- 田大栓
- 副研究员

个人简况 男,1985年生,博士,内蒙古呼和浩特人,中国科学院地理资源研究所副研究员。2018年获得由英国物理学会颁发的高被引用论文奖(全球前1%; Tian et al. 2015), 旨在奖励2015-2017年期间在环境科学领域文章引用突出的科技贡献者。2018年在Land Degradation & Development期刊上发表的文章(Tian et al. 2018),被《中国科学报》进行了专门的报道。2018年12月-至今,中国科学院地理资源研究所,生态系统网络重点实验室,副研究员;2015年12月-2018年12月,中国科学院地理资源研究所,助理研究员;2013年获中国科学院植物研究所理学博士学位。作为课题负责人和骨干承担和参与国家“十三五”重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金等项目近10项。目前已发表一区和二区SCI论文30多篇,其中以第一作或通讯作者发表12篇SCI文章,单篇平均影响因子大于5,如国际主流期刊Science Advances (IF=12.8), New Phytologist (IF=7.3), Environmental Research Letters (IF=6.2), Functional Ecology (IF=5.0), Ecology (IF=4.3)等。 主要研究方向: 同时结合野外控制实验和整合分析(meta-analysis) 2种研究手段,从事全球变化与陆地生态系统碳循环方面研究,重点关注以下内容: 1)揭示自然草原中植物功能多样性对生态系统碳平衡影响的过程机理(Pan et al. 2016)。 2)系统揭示陆地生态系统C-N循环耦合机理:发现生态系统恢复过程中土壤碳增加通过非生物机制促进无机氮的持留(Tian et al. 2018)、量化陆地生产力的氮饱和阈值 (Tian et al. 2016)、整合氮添加对全球土壤酸化的影响及机制(Tian & Niu 2015);并进一步利用控制实验,揭示C-N循环耦合的过程机理(Tian et al. 2016; Li et al. 2018)。 3)整合112个全球变化控制实验和中国自然梯度上1900种植物的多元素化学计量特征,阐明陆地植物养分性状对全球变化的响应格局及机理,并提出新一代化学计量概念框架(Tian et al. 2018)。 代表性论文如下(*通讯作者, #共同一作): 32)Li Y, Tian D, Wang J, Niu S, Tian J, Ha D, Qu Y, Jing G, Kang X, Song B. 2019. Differential mechanisms underlying responses of soil bacterial and fungal communities to nitrogen and phosphorus inputs in a subtropical forest. PeerJ. 7:e7631. 31)Quan Q#, Tian D# (co-first author), Luo Y, Zhang F, Crowther TW, Zhu K, Chen HY, Zhou Q, Niu S*. 2019. Water scaling of ecosystem carbon cycle feedback to climate warming. Science advances. 5(8):eaav1131.(IF=12.8) 30)Zhang J, Yang H, Wang J, Tian D, Li Y, He N, Niu S*. 2019. Soil and climate determine differential responses of soil respiration to nitrogen and acid deposition along a forest transect. European Journal of Soil Biology. 93:103097. 29)Wang J, Song B, Ma F, Tian D, Li Y, Yan T, Quan Q, Zhang F, Li Z, Wang B, Gao Q, Chen W, Niu S*. 2019. Nitrogen addition reduces soil respiration but increases the relative contribution of heterotrophic component in an alpine meadow. Functional Ecology. 28)Zhang F, Quan Q, Ma F, Tian D, Hoover DL, Zhou Q, Niu S. 2019. When does extreme drought elicit extreme ecological responses. Journal of Ecology. 27)Chen W, Zhang F, Wang B, Wang J, Tian D, Han G, Wen X, Yu G, Niu S. 2019. Diel and seasonal dynamics of ecosystem-scale methane flux and their determinants in an alpine meadow. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. doi: 10.1029/2019JG005011 26)Zhang F, Quan Q, Ma F, Tian D, Zhou Q, Niu S. 2019. Differential responses of ecosystem carbon flux components to experimental precipitation gradient in an alpine meadow. Functional Ecology. 25)Meng C#, Tian D# (co-first author), Zeng H, Li Z, Niu S. 2019. Soil acidification impacts on belowground processes: a meta-analysis. Environmental Research Letters. doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ab239c (二区,IF=6.2) 24)Tang Y, Yu G, Zhang X, Wang Q, Tian J, Niu S, Tian D, Ge J. 2019. Different strategies for regulating free-living N2 fixation in nutrient-amended subtropical and temperate forest soils. Applied Soil Ecology. 136:21-9. 23)Li Y, Wu H, Wang J, Cui L, Tian D, Wang J, Zhang X, Yan L, Yan Z, Zhang K, Kang X. 2019. Plant biomass and soil organic carbon are main factors influencing dry-season ecosystem carbon rates in the coastal zone of the Yellow River Delta. PloS one. 14(1):e0210768. 22)Li Z, Tian D, Wang B, Wang J, Wang S, Chen HY, Xu X, Wang C, He N, Niu S. 2019. Microbes drive global soil nitrogen mineralization and availability. Global change biology. 25(3): 1078-88. 21)Tian D, Reich PB, Chen HYH, Xiang Y, Luo Y, Shen Y, Meng C, Han W, Niu S*. 2018. Global changes alter plant multi-element stoichiometric coupling. New Phytologist. doi: 10.1111/nph.15428 (一区,IF=7.3) 20)Tian D*, Xiang Y, Wang B, Li M, Liu Y, Wang J, Li Z, Niu S*. 2018. Cropland abandonment enhances soil inorganic nitrogen retention and carbon stock in China: a meta-analysis. Land Degradation & Development. doi:10.1002/ldr.3137(一区,IF=4.3) 19)Li Y, Tian D*, Yang H, Niu S*. 