







  • 孙伟家
  • 副研究员
  • 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

孙伟家,副研究员,硕士研究生导师。1984年生于河北省巨鹿县。主要研究领域为地震学和勘探地震学。在地震波传播、地震照明分析、叠前深度偏移以及逆时偏移等方面均取得了重要研究进展。现主要从事岩石圈的地震学方法与结构研究: 1) 研发高精度的波动方程地震波传播模拟和成像方法,建立了高精度三维上地幔顶部速度反演的流程,利用该方法研究了澳大利亚和中国东部的三维上地幔顶部的P波、S波速度结构、地震波速比Vp/Vs; 2) 研发了高分辨率的地震光照成像新方法,其对岩石圈界面的分辨率高达2km,利用该方法研究了西澳大利亚和华北的中岩石圈不连续面(MLD)结构。在JGR、GRL、BSSA、Tectonophysics、Geophysics、地球物理学报等国内外学术期刊发表论文30篇,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、国家重点研发计划子课题1项。


2005/09-2010/07,中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,理学博士 2001/09-2005/08,长安大学,地球物理系,理学学士2008/03-2009/01,澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO),访问学生


青藏高原上地幔顶部三维P波、S波速度及地震波速比Vp/Vs研究(41774060),面上项目,2018-2021,主持周边板块持续挤压作用下的华南板块内部结构的相互作用:与澳大利亚中部的比较研究(41720104006),国家自然科学基金委国际合作研究重点项目,2018-2022,主要参加从透射波到反射波: 岩石圈/软流圈及其内部结构,岩石圈演化国家重点实验室开放课题,2016-2017,主持球坐标系下高波数的三维波动方程叠前深度偏移(41474105),面上项目,2015-2018,主持国家公派高级研究学者及访问学者项目(201404910184),2015-2016,主持基于炮域广角单程波动方程的叠前深度偏移速度分析(41104079),青年科学基金项目,2012-2014,主持叠前深度偏移速度分析与层析反演研究(20100480447),第48批博士后基金面上资助,2011-2012,主持
Weijia Sun and B. L. N. Kennett, 2017, Mid-lithosphere discontinuities beneath the western and central North China Craton, Geophys Res Lett, 44, 1302-1310. Jun Su, Li-Yun Fu, Wei Wei, Weijia Sun, Junhua Hu, 2017, On vertical resolution of seismic acquisition geometries in complex 3D media, Geophysics, 82, P75-P87.Gaoxiang Chen, Li-Yun Fu, Wei Wei, Weijia Sun, 2017, Wavefield interpolation in 3D large-step Fourier wavefield extrapolation, Geophysical Prospecting, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2478.12519.Zhou B, Hatherly P, Sun W, 2017, Enhancing the detection of small coal structures by seismic diffraction imaging, International Journal of Coal Geology, 178: 1-12.Guan X, Fu L Y, Sun W, 2017, Acoustic viscoelastic modeling by frequency-domain boundary element method, Earthquake Science, 30(2), 97-105.Hu, J., L.-Y. Fu, W. Sun, and Y. Zhang, 2017, A study of the Coulomb stress and seismicity rate changes induced by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, J Asian Earth Sci. 135, 303-319.Weijia Sun and B. L. N. Kennett, 2016, Uppermost mantle P wavespeed structure beneath eastern China and its surroundings, Tectonophysics, 683, 12-26.Weijia Sun and B. L. N. Kennett, 2016, Uppermost mantle structure beneath eastern China and its surroundings from Pn and Sn tomography, Geophys Res Lett, 43(7), 3143-3149.Weijia Sun and B. L. N. Kennett, 2016, Receiver structure from teleseisms: Autocorrelation and cross correlation, Geophys Res Lett, 43, 6234-6242.Weijia Sun and Brian Kennett, 2016, Uppermost mantle structure of the Australian continent from Pn traveltime tomography, Journal of Geophysical Research: solid earth, 121(3), 2004-2019.Weijia Sun, Binzhong Zhou and Li-Yun Fu, 2015, A staggered-grid convolutional differentiator for elastic wave modeling, Journal of Computational Physics, 301, 59-76. Wei Wei, Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, 2015, Quantitative Calculation of Acquisition Footprints for 3D Land Seismic Acquisition Geometries, Journal of Seismic Exploration, 24, 83-102.Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, Brian. L. N. Kennett, 2014, Comparison of crustal and upper mantle heterogeneity in different time periods: Indonesian subduction zone to northern Australia: Earthquake Science, 27(1): 47-55.Binzhong Zhou, Peter Hatherly, Troy Peters, and Weijia Sun, 2014, Coal seismic surveying over near-surface basalts: Experience from Central Queensland, Australia: Geophysics, 79(2):B127-B140.Weijia Sun and Li-Yun Fu, 2013, Two effective approaches to reduce data storage in reverse time migration: Computers & Geosciences,56, 69-75.孙伟家, 符力耘, 管西竹, 魏伟, 2013, 页岩气地震勘探中页岩各向异性的地震模拟研究: 地球物理学报, 56, 961-970.Weijia Sun and Li-Yun Fu, 2012, Compensation for transmission losses based on one-way propagators in the mixed domain: Geophysics, 77(3), S65-S72.Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, and Binzhong Zhou, 2012, Common-angle image gathers for shot-profile migration: an efficient and stable strategy: Exploration Geophysics, 43, 1-7.Zhenglin Pei, Li-Yun Fu, Weijia Sun, Tao Jiang, and Binzhong Zhou, 2012, Anisotropic finite-difference algorithm for modeling elastic wave propagation in fractured coalbeds: Geophysics, 77(1), 1-14.骆宗强, 魏伟, 孙伟家, 管西竹, 符力耘, 2012, 三维地震观测系统采集脚印定量分析: 地球物理学进展, 27, 548-554.王建花, 魏伟, 李绪宣, 温书亮, 刘志斌, 孙伟家, 管西竹, 2012, 深水崎岖海底对下伏地层地震成像的影响研究: 地球物理学进展, 27, 702-708.孙伟家, 符力耘, 胡善政, 崔永福, 2011, 基于相位编码的Fourier变换波动方程三维地震照明分析: 地球物理学进展, 26(4), 1249-1257.Weijia Sun, Binzhong Zhou, Peter Hatherly, and Li-Yun Fu, 2010, Seismic wave propagation through surface basalts – implications for coal seismic surveys: Exploration Geophysics, 41, 1-8.Weijia Sun, Binzhong Zhou, and Li-Yun Fu, 2010, Dip angle-compensated one-way wave equation migration: Exploration Geophysics, 41, 137-145.陶毅, 符力耘, 孙伟家, 孙秋霞, 2010, 地震波干涉法研究进展综述: 地球物理学进展, 25(5), 1775-1784.孙伟家, 符力耘, 碗学检, 2007, 基于相位编码的地震照明度分析: 石油地球物理勘探, 42(5), 539-543.Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, and Ru-Shan Wu, 2008, 2.5D SH wave propagation in heterogeneous crustal wave guides using the phase screen method: Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 98(5), 2391–2401.马义忠, 魏伟, 孙伟家, 符力耘. 南阳凹陷高精度三维地震采集观测系统设计: 石油物探, 2008, 47(5): 498-504.孙伟家, 符力耘, 碗学检, 2007, 基于相位编码的地震照明度分析: 石油地球物理勘探, 42(5), 539-543.符力耘, 孙伟家, 李东平, 2007, 退化的Fourier 偏移算子及其在复杂断块成像中的应用: 地球物理学报, 50(4), 1241-1250.会议论文B. Zhou, P. Hatherly and W. Sun, 2015, Enhancing fault detection by seismic diffraction imaging: The 7th BBGG Symposium, Brisbane, Australia.Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, Zhenxing Yao, 2015, Reducing data storage in reverse time migration: 24th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia.Wei Wei, Li-Yun Fu, Weijia Sun, 2015, Monte-Carlo simulation of stress-associated ultrasonic scattering attenuation: 24th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia.Wei Wei, Li-Yun Fu, Weijia Sun, 2015, Horizontal resolution of seismic acquisition geometries, 24th International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Perth, Australia.Weijia Sun, Binzhong Zhou, Peter Hatherly, and Li-Yun Fu, 2013, Coal seismic diffraction fault diffraction imaing: Results from numerical modeling: 23rd International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Melbourne, Australia.Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, and Binzhong Zhou, 2012, A robust scheme to output angle-domain common image gathers for shot-profile migration: 22nd International Geophysical Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane Australia.孙伟家, 符力耘, 2011, 基于炮域单程波偏移的角度域共成像点道集方法研究: 第27届中国地球物理学年会, 湖南长沙.Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, and Zhenglin Pei, 2011, Wave propagation modeling by a wavelet-optimized adaptive finite-difference method: International Symposium on Geophysical Imaging with Localized Waves, Sanya China.Weijia Sun, Zhenglin Pei, and Li-Yun Fu, 2010, Azimuthal anisotropy of elastic wave propagation in vertically fractured coalbed with high crack density: 14th International Workshop on Seismic Anisotropy, Perth Australia.Weijia Sun, Binzhong Zhou, Peter Hatherly, 2009, Sub-basalt coal seam structure imaging - results from numerical modeling,ASEG Extended Abstracts, 20th Geophysical Conference, 1-8.孙伟家, 符力耘, 碗学检, 2007, 基于相位编码的地震照明度分析: 第23届中国地球物理学年会, 青岛.专著章节Weijia Sun, Li-Yun Fu, Wei Wei, and Binzhong Zhou, 2011, Seismic Illumination Analysis with One-Way Wave Propagators Coupled with Reflection/Transmission Coefficients in 3D Complex Media, in I. A. Dar, and M. A. Dar, Earth and Environmental Sciences: InTech, 173-194.