







  • 唐铁山
  • 研究员
  • 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号
姓 名: 唐铁山
学 科: 细胞生物学
电话/传真: +86-10-64807296 /
电子邮件: tangtsh@ioz.ac.cn, tangtsh@yahoo.com
通讯地址: 北京市朝阳区北辰西路1号院5号 中国科学院动物研究所 膜生物学国家重点实验室 100101
更多信息: 分子神经生物学研究组


唐铁山,男,博士,现为膜生物学国家重点实验室研究员,“分子神经生物学研究组”研究组组长,中国科学院大学和中国科技大学兼职教授。1998年于中国科学院发育生物学研究所获得博士学位,随后留所任助理研究员。2000年以后在美国德克萨斯大学西南医学研究中心生理系做博士后研究和讲师。2008年应聘入选中国科学院“百人计划-国外引进杰出人才”。目前担任《神经药理学报》编委,中国老年学学会衰老与抗衰老科学委员会理事,北京分子生物学与生物化学学会和细胞生物学会理事和中国科学院百人论坛理事。 主要研究方向为钙信号、线粒体以及DNA修复通路等缺陷与神经发育和神经退行性疾病的内在关系。在国际上首先发现了维持细胞钙稳态的保守离子通道和机制;阐明了钙信号紊乱参与亨廷顿氏舞蹈病和颅面畸形痴呆综合症病理发生的分子机制;发现稳定神经细胞的钙信号可以显著延缓舞蹈病的退行性病变;发现DNA修复通路缺陷与渐冻症ALS、脊髓小脑共济失调症SCAs等疾病的潜在联系。近年来所取得的研究成果发表在国际核心学术期刊,包括Cell、Neuron、Nucleic Acids Res、Prog Neurobiol、PNAS、J Cell Biol、Hum Mol Genetics、J Neuroscience、Epigenomics等。发表SCI收录论文近50篇,被引用3100余次,目前H-Index为28。本研究组将继续致力于以小鼠疾病模型为研究体系,利用分子、生化、细胞、遗传、组学等最新技术,研究钙信号紊乱、线粒体功能异常以及DNA损伤应答和修复缺陷与人类重大神经发育性/神经退行性疾病(如PD、CFT、ALS、SCAs)的关系;探索以钙信号通路、线粒体和DNA修复通路为切入点的神经疾病治疗方案和治疗药物。目前承担的项目主要有科技部重点专项、国家自然科学基金、中国科学院先导专项等。 目前指导在读硕士生1名,在读博士生4名,指导与中国科学技术大学联合培养研究生1名。已毕业博士生9名,硕士生6名(含3名与国科大和中国科大联合培养研究生)。








Min Huang, Bo Zhou, Juanjuan Gong, Lingyu Xing, Xiaolu Ma, Fengli Wang, Wei Wu, Hongyan Shen, Chenyi Sun, Xuefei Zhu, Yeran Yang, Yazhou Sun, Yang Liu, Tie-Shan Tang*, Caixia Guo* (2018) RNA-splicing factor SART3 regulates translesion DNA synthesis. Nucleic Acids Res. (in press) (*corresponding author)Sun Z1, Zhang H1, Wang X1, Wang QC, Zhang C, Wang JQ, Wang YH, An CQ, Yang KY, Wang Y, Gao F, Guo C*, Tang TS*(2018) TMCO1 is essential for ovarian follicle development by regulating ER Ca2+ store of granulosa cells.Cell Death Differ. doi: 10.1038/s41418-018-0067-x. (1co-first author, *corresponding author)Liu H, Tang TS, Guo C. (2018) Epigenetic profiles in polyglutamine disorders.Epigenomics. 10(1): 9-25. doi: 10.2217/epi-2017-0089.Ma X1, Liu H1, Li J1, Wang Y, Ding YH, Shen H, Yang Y, Sun C, Huang M, Tu Y, Liu Y, Zhao Y, Dong MQ, Xu P, Tang TS*, Guo C*. (2017) Polη O-GlcNAcylation governs genome integrity during translesion DNA synthesis. Nat Commun. 2017 Dec 5; 8(1): 1941. doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02164-1. (1co-first author, * corresponding author)Gong J1, Huang M1, Wang F1, Ma X, Liu H, Tu Y, Xing L, Zhu X, Zheng H, Fang J, Li X, Wang Q, Wang J, Sun Z, Wang X, Wang Y, Guo C*, Tang TS*. (2017) RBM45 competes with HDAC1 for binding to FUS in response to DNA damage.Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 Dec 15;45(22):12862-12876. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx1102. (1co-first author, * corresponding author)Tu Y1, Liu H1, Zhu X1, Shen H, Ma X, Wang F, Huang M, Gong J, Li X, Wang Y, Guo C*, Tang TS* (2017) Ataxin-3 promotes genome integrity by stabilizing Chk1. Nucleic Acids Res. 45(8):4532-4549. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx095. (1co-first author, * corresponding author)Liu H1, Li X1, Ning G1, Zhu S1, Ma X, Liu X, Liu C, Huang M, Schmitt I, Wüllner U, Niu Y, Guo C*, Wang Q*, Tang TS*. (2016) The Machado–Joseph Disease Deubiquitinase Ataxin-3 Regulates the Stability and Apoptotic Function of p53. PLoS Biol 14(11): e2000733. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.2000733 (1co-first author, * co-corresponding author)Wang QC1, Zheng Q1, Tan H1, Zhang B1, Li X1, Yang Y, Yu J, Liu Y, Chai H, Wang X, Sun Z, Wang JQ, Zhu S, Wang F, Yang M, Guo C, Wang H, Zheng Q, Li Y#, Chen Q#, Zhou A*, Tang TS*(2016) TMCO1 is an ER Ca2+ load-activated Ca2+ (CLAC) channel. Cell 165(6):1454-1466. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2016.04.051.