







  • 蔡春芳
  • 研究员
  • 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

蔡春芳,1966年生于福建省福清市,2011年获得杰青资助。中科院地质与地球物理研究所研究员、博士生导师、中科院大学特聘教授。在国科大主讲《有机地球化学》,并参与《沉积地质学》课程讲授,给地球所讲授《沉积学进展》部分内容。在GCA、Chem. Geol.、Sedimentology、Org Geochem等国内外著名刊物发表论文100余篇。被SCI总引用>1800次,已有三篇分别被SCI引用>120次,最高近200次,H-indexSCI为25。主要从事有机硫同位素地球化学、盆地有机-无机相互作用(即油、气和水与岩石之间微生物(MSR)和热化学硫酸盐还原(TSR)作用等),以及高-过成熟油气与烃源岩对比、油气演化、微生物成矿、早期海洋环境与生命演化研究。



1) 沉积盆地不同存在形式硫之间转化及其机理 2) 有机硫/碳氮同位素应用于恢复古环境、生命演化以及高过成熟烃源岩-油气的对比研究; 3)碳酸盐岩中TSR及其他流体—岩石相互作用对有效储层形成与改造机理与油气成藏作用的关系; 4)深埋成岩期, BSR与TSR成因的硫化物形成有机含硫化合物的机理及其识别; 5)硫酸盐还原菌降解油气与六价铀还原成矿的关系; 6)生物标志化合物、稳定同位素和流体包裹体在油气勘探和开发中的应用。



深层油气的来源和演化:单体化合物和碳硫同位素限定。国家基金委重点项目 (41730424), 2018.1—2022.12挥发性有机含硫化合物单体硫同位素组成反映天然气成因和次生变化。 国际合作基金(4181101560), 2019.10?2022.9.深层白云岩储层形成的主控因素与规模分布。国家科技重大专项子课题(2017ZX05008-003-040),2017.1—2020.10川中龙王庙组储层成岩作用、孔隙和流体性质的时空变化,国家基金委面上项目(41672143),2017.1—2020.12塔中地区奥陶系硫化氢成因与分布。油田横向课题,2012.10-2014.06油气盆地硫参与的有机—无机相互作用, 国家杰出青年基金(41125009) , 2012.1—2015.12塔里木盆地碳酸盐岩埋藏岩溶储集体形成分布的主控因素与发育规律(2008ZX05008-003、2011ZX05008-003), 国家科技重大专项子课题;2008. 6—2015.12埃迪卡拉纪-寒武纪过渡时期 富有机质烃源岩的微生物作用(2011CB808805), ,国家973子课题; 2011.1—2015.12川东二叠-三叠系TSR对储层改造作用及气-源岩对比新方法(40839906),国家自然科学基金重点—中石化联合基金; 2009.1-2012.12微生物、油气在砂岩型铀矿床形成中的作用(KZCX2-YW-JC102),中科院知识创新工程重要方向项目;2010.1 - 2012.12“塔中塔北寒武—奥陶系碳酸盐岩流体地球化学与储层形成” (2006CB202304), 国家973项目子课题;2006.10—2011.10深埋成岩期有机含硫化合物形成机理(40573034),国家自然科学基金面上,2006.1-2008.12多种能源矿产共存成藏(矿)中流体—岩石相互作用研究(2003CB214605), 国家973子课题, 2003.12-2007.12沉积盆地富硫流体:成因、流动与硫酸盐还原作用(40173023),国家自然科学基金面上项目,2001.1-2004.12烃类的热化学硫酸盐还原作用与硫醇的成因,英国皇家学会Royal Fellowship, 2001.1-2002.1沉积盆地微生物-烃-水-岩相互作用研究,国家自然科学基金面上(49773198), 1998.1-2000.12储层中烃类蚀变对成岩作用的影响.,中石油中青年科技创新项目,1996.6—1999.3塔里木盆地烃—水—岩相互作用研究(96-111-01-02-07C),.国家95科技攻关项目, 1996-1999.
1998年,第一作者论文获湖北省自然科学论文一、二等奖各一篇 2004年,获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖 2006年,获第十一届侯德封矿物岩石地球化学青年科学家奖 2011年,获得国家杰出青年基金 2014年,湖北省自然科学二等奖,排名第一


