







  • 史文娇
  • 副研究员


女,1982年生,辽宁葫芦岛人,博士,现任中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员、硕士生导师,入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员,荣获中国科学院地理资源所“优秀青年人才计划”。论文入选F5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文,并被评为Journal of Geographical Sciences“优秀作者”。








































1.Shi WJ, Liu YT, Shi XL. Contributions of climate change to the boundary shifts in the farming-pastoral ecotone in northern China since 1970. Agricultural Systems. 2018, 161(3): 16-27. (SCI)

2.Shi WJ, Wang Z, Wu X. Evaluation of environmental quality for organic production areas in ecological animal husbandry of Sanjiangyuan. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering. 2018 (7): 209-217.

3.Shi WJ, Liu YT, Shi XL. Development of quantitative methods for detecting climate contributions to boundary shifts in farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2017, 27(9): 1059-1071. (SCI)

4.Shi WJ, Yue TX, Du ZP, Wang Z, Li XW. Surface Modeling of Soil Antibiotics. Science of the Total Environment. 2016, 543(2): 609-619.(SCI)

5.Shi WJ, Hu YF, Shi XL, Wang Z, Yan HM, Xu ZW, Ren B, Kuang WH, Xu XL, Cheng WM, Chen Y, Wu DB. Strategic transformation of regionalization for the agricultural comprehensive development: The example of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2016, 26(12): 1675-1688. (SCI)

6.Shi WJ, Tao FL, Liu JY, Xu XL, Kuang WH, Shi XL. Has Climate Change Driven Spatio-temporal Changes of Cropland in Northern China since the 1970s? Climatic Change, 2014, 124(1-2): 163-177. (SCI)

7.Shi WJ, Tao FL, Liu JY, Regional temperature change over the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain: The roles of irrigation versus urbanization. International Journal of Climatology, 2014, 34(4): 1181–1195. (SCI)

8.Shi WJ, Tao FL. Vulnerability of African Maize Yield to Climate Change and Variability during 1961–2010. Food Security, 2014, 6(4): 471–481. (SCI)

9.Shi WJ, Tao FL. Spatio-temporal Distributions of Climate Disasters and the Response of Wheat Yields in China from 1983 to 2008. Natural Hazards, 2014. 74(2): 569–583. (SCI)

10.Shi WJ, Tao FL, Liu JY. Changes in quantity and quality of cropland and the implications for grain production in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. Food Security, 2013, 5(1): 69-82. (SCI & SSCI)

11.Shi WJ, Tao FL. A Review on Statistical Models for Identifying Climate Contributions to Crop Yields. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013, 23(3): 567-576. (SCI)

12.Shi WJ,Liu JY, Du ZP, Yue TX. Development of a surface modeling method for mapping soil properties. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2012, 22(4): 752-760. (SCI)

13.Shi WJ, Liu JY, Du ZP, Stein A, Yue TX. Surface modeling of soil properties based on land use information. Geoderma, 2011, 162(3-4): 347-357. (SCI)

14.Shi WJ,Liu JY, Du ZP, Song YJ, Chen CF, Yue TX. Surface modelling of soil pH. Geoderma, 2009, 150: 113-119. (SCI)

15.Shi WJ, Yue TX, Wang Z. High accuracy surface modeling method combined with auxiliary variables for soil mapping. 2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. July 23-28, 2017 - Fort Worth, Texas, USA. (EI)

16.Shi WJ, Yue TX, Li XW, Du ZP. Chapter 2: Spatial Prediction of Soil Antibiotics based on High-Accuracy Surface Modeling. Digital Soil Mapping Across Paradigms, Scales and Boundaries, Gan-Lin Zhang, Dick J. Brus, Feng Liu, Xiao-Dong Song, Philippe Lagacherie. 2016. Springer Science & Business Media Singapore. Book ISBN: 978-981-10-0414-8

17.Shi WJ, Yue TX, Fan ZM. An Overview of High Accuracy Surface Modeling of Soil Properties. The 18th Biennial Conference of International Society for Ecological Modelling, 2011, Beijing, China. (EI)

18.Wang Z, Shi WJ*.Robust variogram estimation combined with isometric log-ratio transformation for improved accuracy of soil particle-size fraction mapping. Geoderma. 2018, 324: 56-66. (SCI)

19.Wang Z, Shi WJ*. Mapping soil particle-size fractions: A comparison of compositional kriging and log-ratio kriging. Journal of Hydrology, 2017, 546(3): 526–541. (SCI)

20.Xu Z, Ma Y, Liu S, Shi WJ*, Jiemin Wang. Assessment of the Energy balance closure under advective conditions and its impact using remote sensing data. Journal of applied meteorology and climatology. 2017, 127(1): 127-140. (SCI)

