







  • 陈锟山
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区大屯路甲20号北

简 历:



1987.12 - 1990.09美国德州大学阿灵顿分校电机工程博士学位

1985.09 - 1987.07美国德州大学阿灵顿分校电机工程硕士学位

1983.09 - 1985.06中国台湾科技大学电机工程学士学位


2014.04 - 至今中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所遥感科学国家重点实验室研究员

2013.08 - 2014.03美国德州大学阿灵顿分校电机工程系教授

2004.08 - 2013.08中国台湾中央大学太空及遥测研究中心教授

2001.08 - 2004.07中国台湾中央大学太空及遥测研究中心主任

2009.03 - 2013.08中国台湾中央大学通讯系统中心主任

2003.09 - 2010.07中国台湾大学地质系兼职教授


1999.08 – 2000.02美国华盛顿大学电机及计算机工程系访问学者




Member of Editorial Board, Proceedings of IEEE (2014 - 至今)

Lead Guest Editor, Proceedings of IEEE Special Issue on Remote Sensing for Natural Disaster (2012)

Lead Guest Editor, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2008)

Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2001 - 至今)

Member of Editorial Board, Progress in Electromagnetic Research (2013 - 至今)

Associate Editor, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (2011 - 2014)

Founding Deputy Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (2008 - 2010)

Elected Administrative Committee Member, IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Society (2010-2014)

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society, Taipei Chapter, Funding Chair (2004 -2011)




Adrian K. Fung and Kun-Shan Chen, Microwave Emission and Scattering Models for Users, 480 pages, Artech House, USA, 2010.

Kun-Shan Chen, Principles of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging - A System Simulation Approach, to be published in 2014, CRC Press.

Contributed Book Chapters

1.K. S. Chen and A.K. Fung, Comparison between FDM and standard moment method in surface scattering, in Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, (Haji-Sheikh, A. ed.), pp. 259-271, Hemisphere Pub. Co. Washington, 1991.

2.K. S. Chen, Integration of SPOT and SAR images for monitoring of environmental changes by a fuzzy neural network, in Remote Sensing in Geoscience, (N.K. Tripathi and V. N. Bajpai ed.), Anmol Publications PVT, Ltd., 1998.

3.K. S. Chen, A dynamic learning neural network in remote sensing: image classification and parameters retrieval, in Information Processing for Remote Sensing, (C.H. Chen ed.), World Scientific Publishing, 1999.

4.Mitnik, L.M., K. S. Chen and C. T. Wang, Estimation of Average Surface Currents from ERS SAR Images of Oil-Tank Cleaning Spills, in Marine Surface Films: Chemical Characteristics, Influence on Air-Sea Interactions, and Remote Sensing, M. Gade, H. Huhnerfuss, and G.M. Korenowski (Eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, 336 pp. ' pp. 315-336, 2006.

5.J. P. Wigneron, C. M?tzler, S. J. English, A. Jupp, E. P. Dinnat, J. Boutin, J. Shi, M. J. Escorihuela, K. S. Chen, M. Schwank, C. Prigent, P. Rosnay, B. K. Hornbuckle, A. V. Griend, P. Ferrazzoli, L. Guerriero, T. Pellarin, J. C. Calvet, K. Saleh, Y. Kerr, A. Wiesmann, J. Pulliainen, M. Hallikainen, R. T. Tonboe, G. Heygster, L. T. Pedersen, S. Andersen, P. Waldteufel and T. Holmes,Co-Author of Chapter 4: “Surface Emission” in Thermal Microwave Radiation: Applications for Remote Sensing, Editor, C. Matzler, ISBN 0863415733, Institute of Electrical Engineers, StevenAge, UK, 2006.

6.Kun-Shan Chen and Yu-Chang Tzeng, On SAR Image Processing: From Focusing to Target Recognition in Signal and Image Processing for Remote Sensing, 2nd Ed, (C.H. Chen ed.), World Scientific Publishing, Chapter 12, pp. 221-240, 2012.

Refereed Journal Articles

1.Jong-Sen Lee, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Y. Wang, Kun-Shan Chen, “Adaptive Sigma Filter for Polarimetric SAR Filetring, “IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, in press, 2014.

