- 张宏福
- 两院院士
- 北京朝阳区北土城西路19号,中科院地质与地球物理研究所

简历: |
张宏福,博士生导师,1962年出生于陕西省山阳县。现任地质与地球物理研究所研究员和西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室常务副主任,曾任地质与地球物理研究所岩石圈演化研究室主任。2017年当选中国科学院院士。 长期从事岩石圈地幔和下地壳研究,以深源岩石及其捕虏体为对象,探索地幔与地壳、软流圈与岩石圈相互作用的内在机理和外部因素,揭示大陆岩石圈的演化过程。在大陆深部物质和能量交换的内在机理、外部控制因素、非传统稳定同位素三个方面取得系统性创新成就。特别是提出并论证了证明橄榄岩-熔体相互作用造成的岩石圈地幔组成的变化是导致古老克拉通能够被破坏的本质,对华北克拉通破坏研究做出了突出贡献。在国内外学术刊物发表论文172篇,其中SCI收录138篇,被SCI引用4246次,其中他引3213次,H-index为37。为ISI Geosciences Top 1%高引用率作者。 学历: 1985年 毕业于西北大学地质系,获学士学位。1988年 毕业于原武汉地质学院北京研究生部,获理学硕士学位。1998年 毕业于英国伦敦大学皇家 Holloway 学院地质学系,获理学博士学位。工作经历: 1988-1991年 西北大学地质学,助教1992-1994年 西北大学地质学,讲师1995年 英国伦敦大学皇家 Holloway 学院地质系,访问学者1998-2001年 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,副研究员2002-今 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所,研究员2010年11月-今 西北大学大陆动力学国家重点实验室,常务副主任国际合作:英国伦敦大学Martin A. Menzies教授 美国哥伦比亚大学Lamont研究所Steven L. Goldstein教授 香港大学孙敏教授 日本冈山大学固体地球科学研究中心Eizo Nakamura教授 美国卡内基研究所Steven B. Shirey教授 法国国家科研中心主任Etienne Deloule研究员 社会任职:中国矿物岩石地球化学学会理事 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会地幔矿物岩石地球化学专业委员会副主任委员 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会火山及地球内部化学专业委员会委员 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会化学地球动力学专业委员会委员 《地质学报》英文版副主编、《岩石学报》编委曾任《科学通报》编委和《Geochemical Journal》编委 培养的学生简介:张瑾(第一个博士研究生,2006博士毕业,现在北京雀巢公司工作);汤艳杰(第一个博士后,2006年出站后留所工作,主要从事Li同位素地球化学研究,曾获中国矿物岩石地球化学学会侯德封青年科学家奖,2012年晋升为研究员);杨岳衡(在职博士生,主要从事实验方法开发和应用研究,现在MC-ICPMS实验室工作,2014年晋升为(教授级)高级工程师);张文慧(博士后,2008年出站,现在福州大学紫金矿业学院从事教学和科研工作);杨蔚(博士后,2009年出站后留所工作,主要从事Mg同位素地球化学研究,现在Nano-SIMS实验室工作,2013年获基金委优青);赵新苗(硕博连读+博士后,2010年出站后留所工作,主要从事Fe同位素地球化学研究,现在TIMS实验室工作);肖 燕(硕博连读+博士后,2011年出站后留所工作,主要从事地幔橄榄岩PGE和Os同位素地球化学研究;现为岩石圈演化国家重点实验室副研究员);苏本勋(硕士+博士后,2012年出站后留所工作,主要从事地幔橄榄岩岩石学和地球化学研究;现为矿产资源研究院重点实验室研究员,镁铁-超镁铁岩成矿学科组组长);张舟(硕士研究生,2011年毕业后赴美国明尼苏达大学攻读博士,从事实验岩石学研究);胡妍(硕士研究生,2012年毕业后赴美国华盛顿大学攻读博士,从事Mg同位素地球化学研究);张鹏飞(硕士研究生,2013年毕业后赴香港大学攻读博士,从事层状基性岩石矿床学研究);张娟(博士后,2013年出站后留西北大学地质系工作,现从事前寒武纪地壳演化研究和教学工作);目前地质与地球所和西北大学尚有在读博士研究生5名,硕士研究生4名,博士后1人。 |
研究方向: |
地幔地球化学和岩石圈演化 具体研究内容: 华北克拉通破坏过程及其动力学 橄榄岩-熔体相互作用和熔体来源 古老(下)地壳的形成与演化 非传统Li-Fe-Mg同位素地球化学 |
学科类别: |
地球化学 |
职务: |
社会任职: |
获奖及荣誉: |
2001年获英国伦敦大学论文发表奖2002年获国家杰出青年科学基金2009年获中华人民共和国国务院颁发的《政府特殊津贴》2009年获国家自然科学二等奖(排名第二),获奖题目为“大别山-苏鲁大陆深俯冲及其对华北克拉通的影响”2010年获陕西省“百人计划”2014年获中国科学院杰出科技成就奖(第二位突出贡献者),获奖题目为“华北克拉通破坏” |
承担科研项目情况: |
正承担科研项目: 973项目二级课题“兴蒙造山带西段板块构造体制与成矿体系”,2013-2017教育部“创新团队”项目“陆内构造及其动力学”,2013-2016国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划《华北克拉通破坏》集成项目“华北克拉通破坏过程与动力学机制集成研究”,2015-2017曾主持的重大项目: 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划《华北克拉通破坏》集成项目“华北克拉通破坏过程及其动力学:岩石地球化学证据”,2011-2014国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划《华北克拉通破坏》重点项目“华北岩石圈地幔的破坏和重建过程:非传统同位素地球化学示踪”,2008-2010国家自然科学基金委大陆动力学重点项目“华北东部中生代岩石圈地幔的改造过程:橄榄岩-熔体相互作用”,2006-2009中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“华北克拉通东、西部岩石圈地幔的差异演化过程”,2006-2009 |
代表论著: |
截至2014年12月 1、第一作者论文(国际SCI) Zhang H.F. Neoarchean recycling of 18O-enriched supracrustal materials into the lower crust: Zircon record from the North China Craton. Precambrian Research 248(2014), 60-71.Zhang H.F., Wang J.L., Zhou D.W., Yang Y.H., Zhang G.W., Santosh M., Yu H., Zhang J. Hadean to Neoarchean episodic crustal growth: Detrital zircon records in Paleoproterozoic quartzites from the southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research 254(2014), 245-257.Zhang H.F., Yu H., Zhou D.W., Zhang J., Dong Y.P., Zhang G.W. The meta-gabbroic complex of Fushui in north Qinling orogen: A case of syn-subduction mafic magmatism. Gondwana Research (2014), dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2014.04.010.Zhang H.F., Chen L., Santosh M., Menzies M.A. Construction and destruction of cratons: Preface. Gondwana Research 23(2013), 1-3.Zhang H.F., Zhu R.X., Santosh M., Ying J.F., Su B.X., Hu Y. Episodic widespread magma underplating beneath the North China Craton in the Phanerozoic: Implications for craton destruction. Gondwana Research 23(2013), 95-107.Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Santosh M., Zhao G.C. Episodic growth of Precambrian lower crust beneath the North China Craton: A synthesis. Precambrian Research 222-223(2012), 255-264.Zhang H.F., Sun Y.L., Tang Y.J., Xiao Y., Zhang W.H., Zhao X.M., Santosh M., Menzies M.A. Melt-peridotite interaction in the Pre-Cambrian mantle beneath the western North China Craton: Petrology, geochemistry and Sr, Nd and Re isotopes. Lithos 149(2012), 100-114.Zhang H.F. Destruction of ancient lower crust through magma underplating beneath Jiaodong Peninsula, North China Craton: U-Pb and Hf isotopic evidence from granulite xenoliths. Gondwana Research 21(2012), 281-292.Zhang H.F., Yang Y.H., Santosh M., Zhao X.M., Ying J.F., Xiao Y. Evolution of the Archean and Paleoproterozoic lower crust beneath the Trans-North China Orogen and the Western Block of the North China Craton. Gondwana Research 22(2012), 73-85.Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Li X.H., Feng C., Santosh M. Phanerozoic reactivation of the Archean North China Craton through episodic magmatism: Evidence from zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes from the Liaodong Peninsula. Gondwana Research 19(2011), 446-459.Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Tang J.Y., Ying J.F. Melt/rock interaction in remains of refertilized Archean lithospheric mantle in Jiaodong Peninsula, North China Craton: Li isotopic evidence. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 160(2010), 261-277.Zhang H.F., Zhou M.F., Sun M., Zhou X.H. The origin of Mengyin and Fuxian diamondiferous kimberlites from the North China Craton: Implication for Palaeozoic subducted oceanic slab-mantle interaction. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 37(2010), 425-437.Zhang H.F., Nakamura E., Kobayashi K., Ying J.F., Yang Y.J. Recycled crustal melt injection into lithospheric mantle: implication from cumulative composite and pyroxenite xenoliths. International Journal of Earth Sciences 99(2010), 1167-1186.Zhang H.F., Goldstein S.L., Zhou X.H., Sun M., Cai Y. Comprehensive refertilization of lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton: further Os-Sr-Nd isotopic constraints. Journal of the Geological Society, London 166(2009), 249-259.Zhang H.F., Goldstein S.L., Zhou X.H., Sun M., Zheng J.P., Cai Y. Evolution of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath eastern China: Re-Os isotopic evidence from mantle xenoliths in Paleozoic kimberlites and Mesozoic basalts. Contributions to Minerology and Petrology 155(2008), 271-293.Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Shimoda G., Kita N.T., Morishita Y., Shao J.A., Tang Y.J. Importance of melt circulation and crust-mantle interaction in the lithospheric evolution beneath the North China Craton: Evidence from Mesozoic basalt-borne clinopyroxene xenocrysts and pyroxenite xenoliths. Lithos 96(2007), 67-89.Zhang H.F., Nakamura E., Sun M., Kobayashi K., Zhang J., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Niu L.F. Transformation of subcontinental lithospheric mantle through peridotite-melt reaction: Evidence from a highly fertile mantle xenolith from the North China Craton. International Geology Review 49(2007), 658-679.Zhang H.F. Transformation of lithospheric mantle through peridotite-melt reaction: a case of Sino-Korean craton. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 237(2005), 768-780.Zhang H.F., Sun M., Zhou X.H., Ying J.F. Geochemical constraints on the origin of Mesozoic alkaline intrusive complexes from the North China Craton and tectonic implications. Lithos 81(2005), 297-317.Zhang H.F., Sun M., Zhou M.F., Fan W.M., Zhou X.H., Zhai M.G. Highly heterogeneous Late Mesozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton: evidence from Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic systematics of mafic igneous rocks. Geological Magazine 141(2004), 55-62.Zhang H.F., Sun M., Zhou X.H., Zhou M.F., Fan W.M., Zheng J.P. Secular evolution of the lithosphere beneath the eastern North China Craton: evidence from Mesozoic basalts and high-Mg andesites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 67(22)(2003), 4373-4387.Zhang H.F., Menzies M.A., Mattey D. Mixed mantle provenance: diverse garnet compositions in polymict peridotites, Kaapvaal craton, South Africa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 216(2003), 329-346.Zhang H.F., Sun M., Zhou X.H., Fan W.M., Zhai M.G., Yin J.F. Mesozoic lithosphere destruction beneath the North China Craton: evidence from major, trace element, and Sr-Nd-Pb isotope studies of Fangcheng basalts. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrolology 144(2002), 241-253.Zhang H.F., Sun M. Geochemistry of Mesozoic basalts and mafic dikes in southeastern North China Craton, and tectonic implication. International Geology Review 44(2002), 370-382.Zhang H.F., Menzies M.A., Gurney J.J., Zhou X.H. Cratonic peridotites and silica-rich melts: Diopside-enstatite relationships in polymict xenoliths, Kaapvaal, South Africa. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 65(2001), 3365-3377.Zhang H.F., Menzies M.A., Mattey D.P., Hinton R.H., Gurney J.J. Petrology, Mineralogy and geochemistry of oxide minerals in polymict xenoliths from the Bultfontein kimberlites, South Africa: implication for low bulk-rock oxygen isotopic ratios. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 141(2001), 367-379.Zhang H.F., Sun M., Lu F.X., Zhou X.H., Zhou M.F., Liu Y.S., Zhang G.H. Geochemical significance of a garnet lherzolite from the Dahongshan kimberlite, Yangtze Craton, southern China. Geochemical Journal 35(2001), 315-331.Zhang H.F., Mattey D.P., Grassineau N., Lowry D., Brownless M., Gurney J.J., Menzies M.A. Recent fluid processes in the Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa: coupled oxygen isotope and trace element disequilibrium in polymict peridotites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 176(2000), 57-72.2、第一作者论文(国内SCI) Zhang H.F. Peridotite-melt interaction: a key point for the destruction of cratonic lithospheric mantle. Chinese Science Bulletin 54(2009), 3417-3437. [张宏福. 橄榄岩-熔体相互作用:克拉通型岩石圈地幔能够被破坏之关键. 科学通报 54(14)(2009), 2008-2026].张宏福. 橄榄岩-熔体相互作用过程中Re-Os体系的变化趋势:对华北新生代地幔橄榄岩Re-Os年龄含义的启示. 岩石学报 24(11)(2008), 2457-2467. [Zhang H.F. Variation of Re-Os isotopic system during peridotite-melt interaction: implication for the meaning of Re-Os isotopic age of Cenozoic mantle peridotites from the North China Craton. Acta Petrologica Sinica 24(11)(2008), 2457-2467].张宏福, 邵济安. 辽西义县组火山岩:拆沉作用还是岩浆混合作用的产物?岩石学报 24(1)(2008), 37-48. [Zhang H.F., Shao J.A. Volcanic lavas of the Yixian Formation in western Liaoning province, China: products of lower crust delamination or magma mixing. Acta Petrologica Sinica 24(1)(2008), 37-48].张宏福, 杨岳衡. 华北克拉通东部含金刚石金伯利岩的侵位年龄和Sr-Nd-Hf同位素地球化学特征. 岩石学报 23(2)(2007), 285-294. [Zhang H.F., Yang Y.H. Emplacement age and Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic characteristics of the diamondiferous kimberlites from the eastern North China Craton. Acta Petrologica Sinica 23(2)(2007), 285-294].Zhang H.F., Nakamura E., Zhang J., Akira I. Glass melt inclusion in clinopyroxene from Linqu Cenozoic basalt, Shandong Province, China. Chinese Science Bulletin 51(2006), 1869-1876. [张宏福, Nakamura E., 张瑾, Akira I. 山东临朐新生代玄武岩携带的单斜辉石晶体中玻璃质熔体包裹体. 科学通报 51(13)(2006), 1558-1564].张宏福, 英基丰, 汤艳杰, 张瑾, 赵新苗, 牛利锋, 肖燕, 苏本勋. 华北东部中、新生代岩石圈地幔的不均一性:来自橄榄石的组成填图结果. 岩石学报 22(9)(2006), 2279-2288. [Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Zhang J., Zhao X.M., Niu L.F., Xiao Y., Su B.X. Heterogeneity of Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton: evidence from olivine compositional mapping. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22(9)(2006), 2279-2288].张宏福, 周新华, 范蔚茗, 孙敏, 郭锋, 英基丰, 汤艳杰, 张瑾, 牛利锋. 华北东南部中生代岩石圈地幔性质、组成、富集过程及其形成机理. 岩石学报21(4)(2005), 1271-1280. [Zhang H.F., Zhou X.H., Fan W.M., Sun M., Guo F., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Zhang J., Niu L.F. Nature, composition, enrichment processes and its mechanism of the Mesozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the southeastern North China Craton. Acta Petrologica Sinica 21(4)(2005), 1271-1280].Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Xu P., Ma Y.G. Mantle olivine xenocrysts entrained in Mesozoic basalts from the North China craton: implication for replacement process of lithospheric mantle. Chinese Science Bulletin 49(9)(2004), 961-966. [张宏福, 英基丰, 徐平, 马玉光. 华北中生代玄武岩中地幔橄榄石捕虏晶:对岩石圈置换过程的启示. 科学通报 49(9)(2004), 961-966].Zhang H.F., Zheng J.P. Geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Mesozoic basalts from the North China Craton: A case study in Fuxin, Liaoning Province. Chinese Science Bulletin 48(9)(2003), 924-930. [张宏福, 郑建平. 华北中生代玄武岩的地球化学特征与岩石成因: 以辽宁阜新为例. 科学通报 48(6)(2003), 603-609].Zhang H.F., Menzies M.A., Lu F.X., Zhou X.H. Major and trace element studies on garnets from Palaeozoic kimberlite-borne mantle xenoliths and megacrysts from the North China craton. Science in China(D) 43(4)(2000), 423-430. [张宏福, Menzies M.A., 路凤香, 周新华. 华北古生代地幔岩捕掳体中石榴石和巨晶石榴石的主、微量元素. 中国科学(D) 30(2)(2000), 128-134].Zhang H.F., Menzies M.A., Zhou X.H., Lu F.X. Textural and chemical zoning in garnets related to mantle metasomatism and deformation processes. Chinese Science Bulletin 45(2)(2000), 174-180. [张宏福, Menzies M.A., 周新华, 路凤香. 石榴石的成份环带与地幔交代及变形作用. 科学通报 44(22)(1999), 2437-2444].3、第一作者论文(核心期刊) 张宏福, 路凤香, 赵磊, Menzies M.A., Mattey D.P., 梁尚莹. 中国原生金刚石的碳同位素组成及其来源. 地球科学34(1)(2009), 37-42. [Zhang H.F., Lu F.X., Zhao L., Menzies M.A., Mattey D.P., Liang S.Y. Carbon isotopes in China natural diamonds. Earth Science 34(1)(2009), 37-42].张宏福, 汤艳杰, 赵新苗, 杨岳衡. 非传统同位素体系在地幔地球化学研究中的重要性及其前景. 地学前缘 14(2)(2007), 37-57. [Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J., Zhao X.M., Yang Y.H. Significance and prospective of non-traditional isotopic systems in mantle geochemistry. Earth Science Frontiers 14(2)(2007), 37-57].张宏福. 橄榄岩-熔体的相互作用:岩石圈地幔组成转变的重要方式. 地学前缘13(2)(2006), 65-75. [Zhang H.F. Peridotite-melt interaction: an important mechanism for the compositional transformation of lithospheric mantle. Earth Science Frontiers 13(2)(2006), 65-75].张宏福. 复杂橄榄岩捕虏体:反演岩石圈演化过程的罕见而重要的样品. 地球科学31(1)(2006), 31-37. [Zhang H.F. Complex peridotitic xenoliths: rare and important samples for understanding the lithospheric evolution. Earth Science 31(1)(2006), 31-37].张宏福. 辽宁省铁岭地区金伯利岩的地球化学特征及其成因初探. 现代地质 7(4)(1993), 458-464. [Zhang H.F. Research on geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of kimberlite in Tieling, Liaoning Province. Geoscience 7(4)(1993), 458-464].张宏福. 上地幔的氧逸度与金刚石的成因. 地质科技情报 9(1)(1990), 9-15. [Zhang H.F. Oxygen fugacity of earths upper mantle and genesis of diamond. Geological Science and Technology Information 9(1)(1990), 9-15].张宏福. 在金伯利岩中首次发现二硅铁矿和自然硅. 地质科技情报 8(1)(1989), 40.4、第一作者论文(特邀专辑或专著) Zhang H.F., Chen L., Santosh M., Menzies M.A. Construction and destruction of cratons. Gondwana Research 23(2013), 1-390 (edited special issue).Zhang H.F., Chen L., Menzies M.A., van der Hilst R.D. Formation, reactivation and destruction of cratons. Lithos 149(2012), 1-188 (edited special issue).Zhang H.F. Temporal and spatial distribution of Mesozoic mafic magmatism in the North China Craton and implications for secular lithospheric evolution. Geological Society, London, Special publications 280(2007), 35-54. In: Zhai M.G., Windley B.F., Kusky T.M. and Meng Q.R. (eds) Mesozoic Sub-Continental Lithospheric Thinning Under Eastern Asia.张宏福. 岩石圈地幔形成年龄测定. 见:丁仲礼(主编)固体地球科学研究方法. 北京:科学出版社, 2013, 519-530.5、第二作者课题组论文(国际SCI) Xiao Y., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Su B.X., Tang Y.J., Sakyi P.A., Hu Y., Ying J.F. Large lithium isotopic variations in minerals from peridotite xenoliths from the Eastern North China Craton. The Journal of Geology 123(2015), 79-94.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Vigier N., Sakyi P.A. Lithium elemental and isotopic variations in rock-melt interaction. Chemie der Erde 74(2014), 705-713.