







  • 于强
  • 研究员


男,1962年10月生,安徽阜阳人,陆地水循环及地表过程院重点实验室研究员,博士生导师。1984年毕业于南京气象学院农业气象专业, 1994年毕业于南京大学,获得气候学博士学位,1994-1996年在中国科学院上海植物生理研究所光合作用研究室做博士后。曾任中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所禹城综合试验站副站长、栾城农业生态站站长、中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室副主任等职务。曾任美国农学会主办的《Agronomy Journal》的副主编(Associate Editor),曾作为SCI刊物《Agricultural and Water Management》的特约主编(Guest Editor),编辑出版“多尺度的水分利用效率”专辑(2011年)。目前为SCI刊物《International Journal of Plant Production》的编委会成员。现任中国农学会农业气象分会副理事长。

于强研究员先后主持或参与了国家攀登计划项目、国家863项目、973项目、国家自然科学基金重大项目、面上基金项目多项。目前正在主持自然科学基金面上项目、科技部行业专项等多项课题。与美国、德国、荷兰、澳大利亚、加拿大等国家的科学家有密切的联系,并建立多种实质性的合作交流机制。在Science, Global Change Biology, Journal of Geophysical Research, Ecological Modelling, Annals of Botany, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等国际知名刊物上发表了高质量SCI文章百余篇, 总引用6,000余次(据Google Scholar统计)。拥有软件著作权等知识产权多项,获得华夏英才出版基金,出版专著《农田生态过程与模型》一部(科学出版社,2007),受剑桥大学出版社邀请,与他人合著Vegetation Dynamics专著一部。





1997-2000 主持中国科学院项目:“作物生产力机理与模型”。108万

1998-2003 参与国家自然科学基金重大项目:“我国北方地区农业生态系统水分运行与区域分异规律”。49890330

2000-2003 主持自然科学基金面上项目:“地下水对地面过程的作用及对农业生态的影响”。40071008,20万

2002-2005 参与院重大项目:“华北平原典型农田生态系统碳通量观测研究”。KZCX-SW-01-01B-12,180万

2003-2007 参与科技部“973”计划项目“碳循环中国陆地生态系统碳循环及其驱动机制研究”课题:“典型陆地生态系统碳通量/储量的对比研究”。2002CB412501,550万

2005-2008 主持中国科学院国际合作团队计划“人类活动与生态系统变化”第二课题:“区域生态系统格局、过程和服务功能变化及其驱动机制”。CXTD-Z2005-1,200万

2005-2010 参与科技部“973”计划项目“我国农田生态系统重要生态过程与调控对策研究”课题:“主要作物产量形成的生理生态学机制与水肥供需协调原理”。2005CB121106,315万

2007-2010 主持科技部“863”计划探索导向类项目:“华北平原作物水分过程与产量形成的协同模型”。2006AA10Z223,50万

2008-2010 主持科技部“863”计划探索导向类项目:“华北平原粮食作物生产力和水资源利用分析系统(GIS-ChinaAgrosys)的研发”。2008AA10Z215,44万

2009-2013 参加科技部“973”项目“干旱区绿洲化、荒漠化过程及其对人类活动、气候变化的响应与调控”课题:“绿洲化、荒漠化的变化趋势及其环境效应的综合评估”。2009CB421307,485万

2012-2015 主持自然科学基金面上项目:“华北平原农业生产对气候变化的响应机制及其模拟研究”。41171086,65万

2012-2016 参加科技部“973”项目:“全球典型干旱半干旱地区气候变化及其影响”,课题4“全球变化对干旱半干旱区的影响与适应对策”。2012CB955304,700万

2014-2017 主持自然科学基金面上项目:“作物生产系统中水分传输阻力的实验解析与水分利用效率的模拟研究”。41371119,75万

2016-2021 主持国家特聘专家启动项目,1000万。



1)土壤-植物-大气系统能量平衡和水、碳循环的机理与模拟。(1)在华北平原典型农田站点采用涡度相关方法对瞬时农田水热和CO2通量进行了长期和连续的测定,揭示了主要作物冬小麦和夏玉米生长季水热、CO2通量及水分利用效率的变化机理,构建了作物生长过程与环境因子变化的定量关系,解释了冬小麦光合”午休”现象的生理生态原因。(2)通过整合叶片水势的动态模型与SPAC水热传输、光合模型,将叶片水平的光合作用、蒸腾作用和气孔导度模型由叶片尺度向冠层尺度上扩展,建立了田间尺度土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)中,土壤水热传输、作物CO2同化与蒸散的耦合模型。这种从叶片和冠层尺度上的植被-大气相互作用的认识,为研究作物响应气候变化提供了基础。开发的叶片光合模型被美国农业部的综合作物生长模型(Root Zone Water Quality Model, RZWQM)和地表水热过程模型(Simultaneous Heat and Water model,SHAW)采纳,强化了它们模拟气候变化对生理过程影响的功能。