2.Cheng-Yen Chiang, Kun-Shan Chen, Chih-Yuan Chu, Y. Yamaguchi, “A Lab-Based Color-Encoding for Four Component Target Decomposition of Fully Polarimetric SAR Images,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, under review, 2014.

3.Kun-Shan Chen, Leung Tsang, Kuan-Liang Chen,Tien Hao Liao,Jong-Sen Lee, “Polarimetric Simulations ofSAR at L-Band over Bare Soil using Scattering Matrices of Random Rough Surfaces from Numerical 3D Solutions of Maxwell Equations,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, in press, 2014.

4.Tzu-Yu Cheng, Yoshio Yamaguchi, Kun-Shan Chen, Jong-Sen Lee, Yi Chu, 'Sandbank Analysis of Polarimetric SAR Images Using Four-Component Scattering Decomposition,' IEICE Transactions on Communications, vol.E96-B,no.10,pp.2573-2579, 2013.

5.Zhenyu Huang, Guangwen Pan and Kun-Shan Chen, ' A Synchronized Multi-Grid Time Domain Method via Huygens Subgridding and Implicit Algorithms,' IEEE Trans. Antenna and Propagation, vol.61, no.5, , pp. 2605 – 2614, 2013.

6.Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Kun-Shan Chen, Yuanyuan Jia, Chuanrong Li, Xiaomin Sun, 'Spatial-scale effect on the SEBAL model for evapotranspiration estimation using remote sensing data,' Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol.174– 175, pp. 28– 42, 2013.

7.Hsiu-Wen Wang, Kun-Shan Chen, and Chih-Yuan Chu,” Analysis of Shoreline Dynamic using Time Series SAR images over Western Taiwan,” International J. Remote Sensing, 2nd revision, 2013.

8.Chin-Fu Chao, Kun-Shan Chen, Jong-Sen Lee, and Chih-Tien Wang, “Refined Filtering of Interferometric Phase from INSAR Data,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, DOI 10.1109/TGRS.2012.2234467, 2013.

9.Kun-Shan Chen, S. B. Serpico, James A. Smith, “Remote Sensing of Natural Disasters,” Proceedings of IEEE, Vol.100, no.10, pp.2794-2797, 2012.

10. Chih-Tien Wang, Kun-Shan Chen, C. Y. Chu, Jyun-Ru Kao, and H. L. Hung, “Analysis of Environmental Changes After Typhoon Moraka Disaster Using Satellite Remote Sensing Images,” Western Pacific Earth Sciences, vol. 12, no. 1, pp.83-100, 2012.

11. Peng Xu, Leung Tsang, and Kun-Shan Chen, “Fourth Stokes Parameter in Polarimetric Passive Remote Sensing from Two-layer Rough Surfaces,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 129, pp.125-141, 2012.

12. Jong-Sen Lee, Thomas L. Ainsworth, Kun-Shan Chen, and Irena Hajnsek, “Terrain categorization based on scattering mechanisms for single-polarization high-resolution SAR images,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, accepted, 2011.

13. Yu-Chang Tzeng, Kou-Tai Fan, and Kun-Shan Chen, “A Parallel Differential Box Counting Algorithm Applied to Hyperspectral Image Classifications,” IEEE Geosciences and Remote Sensing Letter, vol.9, pp. 272-276, 2012.

14. Ronglin Tang , Zhao-Liang Li, Kun-Shan Chen, Yuanjun Zhu, and Wenzhao Liu, “Verification of Land Surface Evapotranspiration Estimation from Remote Sensing Spatial Contextual Information,” Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.8341, Vol. 26, pp. 2283–2293, 2012.

15. Yang-Lang Chang, Kun-Shan Chen, Bormin Huang, Wen-Yen Chang, Jon Atli Benediktsson, and Lena Chang, “A Parallel Simulated Annealing Approach to Band Selection for High-Dimensional Remote Sensing Images,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol.4, pp.579-590, 2011.