Hu, YJ, Cai,CF*, Liu, DW, Pederson, CL, Jiang,L., Shen, AJ, Immenhauser, A., 2020. Formation, diagenesis, and paleoenvironmental significance of upper Ediacaran fibrous dolomite cements porosity evolution of a giant, deeply buried Ediacaran gas field (Sichuan Basin, China). Sedimentology. DOI: 10.1111/sed.12683Hu, YJ, Cai,CF*,Pederson, CL, Liu, DW, Jiang,L., He XY, Immenhauser A, 2020. Dolomitization history and porosity evolution of a giant, deeply buried Ediacaran gas field (Sichuan Basin, China). PreCambrian Research (in press).Sun, P., Cai CF*, Tang YJ*,Tao ZQ,Zhao W, 2020. A new approach to investigate effects of biodegradation on pyrrolic compounds by using a modified Manco scale. Fuel 265. DOI:10.1016/j.fuel.2019.116937Yu Qi, Yiwen Ju*, Jingqiang Tan, Leon Bowen, Cai CF, Kun Yu, Hongjian Zhu, Cheng Huang, Weilai Zhang. Organic matter provenance and depositional environment of marine-to continental mudstones and coals in eastern Ordos Basin, China—Evidence from molecular geochemistry and petrology. International Journal of Coal Geology 217, DOI:10.1016/j.coal.2019.103345


Cai, C.F.*, Tang, YJ, Li, KK, Jiang, KX, Jiang, CQ, Xiao, QL. 2019. Relative reactivity of saturated hydrocarbons during thermochemical sulfate reduction. Fuel 253, 106-113.Jiang, K. X., Lin, C.M.*, Peng, L., Zhang, X., Cai, C.F., 2019. Methyltrimethyltridecylchromans (MTTCs) in lacustrine sediments in the northern Bohai Bay Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry 133, 1-9.Nguyen, K., Love, G.D.*, Zumberge, J.A., Kelly, A.E., Owens, J.D., Rohrssen, M.K., Bates, S.T., Cai, C.F., Lyons, T.W.*, 2019. Absence of biomarker evidence for early eukaryotic life from the Mesoproterozoic Roper Group: Searching across a marine redox gradient in mid‐Proterozoic habitability. Geobiology. https://doi.org/10.1111/gbi.12329Zhang, P.W., Liu, G.D. *, Cai, C.F.*., Li, M.J., Chen, R.Q., Gao,P., Xu, C.L., Wan, W.,C., Zhang, Y.Y., Jiang, M.Y., 2019. Alteration of solid bitumen by hydrothermal heating and thermochemical sulfate reduction in the Ediacaran and Cambrian dolomite reservoirs in the Central Sichuan Basin, SW China. Precambrian Research 321, 277-302.Chen, Y., Diamond, C.W., Stüeken, E.E., Cai, C.F.*, Gill, B.C., Zhang, F.F., Bates, S.M., Chu, X.L., Ding, Y., Lyons, T.W. * (2019), Coupled evolution of nitrogen cycling and redoxcline dynamics on the Yangtze Block across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition. Coupled evolution of nitrogen cycling and redoxcline dynamics on the Yangtze Block across the Ediacaran-Cambrian transition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 257, 243-265. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2019.05.017Li, K.K.*, George, S.C., Cai, C.F.*, Gong, S., Sestak, S., Armand, S., Zhang, X.F. , 2019. Fluid inclusion and stable isotopic studies of thermochemical sulfate reduction: Upper Permian and Lower Triassic gasfields, northeast Sichuan Basin, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 246, 86-108.2018Zhao, L., Cai, C.F.*, Jin, R.S., Li, J.G., Li, H.L., Wei, J.G., Guo, H., Zhang, B., 2018. Mineralogical and geochemical evidence for biogenic and petroleum-related uranium mineralization in the Qianjiadian deposit, NE China. Ore Geology Reviews 101, 273-292.Xiao, Q.*, Amrani, A., Sun, Y., He, S., Cai, C.F., Liu, J., Said–Ahmad, W., Zhu, C., Chen, Z., 2018. The effects of selected minerals on laboratory simulated thermochemical sulfate reduction, Organic Geochemistry 122, 41-51.Jiang, K.X., Lin, C.M.*, Zhang, X., Cai, C.F., Xiao, F., He, W.X., Peng, L., 2018. Variations in abundance and distribution of methyltrimethyltridecylchromans (MTTCs) in sediments from saline lacustrine settings in Cenozoic lacustrine basins, China. Organic Geochemistry 121, 58–67.Jiang, L.*, Worden, R.H., Cai C.F., Shen, A.J., Crowley, S.F., Xu, Z.H., 2018. Diagenesis of an evaporite-related carbonate reservoir in deeply buried Cambrian strata, Tarim Basin, Northwest China. AAPG 102, 77-102.Jiang, L.*, Worden, R.H., Cai C.F., Shen, A.J., He, S.Y., Pan, L.Y., 2018. Contrasting diagenetic evolution patterns of platform margin limestones and dolostones in the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation, Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 92, 332-351.Wang, T.K., Jiang, L., Cai, C.F.*, 2018. Lipid Evidence for Oil Depletion by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria during U Mineralization in the Dongsheng Deposit. Journal of Earth Science, 29(3), 556-563.蔡春芳*, 2018. 有机硫同位素组成应用于油气来源和演化研究进展. 天然气地球科学, 29, 1-9.余浩元、蔡春芳、郑剑锋、黄理力、袁文芳,2018。微生物结构对微生物白云岩孔隙特征的影响—以塔里木盆地柯坪地区肖尔布拉克组为例。石油实验地质, 40(2), 233-243.