2018. Size-dependent nutrient limitation of tree growth from subtropical to cold temperate forests. Functional Ecology 32(1): 95-105. (一区,IF=5.0) 18)Tang S, Wang K, Xiang Y, Tian D*, Wang J, Liu Y, Cao B, Guo D, Niu S*. 2018. Heavy grazing reduces grassland soil greenhouse gas fluxes: A global meta-analysis. Science of The Total Environment 654:1218-24. (二区,IF=5.5) 17)Wang J, Sun J, Yu Z, Li Y,Tian D, Wang B, Li Z, Niu S*. 2018. Vegetation type controls root turnover in global grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI:10.1111/geb.12866 16)Zhang X, Yang Y, Zhang C, Niu S, Yang H, Yu G, Wang H, Blagodatskaya E, Kuzyakov Y, Tian D, Tang Y. 2018. Contrasting responses of phosphatase kinetic parameters to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in forest soils. Functional Ecology 32(1):106-16. 15)Li Y, Sun J, Tian D, Wang J, Ha D, Qu Y, Jing G, Niu S. 2018. Soil acid cations induced reduction in soil respiration under nitrogen enrichment and soil acidification. Science of the Total Environment 615: 1535-1546. 14)Li Z, Cui J, Mi Z, Tian D, Wang J, Ma Z, Wang B, Chen HY, Niu S. 2018. Responses of soil enzymatic activities to transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops - A global meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment 651: 1830-8. 13)Quan Q, Zhang F, Tian D, Zhou Q, Wang L, Niu S. 2018. Transpiration Dominates Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency in Response to Warming in an Alpine Meadow. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 123(2): 453-462. 12)Liu Y, Yang X, Tian D, Cong R, Zhang X, Pan Q, Shi Z. 2018. Resource reallocations of two grass species during regrowth after defoliation. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1767. 11)Hou L, Li Y, Shi H, Tian D, Wang B, Li L, Zhang L. 2018. Moderate grazing has little effect on global warming potential in the temperate steppes of northern China. Atmospheric Environment 190:342-8. 10)Li Z, Wang B, Tian D, Wang J. 2018. Bt rice cultivation does not cause soil biological degradation in terms of C, N, and P cycles. Land Degradation & Development 29(11):4140-5. 9)Tang S, Ma L, Wei X, Tian D, Wang B, Li Z, Zhang Y, Shao X. 2018. Methane emissions in grazing systems in grassland regions of China: A synthesis. Science of The Total Environment 654: 662-70. 8)Tang Y, Yu G, Zhang X, Wang Q, Tian D, Tian J, Niu S, Ge J. 2018. Environmental variables better explain changes in potential nitrification and denitrification activities than microbial properties in fertilized forest soils. Science of the total environment 647: 653-62. 7)Kang X, Yan L, Zhang X, Li Y,Tian D, Peng C, Wu H, Wang J, Zhong L. 2018. Modeling Gross Primary Production of a Typical Coastal Wetland in China Using MODIS Time Series and CO2 Eddy Flux Tower Data. Remote Sensing 10(5). 6)Tian D, Niu S, Pan Q*, Ren T, Chen S, Bai Y, Han X. 2016. Nonlinear responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes and water-use efficiency to nitrogen addition in Inner Mongolia grassland. Functional Ecology 30(3): 490-499. (一区,IF=5.0) 5)Tian D, Wang H, Sun J, Niu S*. 2016. Global evidence on nitrogen saturation of terrestrial ecosystem net primary productivity. Environmental Research Letters 11(2). (二区,IF=6.2) 4)Pan Q#, Tian D# (co-first author), Naeem S, Auerswald K, Elser JJ, Bai Y, Huang J, Wang Q, Wang H, Wu J, Han X*. 2016. Effects of functional diversity loss on ecosystem functions are influenced by compensation. Ecology 97(9): 2293-2302. (二区,IF=4.3) 3)Niu S, Classen AT, Dukes JS, Kardol P, Liu L, Luo Y, Rustad L, Sun J, Tang J, Templer PH, Thomas RQ,Tian D, Vicca S, Wang YP, Xia J, Zaehle S. 2016. Global patterns and substrate-based mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle. Ecology Letters 19(6): 697-709. 2)Tian D, Niu S*. 2015. A global analysis of soil acidification caused by nitrogen addition. Environmental Research Letters 10(2). (二区,IF=6.2,高被引用) 1)Tian D, Pan Q*, Simmons M, Chaolu H, Du B, Bai Y, Wang H, Han X. 2012. Hierarchical Reproductive Allocation and Allometry within a Perennial Bunchgrass after 11 Years of Nutrient Addition. Plos One 7(9). (三区,IF=2.8) |