







  • 吴乃琴
  • 研究员
  • 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所
学历:1985- 1989 上海同济大学海洋地质系, 理学博士1982 -1985 中国科学院南京地质古生物研究所, 理学硕士1978 -1982 南京大学地质系地层古生物专业, 理学学士工作简历:1989 –1994 中国科学院地质研究所, 助研1994-1998 中国科学院地质研究所,副研究员1998-1999 中国科学院地质研究所 特批研究员1999 – 现 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 研究员2003-现 国际第四纪研究联合会(INQUA)古气候学分会委员,通讯委员

古生物学,古气候学, 古生态学, 第四纪地质学选择晚新生代以来陆相风尘沉积中陆生软体动物化石作为研究对象,开展系统的黄土生物地层学研究工作。从现生黄土蜗牛化石组合着手,确定现生蜗牛组合与气候环境因子的定量关系。建立晚中新世以来蜗牛化石的组合序列,定性-半定量的恢复地质历史时期气候环境状况,在轨道时间尺度上探讨东亚冬夏季风变化的阶段性、周期性,及季节性变化特征,在百-千年时间尺度上探索黄土高原的温湿度的不同时性,探讨特征时段黄土高原区域性的气候环境状况及可能的原因与机制。

国家自然科学基金项目:末次冰消期以来黄土高原陆生软体动物生物多样性变化对气候转暖过程的响应(2013-2016) 国家自然科学基金项目:黄土高原早更新世生物化石研究及7Ma以来蜗牛化石序列的建立(2010-2012) 黄土区生物多样性:中国科学院战略先导科技专项(碳专项)-项目12大暖期中国环境格局-专题3
Li Fengjiang, Wu Naiqin, Lu Houyuan, Zhang Jianping, Wang Weilin, Ma Mingzhi, Zhang Xiaohu, Yang Xiaoyan, 2013, Mid- Neolithic exploitation of mollusks in the Guanzhong Basin of Northwestern China: Preliminary results. PLOS ONE, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0058999. Deke Xu, Houyuan Lu, Naiqin Wu, Zhenxia Liu, Tiegang Li, Caiming Shen, Luo Wang, 2013, Asynchronous marine-terrestrial signals of the last deglacial warming in East Asia associated with low- and high-latitude climate changes. PNAS, doi/10.1073/pnas.1300024110. Huang , L.P., Wu, N.Q., Gu, Z. Y., Chen, X. Y., 2012, Variability of snail growing season at the Chinese Loess Plateau during the last 75 ka. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(9):1036-1045. B. Wu, N.Q.Wu, 2011, Terrestrial mollusk records from Xifeng and Luochuan L9 loess strata and their implications for paleocmilatic evolution in the Chinese Loess Plateau during marine Oxygen Isotope Stages 24-22. Climate of the Past, 7. 349-359.Li Fengjiang, Wu Naiqin, 2010, Pliocene land snail record from western Chinese Loess Plateau and implications for impacts of summer insolation gradient between middle and low latitudes on the East Asian summer monsoon. Global and Planetary Change, 72 (1-2): 73-78.Rousseau Denis-Didier, Wu Naiqin, Pei Yunpeng, Li Fengjiang, 2009, Three exceptionally strong East-Asian summer monsoon events during glacial times in the past 470 kyr. Climate of the Past, 5, 157-169.Li Fengjiang, Rousseau Denis-Didier, Wu Naiqin(Corre.author), Hao Qingzhen, Pei Yunpeng, 2008, Late Neogene evolution of the East Asian monsoon revealed by terrestrial mollusk record in western Chinese Loess Plateau: from winter to summer dominated sub-regime. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 274 (3-4), 439-447.Wu, N. Q., Chen, X. Y., Rousseau D. D., Li, F. J., Pei. Y. P., Wu, B., 2007, Climatic conditions recorded by terrestrial mollusc assemblages in the Chinese Loess Plateau during marine Oxygen Isotope Stages 12-10. Quaternary Sciences Reviews, 26, 1884-1896.Li Fengjiang, Wu Naiqin, Pei Yunpeng, Hao Qingzhen, Rousseau Denis-Didier, 2006, Wind-blown origin of Dongwan late Miocene-Pliocene dust sequence documented by land snail record in western Chinese Loess Plateau. Geology, 34 (5), 405-408.Wu, N. Q., Pei, Y. P., Lu, H. Y., Guo, Z. T., Li, F. J., Liu, T. S., 2006, Marked ecological shifts during 6.2-2.4 Ma revealed by a terrestrial molluscan record from the Chinese Red Clay Formation and implication for palaeoclimatic evolution. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 233, 287-299.Wu, N.Q., Liu, T. S., Liu, X. P., Gu, Z. Y., 2002, Mollusk record of millennia climate variability in the Loess Plateau during the Last Glacial Maximum. Boreas, 31: 20-27.Wu, N.Q., Rousseau, D. D., Liu, T. S., Lu, H.Y., Gu, Z.Y., Guo, Z. T., Jiang, W. Y. 2001, Orbital forcing of terrestrial mollusks and climatic changes from the Loess Plateau of China during the past 350 ka. Jounal of Geophysical Research, 106(D17): 20045-20054.Wu Naiqin, Rousseau, D. D., Liu Tungsheng, 2000, Response of mollusk assemblages from the Luochuan loess section to orbital forcing since the last 250 ka. Chinese Science Bulletin, 45(17): 1617-1622.Wu Naiqin, Rousseau, D. D., Liu Tungsheng, 1999, Climate instability recorded by the mollusk assemblages from the late glacial loess deposits in China, Chinese Science Bulletin, 44: 1238-1242.Wu Naiqin, Lu Houyuan, Guo Zhengtang, 1997, Reconstrcution of paleoclimate in the Loess Plateau using nonlinear mathematics method. Chinese Science Bulletin, 42(12): 1014-1016.Wu Naiqin, Rousseau, D. D., Liu, T, S., Land mollusk records from the Luochuan loess sequence and their paleoenvironmental significance. Science in China, Ser. D, 39(5): 494-502.Wu Naiqin, Lu Houyuan, Sun Xiangjun, Guo Zhengtang, et al, 1995,Climate factor transfer function from opal phytolith and its application in paleoclimate reconstruction of China loess-paleosol sequences. Scientic Geologica Sinica. Supplementary Issue (1) 105-114.