21.Yan BJ, Yan JJ, Shi WJ*. Estimation of carrying capacity of livestock farm based on maximum phosphorus load of farmland and GIS spatial analysis technology. Current Science. 2017, 112(9): 1931-1936. (SCI)

22.Shi XL, Wang W, Shi WJ*. Progress on quantitative assessment of the impacts of climate change and human activities on cropland changes. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2016, 26(3): 339-354. (SCI)

23.Li J, Shi WJ*. Effects of alpine swamp wetland change on rainfall season runoff and flood characteristics in the headwater area of the Yangtze River. Catena, 2015, 127(4), 116-123. (SCI)

24.Yan BJ, Shi WJ, Yan JJ, Chun Pan Kwok. Spatial distribution of livestock and poultry farm based on livestock manure nitrogen load on farmland and suitability evaluation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2017, 139: 180-186. (SCI)

25.Li HD, Shi WJ, Wang B, An TT, Li S, Li SY, Wang JK. Comparison of the modeled potential yield versus the actual yield of maize in Northeast China and the implications for national food security. Food Security. 2017, 9(1): 99–114. (SCI)

26.Chi WF, Shi WJ, Kuang WH. Spatio-temporal characteristics of intra-urban land cover in the cities of China and USA from 1978 to 2010. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015, 25(1): 3-18. (SCI)

27.Yue TX, Shi WJ. Surface Modeling: High Accuracy and High Speed Methods. Charpet 19: Surface Modeling of Soil Properties, 2011. CRC Press, New York.

28.Shi XL, Shi WJ, Wang W. A climate-change risk assessment for carbon sequestration of terrestrial ecosystem: A case of farming-pastoral ecotone of northern China. International Workshop on Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2011, Wuhan, China. (EI)

29.Liu FS, Chen Y, Shi WJ, Zhang S, Tao FL, Ge QS. Influences of agricultural phenology dynamic on land surface biophysical process and climate feedback. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(9): 1085-1099. (SCI)

30.Wang M, Tao FL, Shi WJ. Corn Yield Forecasting in the Northeast China Using Remotely Sensed Spectral Indices and Crop Phenology Metrics. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2014, 13(7): 60345-603457. (SCI)

31.Tao FL, Zhang Z,Shi WJ, Liu YJ, Xiao DP, Zhang S, Zhu Z, Wang M, Liu FS. Single rice growth period was prolonged by cultivars shifts but yield was damaged by climate change during 1981-2009 in China, and late rice was just opposite. Global Change Biology, 2013, 19(10): 3200–3209. (SCI)

32.Qin YW, Liu JY, Shi WJ, Tao FL, Yan HM. Spatial-temporal changes of cropland and climate potential productivity in northern China during 1990–2010. Food Security, 2013, 5(8): 499–512. (SCI & SSCI)

33.Dong JW, Liu JY, Shi WJ, China’s Ecological De-farming at the Beginning of 21st Century and Its Habitat Suitability in Typical Region of Loess Plateau. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2010, 1(1): 1-9

34.Li QQ, Wang CQ, Dai TF, Shi WJ, Zhang X, Xiao Y, Song WP, Li B, Wang YD. Prediction of soil cadmium distribution across a typical area of Chengdu Plain, China. Scientific Reports. 2017 (7): 1-12. (SCI)

35.Shi XL, Zhao DS, Wu SH, Shi WJ, Dai EF, Wang W. Climate Change Risks for Net Primary Production of Ecosystems in China.Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2016, 22(4): 1091–1105. (SCI)

36.Zhang H, Tao FL, Xiao DP, Shi WJ, Liu FS, Zhang S, Liu YJ, Wang M, Bai HZ. Contributions of climate, varieties, and agronomic management to rice yield change in the past three decades in China. Frontiers of Earth Science, 2016, 10(2): 315–327. (SCI)

37.Xiao DP, Tao FL, Liu YJ, Shi WJ, Wang M, Liu FS, Zhang S, Zhu Z. Observed changes in winter wheat phenology in the North China Plain for 1981–2009. International Journal of Biometeorology, 2013, 57(2): 275-285. (SCI)

38.Li J, Cui YP, Liu JY, Shi WJ, Qin YC. Estimation and analysis of net primary productivity by integrating MODIS remote sensing data with a light use efficiency model. Ecological modeling, 2013, 252, 3–10. (SCI)

39.Tao FL, Piao SL, Tang QH, Shi WJ. The Geographical Sciences During 1986-2015: From the Classics to the Frontiers. Chapeter 24: Detection and Attribution of Changes in Land Surface Sensitive Components. Springer. 2016. ISBN: 978-981-10-1883-1