Cai, C.F., Xu, C.L., He, W.X., Zhang, C.M., Li, H.X., 2017. Biomarkers and C and S Isotopes of the Permian to Triassic Solid Bitumen and Its Potential Source Rocks in NE Sichuan Basin. Geofluids, vol. 2017, Article ID 6351382, 11 pagesCai, C. F., Xiang, L., Yuan, Y.Y., Xu, C.L., He, W.X., Tang, Y.J., Borjigen, T., 2017. Sulfur and carbon isotopic compositions of the Permian to Triassic TSR and non-TSR altered solid bitumen and its parent source rock in NE Sichuan Basin. Organic Geochemistry 105, 1–12.Li, H. X., Cai, C.F., Jia, L.Q., Xu, C.L., Zhang, K., 2017. The Effect of Water Chemistry on Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction: A Case Study from the Ordovician in the Tazhong Area, Northwest China. Geofluids, vol. 2017, Article ID 5783137, 14 pagesLi, H. X. Cai, C.F., 2017. Origin and evolution of formation water from the Ordovician carbonate reservoir in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, NW China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 148, 103–114.Zhao, L., Qin, Y., Cai, C.F., Xie, Y.W., Wang, G., Huang, B.,, Xu, C.L., 2017. Control of coal facies to adsorption-desorption divergence of coals: A case from the Xiqu Drainage Area, Gujiao CBM Block, North China. International Journal of Coal Geology 171, 169-184.


Cai, C.F., Amrani, A., Worden, R.H., Xiao, Q.L., Wang, T.K., Gvirtzman, Z., Li, H.X., Said-Ahmad, W., Jia, L.Q. , 2016 Sulfur isotopic compositions of individual organosulfur compounds and their genetic links in the Lower Paleozoic petroleum pools of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 182, 88–108.Cai, C.F., Xiao, Q.L., Fang, C.C., Wang, T.K., He, W.X., Li, H.X. , 2016 The effect of thermochemical sulfate reduction on formation and isomerization of thiadiamondoids and diamondoids in the Lower Paleozoic petroleum pools of the Tarim Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry, 101, 49–62.Jia, L.Q., Cai, C.F., Jiang, L., Zhang, L., Li, H.X., Zhang, W. , 2016 Petrological and geochemical constraints on diagenesis and mesogenetic dissolution of the Ordovician carbonate reservoirs in the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, NW China. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 78, 271-290Jiang, L., Cai, C.F., Worden, R.H., Crowley, S. F., Jia, L.Q., Zhang, K., Duncan, I.J., 2016. Multiphase dolomitization of deeply buried Cambrian petroleum reservoirs, Tarim Basin, Northwest China. Sedimentology 63, 2130-2157.Xiang L., Cai, C.F., He,X.Y., Jiang, L., Yuan, Y.Y., Wang, T.T., Jia, L.Q., Yu,L.,2016. The Ocean Redox State Evolution and Its Controls during the Cambrian Series 1–2: Evidence from Lijiatuo Section, South China. Journal of Earth Science 27, 265–280。蔡春芳、赵龙,2016.热化学硫酸盐还原作用及其对油气与储集层的改造作用:进展与问题。矿物岩石地球化学通报 35(5),851-859。贾连奇、蔡春芳*、李红霞、汪天凯、张文、孔令武,2016. 塔中地区热化学硫酸盐还原作用对深埋白云岩储层的改造。沉积学报,34(6), 1057-1067


