- 杨风亭
- 副研究员
个人简况 女,1973年生,山东郓城人,博士,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所高级工程师,硕士生导师。2005年毕业于中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,获博士学位。2005年9月至今在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所工作。2013年晋升为高级工程师。主持参与多项国家自然科学基金项目、中国科学院战略性先导项目和国家重点研发项目等。目前已在国内外核心期刊发表论文20余篇。 主要研究领域与研究方向 人工林生态系统碳水循环关键过程研究,重点关注人工林近自然经营措施对生态系统碳水循环的影响。 代表性论文 1)Fengting Yang, Zhiming Feng, Huimin Wang, Xiaoqin Dai, Xiaoli Fu*. 2017. Deep soil water extraction helps to drought avoidance but shallow soil water uptake during dry season controls the inter-annual variation in tree growth in four subtropical plantations.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 234 (2017) 106–114 2)Zhang, Xinyu, Xie, Juan, Yang, Fengting, Dong, Wenyi, Dai, Xiaoqin, Yang, Yang, Sun, Xiaomin.Specific responses of soil microbial residue carbon to long term applications of mineral fertilizer to reddish paddy soils. PEDOSPHERE, doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60335-7 3)Xiaoli Fu, Junlong Wang, Huiming Wang*, Xiaoqin Dai, Fengting Yang, Mei Zhao. 2016. Response of the fine root production, phenology, and turnover rate of six shrub species from a subtropical forest to a soil moisture gradient and shading.Plant and Soil, doi:10.1007/s11104-015-2686-z,135-146. 4)Sun, Liying, Yang, Fengting, Fang, Haiyan, Wang, Jingyuan. 2015. Impacts of forest types on soil C, N and DOC loss in runoff in the laterite hilly region of southern China. ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 536: 59-67 5)Xiaoli Fu*, Fengting Yang, Jianlei Wang, Yuebao Di, Xiaoqin Dai, Xinyu Zhang, Huimin Wang.2015.Understory vegetation leads to changes in soil acidity and in microbial communities 27 years after reforestation.Science of the Total Environment,502:280-286 6)Wenyi Dong,Xinyu Zhang*, Xiaoqin Dai,Xiaoli Fu, Fengting Yang, Xiyu Liu,Xiaomin Sun,Sean Schaeffer.2014.Changes in soil microbial community composition in response to fertilization of paddy soils in subtropical China.Applied Soil Ecology,84:140-147 7)Mei Huang,Jinjun Ji,Feng Deng,Fengting Yang.2013.Impacts of extreme precipitation on tree plantation carbon cycle. Theoretical and Applied Climatology,DOI 10.1007/ s00704 - 013-0927-8 8)Zhang,Wenjiang,Wang,Huimin,Yang,Fengting, Yi,Yanhong,Wen,Xuefa, Yu,Guirui, Wang,Yidong and Ning,Jicai. 2011. Underestimated effects of low temperature during early growing season on carbon sequestration of a subtropical coniferous plantation,Biogeosciences Discuss,8:1411-1444 9)Zhang, Wenjiang, Wang Huimin, Wen, Xuefa,Yang, Fengting, Ma, Zeqing, Sun, Xiaomin, Yu, Guirui. 2011. Freezing-induced loss of carbon uptake in a subtropical coniferous plantation in southern China, Annals of Forest Science, 68:1151–1161 10)Huang, Mei, Ji, Jinjun, Li, Kerang, Liu, Yunfeng, Yang, Fengting, Tao, Bo. 2007. The ecosystem carbon accumulation after conversion of grasslands to pine plantations in subtropical red soil of South China. Tellus B, 59(4): 439-448 11)刘希玉,邹敬东,徐丽丽,张心昱,杨风亭,戴晓琴,王忠强,孙晓敏.2014. 施肥种类对稻田红壤碳氮淋失的影响. 环境科学,35(8):3083-3090 12)万杨,付晓莉,杨风亭,王辉民.2014. 南方稀疏马尾松老头林形成的种源供给和种子萌发环境限制分析. 江西农业大学学报,36(4):782-789 13)部金凤,邹敬东,张心昱,徐丽丽,杨风亭,孙晓敏.2014.不同荧光校正方法对土壤水解酶活性测定结果影响的比较研究. 土壤通报, 45(3):660-665 14)徐飞,杨风亭,王辉民,戴晓琴.2012.树干液流径向分布格局研究进展. 植物生态学报,36(9):1004-1014 15)邸月宝,王辉民,马泽清,杨风亭,张文江,付晓莉,梁跃龙,周华. 2012. 亚热带森林生态系统不同重建方式下碳储量及其分配格局科学通报,57(17):1553-1561 16)陈春阳,杨风亭,王绍强. 2011. CDM 造林再造林项目方法学的实证研究—以千烟洲生态试验站为例.2011. 林业科技36(5):1-5 |