40.Tao FL, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Reimund PR, Shi WJ, XiaoDP, Liu YJ, Wang M, Liu FS, Zhang H. Historical data provide new insights into response and adaptation of maize production systems to climate change/variability in China. Field Crops Research, 2016, 185, 1-11. (SCI)

41.Zhang Z, Song X, Tao FL, Zhang S, Shi WJ. Climate trends and crop production in China at county scale, 1980 to 2008. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2016, 123(1): 291-302. (SCI)

42.Liu XF, Zhang Z, Shuai JB, Wang P, Shi WJ, Tao FL, Chen Y. Impact of chilling injury and global warming on rice yield in Heilongjiang Province. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013, 23(1): 85-97. (SCI)

43.Tao FL, Zhang Z, Zhang S, Zhu Z, Shi WJ. Response of crop yields to climate trends since 1980 in China. Climate Research, 2012, 54(3): 233-247. (SCI)

44.Tao FL, Zhang Z, Xiao DP, Zhang S, Reimund PR, Shi WJ, Liu YJ, Wang M, Liu FS, Zhang H. Responses of wheat growth and yield to climate change in different climate zones of china, 1981–2009. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2014, 189–190: 91-104. (SCI)

45.Yue TX, Zhang LL, Zhao N, Zhao MW, Chen CF, Du ZP, Song DJ, Fan ZM, Shi WJ, Wang SH, Yan CQ, Li QQ, Sun XF, Yang H, Wilson J, Xu B. A review of recent developments in HASM. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2015, 74(8), 6541-6549. (SCI)

46.史文娇,刘奕婷. 四个历史时期中国北方农牧交错带界线数据集(1970-2010). 全球变化数据学报. 2018, 2(4): 414-420

47.史文娇,王宗,吴溪. 三江源生态畜牧业有机产品产地环境质量评价. 农业工程学报. 2018, 34(7): 209-217

48.史文娇,刘奕婷,石晓丽. 气候变化对北方农牧交错带界线变迁影响的定量探测方法研究. 地理学报. 2017, 72(3): 397-409.

49.史文娇,胡云锋,石晓丽,王宗,闫慧敏,任博,匡文慧,徐新良,陈延,武东波. 农业综合开发战略转型区划研究——以宁夏为例. 地理学报,2015,73(12):1884-1896

50.史文娇,陶福禄. 非洲农业产量对气候变化的响应与适应研究进展. 中国农业科学,2014. 47(16): 3157-3166

51.史文娇,陶福禄,张朝. 基于统计模型识别气候变化对农业产量贡献的研究进展. 地理学报,2012,67(9): 1213-1222

52.史文娇,岳天祥,石晓丽,宋伟. 土壤连续属性空间插值方法及其精度的研究进展. 自然资源学报,2012,27(1): 163-175

53.史文娇,岳天祥,石晓丽,宋伟. 高风险重金属污染土壤识别研究方法综述. 土壤,2012,44(2), 197-202

54.史文娇,刘纪远,杜正平,岳天祥. 基于地学信息的土壤属性高精度曲面建模, 地理学报,2011, 66(11): 1574-1581

55.史文娇,杜正平,宋印军,岳天祥. 基于多重网格的土壤pH高精度曲面建模研究. 地理研究,2011, 30(5): 861-870

56.史文娇,汪景宽,魏丹,李双异,迟凤琴. 黑龙江省南部黑土区土壤微量元素空间变异及影响因子——以双城市为例. 土壤学报,2009,46(2):342-347

57.史文娇,魏丹,汪景宽,迟凤琴,李双异. 双城市土壤重金属空间分异及影响因子分析. 水土保持学报, 2007, 21(1): 59-64

58.史文娇,汪景宽,祝凤春,高中超. 不同施肥处理及土地利用方式对棕壤Olsen-P剖面分布的影响, 植物营养与肥料学报,2007, 13(2):248-253

59.史文娇,汪景宽,边振兴,王秋兵. 黑龙江北部土壤中主要重金属和微量元素状况及其评价. 土壤通报, 2005, 36(6): 880-883

60.石晓丽,史文娇*. 北方农牧交错带界线的变迁及其驱动力研究进展. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(20):1-11

61.王晓青,史文娇*,孙晓芳,王猛. 黄淮海高标准农田建设项目综合效益评价及区域差异. 农业工程学报, 2018, 34(16): 238-248

62.朱美青,史文娇*,黄宏胜. 江西省绿色发展区划研究. 应用生态学报,2017, 28(8): 1-14.

