donggutuo Site in the Nihewan Basin,North China, Geology Press: Beijing (in press)

3 Allue E. Hou Y.M., et al. Eds.East meets West: Human Settlements in Eurasia. Quaternary International. 2013,Vol.295.

4 Huang W.W., Hou Y.M., Si X.Q. Eds. Multi-disciplinary study of Panxian Dadong , the Lower Paleolithic site of Guizhou, southwest China, Science Press: Beijing (in press)

5 Boëda E., Hou Y.M.Le site de Longgupo, Chongqing,Chine. L'Anthropologie. 2011,Vol.115(1): 1-196

6 Huang W.B., Lei W., Hou Y.M., Xu Z.Q. Eds. Mystery of the Ancient. Chongqing radio and TV Group ( total ) Chongqing audio-visual publishing house :Chongqing , 2007 : 1-134

7 Huang W.B., Hou Y.M., Xu Z.Q. Eds. Longgupo : a living space two million years ago. Zhonghua Book Company: Beijing, 2006: 1-163

8 Gao X., Hou Y.M.,Eds. The Paleolithic Study of the 20th century by the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Cultural Relics Publishing House: Beijing, 2002

Main Articles :

1Hou Y.M., Yang Shi-Xia, Dong Wei, Zhang Jia-Fu. Late Pleistocene representative sites in North China and their indication for evolutionary human behavior. Quaternary International . 2013, Vol 295:183-190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.03.035

2Hou Y.M., Wang Zhihao, Yang Zemeng et al. The first trial excavation and significance of Wulanmulun site in 2010 at Ordos, Inner Mongolia in north China. Quaternary Sciences2012, Vol. 32 (2):178-187

3Hou Y.M.,Gao Lihong, Huang Weiwen, et al. A Report on the 1993 Excavation of the Gaolingpo Paleolithic Site in the Bose Basin.Acta Anthropologica Sinica. 2011, 30 (1): 1-12

4Hou Y.M., Zhao Lingxia, An archeological view for the presence of early humans in China. Quaternary International. 2010, 223-224: 10-19

6Hou Y.M., Zhao Lingxia. New archaeological evidence for the earliest hominine presence in China. In Fleagle JG, Shea JJ, Grine FE, Baden AL, Leakey RE, Eds. Out of Africa I: The First Hominin Colonization of Eurasia. Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series. Dordrecht: Springer. 2010, pp. 87-95

7Hou Y.M.. 2008. Le « nucléus Donggutuo » et sa signification dans l’industrie du paléolithique inférieur de Donggutuo, bassin de Nihewan, Chine du Nord. L’Anthroolgie. 2008,112(3): 457-471

8Hou Y.M., Huang,Weiwen Li Yinghua. 2008. The biface-bearing industries of Lower Paleolithic in North China Human Evolution.23 (1) : 123-125

9Hou Y.M., Li Yinghua, Huang Wanbo, Xu Ziqiang, Lu Na. New lithic materials from Level 7 of Longgupo site . Quaternary Sciences. 2006 (4): 555-561

10Hou Y.M.. Shuidonggou: A Vane of intercommunication between the east and the west?-discussion about small tool culture in north China and a hypothesis of the “Lithic Road” . Quaternary Sciences.2005(6):750-761

11Hou Y.M.. Naming and preliminary study on the category of the “Donggutuo Core” Acta Anthropologica Sinica. 2003, Vol.22 (4): 279-292

12Hou Y.M.. Richard Potts, Baoyin Yuan, Zhengtang Guo, Alan Deino, Wei Wang, Jennifer Clark, Xie Guangmao, Huang Weiwen. Mid-Pleistocene Acheulean-like stone technology of the Bose basin, south China. Science, 2000,Vol.287, No. 5458, 1622-16263

13Han Fei, Bahain J.-J. , Boeda E. , Hou Y.M. , Huang Wanbo, Falguères C., Rasse M. , Wei G.B., Garcia T., Shao Qingfeng , Yin G.M. Preliminary results of combined ESR/U-series dating of fossil teeth from Longgupo cave, China. Quaternary Geochronology, 2012, doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2012.03.006

14Boëda E, Hou Y.M., Forestier H., Sarel J., Wang H.M. Levallois and non-Levallois blade production at Shuidonggou in Ningxia,North ChinaQuaternary International, 2013, Vol 295:191-203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.07.020.

15Boëda E, Griggo C, Hou Y.M. et al. Données stratigraphiques, archéologiques et insertion chronologique de la séquence de LonggupoL'Anthropologie. 2011, 115(1): 40-77

16Boëda E, Hou Y.M. Analyse des artefacts lithiques du site de Longgupo. L'Anthropologie. 2011, 115(1): 78-175

17Boëda E, Hou Y.M. Étude du site de Longgupo – Synthèse. L'Anthropologie. 2011, 115(1): 176-196

18Zhao L.X., Hou Y.M. Early hominine evidence and related hominoid fossils in Southern China. Human Evolution. 2008, Vol.23-n.1-2(137-144)

19Zhu RX, Hoffman KA, Potts R, Deng CL, Pan YX, Guo B., Guo ZT, Yuan BY, Hou Y.M., Huang WW. Earliest Presence of Humans in Northeast Asia. Nature,2001, Vol.413: 413-417

20Potts R., Huang Weiwen, Hou Y.M., Deino Alan, Yuan Baoyin, Guo Zhengtang, Clark J. Tektites and the Age Paradox in Mid-Pleistocene China.Science, 2000, Vol 289, No. 5479: p. 507a

21Huang Weiwen, Hou Y.M.. A Perspective on the Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition in North China and Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Quaternary Internationaleds.by Laurence. Strause et al. 1998, Vol. 49/50, 117-127