Jiang, L., Cai, C.F., Worden, R.H., Li, K.K., Xiang, L., Chu, X.L., Shen, A.J., Li, W.J., 2015. Rare earth element and yttrium (REY) geochemistry in carbonate reservoirs during deep burial diagenesis: Implications for REY mobility during thermochemical sulfate reduction. Chemical Geology 415, 87–101.【Link】Cai, C.F., Hu, G.Y., Li, H.X., Jiang, L., He, W.X., Zhang, B.S., Jia, L.Q., Wang, T.K. Origins and fates of H2S in the Cambrian and Ordovician in Tazhong area: evidence from sulfur isotopes, fluid inclusions and production data. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2015c, 67, 408-418. Cai, C.F., Zhang, C.M., Worden, R.H., Wang, T.K., Li, H.X., Jiang, L., Huang S.Y., Zhang, B.S. Application of sulfur and carbon isotopes to oil–source rock correlation: A case study from the Tazhong area, Tarim Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry, 2015b, 83-84,140-152. Cai, C.F., Xiang, L., Yuan, Y.Y., He, X.Y., Chu, X.L., Chen, Y., Xu, C.L. Marine C, S and N biogeochemical processes in the redox-stratified Early Cambrian Yangtze ocean. Journal of the Geological Society (London). 2015a, 172 (3), 390-406.Jiang, L., Cai, C.F.*, Worden, R.H.*, Li, K.K., Xiang, L., Chu, X.L., Shen, A.J., Li, W.J, 2015. Rare earth element and yttrium (REY) geochemistry in carbonate reservoirs during deep burial diagenesis: Implications for REY mobility during thermochemical sulfate reduction. Chemical Geology, 415, 87–101. Jiang, L., Worden, R.H., Cai, C.F. Generation of isotopically and compositionally distinct water during thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR) in carbonate reservoirs: Triassic Feixianguan Formation, Sichuan Basin, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2015, 169, 249-262. Jiang, L., Pan, W., Cai, C.F., Jia, L.Q., Pan, L., Wang, T.K., Li, H. X., Chen, S. L., Chen, Y. Fluid mixing induced by hydrothermal activity in the ordovician carbonates in Tarim Basin, China. Geofluids, 2015,15,483–498. Jia, L.Q., Cai, C.F., Yang, H., Li, H.X., Wang, T., Zhang, B., Jiang, L., Tao, X.W. Thermochemical and bacterial sulfate reduction in the Cambrian and Lower Ordovician carbonates in the Tazhong Area, Tarim Basin, NW China: Evidence from fluid inclusions, C, S and Sr isotopic data. Geofluids, 2015,15,421–437.