16. Yang-Lang Chang, Cheng-Yen Chiang, and Kun-Shan Chen, “SAR Image Simulation with Application to Target Recognition,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, vol. 119, pp. 35-37, 2011.

17. Kun-Shan Chen , Hsiu-Wen Wang, Chih-Tien Wang, and Wen-Yen Chang,” A Study of Decadal Coastal Changes on Western Taiwan Using a Time Series ERS Satellite SAR Images,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol.4, pp.826-835, 2011.

18. Kun-Shan Chen, Chih-Yuan Chu and Yu-Chang Tzeng, “A Semi-Empirical Model of Rain Attenuation at Ka-Band in Northern Taiwan,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research-M, vol. 16, pp. 213-223, 2011.

19. Ronglin Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Yuanyuan Jia, Chuanrong Li, Kun-Shan Chen, Xiaomin Sun, Jinyong Lou, “Evaluating one- and two-source energy balance models in estimating surface evapotranspiration from Landsat-derived surface temperature and field measurements,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, DOI:10.1080/01431161.2012.716529, p.1-15, 2012.

20. Ronglin Tang, Z. L. Li, and Kun-Shan Chen, “Validating MODIS-derived land surface evapotranspiration with in-situ measurements at two AmeriFlux sites in a semiarid region,”Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 116, D04106, doi:10.1029/2010JD014543, 2011.

21. Lingmei Jiang, Jiancheng Shi, Saibun Tjuajua, Kunshan Chen, Jinyang Du,and LixinZhang, “Estimation of Snow Water Equivalence Using the Polarimetric Scanning Radiometer from the Cold Land Processes Experiments (CLPX03),” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 359-363, 2011.

22. Chih-Tien Wang, Kun-Shan Chen , Jyr-Ching Hu, and Wen-Yen Chang ,Wolfgang M. Boerner, “Long-Term Mapping of Land Uplift and Subsidence in the Industrial Parks in Northern Taiwan by Radar Interferometry,” International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol.32, no.21, pp.6527-6538, 2011.

23. Peng Xu, Kun-Shan Chen, Leung Tsang, “Analysis of Microwave Emission of Exponentially Correlated Rough Soil Surfaces from 1.4 GHz to 36.5 GHz,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research, Vol. 108, pp.205-219, 2010.

24. S. Huang, L. Tsang, E. Njoku, Kun-Shan Chen, “Backscattering Coefficients, Coherent Reflectivities, and Emissivities of Randomly Rough Soil Surfaces at L-Band for SMAP Applications Based on Numerical Solutions of Maxwell Equations in Three-Dimensional Simulations,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Volume 48, no. 6, pp.2557-2568, 2010.

25. Kun-Shan Chen, An-Ming Wu, Jeng-Shing Chern, L. C. Chen, and W. Y. Chang, “FORMOSAT-2 Mission: Current Status and Contributions to Earth Observations,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.98, no.5, pp.878-891, 2010.

26. Liang Chen, J. C. Shi, Wigneron, J.-P., and Kun-Shan Chen, “A Parameterized Surface Emission Model at L-Band for Soil Moisture Retrieval,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, pp.127-130, vol. 7, no.1, 2010.

27. Nien-Shiang Chou, Yu-Chang Tzeng, Kun-Shan Chen, Chih-Tien Wangd and Kuo-Chin Fan, “On the application of a spatial chaotic model for detecting landcover changes in synthetic aperture radar images,” Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, Vol. 3, no. 1, 033512 ; DOI:10.1117/1.309843, 2009.

28. D. Liang, P. Xu, L. Tsang, Z. Gui, and K.-S. Chen, ' Electromagnetic Scattering by Rough Surfaces with Large Heights and Slopes with Applications to Microwave Remote Sensing of Rough Surface Over Layered Media,' Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 95, pp. 199-218, 2009.

29. K. Mao, J. Shi, H. Tang, Q. Zhou, Zhao-Liang Li, K. S. Chen, “A Neural Network technique for the retrieval of land surface temperature from Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS passive microwave data using a multiple-sensor/multiresolution remote sensing approach,”Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, doi:/10.1029/2007JD009577, 2009.

