







  • 陶福禄
  • 研究员


43岁,博士,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员,博士生导师。 回国前在日本农业环境技术研究所和日本筑波大学任特别研究员。1999年于中国科学院生态环境研究中心获生态学专业博士学位。2001年获国际“START”青年科学家奖。已在国内外重要学术期刊发表论文100多篇,其中国际SCI核心期刊收录论文70篇。国际期刊European Journal Agronomy 和 Regional environmental change、《中国农业气象》等国内外学术期刊编委。






1. Tao et al., 2014. Responses of wheat growth and yield to climate change in different climate zones of China, 1981-2009. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2014.01.013

2. Bassu S., et al., 2014. How do various maize crop models vary in their responses to climate change factors? Global change Bio. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.12520

3. Xiao D, Tao F*, 2014. Contributions of cultivars, management and climate change to winter wheat yield in the North China Plain in the past three decades. Eur. J. Agron. 52, 112-122

4. Tao, F., Zhang,Z., Shi,W. Liu,Y. Xiao,D., Zhang,S., Zhu,Z., Wang, M.,Liu F. Single rice growth period was prolonged by cultivars shifts but yield was damaged by climate change during 1981-2009 in China, and late rice was just opposite. Global Change Biology. 2013, 19, 3200–3209.

5. Asseng, S. et al., 2013. Uncertainty in simulating wheat yields under climate change. Nature Climate change. 3, 827–832

6. Zhang S., Tao F.* 2013. Modeling the response of rice phenology to climate change and variability in different climatic zones: Comparisons of five models. Eur. J. Agron. 45, 167–176

7. Tao, F., Zhang, S,Zhang Z. 2013. Changes in rice disasters across China in recent decades and the meteorological and agronomic causes. Regional Environmental Change, 13, 743–759.

8. Moiwo JP, Tao F.*, Lu Wenxi. 2013. Analysis of satellite-based and in situ hydro-climatic data depicts water storage depletion in North China Region. Hydrological Processes, 27, 1011-1020.

9. Tao F., Z Zhang. 2013. Climate Change, High Temperature Stress, Rice Productivity and Water Use in Eastern China: A New Super-ensemble-based Probabilistic Projection. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 2013, 52, 531–551.

10. Xiao D, Tao F.*, Liu Y, Shi W, et al., 2013. Observed changes in winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain for 1981-2009. International Journal of Biometeorology.57, 275-285.

11. Tao F., Z Zhang. 2013. Climate change, wheat productivity and water use in the North China Plain: A new super-ensemble-based probabilistic projection. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 170,146-166.

12. Zhang S, Tao F.*. 2013. Modeling the response of rice phenology to climate change and variability in different climatic zones: Comparisons of five models. European Journal of Agronomy, 45, 167-176.

13. Tao F., Zhang S, Zhang Z. 2012. Spatiotemporal changes of wheat phenology in China under the effects of temperature, day length and cultivar thermal characteristics. European Journal of Agronomy, 43, 201-212.

14. Tao, F., Zhang, Z., Zhang, S., Zhu, Z., & Shi, W. 2012. Response of crop yields to climate trends since 1980 in China. Climate Research, 54, 233-247.

15. Moiwo, J.P., Tao, F*., Liu. W. 2011. Estimating soil moisture storage change using quasi-terrestrial water balance method. Agricultural Water Management, 102, 25–34.

16. Tao F, Z. Zhang. 2011. Dynamic Response of Terrestrial Hydrological Cycle and Plant Water Stress to Climate Change in China. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 12, 371-393, doi: 10.1175/2010JHM1314.1

17. Tao, F, Z. Zhang. 2011. Impacts of climate change as a function of global mean temperature: maize productivity and water use in China. Climatic Change, 105,409-432, doi: 10.1007/s10584-010-9883-9. Online First?

18. Tao F, Z. Zhang, M. Yokozawa. 2011. Dangerous levels of climate change for agricultural production in China. Regional Environmental Change 11: S41–S48.

19. Tao F, Z. Zhang. 2010. Dynamic responses of terrestrial ecosystems structure and function to climate change in China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115: G03003, doi:10.1029/2009JG001062.

20. Tao F, Z. Zhang. 2010. Adaptation of maize production to climate change in North China Plain: Quantify the relative contributions of adaptation options. European Journal of Agronomy, 33, 103-116.

21. Tao, F, Z. Zhang, J. Liu. 2009. Modeling the Impacts of Weather and Climate Variability on Crop Productivity over a Large Area: A New Super-ensemble-based Probabilistic Projection. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149, 1266–127.

22. Tao, F, M. Yokozawa, Z. Zhang. 2009. Modeling the Impacts of Weather and Climate Variability on Crop Productivity over a Large Area: A New Process-based Model Development, Optimization, and Uncertainties Analysis. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149, 831–850.

23. Tao, F, M. Yokozawa, J. Liu, Z. Zhang. 2009. Climate change, land use change, and China’s food security in the twenty-first century: an integrated perspective. Climatic Change, 93, 433–445.

24. Tao, F, Y. Hayashi, M. Yokozawa, Z. Zhang, T. Sakamoto. 2008. Global Warming, Rice Production and Water Use in China: Developing a Probabilistic Assessment. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 94–110.

25. Tao, F, M. Yokozawa, J. Liu, Z. Zhang. 2008. Climate-crop yield relationships at province scale in China and the impacts of recent climate trend. Climate Research, 38, 83–94.