1) 于强等编著,农田生态过程与模型,科学出版社,2007年

2) Ahuja, L.R., Reddy, V.R., Saseendran, S.A., and Yu, Q.,Response of Crops to Limited Water: Understanding and Modeling Water Stress Effects on Plant Growth Processes. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling Series 1. sssa-asa-cssa Publication,2008

3) Eamus, D., Huete, A., and Yu, Q., 《Vegetation Dynamics》: A Synthesis of Plant Ecophysiology, Remote Sensing and Modelling. Cambridge University Press. 2015.


1) Dong, J.Q., Li, L.H.*, Shi, H., Chen, X., Luo, G.P., and Yu, Q., 2017. Robustness and Uncertainties of the “Temperature and Greenness” Model for Estimating Terrestrial Gross Primary Production. Scientific Report, 7: 44046.

2) Liu, J.D., Pan, T.*, Chen, D.L., Zhou, X.J., Yu, Q., Flerchinger, G.N., Liu, D.L., Zou, X.T., Linderholm, H.W., Du, J., Wu, D.R., and Shen, Y.B., 2017. An Improved Angstrom-Type Model for Estimating Solar Radiation over the Tibetan Plateau. Energies. 10(7): 892.

3) Shi, H., Li, L.H.*, Eamus, D., Huete, A., Cleverly, J., Tian, X., Yu, Q., Wang, S.Q., Montagnani, L., Magliulo, V., Rotenberg, E., Pavelka, M., and Carrara, A., 2017. Assessing the ability of MODIS EVI to estimate terrestrial ecosystem gross primary production of multiple land cover types. Ecological Indicator. 72: 153-164.

4) Wang, B.*, Liu, D.L., Asseng, S., Macadam, I., Yang, X.H., and Yu, Q., 2017. Spatiotemporal Changes in Wheat Phenology, Yield and Water Use Efficiency under the CMIP5 Multimodel Ensemble Projections in Eastern Australia. Climate Research. 72(2): 83-99.

5) Xing, H.T.*, Liu, D.L., Li, G.D., Wang, B., Anwar, M.R., Crean, J., Lines-Kelly, R., and Yu, Q., 2017. Incorporating Grain Legumes in Cereal-based Cropping Systems to Improve Profitability in Southern New South Wales, Australia. Agricultural Systems. 154: 112-123.

6) Chen, C.*, Cleverly, J., Zhang, L., Yu, Q., and Eamus, D., 2016. Modelling seasonal and inter-annual variations in carbon and water fluxes in an arid-zone Acacia savanna woodland, 1981-2012. Ecosystems. 19(4): 625-644.

7) Cleverly, J.*, Eamus, D., Luo, Q.Y., Coupe, N.R., Kljun, N., Ma, X.L., Ewenz, C., Li, L.H., Yu, Q., and Huete, A., 2016. The importance of interacting climate modes on Australia’s contribution to global carbon cycle extremes. Scientific Reports. 6: 23113.

8) Cleverly, J.*, Eamus, D., Van Gorsel, E., Chen, C., Rumman, R., Luo, Q.Y., Coupe, N.R., Li, L.H., Kljun, N., Faux, R., Yu, Q., and Huete, A., 2016. Productivity and evaporanspiration of two contrasting semiarid ecosystems following the 2011 global carbon land risk anomaly. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 220: 151-159.

9) Cleverly, J., Eamus, D., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Chen, C., Maes, W.H., Li, L.H., Faux, R., Santini, N.S., Rumman, R., Yu, Q., Huete, A., 2016. Soil moisture controls on phenology, productivity and evapotranspiration in a semi-arid critical zone. Science of the Total Environment. 568: 1227-1237.

