- 张镱锂
- 研究员

个人简况 男, 研究员, 博士生导师。1984年和1987年相继获北京师范大学理学学士和理学硕士学位。1987年以来, 在中国科学院地理研究所(1987-1999)和地理科学与资源研究所(1999-)从事植物地理学、生物地理学和自然地理学综合研究工作。现任所学位委员会委员、土地科学与生物地理研究室主任;兼:中国科学院大学教授, 中国地理学会常务理事,中国青藏高原研究会常务理事、副秘书长, 中国自然资源学会理事, IGBP中国全国委员会与IHDP中国国家委员会土地变化科学工作组秘书长,《地理学报》和《全球变化数据学报》编委等。 2000年以来, 先后主持国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家973计划和国家科技支撑计划、国家科技基础性工作专项、中国科学院战略性先导科技专项和重点部署项目的课题及国际合作项目等30余项。在植物地理学、青藏高原土地利用与土地覆被变化及其生态效应、高原区域适应等方面的研究取得了重要进展;相关科研成果陆续被国家采用,为青藏高原的国家生态安全屏障保护和建设及区域发展做出了重要贡献。发表论文190余篇(其中SCI论文70余篇),参编国家级规划2部。获西藏自治区科技进步二等奖(2011)、环保部科技进步二等奖(2012)、中国科学技术协会第六届全国优秀科技工作者(2014)、(首届)中国科技期刊年度优秀论文奖(2016)等奖励。尼泊尔地理学会终身荣誉会员(2018)。 部分代表性论著: [1] 张镱锂,刘林山,王兆锋,等. 2019. 青藏高原土地利用与覆被变化的时空特征. 科学通报,64. doi: 10.1360/TB-2019-0046. [2] 张镱锂, 王秀红, 刘琼欢, 等. 2019. “丝绸之路经济带”农牧交错带生态环境现状与态势. 见王琦安等著,全球生态环境遥感监测2018年度报告:“一带一路”生态环境状况及态势. 北京:测绘出版社,2019, p3-19.(科技部于2018年11月16日发布http://www.chinageoss.org/geoarc/2018/B/index.html.) [3] Basanta Paudel, Yili Zhang*(corresponding author), Jianzhong Yan, et al. 2019. Farmers' perceptions of agricultural land use changes in Nepal and their major drivers. Journal of Environmental Management, 235:432-441. [4] Lanhui Li, Yili Zhang*, Jianshuang Wu, et al. 2019. Increasing sensitivity of alpine grasslands to climate variability along an elevational gradient on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.399. [5] Lanhui Li, Yili Zhang*, Wei Qi, Zhaofeng Wang, Yaojie Liu and Mingjun Ding. 2019. No significant shift of warming trend over the last two decades on the roof of the world. Atmosphere, 10, 416. [6] Liu Qionghuan, *Zhang Yili, Liu Linshan, et al. 2019. Spatial Local Accuracy Analysis of Land Cover Datasets in Qiangtang Plateau, High Asia. Journal of Geographical Sciences (J Geogr Sci), 29(11): 1841-1858. [7] Mohan K Rai, Basanta Paudel, Yili Zhang*, et al. 2019. Vegetables Farming and Farmers’ Livelihood: Insights from Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Sustainability, 11:889. [8] Qionghuan Liu, Xiuhong Wang, Yili Zhang*, et al. 2019. Vegetation Degradation and Its Driving Factors in the Farming–Pastoral Ecotone over the Silk Road Economic Belt. Sustainability, 11:1590. [9] Xiuhong Wang, Yili Zhang. 2019. Emergy-based evaluation of changes in agrochemical residues on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. Sustainability, 11, 3652. [10] Xiuhong Wang, Yili Zhang*. 2019. Carbon footprint of agricultural sector in Qinghai province, China. Appl. Sci., 9: 2047. [11] Basanta Paudel, *Zhang Yili, Wu Xue, et al. 2018. Spatiotemporal changes in Nepal over the last 100 years. J Geogr Sci, 27(10):1519-1539. [12] Cholhyok Kang, Yili Zhang*, Basanta Paudel, et al. 2018. Exploring the Factors Driving Changes in Farmland within the Tumen (Tuman) River Basin. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. 7, 352. [13] Lanhui Li, Yili Zhang*, Linshan Liu, et al. 2018. Spatiotemporal Patterns of Vegetation Greenness Change and Associated Climatic and Anthropogenic Drivers on the Tibetan Plateau during 2000–2015. Remote Sensing, 10, 1525. [14] Li Lanhui, *Zhang Yili, Liu Linshan, et al. 2018. Current Challenges in Distinguishing Climatic and Anthropogenic Contributions to Alpine Grassland Variation on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology and Evolution. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.4099. [15] Li Lanhui, *Zhang Yili, Liu Qionghuan, et al. 2018. Regional differences in shifts of temperature trends across China between 1980 and 2017. International Journal of Climatology. DOI: 10.1002/joc.5868. [16] Partho Protim Mondal and Yili Zhang*. 2018. Research Progress on Changes in Land Use and Land Cover in the Western Himalayas (India) and Effects on Ecosystem Services. Sustainability, 10, 4504. [17] Raju Rai, Yili Zhang*, Basanta Paudel, et al. 2018. Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Assessing the Value of Ecosystem Services in the Trans-boundary Gandaki River Basin, Central Himalayas. Sustainability, 10, 3052. [18] Yong Nie, Qiao Liu, JidaWang, Yili Zhang, et al. 2018. An inventory of historical glacial lake outburst floods in the Himalayas based on remote sensing observations and geomorphological analysis. Geomorphology, 308:91-106. [19] Zhilong Zhao, Yili Zhang, Linshan Liu, et al. 2018. The Impact of Drought Variability on Vegetation Conditions within the Damqu River Basin, Yangtze River Source Region, China. PLoS ONE, 13(8): e0202966. https:// doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0202966. [20] 张镱锂,李兰晖,丁明军,郑度. 2017. 新世纪以来青藏高原绿度变化及动因.自然杂志, 39(3):173-179. [21] Basanta Paudel, *Zhang Yili, Li Shicheng, Wu Xue. 2017. Spatiotemporal reconstruction of cropland cover in Nepal from 1970 to 2010. Regional Environmental Change. DOI 10.1007/s10113-017-1164-y [22] Haibin Yu, Yili Zhang*, Zhaofeng Wang, et al. 2017. Diverse range dynamics and dispersal routes of plants on the Tibetan Plateau during the late Quaternary. PLOS ONE, 12(5): e0177101. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0177101 [23] Li Shicheng, Wang Zhaofeng, *Zhang Yili. 2017. Crop cover reconstruction and its effects on sediment retention in the Tibetan Plateau for 1900–2000. J Geogr Sci, 27(7):786-800. [24] Xiaobo Hua, Jianzhong Yan, Yili Zhang. 2017. Evaluating the role of livelihood assets in suitable livelihood strategies: Protocol for anti-poverty policy in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Ecological Indicators, 78: 62–74. [25] Wu Xue, Gao Jungang, *Zhang Yili, et al. 2017. Land cover status in Koshi River Basin, Central Himalayas. Journal of Resources and Ecology (JRE), 8(1): 10–19. [26] Zhao Zhilong, Wu Xue, *Zhang Yili, et al. 2017. Assessment of changes in the value of ecosystem services in the Koshi River Basin, central high Himalayas based on land cover changes and the CA-Markov model. JRE, 8(1):67-76. [27] Liu Linshan, Zhao Zhilong, *Zhang Yili, Wu Xue. 2017. Using MaxEnt Model to Predict Suitable Habitat Changes for Key Protected Species in Koshi Basin, Central Himalayas. JRE, 8(1): 77-87. [28] Zhang Yili, Hu Zhongjun, Qi Wei, et al. 2016. Assessment of effectiveness of nature reserves on the Tibetan Plateau based on net primary production and the large sample comparison method. J Geogr Sci, 26(1):27-44. [29] Basanta Paudel, Gao Jungang, *Zhang Yili, et al. 2016. Changes in Cropland Status and Their Driving Factors in the Koshi River Basin of the Central Himalayas, Nepal. Sustainability, 8,933. [30] Basanta Paudel, *Zhang Yili, Li Shicheng, et al. 2016. Review of studies on land use and land cover change in Nepal. Journal of Mountain Science (JMS), 13(4):643-660. [31] Ding Mingjun, Li Lanhui, Nie Yong, Chen Qian, *Zhang Yili. 2016. Spatio-Temporal Variation of Spring Phenology in Tibetan Plateau and its Linkage to Climate Change from 1982 to 2012. JMS, 13(1): 83-94. [32] Zhang Hua, Zhang Yili, Wang Zhaofeng, et al. 2016. Traffic-related metal (loid) status and uptake by dominant plants growing naturally in roadside soils in the Tibetan plateau, China. Science of the Total Environment, 573:915-923. [33] Li Shichang, Wang Zhaofeng, *Zhang Yili, et al. 2016. Comparison of Socioeconomic Factors between Surrounding and Non-Surrounding Areas of the Qinghai–Tibet Railway before and after Its Construction. Sustainability, 8(776):1-17. [34] 高俊刚, 吴雪, *张镱锂, 等. 2016. 基于等级层次分析法的金沙江下游地区生态功能分区. 生态学报, 36(1):134-147. [35] 祁威, 摆万奇, *张镱锂, 等. 2016.生态工程实施对羌塘和三江源国家级自然保护区植被净初级生产力的影响. 