Wang, Z.M., Cai, C.F., Li, H. X., Yang, H.J., Wang, T.K., Zhang, K., Jia, L.Q., Chen, K. Origin of late charged gas and its effect on property of oils in the Ordovician in Tazhong area. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2014, 122, 83-93. Cai, C.F., He, W.X., Jiang, L., Li, K.K., Xiang, L., Jia, L.Q. Petrological and geochemical constraints on porosity difference between Lower Triassic sour- and sweet-gas carbonate reservoirs in the Sichuan Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2014, 56, 34-50. Jiang, L., Worden, R.H., Cai, C.F., Li, K.K., Xiang, L., Cai, L.L., He, X.Y. Dolomitization of gas reservoirs: the Upper Permian Changxing and Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formations, northeast Sichuan Basin, China. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 2014, 84, 792-815. Jiang, L., Worden, R.H., Cai, C.F. Thermochemical sulfate reduction and fluid evolution of the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation sour gas reservoirs: Northeast Sichuan Basin, China, American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 2014, 98, 947-973. Li, K.K., Cai, C.F., Hou, D.J., He, X.Y., Jiang. L., Jia, L.Q., Cai, L.L., 2014. Origin of high H2S concentrations in the Upper Permian Changxing reservoirs of the Northeast Sichuan Basin, China. Marine and Petroleum Geology 57,233-243. Li, K.K., Cai, C.F., Jia, L.Q., Gao, Y., Jiang, Z., Wang, T.K., Jiang, L., 2014. The role of thermochemical sulfate reduction in the genesis of high-quality deep marine reservoirs within the central Tarim Basin, western China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 1-14. Yuan, Y.Y., Cai, C.F., Wang, T.K., Xiang, L., Jia, L.Q., Chen, Y., 2014. Deep-water basin redox conditions during Ediacaran-Cambrian transition period in the Lower Yangtze, South China: Case study of iron speciation and δ13Corg in Diben Section, Zhejiang province. Chinese Science Bulletin, 59, 3638-3649.


Cai, C.F., Zhang, C.M., He, H., Tang, Y.J., 2013. Carbon isotope fractionation during methane-dominated TSR in East Sichuan Basin gas fields, China: A review. Marine and Petroleum Geology 48, 100-110. Jiang, L., Cai, C.F., Worden, R.H., Li, K.K., Xiang, L., 2013. Reflux dolomitization of the Upper Permian Changxing Formation and the Lower Triassic Feixianguan Formation, NE Sichuan Basin, China. Geofluids 13, 232-245. 贺训云, 蔡春芳, 姚根顺, 熊湘华, 沈安江, 向雷, 吴敬武, 2013. 黔南坳陷油苗来源: 碳, 硫同位素及生物标志物证据. 岩石学报 29(3): 1059-1072.


Li, K.K., Cai, C.F., Jiang, L., Cai, L.L., Jia, L.Q., Zhang, B., Xiang, L., Yuan, Y.Y., 2012. Sr evolution in the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic carbonates, Northeast Sichuan Basin, China: constraints from chemistry, isotope and fluid inclusions. Applied Geochemistry 27, 2409- 2424. Jiang, L., Cai, C.F., Zhang, Y.D., Mao, S.Y., Sun, Y.G., Li, K.K., Xiang, L., Zhang, C.M., 2012. Lipids of sulfate-reducing bacteria and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria found in the Dongsheng uranium deposit. Chinese Science Bulletin 57, 1311-1319. 蔡春芳*, 蔡镠璐, 张俊, 蔡勋育, 李开开, 2012. 川东北飞仙关组甲烷为主的 TSR 及其同位素分馏作用. 岩石学报 28(3): 889-894. 李开开, 蔡春芳*, 蔡镏璐, 姜磊, 向雷, 2012. 塔河地区中下奥陶统储层硫化物成因分析. 岩石学报 28(3): 806-814. 向雷*, 蔡春芳, 贺训云, 姜磊, 2012. 贵州渣拉沟剖面下寒武统黑色硅质岩微量元素富集机制. 岩石学报 28(3): 971-980. 杨海军*, 李开开, 潘文庆, 肖中尧, 蔡春芳, 2012. 塔中地区奥陶系埋藏热液溶蚀流体活动及其对深部储层的改造作用. 岩石学报 28(3): 783-792. 张俊*, 蔡镠璐, 向雷, 蔡春芳, 2012. 川东北地区飞仙关组成岩晚期白云石溶解作用. 石油与天然气地质 33(4): 599-606.