10) Jin, N., Tao, B., Ren, W., Feng, M.C., Sun, R., He, L., Zhuang, W., Yu, Q.*, 2016. Mapping irrigated and rainfed wheat areas using multi-temporal satellite data. Remote Sensing, 8(3): 207.

11) Li, X.L., Joshua Philp, Roger Cremades, Anna Roberts, He, L., Li, L.H., Yu, Q.*, 2016. Agricultural vulnerability over the Chinese Loess Plateau in response to climate change: exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. AMBIO. 45(3): 350-360.

12) Wang, B., Liu, D.L.*, Macadam, I., Alexander, L.V., Abramowitzc, G., Yu, Q., 2016. Multi-model ensemble projections of future extreme temperature change using a statistical downscaling method in south eastern Australia. Climatic Change. 138(1): 85-98.

13) He, L.*, Asseng, S., Wu, D.R., Yang, X.Y., Zhuang, W., Jin, N., and Yu, Q., 2015. Impacts of recent climate warming, cultivar changes, and crop management on winter wheat phenology across the Loess Plateau of China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 200: 135-143.

14) Liu, J.D.*, Linderholm, H., Chen, D.L., Zhou, X.J., Flerchinger, G.N., Yu, Q., Du, J., Wu, D.R., Shen, Y.B., and Yang, Z.B., 2015. Changes in the relationship between solar radiation and sunshine duration in large cities of China. Energy, 82: 589-600.

15) Wang, B.*, Chen, C., Liu, D.L., Senthold Asseng, Yu, Q., and Yang, X.H., 2015. Effects of climate trend and variability on wheat yields variability in eastern Australia. Climate Research, 64(2): 173-186.

16) Wang, B.*, Liu, D.L., Senthold Asseng, Ian Macadam and Yu, Q., 2015. Impact of climate change on wheat flowering time in eastern Australia. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 209-210: 11-21.

17) Zhao, G.*, Bryan, B.A., King, D., Luo, Z.K., Wang, E.L., and Yu, Q., 2015. Sustainable limits to crop residue harvest for bioenergy: maintaining soil carbon in Australia’s agricultural lands. Global Change Biology – Bioenergy, 7(3): 479-487.

18) Chen, C.*, Eamus, D., Cleverly, J., Boulain, N., Cook, P., Zhang, L., Cheng, L., and Yu, Q., 2014. Modelling vegetation water-use and groundwater recharge as affected by climate variability in an arid-zone Acacia savanna woodland. Journal of Hydrology, 519: 1084-1096.

19) Chen, X., Su, Z., Ma, Y., Liu, S., Yu, Q., and Xu, Z., 2014. Development of a 10 year (2001–2010) 0.1° dataset of land-surface energy balance for mainland China. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 14, 13097-13117

20) Cheng, L., Zhang, L.*, Wang, Y.P., Yu, Q., and Eamus, D., 2014. Quantifying the effects of elevated CO2 on water budgets by combining FACE data with an ecohydrological model. Ecohydrology. 7(6): 1574-1588.

21) Cheng, L., Zhang, L.*, Wang, Y.P., Yu, Q., Eamus, D., and O'Grady, A., 2014. Impacts of elevated CO2, climate change and their interactions on water budgets in four different catchments in Australia. Journal of Hydrology. 519: 1350-1361.

22) Fang, Q.X., Ma, L.W.*, Flerchinger, G.N., Qi, Z., Ahuja, L.R., Xing, H.T., Li, J., and Yu, Q., 2014. Modelling evapotranspiration and energy balance in a wheat-maize cropping system using the revised RZ-SHAW model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 195: 218-229.

23) He, L., Cleverly, J., Chen, C., Yang, X.Y., Li, J., Liu, W.Z., and Yu, Q.*, 2014. Diverse responses of winter wheat yield and water use to climate change and variability over the semi-arid Loess Plateau in China. Agronomy Journal. 106(4): 1169-1178.

24) Ma, X.L., Huete, A.*, Yu, Q., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Beringer, J., Hutley, L.B., Kanniah, K.D., Cleverly, J., and Eamus, D., 2014. Parameterization of an ecosystem light use-efficiency model for predicting savanna GPP using MODIS EVI. Remote Sensing of Environment, 154: 253-271.