30. Cheng-Yen Chiang, Kun-Shan Chen, and Chih-Tien Wang, “Feature Enhancement of Stripmap Mode SAR Images Based on an Optimization Scheme,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.6, no.4, pp.870-874, 2009.

31. Yu-Chang Tzeng, Kuo-Tai Fan, and Kun-Shan Chen, “An Adaptive Thresholding Multiple Classifiers System for Remote Sensing Image Classification,” Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, vol. 75, no. 6, pp. 679-687, 2009.

32. Jong-Sen Lee, Jen-Hung Wen, Kun-Shan Chen, Abel J. Chen, and Thomas L.Ainsworth, “Improved Sigma Filter for Speckle Filtering of SAR Data,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.47, pp. 202-213, 2009.

33. Jiancheng Shi, T. Jackson, J. Taoa, J. Dua, R. Bindlish, L. Lud, and K.S. Chen, “Microwave vegetation indices for short vegetation covers from satellite passive microwave sensor AMSR-E,”Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 112, pp.4285–4300, 2008.

34. Leung Tsang, Peng Xu, and Kun Shan Chen, “Third and Fourth Stokes Parameters in Polarimetric Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Rough Surfaces over Layered Media,” Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50, no. 12, pp. 3063-3069, December 2008.

35. Tzong Dar Wu, Kun-Shan Chen , Jiancheng Shi, and A. K. Fung, “A Study of AIEM Model for Bistatic Surface Scattering from Rough Surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.46, no. 9, pp. 2584-2598 2008.

36. Yen, Jiun-Yee, Chen, Kun-Shan, Chang, Chung-Pai and Boerner, Wolfgang-Martin, “Evaluation of Potential and Surface Deformation Associated with Earthquake by Differential Radar Interferometry,” Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol.112, pp.782-795, 2008.

37. Kebiao Mao, Jiancheng Shi, , Huajun Tang, Zhao-Liang Li, Xiufeng Wang, and Kun-Shan Chen, “A Neural Network Technique for Separating Land Surface Emissivity and Temperature From ASTER Imagery,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.46, no. 1, pp. 200-208, 2008.

38. K. S. Chen, L. Tsang, J. C. Shi, and H. C. Huang, “Microwave Emission from Two-dimensional inhomogeneous Dielectric Rough Surfaces Based on Physics-Based Two-Grid Method,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER-67, pp. 181-203, 2007.

39. K. S. Chen and C. Y. Chu, “A Propagation Study of the 28 GHz LMDS System Performance with M-QAM Modulations Under Rain Fading,” Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER- 68, pp.35-51, 2007.

40. L. M. Jiang, J. Shi, S. Tjuatja, J. Dozier, K. S. Chen, and L.X. Zhang, “A parameterized multiple-scattering model for microwave emission from dry snow,” Remote Sensing of Environment , Vol. 111, no.2-3, pp. 357-366, 2007.

41. Yang-Lang Chang, Long-Shin Liang, Chin-Chuan Han, Jyh-Perng Fang and Kun-Shan Chen, “Multisource Data Fusion for Landslide Classification using Generalized Positive Boolean Functions,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 45, Issue 6, Part 1, pp: 1697-1708, 2007.

42. Yu-Chang Tzeng and Kun-Shan Chen,” Change Detection in Synthetic Aperture Radar Images Using a Spatially Chaotic Model,” Optical Engineering, Vol.46, no. 8, pp.086202-1-086202-9, 2007.

43. Hsiu-Wen Wang, Chih-Tien Wang, Kun-Shan Chen, and Yan-Lang Lin, “Analysis change detection of waterline in west Taiwan using satellite SAR imagery,” Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol.12, no.2, pp.107-119, 2007.

44. J. Shi, L. M. Jiang, L. X. Zhang, K. S. Chen, J. P Wigneron, A. Chanzy, and T. Jackson, “Physically Based Estimation of Bare Surface Soil Moisture with the Passive Radiometers”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.44, no.11, pp.3145-3153, 2006.