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Vigier N., Hu Y., Tang Y.J., Xiao Y., Sakyi P.A. Distinguishing silicate and carbonatite mantle metasomatism by using lithium and its isotopes. Chemical Geology 381(2014), 67-77.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Su B.X., Ying J.F., Santosh M., Xiao Y. Abnormal lithium isotope composition from the ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton. Scientific Reports 4(2014), 4274.Zhang Z., Zhang H.F., Shao J.A., Ying J.F., Yang Y.H., Santosh M. Mantle upwelling during Permian to Triassic in the northern margin of the North China Craton: Constraints from southern Inner Mongolia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 79(2014), 112-129.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Santosh M., Ying, J.F. Differential destruction of the North China Craton: A tectonic perspective. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 78(2013), 71-82.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Su B.X., Li X.H., Santosh M. Rapid eruption of the Ningwu volcanics in eastern China: Response to Cretaceous subduction of the Pacific plate. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 14(2013), 1703-1721.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Su B.X. Widespread refertilization of cratonic and circum-cratonic lithospheric mantle. Earth-Science Reviews 118(2013), 45-68.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Su B.X., Chu Z.Y., Xiao Y., Zhao X.M. Highly heterogeneous lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Zone of the North China Craton evolved from Archean mantle through diverse melt refertilization. Gondwana Research 23(2013), 130-140.Ying J.F., Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J., Su B.X., Zhou X.H. Diverse crustal components in pyroxenite xenoliths from Junan, Sulu orogenic belt: Implications for lithospheric modification invoked by continental subduction. Chemical Geology 356(2013), 181-192.Zhang J., Zhang H.F., Lu X.X. Zircon U-Pb age and Lu-Hf isotope constraints on Precambrian evolution of continental crust in the Songshan area, the south-central North China Craton. Precambrian Research 226(2013), 1- 20.Zhang W.H., Zhang H.F., Fan W.M., Han B.F., Zhou M.F. The genesis of Cenozoic basalts from the Jining area, northern China: Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotope evidence. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 61(2013), 128-142.Zhao X.M., Zhang H.F., Su F., Hu Z.C., Lo C.H., Wang Y., Yang S.H., Guo J.H. Phlogopite 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of mantle xenoliths from the North China Craton: Constraints on the eruption ages of Cenozoic basalts. Gondwana Research 23(2013), 208-219.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Sakyi P.A., Xiao Y., Tang Y.J., Yan H., Ying J.F., Liu P.P. Extremely high Li and low δ7Li signatures in the lithospheric mantle. Chemical Geology 292-293(2012), 149-157.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Hu Y., Santosh M., Tang Y.J., Xiao Y. The genesis of mantle-derived sapphirine. American Mineralogist 97(2012), 856-863.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Yang Y.H., Sakyi P.A., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J. Breakdown of orthopyroxene contributing to melt pockets in mantle peridotite xenoliths from the Western Qinling, central China: constraints from in situ LA-ICP-MS mineral analyses. Minerology and Petrology 104(2012), 225-247.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Hu Y., Santosh M. Metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath the Western Qinling, Central China: Insight into carbonatite melts in the mantle. The Journal of Geology 120(2012), 671-681.