25) Shi, H., Li, L.H.*, Eamus, D., Cleverly, J., Huete, A., Beringer, J., Yu, Q., Gorsel, E., and Hutley, L.B., 2014. Intrinsic climate dependency of ecosystem light and water-use-efficiencies across Australian biomes. Environmental Research Letters. 9(10), 104002.

26) Yu, Q.*, Li, L., Luo, Q.Y., Derek, E., Xu, S.H., Chen, C., Wang, E.L., Liu, J.D., and Nielsen, D.C., 2014. Year patterns of climate impact on wheat yields. International Journal of Climatology. 34: 518-528.

27) Cleverly, J.*, Boulain, N., Villalobos-Vega, R., Grant, N., Faux, R., Wood, C., Cook, P.G., Yu, Q., Leigh, A., and Eamus, D., 2013. Dynamics of component carbon fluxes in a semi-arid Acacia woodland, central Australia. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 118, 1168-1185.

28) Cleverly, J.*, Chen, C., Boulain, N., Villalobos-Vega, R., Faux, R., Grant, N., Yu, Q., and Eamus, D., 2013. Aerodynamic resistance and Penman-Monteith evapotranspiration over a seasonally two-layered canopy in semi-arid central Australia. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 14(5): 1562-1570.

29) Fang, Q.X.*, Ma, L.W.*, Yu, Q., Hu, C.S., Li, X.X., Malone, R.W., and Ahuja, L.R., 2013. Quantifying climate and management effects on regional crop yield and nitrogen leaching in the North China Plain. Journal of Environmental Quality, 42: 1466-1479.

30) Ma, X.L., Huete, A.*, Yu, Q., Natalia, R.C., Davies, K., Broich, M., Ratana, P., Beringer, J., Lindsay, B.H., Cleverly, J., Boulain, N., and Eamus, D., 2013. Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics in savanna vegetation phenology across the North Australian Tropical Transect. Remote Sensing of Environment, 139: 97-115.

31) Yang, X.Y.*, Asseng, S., Wong, M.T.F., Yu, Q., Li, J. and Liu, E.M., 2013. Quantifying the interactive impacts of global dimming and warming on wheat yield and water use in China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 182-183: 342-351.

32) Zhao, G.*, Bryan, B.A., King, D., Luo, Z.K., Wang, E.L., Bende-Michl, U., Song, X.D., and Yu, Q., 2013. Large-scale, high-resolution agricultural systems modeling using a hybrid approach combining grid computing and parallel processing. Environmental Modelling & Software, 41: 231-238.

33) Zhao, G.*, Bryan, B.A., King, D., Luo, Z.K., Wang, E.L., Song, X.D., and Yu, Q., 2013. Impact of agricultural management practices on soil organic carbon: simulation of Australian wheat systems. Global Change Biology, 19(5): 1585-1597.

34) Li, L.H.*, Wang, Y.P., Yu, Q., Pak, B., Eamus, D., Yan, J.H., van Gorsel, E., and Baker, I.T., 2012. Improving the responses of the Australian community land surface model (CABLE) to seasonal drought. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 117. G04002.

35) Liu, J.D., Liu, J.M., Linderholm, H.W.*, Chen, D.L., Yu, Q., Wu, D.R., and Haginoya, S., 2012. Observation and calculation of the solar radiation on the Tibetan Plateau. Energy Conversion and Management, 57: 23-32.

36) Ye, Z.P.*, Yu, Q., and Kang, H.J., 2012. Evaluation of photosynthetic electron flow using simultaneous measurements of gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence under photorespiratory conditions. Photosynthetica, 50(3): 472-476.

37) Zhao, G.*, Bryan, B.A., King, D., Song, X.D., and Yu, Q., 2012. Parallelization and optimization of spatial analysis for large scale environmental model data assembly. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 89: 94-99.

38) Chen, C.*, Baethgen, W.E., Wang, E.L., and Yu, Q., 2011. Characterizing spatial and temporal variability of crop yield caused by climate and irrigation in the North China Plain. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 106(3-4): 365-381.

39) Xing, H.T., Wang, E.L.*, Smith, C.J., Rolston, D., and Yu, Q., 2011. Modelling nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide emission from soil in an incubation experiment. Geoderma, 167-68: 328-339.