Li, K.K., Cai, C.F., He, H., Jiang, L., Cai, L.L., Xiang, L., Huang, S.J., Zhang, C.M., 2011. Origin of palaeo-waters in the Ordovician carbonates in Tahe oilfield, Tarim Basin: constraints from fluid inclusions and Sr, C and O isotopes. Geofluids 11, 71-86. Zhang, C.M., Zhang, Y.Q., Cai, C.F., 2011. Maturity effect on carbazole distributions in source rocks from the saline lacustrine settings, the western Qaidam Basin, NW China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 42, 1288-1296. Zhang, C.M., Zhang, Y.Q., Cai, C.F., 2011. Aromatic isoprenoids from the 25-65 Ma saline lacustrine formations in the western Qaidam Basin, NW China. Organic Geochemistry 42, 851-855.


Cai, C.F., Li, K.K., Zhu, Y.M., Xiang, L., Jiang, L., Tenger, Cai, X.Y., Cai, L.L., 2010. TSR origin of sulfur in the Permian and Triassic reservoir bitumen in East Sichuan Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry 41, 871-878.


Cai, C.F., Zhang, C.M., Cai, L.L., Wu, G.H., Jiang, L., Xu, Z.M., Li, K.K., Ma, A.L., Chen, L.X., 2009c. Origins of Palaeozoic oils in the Tarim Basin: Evidence from sulfur isotopes and biomarkers. Chemical Geology 268,197-210. 蔡春芳, 李开开, 李斌, 蔡镠璐, 姜磊,2009b.塔河地区奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞充填物的地球化学特征及其形成流体分析. 岩石学报 25(10), 2399-2404. Cai, C.F., Li KK., Ma, A.L., Zhang, C.M., Xu, Z.M., Worden, R.H., Wu, G.H., Zhang, B.S., Chen, L.X., 2009a. Distinguishing Cambrian from Upper Ordovician source rocks: Evidence from sulfur isotopes and biomarkers in the Tarim Basin. Organic Geochemistry 40, 755-768. Cai, C.F., Li KK.,Jiang,L., Cai, L.L. 2009. Reservoir porosity enhancement by multiple stages of TSR in East Sichuan Basin gas fields, China. Geochimica Cosmochimi Acta 73, Axxx.


Cai, C.F., Li, KK, Li, H.T., Zhang, B.S., 2008.Evidence for cross formational hot brine flow from integrated 87Sr/86Sr, REE and fluid inclusions of the Ordovician veins in Central Tarim. Applied Geochemistry 23, 2226-2235. Cai, C.F., Li KK., 2008. Secular change in delta S-34 value of early palaeozoic kerogens from the Tarim Basin relative to marine sulphates. Geochimica Cosmochimi Acta 72 (12), A128. 蔡春芳, 李宏涛,李开开,姜磊,2008. 油气厌氧氧化与铀还原的耦合关系-以东胜和钱家店铀矿床为例。 石油实验地质, 30(5),518-521.李开开,蔡春芳,蔡镠鏴,2008. 塔中地区上奥陶统热液流体与热化学硫酸盐还原作用.石油与天然气地质,2(29):217-222 Zhang CM, Zhang YQ, Zhang M, Chen ZY, Peng DH, Sun WL, Cai, C.F., 2008. Compositional variabilities among crude oils from the southwestern part of the Qaidam Basin, NW China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 62, 87-92. Zhang CM, Zhang YQ, Zhang M, Zhao HJ, Cai, C.F., 2008. Carbazole distributions in rocks from non-marine depositional environments. Organic Geochemistry39, 868-878. Jiang HX, Wu YS, Cai, C.F., 2008. Filamentous cyanobacteria fossils and their significance in the Permian-Triassic boundary section at Laolongdong, Chongqing. Chinese Science Bulletin 53,1871-1879.


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蔡春芳、李宏涛. 2005. 沉积盆地热化学硫酸盐还原作用评述. 地球科学进展,20(5), 14-19. Cai, C.F., Hu, GY, He, H., Li, J, Li, JF, Wu, Y. S., 2005. Geochemical characteristics and origin of natural gas and thermochemical sulfate reduction in Ordovician carbonates in the Ordos Basin, China. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 48(3/4), 209-226. Cai, C.F., Worden, R. H., Wolff, G. A., Bottrell, S. H., Wang, D.L., Li, X., 2005. Origin of sulfur rich oils and H2S in Tertiary lacustrine sections of the Jinxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, China. Applied Geochemistry 20, 1427-1444.