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Deloule E., Su B.X., Ying J.F., Xiao Y., Hu Y. Slab-derived lithium isotopic signatures in mantle xenoliths from northeastern North China Craton. Lithos 149(2012), 79-90.Yang W., Zhang H.F. Zircon geochronology and Hf isotopic composition of Mesozoic magmatic rocks from Chizhou, the Lower Yangtze Region: Constraints on their relationship with Cu-Au mineralization. Lithos 150(2012), 37-48.Zhang Z., Zhang H.F., Shao J.A., Ying J.F., Yang Y.H., Santosh M. Guangtoushan granites and their enclaves: Implications for Triassic mantle upwelling in the northern margin of the North China Craton. Lithos 149(2012), 174-187.Zhao X.M., Zhang H.F., Zhu X.K., Tang S.H., Yan B. Fe isotope evidence for multistage melt-peridotite interactions in the lithospheric mantle of the eastern China. Chemical Geology 292-293(2012), 127-139.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Sakyi P.A., Yang Y.H., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Qin K.Z., Xiao Y., Zhao X.M., Miao Q., Ma Y.G. The origin of spongy texture in minerals of mantle xenoliths from the Western Qinling, central China. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161(2011), 465-482.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J., Chisonga B., Qin K.Z., Ying J.F., Sakyi P.A. Geochemical syntheses among the cratonic, off-cratonic and orogenic garnet peridotites and their tectonic implications. International Journal of Earth Sciences 100(2011), 695-715.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Nakamura E., Ying J.F. Multistage melt/fluid-peridotite interactions in the refertilized lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton: constraints from the Li-Sr-Nd isotopic disequilibrium between minerals of peridotite xenoliths. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161(2011), 845-861.Xiao Y., Zhang H.F. Effects of melt percolation on platinum group elements and Re-Os systematics of peridotites from the Tan-Lu fault zone, eastern North China Craton. Journal of the Geological Society, London 168(2011), 1201-1214.Xiao Y., Zhang H.F., Shi J.A., Su B.X., Sakyi P.A., Lu X.C., Hu Y., Zhang Z. Late Paleozoic magmatic record of East Junggar, NW China and its significance: Implication from zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope. Gondwana Research 20(2011), 532-542.27. Ying J.F., Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J. Crust-mantle interaction in the central North China Craton during the Mesozoic: Evidence from zircon U-Pb chronology, Hf isotope and geochemistry of syenitic-monzonitic intrusions from Shanxi province. Lithos 125(2011), 449-462.Zhang J., Zhang H.F., Kita N., Shimoda G., Morishita Y., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J. Secular evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China craton: evidence from peridotitic xenoliths from Late Cretaceous mafic rocks in the Jiaodong region, east-central China. International Geology Review 53(2011), 182-211.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Sakyi P.A., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Yang Y.H., Qin K.Z., Xiao Y., Zhao X.M. Compositionally stratified lithosphere and carbonatite metasomatism recorded in mantle xenoliths from the Western Qinling (Central China). Lithos 116(2010), 111-128.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. A brief review of isotopically light Li – a feature of the enriched mantle? International Geology Review 52(2010), 964-976.Xiao Y., Zhang H.F., Fan W.M., Ying J.F., Zhang J., Zhao X.M., Su B.X. Evolution of lithospheric mantle beneath the Tan-Lu fault zone, eastern North China Craton: Evidence from petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths. Lithos 117(2010), 229-246.Yang Y.H., Zhang H.F., Chu Z.Y., Xie L.W., Wu F.Y. Combined chemical separation of Lu, Hf, Rb, Sr, Sm and Nd from a single rock digest and precise and accurate isotope determinations of Lu-Hf, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope systems using Multi-Collector ICP-MS and TIMS. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 290(2010), 120-126.Ying J.F., Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J. Zoned olivine xenocrysts in a late Mesozoic gabbro from the southern Taihang Mountains: implications for old lithospheric mantle beneath the central North China Craton. Geological Magazine 147(2010), 161-170.Ying J.F., Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J. Lower crustal xenoliths from Junan, Shandong province and their bearing on the nature of the lower crust beneath the North China Craton. Lithos 119(2010), 263-376.Zhang X.H., Zhang H.F., Jiang N., Wilde S.A. Contrasting Middle Jurassic and Early Cretaceous mafic intrusive rocks from western Liaoning, North China craton. Geological Magazine 147(2010), 844-859.Zhang X.H., Zhang H.F., Jiang N., Zhai M.G., Zhang Y.B. Early Devonian alkaline intrusive complex from the northern North China craton: a petrologic monitor of post-collisional tectonics. Journal of the Geological Society, London 167(2010), 717-730.Zhang X.H., Zhang H.F., Wilde S.A., Yang Y.H., Chen H.H. Late Permian to early Triassic mafic to felsic intrusive rocks from North Liaoning, North China: Petrogenesis and implication for Phanerozoic continental growth. Lithos 117(2010), 283-306.Zhao X.M., Zhang H.F., Zhu X.K., Tang S.H., Tang Y.J. Iron isotope variations in spinel peridotite xenoliths from North China Craton: implications for mantle metasomatism. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 160(2010), 1-14.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Xiao Y., Zhao X.M. Nature and processes of the lithospheric mantle beneath the western Qinling: evidence from deformed peridotitic xenoliths in Cenozoic kamafugite from Haoti, Gansu Province, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 34(2009), 258-274.Zhang X.H., Zhang H.F., Zhai M.G., Wilde S.A., Xie L.W. Geochemistry of Middle Triassic gabbros from northern Liaoning, North China: origin and tectonic implications. Geological Magazine 146(2009), 540-551.Zhang X.H., Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J., Wilde S.A., Hu Z.C. Geochemistry of Permian bimodal volcanic rocks from central Inner Mongolia, North China: Implication for tectonic setting and Phanerozoic continental growth in Central Asian Orogenic Belt. Chemical Geology 249(2008), 262-281.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Zhang J., Liu X.M. Refertilization of ancient lithospheric mantle beneath the central North China Craton: Evidence from petrology and geochemistry of peridotite xenoliths. Lithos 101(2008), 435-452.Zhang J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Niu L.F. Contribution of subducted Pacific slab to Late Cretaceous mafic magmatism in Qingdao region, China: A petrological record. Island Arc 17(2008), 231-141.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Nakamura E., Moriguti T., Kobayashi K., Ying J.F. Lithium isotopic systematics of peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba, North China Craton: implications for melt-rock interaction in the considerably thinned lithospheric mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71(2007), 4327-4341.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. Review of the lithium isotope system as a geochemical tracer. International Geology Review 49(2007), 374-388.Ying J.F., Zhang H.F., Sun M., Tang Y.J., Zhou X.H., Liu X.M. Petrology and geochemistry of Zijinshan alkaline intrusive complex in Shanxi Province, western North China Craton: implication for magma mixing of different sources in an extensional regime. Lithos 98(2007), 45-66.Ying J.F., Zhang H.F., Kita N., Morishita Y., Shimoda G. Nature and evolution of Late Cretaceous lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern North China Craton: Constraints from petrology and geochemistry of peridotitic xenoliths from Junan, Shandong Province, China. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 244(2006), 622-638.Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. Asthenosphere-lithospheric mantle interaction in an extensional regime: Implication from the geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts from Taihang Mountains, North China Craton. Chemical Geology 233(2006), 309-327.6、第二作者课题组论文(国内SCI) 汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰. 