Wang Yafeng,Chen Liding,Gao Yang et al. Geochemical isotopic composition in the Loess Plateau and corresponding source analyses: A case study of China's Yangjuangou catchment, Science of The Total Environment, 2017, 581-582: 794-800. (SCI, IF=4.9) Wang Yafeng,Chen Liding,Gao Yang,Wang Shuai,Lu Yihe,Fu Bojie*,Carbon Sequestration Function of Check-Dams: A Case Study of the Loess Plateau in China, Ambio,2014, 43(7): 926-931. (SCI, IF=3.687) Wang Yafeng,Chen Liding,Fu Bojie*,Lu Yihe,Check dam sediments: an important indicator of the effects of environmental changes on soil erosion in the Loess Plateau in China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186(7): 4275-4287. (SCI, IF=1.687) Wen Wen, Yafeng Wang*, Yang Lin et al. Mapping soil organic carbon using auxiliary environmental covariates in a typical watershed in the Loess Plateau of China: a comparative study based on three kriging methods and a soil land inference model (SoLIM). Environmental Earth Sciences, 2014,1-13. (SCI, IF=1.569) Wang Yafeng*,Fu Bojie,Chen Liding,Lu Yihe,Gao Yang,Check Dam in the Loess Plateau of China: Engineering for Environmental Services and Food Security. Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45(24):10298-10299. (SCI, IF=6.198) Wang Yafeng,Fu Bojie*,Lue Yihe,Chen Liding,Effects of vegetation restoration on soil organic carbon sequestration at multiple scales in semi-arid Loess Plateau, China. Catena, 2011, 85(1): 58-66. (SCI, IF=3.919) Wang Yafeng,Cao Shixiong*,Carbon sequestration may have negative impacts on ecosystem health,Environmental Science & Technology, 2011, 45(1):1759-1760. (SCI, IF=6.198) Wang Yafeng,Fu Bojie,Lü Yihe,Song, Chengjun,Luan, Yong,Local-scale spatial variability of soil organic carbon and its stock in the hilly area of the Loess Plateau, China. Quaternary Research. 2010,73(1): 70-76. (SCI, IF=2.675) 鄂馨卉,汪亚峰*,高扬等,黄土高原降雨驱动下流域碳输移特征及其碳流失评估:以羊圈沟坝系流域为例. 环境科学,2017,38(8):3264-3272. 汪亚峰,傅伯杰,吕一河等,基于差分GPS技术的淤地坝泥沙淤积量估算研究. 农业工程学报,2009,25(9):79-83. 汪亚峰,傅伯杰,陈利顶等,黄土丘陵小流域土地利用变化的土壤侵蚀效应:基于137Cs示踪的定量评价.应用生态学报,2009,20(7): 1571-1576. 汪亚峰,傅伯杰,陈利顶等,黄土高原小流域淤地坝泥沙粒度的剖面分布. 应用生态学报,2009,20(10): 2461-2467. 汪亚峰,李茂松,卢玉东等,保水剂对土壤体积膨胀率及土壤团聚体影响研究. 土壤通报,2009,40(5):1022-1025.
Wang Shuai, Fu Bojie*, Piao Shilong, Lü Yihe , Ciais Pillips., Feng Xiaoming, & Wang, Yafeng. Reduced sediment transport in the Yellow River due to anthropogenic changes. Nature Geoscience 2016,9, 38–41. (SCI, IF=13.941) Bo-Jie Fu, Ya-Feng Wang, Yi-He Lü et al., The effects of land use combinations on soil erosion: a case study in Loess Plateau of China. Progress in Physical Geography, 2009, 33(6): 793-804. (SCI, IF=3.375) Xiaoming Feng, Yafeng Wang, Liding Chen et al. Modeling soil erosion and its response to land-use change in hilly catchments of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geomorphology, 2010, 118, 239-248. (SCI, IF=2.958) Yang Gao, Yafeng Wang, Guoming Zhang et al. An approach to assessing soil health effect, a practical guide for optimal ecological management. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2012, 65: 153-159. (SCI, IF=1.569) Yang Gao, Bo Zhu*, Tao Wang and Yafeng Wang. Seasonal change of non-point source pollution-induced bioavailable phosphorus loss: A case study of Southwestern China. Journal of Hydrology, 2012, (420-421): 373-379. (SCI, IF=3.483) C Y Miao, F Xiao and Y F Wang. Analysis on the Spatio-temporal Distribution of Precipitation in Yunnan Province,Southwest China. International Conference on Information Technology & Environmental System Sciences 2008. (EI) De Wang, Fu Bojie, Zhao Wenwu, Hu Huifeng, Wang Yafeng. Multifractal characteristics of soil particle size distribution under different land-use types on the Loess Plateau, China. Catena, 2007, 72(1),29-36. (SCI, IF=3.919) Jin Zhao, Dong Yunshe, Wang Yafeng et al. Natural vegetation restoration is more beneficial to soil surface organic and inorganic carbon sequestration than tree plantation on the Loess Plateau of China. Science of the Total Environment, 2014, 485: 615–623.(SCI, IF = 4.900) Shi Peng, Xiao Jun, Wang Yafeng and Chen Liding. The effects of pipeline construction disturbance on soil properties and restoration cycle. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014, 186: 1825–1835. (SCI, IF = 1.687) Shi Peng, Xiao Jun, Wang Yafeng and Chen Liding. Assessment of Ecological and Human Health Risks of Heavy Metal Contamination in Agriculture Soils Disturbed by Pipeline Construction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2014, 11: 2504–2520. (SCI, IF = 2.101) 时鹏,汪亚峰,陈利顶. 廊道式工程建设对土壤生态环境影响的meta分析.生态学杂志,2012,31(8):2029-2037. 肖峻,汪亚峰,陈利顶.廊道式建设工程生态环境影响评价研究现状与展望.生态学杂志,2012,31(10):2694-2702. 王计平,陈利顶,汪亚峰. 黄土高原地区景观格局演变综述. 地理科学进展,2010,29(5):515-522. 王 德 ,傅伯杰 ,陈利顶,赵文武,汪亚峰. 不同土地利用类型下土壤粒径分形分析——以黄土丘陵沟壑区为例. 生态学报,2007,7(27):3081-3089. 缪驰远,汪亚峰,郑袁志. 基于小波分析的嫩江、哈尔滨夏季降雨规律研究. 生态与农村环境学报,2007,23 (4) : 29 - 32, 48. 缪驰远,汪亚峰,魏欣. 黑土表层土壤颗粒的分形特征研究. 应用生态学报,2007, l8(9):1987-1993.
主要成果:在国内外重要学术刊物“Nature Geoscience”、“Science of The Total Environment”、“Quaternary Research”、“Progress in Physical Geography”、“CATENA”、“Environmental Science & Technology”、“Journal of Hydrology”和“ Geomorphology”等刊物发表论文30余篇,其中SCI收录20余篇,EI收录1篇。主持国家自然科学青年基金和面上基金各1项,主持重点研发项目、重大基金和中英国际合作基金子专题各1项。2013年入选中国科学院青年创新促进会;2015年获陕西省科技进步奖,排名11;2016年获中国科学院杰出成就奖,主要完成人。