Cai, C.F., He, H., Mei, B.W.,Xiao, Y.K.,2004, Origin of brines from the Bachu Uplift, Tarim Basin, China: chemistry and d11B evidence. In: Wanty RB and Seal RR (Eds.), Water-Rock Interaction 2004. London: Taylor and Francis Group, pp. 367-372 Cai, C.F., Xie, Z.Y., Worden, R.H., Hu, G.Y., Wang, L. S., He, H., 2004, Methane-dominated thermochemical sulphate reduction in the Triassic Feixianguan Formation East Sichuan Basin, China: towards prediction of fatal H2S concentrations. Marine and Petroleum Geology 21, 1265-1279 向廷生、万家云、蔡春芳, 2004. 硫酸盐还原菌对原油的降解作用和硫化氢的生成. 天然气地球科学,15(2):171-173 向廷生、蔡春芳、付华娥, 2004. 不同温度、羧酸溶液中长石溶解模拟实验. 沉积学报22, 597-602.


Cai, C.F., Worden, R. H., Bottrell, S. H., Wang, L.S., and Yang, C.C., 2003. Thermochemical sulphate reduction and the generation of hydrogen sulphide and thiols (mercaptans) in Triassic carbonate reservoirs from the Sichuan Basin, China. Chemical Geology 202, 39-57.


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蔡春芳,2000. 塔中古生界油田水混合和运移的证据. 地球化学 29(5):504-510. 蔡春芳、王国安、何 宏,2000. 库车前陆盆地流体化学、成因与流动. 地质地球化学28(1): 56-60.


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蔡春芳, 梅博文, 马亭,陈传平,李伟,刘常青,1997. 塔里木盆地流体-岩石相互作用研究。北京:地质出版社,155p. (专著) Cai, C.F., Mei, B., Li, W., Zeng, F., 1997. Water-rock interaction in Tarim Basin: Constraints from oilfield water geochemistry. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry 16(4), 289-303. 蔡春芳、博梅文、马 亭等,1997. 塔里木盆地油田水成因与演化.地质论评, 43(4): 650-657. 蔡春芳、博梅文、马 亭等, 1997. 塔里木盆地有机酸来源、分布及对成岩作用的影响.沉积学报, 15(3): 103-109. 蔡春芳、博梅文、李 伟等, 1997. 塔中地区古生界流体运聚和化学演化。石油勘探开发, 24(2):18-21. (EI) 蔡春芳、彭德堂、高振中、关银录、史永苏、李碧宁,1997. 民和盆地上侏罗统湿型冲积扇沉积. 矿物岩石17(2): 61-66. 蔡春芳、彭德堂、高振中、关银录、史永苏、李碧宁,1997. 民和盆地中下侏罗统沉积相分析, 青海地质6(2): 14-21. 蔡春芳,1997. 油藏流体连通性水化学指纹分析. 断块油气田,4(2):33-35 蔡春芳,马亭,梅博文,李伟,1997.塔中地区石炭系水文地质与流体非均质性研究.江汉石油学院学报,19(3):30~33 蔡春芳, 1997. 塔里木盆地流体-岩石相互作用及模式. 油气成藏机理及油气资源评价国际研讨会。石油工业出版社,149~152 蔡春芳,1997. 水-岩相互作用地球化学模拟研究现状与进展. 油气成藏机理及油气资源评价国际研讨会。石油工业出版社,199-202 张敏、蔡春芳、张俊, 1997. 油气藏中沥青垫的研究进展. 地质科技情报,16(1):81~84 曾凡刚、周世新、王关玉、李贤庆、霍永忠、蔡春芳,1997.广西第三系煤系地层油砂的地球化学特征.沉积学报,15(3):91~95.


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陈传平、梅博文、马亭、蔡春芳, 1994. 水溶液中硅质絮状沉淀物的实验研究. 石油与天然气地质,15(4):316~321.