利用实验进化方法,研究远缘生物间水平基因转移的机制,借此挖掘更多的功能元件及开发相关基因工程技术,为生物远缘功能的异源实现及基因的高通量转移提供理论及技术支撑,同时致力于利用模式植物和微生物解析及合成植物天然产物。近期工作发表于Nature Communications(Li and Bock, 2018)和Nucleic Acids Research(Li and Bock, 2019)。
1. Li ZC, Bock R. Rapid functional activation of a horizontally transferred eukaryotic gene in a bacterial genome in the absence of selection. Nucleic Acids Research, 2019 47, 6351-6359
2. Li ZC, Bock R. Replication of bacterial plasmids in the nucleus of the red alga Porphyridium purpureum. Nature Communications, 2018, 9, 3451
3. Li ZC, He CY. Physalis floridana Cell Number Regulator 1 encodes a cell membrane-anchored modulator of cell cycle and negatively controls fruit size. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2015, 66, 257–270
4. Zhang JS, Li ZC (co-1st), Zhao J, Zhang SH, Quan H, Zhao M, He CY. Deciphering the Physalis floridana Double-Layered-Lantern 1 mutant provides insights into functional divergence of the GLOBOSA duplicates within the Solanaceae. Plant Physiology, 2014, 164, 748–764
5. Wang L, He LL, Li J, Zhao J, Li ZC, He CY. Regulatory change at Physalis Organ Size 1 locus correlates to natural variation in tomatillo reproductive organ size. Nature Communications, 2014, 5, 4271
6. Wang L, Li ZC, He CY. Transcriptome-wide mining of the differently expressed transcripts for natural variation of floral organ size in Physalis philadelphica. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63, 6457–6465
7. Zhang JS, Khan MR, Tian Y, Li ZC, Riss S, He CY. Divergences of MPF2-like MADS-domain proteins have an association with the evolution of the in?ated calyx syndrome within Solanaceae. Planta, 2012, 236, 1247–1260