







  • 陈东
  • 研究员


男,汉族,1973年5月出生于江苏省连云港市,博士,研究员,博导,美国注册专业工程师,中国科学院择优资助。国际Sigma Xi学会会员、美国专业工程师协会(NSPE)会员、美国土木工程协会(ASCE)成员、美国地球物理联盟(AGU)成员、国际Gilbert地貌社成员、美国自然科学基金(NSF)评委、SCI刊物《Journal of Arid Land》《地理学报(英文版)》编委,《Journal of Hydraulic Engineering》,《Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering》,《Hydrology Research》,《water resources research》评委、《水利学报》评委。在《Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences》、《Journal of Geophysical research》、《Geomorphology》、《Journal of hydrology》、《Hydrological Processes》等国内外期刊发表论文60余篇,其中SCI文章30余篇,EI检索论文20余篇,参与中英文专著3部。




2001-2005,博士,Hydrology, University of Nevada, Reno



2005-2007:博士后,Desert Research Institute

2007-2011:助理教授,Desert Research Institute





2017-2020, 项目负责人(PI), 多因素驱动下湖泊水沙及污染物耦合运移与沉积机理,国家重点研发课题负责人

2018-2021, 项目负责人(PI), 非均匀推移质非正常弥散机理的实验研究,国家自然科学基金面上

2014-2018, 主要参加人, 河流三角洲地区河道形态自动调整机理及流路稳定性研究,国家自然科学基金重点

2013-2016, 项目负责人(PI), 主次流与弯道成因机理的实验研究,国家自然科学基金面上




2008.8-2010,项目负责人(PI),“支流流域侵蚀来沙影响Middle Rio Grande主河道的数值模拟”,美国陆军工程兵团资助

2006.7-2007.6,项目负责人(PI),“Las Vegas Wash 悬移质来源及输移”,美国陆军工程兵团资助

2006.3-2007.2,项目负责人(PI),“Equipment house design”,Nevada高等教育系统资助

2006.7-2007.6,co-PI,“Salado 河二维泥沙数值模拟”, 美国陆军工程兵团资助

2006.7-2007.6,co-PI,“Grande河二维泥沙数值模拟”, 美国陆军工程兵团资助



1.Guo, X., D. Chen*, G. Parker*. (2019). Flow directionality of pristine meandering rivers is embedded in the skewing of high-amplitude bends and neck cutoffs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(47):201910874.

2.Zhu, Z., S. Zhang*, D. Chen*. (2019). Statistical analysis of bed load transport over an armored bed layer with cluster microforms. Water, 11(2082):1-16.

3.Li, Z., H. Sun*, Y. Zhang, D. Chen*, R.T. Sibtov. (2019). Continuous time random walk model for non-uniform bed-load transport with heavy-tailed hop distances and waiting times. Journal of Hydrology, 578:124057, 1-11.

4.Zhao, L., E. Jiang, D*. Chen, W, Zhang. (2019). Modeling of sediment exchange between suspended-load and bed material in the middle and lower Yellow River, China. Water, 11(1543):28.

5.He, L., D. Chen*, D. Termini, Y. Jia, Y. Zhang. (2019). Modeling bedload transport trajectories along a sine-generated channel. Water Resources, 46(4):542-552.

6.S. Zhang, D. Chen*, L. Chen, X. Chen, L. He. (2019). Using sediment rating parameters to evaluate the changes in sediment transport regimes in the middle Yellow River basin, China. Hydrological Processes, 33(18).

7.Li, Y., J. Wei, X. Gao, D. Chen*, S. Weng, W. Du, W. Wang, J. Wang, C. Tang, S. Zhang. (2018). Turbulent bursting and sediment resuspension in hypereutrophic Lake Taihu, China. Journal of Hydrology 565.

8.Zhang, S., D. Chen*, F. Li, L. He, M, Yan, Y. Yan. (2018). Evaluating spatial variation of suspended sediment rating curves in the middle Yellow River basin, China. Hydrological Processes, 32:1616-1624.

9.He, L., D. Chen, S. Zhang, M. Liu, G. Duan. (2018). Evaluating regime change of sediment transport in the Jingjiang River reach, Yangtze River, China. Water, 10(3):329.

10.Nie, S., H. Sun, Y. Zhang, D. Chen, W. Chen, L. Chen, S. Schaefer. (2017). Vertical distribution of suspended sediment under steady flow: existing theories and fractional derivative model. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2017(5481531)1:11.