40) Chen, C., Wang, E.L.*, and Yu, Q., 2010. Modeling Wheat and Maize Productivity as Affected by Climate Variation and Irrigation Supply in North China Plain. Agronomy Journal, 102(3): 1037-1049.

41) Chen, C., Wang, E.L.*, Yu, Q., and Zhang, Y.Q., 2010. Quantifying the effects of climate trends in the past 43 years (1961-2003) on crop growth and water demand in the North China Plain. Climatic Change, 100(3-4): 559-578.

42) Chen, C., Wang, E.L.*, and Yu, Q., 2010. Modelling the effects of climate variability and water management on crop water productivity and water balance in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 97(8): 1175-1184.

43) Fang, Q., Ma, L.*, Yu, Q., Ahuja, L.R., Malone, R.W., and Hoogenboom, G., 2010. Irrigation strategies to improve the water use efficiency of wheat-maize double cropping systems in North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 97(8): 1165-1174.

44) Fang, Q.X.*, Ma, L., Green, T.R., Yu, Q., Wang, T.D., and Ahuja, L.R., 2010. Water resources and water use efficiency in the North China Plain: Current status and agronomic management options. Agricultural Water Management, 97(8): 1102-1116.

45) Flerchinger, G.N.*, Marks, D., Reba, M.L., Yu, Q., and Seyfried, M.S., 2010. Surface fluxes and water balance of spatially varying vegetation within a small mountainous headwater catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 14(6): 965-978.

46) Li, L., Nielsen, D.C.*, Yu, Q., Ma, L., and Ahuja, L.R., 2010. Evaluating the Crop Water Stress Index and its correlation with latent heat and CO2 fluxes over winter wheat and maize in the North China plain. Agricultural Water Management, 97(8): 1146-1155.

47) Qin, Z., Su, G.L., Zhang, J.E., Ouyang, Y.*, Yu, Q.* and Li, J., 2010. Identification of important factors for water vapor flux and CO2 exchange in a cropland. Ecological Modelling, 221(4): 575-581.

48) Sun, H.Y., Shen, Y.J.*, Yu, Q., Flerchinger, G.N., Zhang, Y.Q., Liu, C.M., and Zhang, X.Y., 2010. Effect of precipitation change on water balance and WUE of the winter wheat-summer maize rotation in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 97(8): 1139-1145.

49) Xiao, W., Lee, X.*, Griffis, T.J., Kim, K., Welp, L.R., and Yu, Q., 2010. A modeling investigation of canopy-air oxygen isotopic exchange of water vapor and carbon dioxide in a soybean field. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences, 115. G01004.

50) Flerchinger, G.N.*, Xaio, W., Marks, D., Sauer, T.J., and Yu, Q., 2009. Comparison of algorithms for incoming atmospheric long-wave radiation. Water Resources Research, 45.

51) Li, L.*, Yu, Q., Su, Z., and van der Tol, C., 2009. A simple method using climatic variables to estimate canopy temperature, sensible and latent heat fluxes in a winter wheat field on the North China Plain. Hydrological Processes, 23(5): 665-674.

52) Fang, Q., Ma, L.*, Yu, Q., Malone, R.W., Saseendran, S.A., and Ahuja, L.R., 2008. Modeling Nitrogen and Water Management Effects in a Wheat-Maize Double-Cropping System. Journal of Environmental Quality, 37(6): 2232-2242.

53) Li, J.*, Tong, X.J., Yu, Q., Dong, Y.S., and Peng, C.H., 2008. Micrometeorological measurements of nitrous oxide exchange above a cropland. Atmospheric Environment, 42(29): 6992-7001.

54) Li, L.H.*, McMaster, G.S., Yu, Q., and Du, J., 2008. Simulating winter wheat development response to temperature: Modifying Malo's exponential sine equation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 63(2): 274-281.

55) Lu, P.L., Yu, Q.*, Wang, E., Liu, J.D., and Xu, S.H., 2008. Effects of climatic variation and warming on rice development across South China. Climate Research, 36(1): 79-88.

56) Qin, Z., Ouyang, Y., Su, G.L., Yu, Q.*, Li, J., Zhang, J.E., and Wu, Z.Y., 2008. Characterization of CO2 and water vapor fluxes in a summer maize field with wavelet analysis. Ecological Informatics, 3(6): 397-409.