45. Yi-Ben Tsai, Jann-Yenq Liu, Kuo-Fong Ma, Horng-Yuan Yen, Kun-Shan Chen, Yuh-Ing Chen, Chien-Ping Lee, “Precursory phenomena associated with the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake in Taiwan as identified under the iSTEP Program,” Physics and Chemistry of the Earth , Vol.31, Issues 4-9 , 2006, Pages 365-377 2006.

46. Yu-Chang Tzeng, and K. S. Chen*,” Synthetic aperture radar target detection using a neural network with fractal dimension,” Optical Engineering, vol.45, no. 7, pp.07702-1-6, 2006.

47. Jinyang Du, Jiancheng Shi , Saibun Tjuatja, and Kun-Shan Chen , “A Combined Method to Model Microwave Scattering from a Forest Medium,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 815-824, 2006.

48. Jiun-Yee Yen, Kun-Shan Chen, Chung-Pai Chang, Sin Mei Ng, “Deformation and Deformation Quiescence Prior to the Chi-Chi earthquake observed by DInSAR and groundwater records during 1995-2002 in Central and Southwestern Taiwan,” Earth, Planet and Space, vol. 58, pp.805-13. 2006.

49. K. S. Chen, A. K. Fung, J. C. Shi, and H.-W. Lee, “Intepretation of backscattering mechanism from non-Gaussian Correlated Randomly Rough Surfaces,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol.20, no.1, pp.2233-2246, 2006.

50. Jei-Lun Chiang, Ke-Sheng Cheng, and K. S. Chen, “Landcover Classification Using Multi-sensor Images,” J. of Chinese Agricultural Engineering, vol. 51, no.4, pp. 84-96, 2005.

51. Jiancheng Shi, L. M. Jiang and L. X. Zhang , K. S. Chen, J. P Wigneron,, A. Chanzy, “A Parameterized Multi-Frequency-Polarization Surface Emission Model,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol.43, no.12, pp. 2831-2841, 2005.

52. Yu-Chang Tzeng and K. S. Chen, “Image Fusion of SAR and Optical Data for Terrain Classification with a Variance Reduction Technique,” Optical Engineering, vol.44, no. 10, pp.106202-106210, 2005.

53. Chi-Huei Tseng, K. S. Chen, J. C. Shi, and C. Y. Chu,“Ka-Band Rain Attenuation Using 2-Year Rain Drop Size Distribution Measurements in Taiwan,”Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol. 19, no. 13, pp.1833-1841, 2005.

54. C. Y. Chu and K. S. Chen, “The Effects of Rain Fading on the Efficiency of the Ka-Band LMDS System in the Taiwan Area,” IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, pp.9-19,vol.54, no.1, 2005.

55. C. P. Chang, Wang, C.T., Chang, T.Y., Chen, K.S., Liang, L.S., Pathier, E. and Angelier, J., “Application of SAR interferometry to a large thrusting deformation: The 1999 Mw=7.6 Chichi earthquake (Central Taiwan),” Geophysical Journal International, vol.159, pp.9-16, 2004.

56. Yi-Ben Tsai, Jann-Yeng Liu, Kuo-Fong Ma, Horng-Yuan Yen, K. S. Chen, Yuh-Ing Chen, and Chien-Ping Lee, “Preliminary Results of iSTEP Program on Integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors,” Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, vol. 15, no. 3, pp.545-562, 2004.

57. C. P. Chang, Wang, C.T., Chang, T.Y., Chen, K.S. “Land-surface deformation corresponding to seasonal ground-water fluctuation, determining by SAR interferometry in the SW Taiwan,” Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, vol.67, pp.351-359, 2004.

58. C.-P. Chang, Chih-Tien Wang, Hao-Cheng Wang, and K. S. Chen, “Application of DInSAR in monitoring the metropolitan land-surface deformation: Chungli Industry Park as an example,” Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vo.9, no.3, pp.15-30, 2004.

59. Jiang, Lingmei, Shi, J., Tjuatja, S., and Chen, K.S., “Study of snow water equivalence inversion technique with simulation model,” Microwave Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere and Environment IV, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5654, pp. 157-166, 2004.