(1co-first author; #co-senior author; *co-corresponding author)Yi-Han Wang1, Jiu-Qiang Wang1, Qiaochu Wang1, Yun Wang, Caixia Guo, Quan Chen, Tuanyao Chai*, Tie-Shan Tang* (2016) Endophilin B2 promotes inner mitochondrial membrane degradation by forming heterodimers with Endophilin B1 during mitophagy. Sci Rep, 2016 Apr 26; 6:25153. doi: 10.1038/srep25153. (1co-first author; *corresponding authos)Jinting Yan, Hui Zhang, Yang Liu, Feilong Zhao, Shu Zhu, Tie-Shan Tang*, and Caixia Guo* (2016) Germline Deletion of Huntingtin Causes Male Infertility and Arrested Spermiogenesis in Mice. Journal of Cell Science 129(3):492-501; doi: 10.1242/jcs.173666. Epub 2015 Dec 11.Wang Z, Huang M, Ma X, Li H, Tang TS*, Guo C* (2016) REV1 promotes PCNA monoubiquitination through interacting with ubiquitinated RAD18. Journal of Cell Science 129: 1223-1233; doi: 10.1242/jcs.179408Yang Y#, Liu Z#, Wang F#, Temviriyanukul P, Ma X, Tu Y, Lv L, Lin YF, Huang M, Zhang T, Pei H, Chen BP, Jansen JG, de Wind N, Fischhaber PL, Friedberg EC, Tang TS*, Guo C* (2015) FANCD2 and REV1 cooperate in the protection of nascent DNA strands in response to replication stress. Nucleic Acids Res. 43(17):8325-8339. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkv737.Xiaoling Li, Hongmei Liu, Paula L. Fischhaber*,Tie-Shan Tang* (2015) Towards therapeutic targets for SCA3: insight into the role of Machado-Joseph disease protein ataxin-3 in misfolded proteins clearance. Progress in Neurobiology 132:34-58. doi: 10.1016/j.pneurobio.2015.06.004.Qin Y, Guo T, Li G, Tang TS, Zhao S, Jiao X, Gong J, Gao F, Guo C, Simpson JL, Chen ZJ* (2015) CSB-PGBD3 Mutations Cause Premature Ovarian Failure. PLoS Genet. 2015 Jul 28; 11(7):e1005419. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005419. eCollection 2015 Jul.Wenjuan Xie, Jiu-Qiang Wang, Qiao-Chu Wang, Yun Wang, Sheng Yao*, Tie-Shan Tang*(2015) Adult neural progenitor cells from Huntington’s disease mouse brain exhibit increased proliferation and migration due to enhanced calcium and ROS signals. Cell Proliferation 48(5):517-531.Fengli Wang, Paula L. Fischhaber, Caixia Guo, Tie-Shan Tang* (2014) Epigenetic modifications as novel therapeutic targets for Huntington's disease. Epigenomics 6(3): 287-297. Liu Y, Yang Y, Tang TS, Zhang H, Wang Z, Friedberg E, Yang W, Guo C*. (2014) Variants of mouse DNA polymerase κ reveal a mechanism of efficient and accurate translesion synthesis past a benzo[a]pyrene dG adduct. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 111(5):1789-1794. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1324168111. Epub 2014 Jan 21.Xiaoling Li, Fengqin Qu, Wenjuan Xie, Fengli Wang, Hongmei Liu, Shuhui Song, Tingting Chen, Yang Zhang, Shu Zhu, Yun Wang, Caixia Guo, Tie-Shan Tang*(2014) Transcriptomic analyses of neurotoxic effects in mouse brain after intermittent neonatal administration of thimerosal. Toxicological Sciences 139(2):452-465. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfu049. Epub 2014 Mar 27.Lv L, Wang F, Ma X, Yang Y, Wang Z, Liu H, Li X, Liu Z, Zhang T, Huang M, Friedberg E, Tang TS, Guo C*. (2013) Mismatch repair protein MSH2 regulates translesion DNA synthesis following exposure of cells to UV radiation. Nucleic Acids Research 41(22): 10312-10322. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkt793. Epub 2013 Sep 12.Wang F, Yang Y, Lin X, Wang JQ, Wu YS, Xie W, Wang D, Zhu S, Liao YQ, Sun Q, Yang YG, Luo HR, Guo C * , Han C * ,Tang TS*. (2013) Genome-wide loss of 5-hmC is a novel epigenetic feature of Huntington's disease. Human Molecular Genetics 22(18): 3641- 36 53. (*corresponding authors)Xiuli Zhang#, Lingna Lv#, Qian Chen#, Fenghua Yuan, Ting Zhang, Yeran Yang, Hui Zhang, Yun Wang, Liangyue Qian, Benjamin Chen, Yanbin Zhang, Errol C Friedberg, Tie-Shan Tang*, Caixia Guo* (2013) Mouse DNA Polymerase Kappa Has A Functional Role in the Repair of DNA Strand Breaks. DNA Repair (Amst) 12(5):377-388. (#equal contribtution *corresponding authors)Jiu-Qiang Wang, Qian Chen, Xianhua Wang, Qiao-Chu Wang, Yun Wang, He-Ping Cheng, Caixia Guo, Qinmiao Sun, Quan Chen, Tie-Shan Tang* (2013) Dysregulation of Mitochondrial Calcium Signaling and Superoxide Flashes Cause Mitochondrial Genomic DNA Damage in Huntington’s Disease. J Biol Chem 288(5): 3070-3084. (*corresponding author)Zhifeng Wang#, Fengli Wang#, Tie-Shan Tang*, Caixia Guo* (2012) The role of PARP1 in the DNA damage response and its application in tumor therapy. Front Med. 6(2):156-164. (*corresponding authors, invited review)Guo C, Tang TS, Friedberg EC. (2010) SnapShot: Nucleotide Excision Repair. Cell vol 140(5): 754-754.e1.Hongyu Wang, Xi Chen, Yuemei Li, Tie-Shan Tang* and Ilya Bezprozvanny* (2010) Tetrabenazine is neuroprotective in Huntington’s disease mice. Molecular Neurodegeneration, 5:18 (*corresponding authors)Guo C, Kosarek JN, Tang TS and Friedberg EC. (2009) Y-Family DNA Polymerases in Mammalian Cells. Cellular Mol Life Sciences(invited review, in press)Tang, T.S., Guo, C., Wang, H., Chen, X., Bezprozvanny, I. (2009) Neuroprotective effects of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor C-terminal fragment in a Huntington's disease mouse model. J Neuroscience. Feb 4;29(5):1257-66. *Highlighted in: The Journal of Neuroscience Feb 4;29(5):i. iChen, X., Tang, T.S., Tu, H., Nelson O., Pook, M., Hammer, R., Nukina, N., Bezprozvanny, I. (2008) Deranged calcium signaling and neurodegeneration in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. J. Neuroscience vol 28:12713-24Schneider, J.W., Gao. Z., Li, S., Farooqi, M., Tang, T.S., Bezprozvanny, I., Frantz, D., Hsieh, J. (2008) Small molecule activation of neuronal cell fate. Nat Chem Biol Vol 4(7): 408-10Guo, C., Tang, T.S., Bienko, M., Dikic, I. and Friedberg E.C. (2008) Requirements for the Interaction of Mouse Polκ With Ubiquitin, and its Biological Significance. J. Biol. Chem. 283 (8): 4658-4664.Tang, T.S., Chen, X., Liu, J., Bezprozvanny, I. (2007) Dopaminergic signaling and apoptosis of medium spiny neurons in Huntington’s disease. J. Neuroscience? vol 27: 7899-7910.Guo C, Sonoda E, Tang TS, Parker JL, Bielen AB, Takeda S, Ulrich HD, Friedberg EC. (2006) REV1 protein interacts with PCNA: significance of the REV1 BRCT domain in vitro and in vivo. Mol Cell 23(2):265-71.Guo C, Tang TS, Bienko M, Sonoda E, Parker JL, Bielen AB, Takeda S, Ulrich HD, Dikic I, Friedberg EC. (2006) Ubiquitin-Binding Motifs in Rev1 Protein are Required for Its Role in the Tolerance of DNA Damage. Mol Cell Biol 26(23):8892-900.Wu, J., Tang, T.S., and Bezprozvanny, I. (2006) Evaluation of clinically-relevant glutamate pathway inhibitors in in vitro model of Huntington’s disease. Neuroscience Letters Vol. 407, pp219-223.Tang, T.S., Slow, E., Lupu, V., Stavrovskaya, I.G., Sugimori, M., Llinas, R., Kristal, B.S., Hayden, M.R., Bezprozvanny, I. (2005) Disturbed Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis of medium spiny neurons in Huntington's disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 102(7): 2602-7 [This work has been reported or reprinted by Medical News Today, EurekAlert, Innovations Report, BETTERHUMANS, News-Medical in Medical Research