11.Li, F., S. Zhang, D. Chen, L. He, L. Gu. (2017). Inter-decadal variability of the East Asian Summer Monsoon and its impact on hydrologic variables in the Haihe River Basin, China. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 8(2):174-184.

12.Tang, C., D. Chen. (2017). Interaction between soil moisture and air temperature in the Mississippi River basin. Journal of Water Resources and Protection, 9:1119-1131.

13.Zhang, Y., D. Chen*, R. Garrard, H. Sun, and Y. Lu. (2016). Influence of bed clusters and size gradation on operational time distribution for non-uniform bed-load transport. Hydrological Processes, 30, 3030-3045.

14.Li, F., D. Chen*, Q. Tang, W. Li, and X. Zhang. (2016). Hydrological response of East China to the variation of East Asian Summer Monsoon. Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2016, doi: 10.1155/2016/4038703.

15.Gu, L., S. Zhang, L. He, D. Chen, K. Blanckaert, W. Ottevanger, Y. Zhang. (2016). Modeling flow pattern and evolution of meandering channels with a nonlinear model. Water, 8(418), doi:10.3390/w8100418.

16.Sun, H., D. Chen*, Y. Zhang, L. Chen. (2015). Understanding partial bed-load transport: experiments and stochastic model analysis. Journal of Hydrology, 521, 196-204.

17.Tang, C., D. Chen*, B.T. Crosby, T.C. Piechota, and J.M. Wheaton. (2014). Is the PDO or AMO the climate driver of soil moisture in the Salmon River Basin, Idaho? Global and Planetary Change, 120, 16-23.

18.Zhang, Y., R.L. Martin, D. Chen, B. Baeumer, H. Sun, and L. Chen. (2014). A subordinated advection model for uniform bed load transport from local to regional scales. Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 119, 2711-2729.

19.Chen, D., H. Sun, Y. Zhang. (2013). Fractional Dispersion Equation for Sediment Suspension, Journal of Hydrology, 491, 13-22.

20.Chen, D., Acharya, K. and M.C. Stone. (2013). Closure to Sensitivity analysis of non-equilibrium adaptation parameters for modeling mining-pit migration. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 139(7), 801.

21.Chen, D., C. Tang (2012). Evaluating secondary flows in the evolution of sine-generated meanders. Geomorphology, 163-164, 37-44.

22.Tang, C., D. Chen, and T. C. Piechota. (2011). Relationships between soil moisture and oceanic-atmospheric patterns and soil moisture in the upper Colorado River Basin, J.Hydrol., 411, 77-90.

23.Chen, D., S. Gerstenberger, S. Mueting , and D. Wong (2011). Environmental factors affecting settlement of quagga mussel (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) veligers in Lake Mead, Nevada-Arizona, USA. Aquatic Invasions, 6(2), 149-156, doi: 10.3391/ai/2011.6.2.04

24.Chen, D. (2011). Modeling Channel Response to instream gravel mining, Sediment Transport - Flow and Morphological Processes, ABM FarukBhuiyan (Ed.), ISBN 978-953-307-374-3, InTech

25.Chen, D., and L. Chen (2011). Coupling Watershed Erosion Model with Instream Hydrodynamic-Sediment Transport Model: An Example of Middle Rio Grande, Sediment Transport in Aquatic Environments, Andrew J. Manning (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-307-586-0, InTech

26.Li Y, K. Acharya, D. Chen, and M. Stone (2010) Modeling water ages and thermal structure of Lake Mead under changing water levels.LakeReserv.Manage.,26 (4), 258

27.Chen, D., K. Acharya, M. Stone (2010). Sensitivity analysis of non-equilibrium adaptation parameters for modeling mining-pit migration.J. Hydraul. Eng., ASCE, 136(10), 806-811

28.Chen, D., J, Duan (2008). Case study: numerical simulation of channel migration process of the West Jordan River, Utah. J. Hydraul. Eng., ASCE. 134(3), 315-327.

29.Chen, D., J, Duan. (2006). Modeling Width Adjustment in Meandering Channels.J.Hydrol., 321, 59–76.

Chen, D., J, Duan. (2006). Simulating Meandering Channel Evolution with an Analytical Model. J. Hydraul. Res., 44(3), 363–373.