60. Yang-Lang Chang, Chin-Chuan Han, Kuo-Chin Fan, and K. S. Chen, “A novel approach to supervised hyperstectral image classification,” Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vo.9, no.4, pp.47-70, 2004.

61. A. K. Fung and K. S. Chen, “An Update on IEM Surface Backscattering Model,” IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, vol.1, no.2, pp.75-77, 2004.

62. Yang-Lang Chang, Chin-Chuan Han, Hsuan Ren, Kuo-Chin Fan and K.S. Chen, 'Data fusion of hyperspectral and SAR images,' Optical Engineering, vol.43, no.8, pp. 1787-1797, 2004.

63. Yang-Lang Chang, Fan-Di Jou, Chin-Chuan Han, Kuo-Chin Fan, K.S. Chen and Jeng-Horng Chang 'A Modular Eigen Subspace Scheme for High-Dimensional Data Classification,' Special Issue on Geocomputation and Evolutionary Computation, Future Generation Computer Systems, vol.20, no.7, pp.1131-1143, 2004.

64. C.-P. Chang, K. S. Chen , C.-T. Wang, , J.-Y. Yen, T.-Y. Chang, C.-W. Lin,“ Application of Space-borne Radar Interferometry in Taiwan: Perspective from the Nature of Events,” Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 15, no. 3, pp.523-543, 2004.

65. T. D. Wu and K. S. Chen,“A Reappraisal of the Validity of the IEM Model for Backscattering from Rough Surfaces,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing,vol.42, no.8, pp.743-753, 2004.

66. K. S. Chen and R. L. Su, “Design of a Polarimetric Matched Filter for Contrast Enhancement of Radar Image using A Genetic Algorithm,” International J. Electrical Eng., vol.11, no.3, pp.275-281, 2004.

67. C. T. Chen, K. S. Chen, and J. S. Lee, “The Use of Fully Polarimetric Information for the Fuzzy Neural Classification of SAR Images,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (SCI), vol. 41, no. 9, pp. 2089-2100, 2003.

68. K. S. Chen, T. D. Wu, L. Tsang, Qin Li, J. C. Shi and A. K. Fung, “The Emission of Rough Surfaces Calculated by the Integral Equation Method with a Comparison to a Three-Dimensional Moment Method Simulations,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing(SCI) , vol.41 no.1, pp.1-12, 2003.

69. Chien-Chih Chen, Chung-Pai Chang and K. S. Chen, “Segmented Faulting Processing of Chelungpu Thrust: Implication of SAR Interferograms,” Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (SCI), vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 241-247, 2003.

70. C. T. Wang and K. S. Chen, “A study of multi-temporal processing of SAR imagery,” Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vol.8, no.1, pp.47-56, 2003.

71. Yang-Lang Chang, Chin-Chuan Han, Kuo-Chin Fan, K.S. Chen, Chia-Tang Chen and Jeng-Horng Chang 'Greedy Modular Eigenspaces and Positive Boolean Function for Supervised Hyperspectral Image Classification,' Optical Engineering(SCI), Vol. 42, Issue 9, pp. 2576-2587, 2003.

72. J. M. Kuo and K. S. Chen, “The Application of wavelets correlator for ship wake detection in SAR images,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing(SCI), vol. 41, no. 6, 1506-1511, 2003.

73. Hwan-Juin Tseng, Chi-Tien Wang, M. K. Hsu, and K. S. Chen, ?Satellite SAR images used to monitor the river basin during typhoon period,“ Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, vo. 8, no.4, pp. 83-97, 2003.

74. J. C. Shi, K. S. Chen, Q. Li, T. Jackson, P. O’Neill, E. G. Njoku, and L. Tsang, “Parameterized surface reflectivity model and estimation of bare surface soil moisture with L-band radiometer,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing(SCI), vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 2674-2686, 2002.

75. Leonid Mitnik; Kun Shan Chen; Jough-Tai Wang; Maia Mitnik; Ming-Kuang Hsu, “Satellite Microwave Observations of Typhoon Herb (1996) Near Taiwan,” Journal of Atmospheric & Ocean Science(SCI) Vol. 8, Issue 1, pp. 19 – 39, 2002.