57) Wang, E.L.*, Cresswell, H., Yu, Q., and Verburg, K., 2008. Summer forage cropping as an effective way to control deep drainage in south-eastern Australia - A simulation study. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 125(1-4): 127-136.

58) Wang, E.L.*, Yu, Q., Wu, D.R., and Xia, J., 2008. Climate, agricultural production and hydrological balance in the North China Plain. International Journal of Climatology, 28(14): 1959-1970.

59) Ye, Z.P.*, and Yu, Q., 2008. A coupled model of stomatal conductance and photosynthesis for winter wheat. Photosynthetica, 46(4): 637-640.

60) Yu, Q.*, Wang, E.L., and Smith, C.J., 2008. A modelling investigation into the economic and environmental values of 'perfect' climate forecasts for wheat production under contrasting rainfall conditions. International Journal of Climatology, 28(2): 255-266.

61) Zhang, Y.Q.*, Yu, Q., Jiang, J., and Tang, Y.H., 2008. Calibration of Terra/MODIS gross primary production over an irrigated cropland on the North China Plain and an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology, 14(4): 757-767.

62) Flerchinger, G.N.*, and Yu, Q., 2007. Simplified expressions for radiation scattering in canopies with ellipsoidal leaf angle distributions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 144(3-4): 230-235.

63) Li, L.H.*, and Yu, Q., 2007. Quantifying the effects of advection on canopy energy budgets and water use efficiency in an irrigated wheat field in the North China Plain. Agricultural Water Management, 89(1-2): 116-122.

64) Peng, C.H.*, Ouyang, H., Gao, Q., Jiang, Y., Zhang, F., Li, J., and Yu, Q., 2007. Environment - Building a “green” railway in China. Science, 316(5824): 546-547.

65) Wang, J., Yu, Q.* and Lee, X.H., 2007. Simulation of crop growth and energy and carbon dioxide fluxes at different time steps from hourly to daily. Hydrological Processes, 21(18): 2474-2492.

66) Yu, Q.*, Flerchinger, G.N., Xu, S., Kozak, J., Ma, L., and Ahuja, L., 2007. Energy balance simulation of a wheat canopy using the RZ-SHAW (RZWQM-SHAW)model. Transactions of the ASABE, 50(5): 1507-1516.

67) Yu, Q.*, Xu, S.H., Wang, J., and Lee, X.H., 2007. Influence of leaf water potential on diurnal changes in CO2 and water vapour fluxes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 124(2): 161-181.

68) Fang, Q.X., Yu, Q.*, Wang, E.L., Chen, Y.H., Zhang, G.L., Wang, J., and Li, L.H., 2006. Soil nitrate accumulation, leaching and crop nitrogen use as influenced by fertilization and irrigation in an intensive wheat-maize double cropping system in the North China Plain. Plant and Soil, 284(1-2): 335-350.

69) Li, L.H., Yu, Q.*, Zheng, Y.F., Wang, J., and Fang, Q.X., 2006. Simulating the response of photosynthate partitioning during vegetative growth in winter wheat to environmental factors. Field Crops Research, 96(1): 133-141.

70) Lu, P.L., Yu, Q.*, Liu, J.D., and Lee, X.H., 2006. Advance of tree-flowering dates in response to urban climate change. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 138(1-4): 120-131.

71) Wang, J., Yu, Q.*, Li, J., Li, L.H., Li, X.G., Yu, G.R., and Sun, X.M., 2006. Simulation of diurnal variations of CO2, water and heat fluxes over winter wheat with a model coupled photosynthesis and transpiration. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 137(3-4): 194-219.

72) Wu, D.R., Yu, Q.*, Lu, C.H., and Hengsdijk, H., 2006. Quantifying production potentials of winter wheat in the North China Plain. European Journal of Agronomy, 24(3): 226-235.

73) Xiao, W., Flerchinger, G.N., Yu, Q.* and Zheng, Y.F., 2006. Evaluation of the SHAW model in simulating the components of net all-wave radiation. Transactions of the ASABE, 49(5): 1351-1360.

74) Xiao, W., Yu, Q., Flerchinger, G.N.* and Zheng, Y.F., 2006. Evaluation of SHAW model in simulating energy balance, leaf temperature, and micrometeorological variables within a maize canopy. Agronomy Journal, 98(3): 722-729.

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