







  • 何凡能
  • 研究员




1.Li Shicheng, He Fanneng*, Zhang Xuezhen. A spatially explicit reconstruction of cropland cover in China from 1661 to 1996. Regional Environmental Change. 2015. (doi:10.1007/s10113-014-0751-4).

2.Li Shicheng, He Fanneng*, Zhang Xuezhen. An approach to spatially explicit reconstruction of historical forest in Northeast China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(6): 1022-1034 .

3.He Fanneng, Li Shicheng, Zhang Xuezhen, Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu. Comparisons of cropland area from multiple datasets over the past 300 years in the traditional cultivated region of China, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013,23(6):978-990.

4.Zhang Xuezhen, He Fanneng*, Li Shicheng. Reconstructed cropland in the mid-11th century in the traditional agricultural area of China: implications of comparisons among three datasets, Regional Environmental Change, 2013(13):969–977.

5.He Fanneng*, Li Shicheng, Zhang Xuezhen. Reconstruction of cropland area and spatial distribution in the mid-Northern Song Dynasty(AD1004–1085),Journal of Geographical Sciences,2012,22(2):359-370.

6.Lin Shanshan,Zheng Jingyun,He Fanneng*. Gridding cropland data reconstruction over the agricultural region of China in 1820,Journal of Geographical Sciences,2009,19(1): 36-48.

7.Zheng Jingyun, Lin Shanshan,He Fanneng*. Recent progresses in studies on land cover change and its regional climatic effects over China during historical times,Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 2009. 26(4):793-802.

8.He Fanneng*, Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu, Rao Yujuan. Forest change of China in recent 300 years,Journal of Geographical Sciences,2008,18(1):59-72.

9.Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu, He Fanneng, et al. Land use changes and their relations with carbon cycles over the past 300a in China, Science in China Ser D-Earth Sci., 2008, 51(6):871-884.

10.Ge Quansheng, Dai Junhu, He Fanneng, et al. Spatio-temporal dynamics of reclamation and cultivation and its driving factors in parts of China during the last three centuries. Progress in Natural Science. 2004, 14(6): 61-69.

11.He Fannang*, Ge Quansheng, Zheng Jingyun. The urban land use area change in China from 1820 to 1999. Acta Geographica Sincia, 2002, No.4: 427-434.

12.何凡能,李美娇,肖冉. 中美过去300年土地利用变化比较, 地理学报, 2015, 70(2):287-297.

13.何凡能,李士成,张学珍. 清代西南地区森林空间格局网格化重建,地理研究,2014, 33(2):260-269.


15.何凡能,李士成,张学珍,等. 中国传统农区过去300年耕地重建结果的对比分析,地理学报,2012,67(9):1190-1200.

16.何凡能,李士成,张学珍. 北宋中期耕地面积及其空间分布格局重建,地理学报,2011,66(11):1531-1539.

17.李柯,何凡能*,张学珍. 基于MODIS数据重建历史耕地空间分布格局的方法——以清代云南省为例,地理研究,2011,30(12):2281-2288.

18. 何凡能,李柯,刘浩龙. 历史时期气候变化对中国古代农业影响研究的若干进展. 地理研究,2010,29(12): 2289-2297.

19.田砚宇, 何凡能, 葛全胜. 清代漠南蒙古耕地数字性质考释. 中国历史地理论丛,2009,24(2):144-151.

20.何凡能,葛全胜,戴君虎,林珊珊. 近300年来中国森林的变迁,地理学报,2007,62(1):30-40.

21.何凡能,戴君虎,葛全胜. 从康雍乾垦殖政策看中国清前期垦荒发展趋势,地理研究,2005,24(6):878-888.

22.葛全胜,何凡能,郑景云等. 20世纪中国历史地理研究若干进展,中国历史地理论丛,2005,20(1):5-14.

23.葛全胜,何凡能,郑景云等. 21世纪中国历史地理学发展的思考. 地理研究,2004,23(3):374-384.

24.何凡能,田砚宇,葛全胜. 清代关中地区土地垦殖时空特征分析,地理研究,2003,22(6):688-697.

25.何凡能,葛全胜,郑景云. 中国清代城镇用地面积估算及其比较,地理学报,2002,57(6):709-716.