







  • 詹祥江
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
姓 名: 詹祥江
学 科: 基因组学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807803 / +86-10-64807099
电子邮件: zhanxj@ioz.ac.cn
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 中国科学院动物生态与保护生物学重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 种群和进化遗传学研究组


中组部第五批“青年千人计划”海外引进人才。现为中国科学院动物研究所种群和进化遗传学研究组组长, 中英生物复杂性研究联合实验室主任。2003年和2006年分别于北京师范大学和中国科学院动物研究所获得硕士和博士学位。中国科学院优秀毕业生,中国科学院优秀博士学位论文获得者。2008起在英国Cardiff大学进行博士后研究。2014年回国后主要从事种群和进化遗传学研究,侧重于研究鸟类、兽类和生态系统。主持和参与多项国内外科研项目,包括中组部“青年千人计划”、国家自然科学基金面上和重大国际合作、英国皇家学会、阿联酋环保部等项目。迄今为止已经在Nature Genetics、Nature Communications、Current Biology、Molecular Biology and Evolution、Molecular Ecology、Science、Ecology 等科技期刊上发表论文48篇,其中多项研究成果被Nature、Science、Faculty 1000、BBC等报道或推荐。




英国Cardiff大学名誉访问教授;Philosophical Transactions B、Heredity、Integrative Zoology杂志编委。。






Pan SK, Lin Y, Liu Q, Duan JZ, Lin ZZ, Wang YS, Wang XL, Lam SM, Zou Z, Shui GH, Zhang Y, Zhang ZW, Zhan XJ*. 2019. Convergent genomic signatures of flight loss in birds suggest a switch of main fuel. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 2576.Pan SK, Bruford MW, Wang YS, Lin ZZ, Gu ZR, Hou X, Deng XM, Dixon A, Graves JAM, Zhan XJ*. 2018. Transcription-associated mutation promotes RNA complexity in highly expressed genes-a major new source of selectable variation. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 35: 1104-1119.Hou X, Xu PW, Lin ZZ, Urban-Jackson J, Dixon A, Bold B, Xu JL*, Zhan XJ*. 2018. An integrated tool for microsatellite isolation and validation from the reference genome and their application in the study of breeding turnover in an endangered avian population. Integrative Zoology, 13: 553-568. (Cover story)Pan SK, Zhang TZ, Rong ZQ, Hu L, Gu ZR, Wu Q, Dong SS, Liu Q, Lin ZZ, Deutschova L, Li XH, Dixon A, Bruford MW*, Zhan XJ*. 2017. Population transcriptomes reveal synergistic responses of DNA polymorphism and RNA expression to extreme environments on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in a predatory bird. Molecular Ecology, 26: 2993-3010.Dahal N, Lissovsky AA, Lin ZZ, Solari K, Hadly EA, Zhan XJ, Ramakrishnan U. 2017. Genetics, morphology and ecology reveal a cryptic pika lineage in the Sikkim Himalaya. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 106: 55-60.Dixon AD, Dragyov D, Purev-Ochir G, Rahman L, Batbayar N, Bruford MW, Zhan XJ. 2016. Evidence for deleterious effects of harness-mounted satellite transmitters on Saker Falcons Falco cherrug. Bird Study, 63: 96-106.Bruford MW,…. Zhan XJ. 2015. Prospects and challenges for the conservation of farm animal genomic resources, 2015-2025. Frontier in Genetics, 6: 314.Zhan XJ, Dixon A, Batbayar N, Bragin E, Z Ayas et al. 2015. Exonic versus intronic SNPs: contrasting roles in revealing the population genetic differentiation of a widespread bird species. Heredity, 114: 1-9. (Cover story)Jarvis ED,……, Zhan XJ…... 2014. Whole genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds. Science, 346: 1320-1331. (Cover story)Zhan GJ,……, Zhan XJ……2014. Comparative genomics across modern bird species reveal insights into avian genome evolution and adaptation. Science, 346: 1311-1320. (Cover story)Zhan XJ, Pan SK, Wang JY, Dixon A, He J et al. 2013. Peregrine and saker falcon genome sequences provide insights into evolution of a predatory lifestyle. Nature Genetics, 45: 563-566. (Highlighted by Faculty 1000)Zhao SC#, Zheng PP#, Dong SS#, Zhan XJ#, Wu Q#et al. 2013. Whole-genome sequencing of giant pandas provides insights into demographic history and local adaptation. Nature Genetics, 45: 67-71. (#contributed equally) (Cover story)Zhu LF, Hu YB, Qi DW, Wu H, Zhan XJet al. 2013. Genetic consequences of historical anthropogenic and ecological events on giant pandas. Ecology, 94: 2346-2357. (Cover story)Wei FW, Hu YB, Zhu LF, Bruford MW, Zhan XJet al. 2012. Black and white and read all over: the past, present and future of giant panda genetics. Molecular Ecology, 21: 5660-5674. (Cover story)Zhan XJ, Dixon A, Fox NC & Bruford MW. 2011. Missense SNP of the MC1R gene is associated with plumage variation in the Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus). Animal Genetics, 43: 460-462.Zhan XJ, Zheng YF, Wei FW, Bruford MW & Jia CX. 2011. Molecular evidence for Pleistocene refugia at the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Ecology, 20: 3014-3026.Zhan XJ*, Hu YB, Yin YQ, Wei FW & Bruford MW. 2009. Microsatellite loci for the Chinese bamboo rat Rhizomus sinensis. Molecular Ecology Resources, 9: 1270-1272. Zhan XJ, Zhang ZJ, Wu H, Goossens B, Li M et al. 2007. Molecular analysis of dispersal in giant pandas. Molecular Ecology, 16: 3792-3800.Zhan XJ, Li M, Zhang ZJ, Goossens B, Chen YP et al. 2006. Molecular censusing doubles giant panda population estimate in a key nature reserve. Current Biology, 16: R451-452. (Cover story and highlighted by Nature, Science etc.)Zhan XJ & Zhang ZW. 2005. Molecular phylogeny of avian genus Syrmaticus based on the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and control region. Zoological Science, 22: 427-435.