63.阎波杰,史文娇*,王宗,朱美青,刘奕婷. 基于多指标融合的福建省农用地畜禽养殖废弃物环境污染风险评价研究. 环境科学学报, 2017, 37(3): 1146-1152.

64.石晓丽,史文娇*.气候变化下中国植被群系建群种的物种多样性损失风险评价. 生态经济, 2017, 33(5): 150-154+190

65.石晓丽,史文娇*. 极端高温对黄淮海平原冬小麦产量的影响. 生态与农村环境学报, 2016, 32 (2): 259-269

66.石晓丽,史文娇*.气候变化和人类活动对耕地格局变化的贡献归因综述. 地理学报, 2015, 70(9): 1463-1476

67.石晓丽,陈红娟,史文娇*,王丽艳,潘佩佩,梁彦庆. 基于阈值识别的生态系统生产功能风险评价——以北方农牧交错带为例. 生态环境学报, 2017(1): 6-12

68.刘纪远,史文娇.江西省绿色发展的模式框架与制度设计. 江西生态文明. 2017(1):47-51

69.刘烁,王秋兵,史文娇,张心昱. 喀斯特典型集水区土壤水解酶活性空间异质性及其影响因素. 应用生态学报, 2018, 29(8): 2615-2632

70.刘凤山,陈莹,史文娇,张帅,陶福禄,葛全胜. 农业物候动态对地表生物物理过程及气候的反馈研究进展. 地理学报,2017, 72(7): 1139-1150

71.赵娜, 岳天祥, 史文娇, 周勋, 刘羽, 杜正平. 基于HASM方法对气候模式的年气温降水降尺度研究——以黑河流域为例.中国沙漠. 2016, 37(6): 1-10.

72.朱美青,黄宏胜,史文娇,阎波杰,王宗,刘奕婷,张永寿. 基于多规合一的基本农田划定研究——以江西省余江县为例. 自然资源学报,2016,31(12): 2111-2121.

73.王情,杜艳君,史文娇,王蛟男,李湉湉. 2012-2014 年太原市出生缺陷空间特征研究. 环境与健康杂志, 2016, 33(11): 984-987.

74.匡文慧, 迟文峰, 史文娇. 中国与美国大都市区城市内部土地覆盖结构时空差异分析. 地理学报,2014, 69(7):883-895

75.陶福禄,张朝,史文娇. 中国生态大讲堂系列丛书. 生态系统服务与生态安全.第18章:中国陆地生态系统结构和功能对气候变化的动态响应. 高等教育出版社. 2013. 320-344

76.宋伟,陈百明,史文娇. 2007年中国耕地资源安全评价. 地理科学进展. 2011, 30(11): 1449-1455

77.魏丹,迟凤琴,史文娇,汪景宽,李双异. 黑龙江南部黑土区土壤重金属空间分异规律研究. 农业系统科学与综合研究, 2007, 23(1):65-73

78.吴溪,郭斌,陈忠升,史文娇. 基于Landsat影像的1990—2016年环胶州湾不透水面分布格局与演变过程. 资源科学,2018, 40(11):2260-2269

79.于海玲,樊江文,李愈哲,史文娇. 高原鼢鼠干扰对三江源区高寒草甸群落特征的影响. 应用生态学报,2018, 29(6):1902-1910

80.陶福禄,朴世龙,汤秋鸿,史文娇. 地理科学三十年:从经典到前言. 4.8 地表敏感要素变化的检测与归因. 商务印书馆. 2016.

81.李珊,李启权,王昌全,史文娇,袁大刚,李冰,高雪松. 盐源县耕层土壤有机碳时空变化及影响因素显著性变化分析. 土壤通报, 2015, 46(5): 1063-1070

82.朱珠,陶福禄,娄运生,史文娇. 江苏水稻产量对气候变化响应的敏感性——基于县级和站点尺度. 资源科学,2013,35(5):1035-1043

83.朱珠,陶福禄,娄运生,史文娇. 1981-2009年江苏省气候变化趋势及其对水稻产量的影响. 中国农业气象,2012, 33(4): 567-572

84.宋伟,徐新创,陈百明,史文娇. 土地整理区生物-理化改良技术研究综述. 中国农学通报, 2011, 27(17): 229-233

85.刘晓菲,张朝,帅嘉冰,王品,史文娇,陈一,陶福禄. 黑龙江省冷害对水稻产量的影响. 地理学报, 2012, 67(9): 1223-1232

86.李启权,王昌全,岳天祥,李冰,杨娟,史文娇. 不同输入方式下RBF神经网络对土壤性质空间插值的误差分析. 土壤学报,2008,45(2),360-365