News, Datamonitor NewsWire, Medi-Lexicon, etc.]Ying Chen, Uwe Beffert, Mert Ertunc, Tie-Shan Tang, Ege T. Kavalali, Ilya Bezprozvanny, Joachim Herz (2005) Reelin modulates NMDA receptor activity in cortical neurons. J Neuroscience, Vol 25, pp 8209-8216Tang, T.S., Bezprozvanny, I. (2004) Dopamine receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling in striatal medium spiny neurons. J Biol Chem. 279 (40): 42082-94Tu*, H., Tang*, T.S., Wang, Z., Bezprozvanny, I. (2004) Association of type 1 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor with AKAP9 (Yotiao) and protein kinase A.J Biol Chem. 279(18):9375-82. (*co-first author)Tang, T.S., Tu, H., Orban, P.C., Chan, E.Y., Hayden, M.R., Bezprozvanny, I. (2004) HAP1 facilitates effects of mutant huntingtin on inositol-(1,4,5) trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release in striatal medium spiny neurons. European Journal of Neuroscience Vol. 20, pp. 1779-1787Tang, T.S., Tu, H., Chan, E.Y., Maximov, A., Wang, Z., Wellington, C.L., Hayden, M.R., Bezprozvanny, I. (2003) Huntingtin and huntingtin-associated protein 1 influence neuronal calcium signaling mediated by inositol-(1,4,5) trisphosphate receptor type 1. Neuron 39(2): 227-239. Highlighted in: a) Anurag Varshney and Barbara E. Ehrlich (2003) Intracellular Ca2+ Signaling and Human Disease: The Hunt Begins with Huntington's. Neuron 39(2): 195-197.b) Colin Taylor, University of Cambridge, UK (2003)The Scientist 17(19):32c)Faculty of 1000 Biology: evaluations for Tang TS et al Neuron 2003, 39:227-39 http://www.f1000biology.com/article/id/1014505/evaluation(as a must read scientific paper)Tang*, T.S., Tu*, H., Wang, Z., and Bezprozvanny, I. (2003) Modulation of the type 1 inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate receptor function by PKA and PP1-alpha.J Neuroscience 23(2): 403-415. (*co-first author)Maximov*, A, Tang*,T.S., Bezprozvanny, I. (2003) Association of the Inositol (1,4,5)-trisphosphate receptors with 4.1N protein in neurons. Mol Cell Neuroscience 22(2): 271-83. (* co-first author)Tang, T.S., Dong, J.B., Huang, X.Y. and Sun, F.Z. (2000) Ca2+ oscillations induced by a cytosolic sperm protein factor are mediated by a maternal machinery which functions only once in mammalian eggs. Development 127(5): 1141-1150.Dong, J.B., Tang, T.S. and Sun, F.Z. (2000) Xenopus and chicken sperm contain a cytosolic soluble factor which can trigger calcium oscillations in mouse eggs. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 268(3): 947-51.Dong, Y., Tang, T.S., Lu, C.L., He, C., Dong, J.B., Huang, X.Y., Sun, F.Z., Bao, X. (2000) Pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide ameliorates the damage and inhibits the increase of intracellular calcium concentration in cultured hippocampal neurons induced by glutamate. Acta Physiologica Sinica 52(5): 402-406Guo, C.X., Tang, T.S., and Liu, Y.X. (2000) Germ cell apoptosis and regulation in testis. Progress in Physiological Sciences 31(4): 299-304 (Review)Guo, C.X., Tang, T.S., Mu, X.M., Li, S.H., Fu, G.Q., Liu, H. and Liu, Y.X. (1999) Cloning of novel temperature-related expressed sequence tags in rat testis during spermatogenesis. Biochem Biophys Research Commun 258, 401-406.Deng, M.Q., Huang, X.Y., Tang, T.S. and Sun, F.Z. (1998) Spontaneous and fertilization-induced Ca2+ oscillations in mouse immature germinal vesicle-stage oocytes. Biol Reprod 58, 807-813.Tang, T.S. and Dou, Z.Y. (1993) Progress in establishment of embryonic stem (ES) cell lines from mammals. Acta Univ. Agric. Boreali-occidentalis21, Suppl.2, 39-44. (Review)