76. A. K. Fung, W. Y. Liu, K. S. Chen, and M. K. Tsay, “An improved IEM model for bistatic scattering,” J. Electromagnetic Wave and Applications(SCI),vol. 16, no.5, pp.689-702, 2002.

77. R. L. Su, K. S. Chen and, C. T. Chen “Optimal polarization for contrast enhancement in polarimetric synthetic aperture radar using a genetic algorithm,” Optical Engineering (SCI), vol. 41, no.11, pp.1-8, 2002.

78. Jim Min Kuo and K. S. Chen, “Ship Wake Detection in SAR Images Using Combination of Wavelets Correlator and Radon Transform,” Optical Engineering(SCI), vol. 41, pp-686-696, 2002.

79. Q. Li, J.C. Shi, and K. S. Chen “A Generalized Power Law Spectrum and its Applications to the Backscattering of Soil Surfaces Based on the Integral Equation Model,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing(SCI) , vol.40, no.2, pp-271-281, 2002.

80. K. S. Chen, L. Mitnik, and J. T. Wang, “Satellite and Ground Observations of the Evolution of Typhoon Herb Near Taiwan,” vol. 75, no. 3, pp. 397-411, 2001, Remote Sensing of Environment, 2001.

81. K. S. Chen, T.D. Wu, and J.C. Shi, “A Model-based inversion of rough surface parameters from radar measurements,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, vol.15, pp.173-200, 2001.

82. Y. A. Liou, K.S. Chen, and T.D. Wu, “Reanalysis of L-band brightness predicted by the LSP/R model for prairie grassland: Incorporation of rough surface scattering,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.39, pp.129-135, 2001.

83. T. D. Wu, K.S. Chen, J. C. Shi, and A. K. Fung, “A transition model for the reflection coefficient in surface scattering,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing(SCI), vol.39, no.9, pp.2040-2050, 2001.

84. K. S. Chen, T.D. Wu, and A. K. Fung, “A note on multiple scattering in an IEM model,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.38, no.1, pp.249-256, 2000.

85. M. K. Tsay K. S. Chen, and T. D. Wu, “Characterization of non-Gaussian rough surface scattering,” J. Chinese Institute of Eng. (SCI), vol. 23, no.2, pp. 185-196, 2000.

86. C. T. Chen, K. S. Chen, C. F. Chen, and Y. S. Hong, “Feature Extraction of Digitally Scanned Map,” Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,vol.5, no. 4, pp. 55-63, 2000.

87. Y. A. Liou, Y. C. Tzeng, and K. S. Chen, “The use of neural networks in radiometric studies of land surface parameters,” Proceedings, NSC - part A: Physical Science and Engineering, vol.23, no.4, pp.1-7, 1999.

88. Y. A. Liou, Y. C. Tzeng, and K. S. Chen, “A neural network approach to radiometric sensing of land surface parameters,” IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing , vol.37, no.6, pp.2718-2724, 1999.

89. K. S. Chen, Y. C. Tzeng and P. T. Chen, 'A neural network approach to wind retrieval form ERS-1 scatterometer data,' IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 37, no.1, pp. 247-256, 1999.

90. J. T. Juang and K. S. Chen, “Application of remote sensing in detection of ocean oil pollution,” Chemistry and Ecology, vol. 14, pp.279-289, 1998.

91. K. S. Chen, T.D. Wu and A. K. Fung, “A study of backscattering from multiscale rough surfaces,” Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 12, pp. 961-978, 1998.

92. Y. C. Tzeng and K. S. Chen, “Fuzzy neural network for satellite data processing-SAR image classification,” Proceedings of Natl. Sci. Counc. (A), vol.22, no.2, pp.243-250, 1998.

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中国台湾中央大学遥感讲座教授 (2008 - 2013)

中国台湾联合大学电机信息学院讲座教授(2008 - 2011)

国际电机电子工程师学会(IEEE) Fellow (2007)

The Electromagnetic Academy, Fellow (2006)

中国台湾中央大学特聘教授(2006 - 2007)


URSI Young Scientist Award (1993)