生物多样性, 24(2):127-135. [36] Ding Mingjun, Li Lanhui, *Zhang Yili , et al. 2015. Start of vegetation growing season on the Tibetan Plateau inferred from multiple methods based on GIMMS and SPOT NDVI data. J Geogr Sci, 25(2): 131-148. [37] Haibin Yu, Yili Zhang*, Linshan Liu, et al. 2015. Combining the least cost path method with population genetic data and species distribution models to identify landscape connectivity during the late Quaternary in Himalayan hemlock. Ecology and Evolution, 5781-5791. [38] Hua Zhang, Zhaofeng Wang, Yili Zhang*, et al. 2015. Identification of traffic-related metals and the effects of different environments on their enrichment in roadside soils along the Qinghai–Tibet highway. Science of Total Environment, 521–522:160–172. [39] Zhang Yili, Qi Wei, Zhou Caiping, et al. 2014. Spatial and temporal variability in the net primary production of alpine grassland on the Tibetan Plateau since 1982. J Geogr Sci, 23(2): 269-287. [40] Jungang Gao, Yili Zhang*, Linshan Liu, et al. 2014. Climate change as the major driver of alpine grasslands expansion and contraction: a case study in the Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) National Nature Preserve, the southern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, 336:108-116. [41] Yili Zhang, Jungang Gao, Linshan Liu, et al. 2013. NDVI-based vegetation changes and their responses to climate change from 1982 to 2011: A case study in the Koshi River Basin in the middle Himalayas. Global and Planetary Change, 108: 139-148. [42] 张镱锂,王兆锋,王秀红,等.2013.青藏高原关键区域土地覆被变化及生态建设反思.自然杂志,35(3):187-192. [43] Ding Mingjun, *Zhang Yili, Sun Xiaomin, et al. 2013. Spatiotemporal variation in alpine grassland phenology in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau from 1999 to 2009. Chin Sci Bull, 58(3):396-405. [44] 孙鸿烈, 郑度, 姚檀栋和张镱锂.2012.青藏高原国家生态安全屏障保护与建设. 地理学报, 67(1):3-12. [45] Hua Zhang, Zhaofeng Wang, Yili Zhang*, et al. 2012. The effects of the Qinghai–Tibet railway on heavy metals enrichment in soils. Science of the Total Environment, 439: 240–248. [46] Zhang Jiping, *Zhang Yili, Liu Linshan1, et al. 2011. Predicting Potential Distribution of Tibetan Spruce (Picea smithiana) in Qomolangma (Mount Everest) National Nature Preserve Using Maximum Entropy Niche-based Model. Chin Geogra Sci, 21(4): 417–426. [47] Zhang Yili, Wang Chunlian, Bai Wanqi, et al. 2010. Alpine wetland in Lhasa river basin, China. J Geogr Sci, 20(3):375-388. [48] 郑度, 张镱锂等著. 青藏铁路生态与环境安全. 杭州:浙江科技出版社. 2009. [49] Yang Xuchao, *Zhang Yili, Liu Linshan, et al. 2009. Sensitivity of surface air temperature change to land use/cover types in China. Science in China (D), 52(8): 1207-1215. [50] Zhang Liping, *Zhang Yili, Yan Jianzhong, et al.2008. Livelihood diversification and cropland use pattern in agro-pastoral mountainous region of eastern Tibetan Plateau. J Geogr Sci, 18: 499-509. [51] Yili Zhang, Zhaofeng Wang, Kunli Luo, et al. 2007. The spatial distribution of trace elements in topsoil from the northern slope of Qomolangma (Everest) in China. Environmental Geology, 52(4):679-684. [52] Ding Mingjun, *Zhang Yili, Shen Zhenxi, et al. 2006. Land cover change along the Qinghai-Tibet Highway and Railway from 1981 to 2001. J Geogr Sci, 16 (4): 387-395. [53] Yan Jianzhong, *Zhang Yili, et al. 2005.Land Cover Changes Based on Plant Successions: Deforestation, Rehabilitation and Degeneration of Forest in the Upper Dadu River Watershed. Science in China (D), 48(12): 2214-2230. [54] 张镱锂, 阎建中, 刘林山, 等. 2002.格尔木至唐古拉山段公路沿线土地利用与景观格局变化. 地理学报, 57(3):253-266. [55] 张镱锂, 李炳元和郑度. 2002. 论青藏高原范围与面积. 地理研究, 21(1):1-10. [56] 谢高地, 张镱锂, 鲁春霞, 等. 2001. 中国自然草地生态系统服务价值. 自然资源学报, 16(1):47-53. [57] 张镱锂, 李秀彬, 傅小锋, 等. 2000. 拉萨城市用地变化分析. 地理学报, 55(4):395-406. |