阴山及邻区三叠纪富碱侵入岩的成因意义. 岩石学报 30(2014), 2031-2040. [Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F. Genetic significance of Triassic calkali rich intrusive rocks in the Yinshan and neighboring area. Acta Petrologica Sinica 30(2014), 2031-2040]Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Sakyi P.A., Qin K.Z., Liu P.P., Ying J.F., Tang Y.J., Malaviarachchi S.P.K., Xiao Y., Zhao X.M., Mao Q., Ma Y.G. Formation of melt pocket in mantle peridotite xenolith from Western Qinling, Central China: Partial melting and metasomatism. Journal of Earth Science 21(2010), 641-668.Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Sakyi P.A., Qin K.Z., Tang Y.J., Ying J.F., Xiao Y. Garnet-spinel transition in the upper mantle: Review and interpretation. Journal of Earth Science 21(2010), 635-640.肖燕, 张宏福, 范蔚茗. 华北晚中生代和新生代玄武岩中单斜辉石巨晶来源及其对寄主岩岩浆过程的制约:以莒南和鹤壁为例. 岩石学报 24(1)(2008), 65-76. [Xiao Y., Zhang H.F., Fan W.M. Origin of clinopyroxene megacrysts in the late Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts from the North China Craton and their constraints on the magma process of host rocks: a case of the Junan and Hebi. Acta Petrologica Sinica 24(1)(2008), 65-76].苏本勋, 张宏福, 王巧云, 孙赫, 肖燕, 英基丰. 中国东部及西秦岭地区新生代岩石圈地幔中的相转变带及其温压条件. 岩石学报 23(6)(2007), 1313-1320. [Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Wang Q.Y., Sun H., Xiao Y., Ying J.F. Spinel-garnet phase transition zone of Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the eastern China and western Qinling and its T-P condition. Acta Petrologica Sinica 23(6)(2007), 1313-1320].杨岳衡, 张宏福, 刘颖, 谢烈文, 祁昌实, 涂湘林. 地质样品的一次阴离子色谱法Hf分离及其MC-ICP-MS分析. 岩石学报 23(2007), 227-232. [Yang Y.H., Zhang H.F., Liu Y., Xie L.W., Qi C.S., Tu X.L. One column procedure for Hf purification in geological samples using anion exchange chromatography and its isotopic analyses by MC-ICP-MS. Acta Petrologica Sinica 23(2007), 227-232].杨岳衡, 张宏福, 谢烈文, 吴福元. 多接收电感耦合等离子体质谱精确测定钕同位素组成. 分析化学 35(2007), 71-74. [Yang Y.H., Zhang H.F., Xie L.W., Wu F.Y. Accurate measurement of neodymium isotopic composition using Neptune Multiple Collector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 35(2007), 71-74].张瑾, 张宏福. 青岛地区晚白垩世基性脉岩中麻粒岩捕虏体的成分特征及其温压条件. 岩石学报 23(2007), 1133-1140. [Zhang J., Zhang H.F. Compositional features and P-T conditions of granulite xenoliths from Late Cretaceous mafic dike, Qingdao region. Acta Petrologica Sinica 23(2007), 1133-1140].赵新苗, 张宏福, 朱祥坤, 张文慧, 杨岳衡, 汤艳杰. 华北中、新生代岩石圈地幔的交代作用:含金云母地幔岩提供的证据. 岩石学报 23(6)(2007), 1281-1293. [Zhao X.M., Zhang H.F., Zhu X.K., Zhang W.H., Yang Y.H., Tang Y.J. Metasomatism of Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton: Evidence from phlogopite-bearing mantle xenoliths. Acta Petrologica Sinica 23(6)(2007), 1281-1293].Su B.X., Zhang H.F., Xiao Y., Zhao X.M. Characteristics and geological significance of olivine xenocrysts in Cenozoic volcanic rocks from western Qinling. Progress in Natural Science 16(12)(2006), 1300-1306. [苏本勋, 张宏福, 肖燕, 赵新苗. 西秦岭宕昌好梯新生代火山岩中橄榄石捕虏晶的特征及其地质意义. 自然科学进展 16(11)(2006), 1428-1435].汤艳杰, 张宏福, 英基丰, 张瑾. 太行山地区中、新生代玄武质岩浆的源区特征与时空演化. 岩石学报 22(6)(2006), 1657-1664. [Tang Y.J., Zhang H.F., Ying J.F., Zhang J. Source characteristics and temporal-spatial evolution of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basaltic magmatism in the Taihang Mountains. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22(6)(2006), 1657-1664].杨岳衡, 张宏福, 谢烈文, 刘颖, 祁昌实, 涂湘林. 华北克拉通中、新生代典型火山岩的岩石成因: Hf同位素新证据. 岩石学报 22(6)(2006), 1665-1671. [Yang Y.H., Zhang H.F., Xie L.W., Liu Y., Qi C.S., Tu X.L. Petrogenesis of typical Mesozoic and Cenozoic volcanic rocks from the North China Craton: new evidence from Hf isotopic studies. Acta Petrologica Sinica 22(6)(2006), 1665-1671].张晓晖, 张宏福, 汤艳杰, 刘建明. 内蒙古中部锡林浩特-西乌旗早三叠世A型酸性火山岩的地球化学特征及其地质意义. 岩石学报 22(11)(2006), 2769-2780. [Zhang X.H., Zhang H.F., Tang Y.J., Liu J.M. 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