- 牛书丽
- 研究员

个人简况 理学博士,研究员,博士生导师,国家“杰出青年”基金获得者,中组部“青年千人计划”入选者。2004年于中国科学院植物研究所获生态学博士,2005-2008年于中国科学院植物研究所从事生态系统响应全球变化的控制实验研究,2008-2012年于美国俄克拉荷马大学从事区域和全球生态数据挖掘。目前担任Ecology Letters、Functional Ecology、Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences等国际期刊编委。 在Nature、PNAS、Ecology Letters、Global Change Biology、New Phytologists 等生态学和植物学主流刊物发表 SCI索引论文100余篇。 研究领域和研究方向 1. 区域及全球生态学:利用数据挖掘对陆地生态系统联网观测和联网实验数据进行整合分析,揭示陆地生态系统关键地表过程的大尺度格局及其环境调控因子和机制。 2. 生态系统结构和功能对全球变化的响应和适应-控制实验研究:利用全球变化野外控制实验研究生态系统结构和功能,尤其是生态系统碳、氮、水循环及其耦合对气候变化和人类干扰的响应和适应。 代表性学术论文 2019 133. Quan Q., Tian DS, Zhang FY., Ma FF., Song B., Chen H, T. Crowther, S. Niu*. 2019. Water scaling on net ecosystem exchange in response to warming. Science Advances. 5: eaav1131. 132. Fu Z., P. Stoy, B. Poulter, … S. Niu*. 2019. Maximum carbon uptake rate dominates interannual variability of net ecosystem exchange. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14731. 131. Zhang FY, Quan Q., Ma FF, Song B, S.Niu*. 2019. When does extreme drought elicit extreme ecological responses? Journal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.13226. 130. Li. Z., Tian D., Wang J. Wang B., S. Niu*. Microbes drive global soil nitrogen mineralization and availability. Global Change Biology. DOI:10.1111/gcb.14557. 129. Zhang FY, Quan Q., Ma FF., Song B., S. Niu*. 2019. Differential responses of ecosystem carbon flux components to experimental precipitation gradient in an alpine meadow. Functional Ecology. 33:889–900. 128.Wang, J., Song B, Ma F, Tian D, Li Y., Yan T., Quan Q., Zhang F., Li Z., Wang B., Gao Q., Chen W., S. Niu*. 2019. Nitrogen addition reduces soil respiration but increases the relative contribution of heterotrophic component in an alpine meadow. Functional Ecology. 33:889–900. 127. Chen WN., Zhang F, Wang B, Wang J, Tian D, Han G, Wen X, Yu G, S. Niu*. The diel and seasonal variation of methane in an alpine meadow. Journal of Geophysical Rsearch-Biogeosciencs. DOI: 10.1029/2019JG005011. 126. Meng C., D. Tian, H. Zeng, T. Yi.,S. Niu*. 2019. Soil acidification impacts on belowground processes: a meta-analysis. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab239c. 125. Li. Z., Cui, J., Mi, Z.R., Tian, D.S., Wang, J.S., Ma, Z.L., Wang, B.X., Chen, H.Y.H., S. Niu*. 2019. Responses of soil enzymatic activities to transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) crops - A global meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment. 654: 1218-1224. 124. Tang, S.M., Wang, K., Xiang, Y.Z., Tian, D.S.*, Wang, J.S., S. Niu* (2019). Heavy grazing reduces grassland soil greenhouse gas fluxes: A global meta-analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 651: 1830-1838. 123. Zhang, J.J., H. Yang, Y. Li, D. Tian, N. He, S. Niu*. 2019. Soil and climate determine differential responses of soil respiration to nitrogen and acid deposition along a forest transect. European Journal of Soil Biology. 93 (2019) 103097. 122. Shen Y.,D Tian, L Jiang, J Wang, X Chen, Y Li, B Wang, Z Li, Y Fu, J Hou, S. Niu. Different responses and links of N:P ratio among ecosystem components under nutrient addition in a temperate forest. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences. https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JG005080. 121. Cui E., K. Huang, …S. Niu…J. Xia. 2019. Vegetation functional properties determine uncertainty of simulated ecosystem productivity: a traceability analysis in the East Asian monsoon region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. DOI: 10.1029/2018GB005909. 120.Mengtian Huang, Shilong Piao, Philippe Ciais, Josep Penuelas, Xuhui Wang, Trevor F Keenan, Shushi Peng, Joseph A Berry, Kai Wang, Jiafu Mao, Ramdane Alkama, Alessandro Cescatti, Matthias Cuntz, Hannes De Deurwaerder, Mengdi Gao, Yue He, Yongwen Liu, Yiqi Luo, Ranga B Myneni, Shuli Niu, Xiaoying Shi, Wenping Yuan, Hans Verbeeck, Tao Wang, Jin Wu, Ivan A Janssens. 2019. Air temperature optima of vegetation productivity across global biomes. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3: 772-779. 119. Chang Gyo Jung, Xia Xu,Shuli Niu, Junyi Liang, Xuecheng Chen, Zheng Shi, Lifen Jiang, Yiqi Luo. 2019. Experimental warming amplified opposite impacts of drought vs. wet extremes on ecosystem carbon cycle in a tallgrass prairie. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 276-277: 107635. 118. Nianpeng He, Congcong Liu, Shilong Piao, Lawren Sack, Li Xu, Yiqi Luo, Jinsheng He, Xingguo Han, Guangsheng Zhou, Xuhui Zhou, Yi Lin, Qiang Yu, Shirong Liu, Wei Sun, Shuli Niu, Shenggong Li, Jiahui Zhang, and Guirui Yu. Ecosystem Traits Linking Functional Traits to Macroecology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2018.11.004. 2018 117. Niu, S., A.T. Classen, Y.Luo. 2018. Functional traits along a transect. Functional Ecology 32 (1), 4-9 116. Tian, D., P. Reich, Y. Xiang, H. Chen, Y. Luo, Y. Shen, C. Meng., W. Han, S. Niu*. 2018. Global changes alter plant stoichiometry of nine elements. New Phytologists. doi: 10.1111/nph.15428 115. Wang, J., Tian D., Wang, B., Li, Z., Chen W., Chen H., S. Niu*. 2018. Vegetation type determines global root turn over rate. Global Ecology and Biogeograph. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12866 114. Tian, D., Y. Xiang, B. Wang, M. Li, Y. Liu, J. Wang, Z. Li, S. Niu*. 2018. Cropland abandonment enhances soil inorganic nitrogen retention and carbon stock in china: a meta-analysis'. Land Degradation & Development. doi:10.1002/ldr.3137 113. Quan Q., F. Zhang, D. Tian, Q. Zhou, S. Niu*. 2018. Transpiration dominates ecosystem water use efficiency in response to warming in an alpine meadow. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeoscience. DOI:10.1002/2017JG004362. 112. Ma, F., Song, B., Zhang, F., Quan, Q., Zhou, Q., & S. Niu*. 2018. Ecosystem carbon use efficiency is insensitive to nitrogen addition gradient in an alpine meadow.Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123. Doi:10.1029/2018JG004530 110. Zhu K, J. Zhang, S. Niu, C. Chu, Y. Luo. 2018. Limits to growth: forest biomass carbon sink under climate change. Nature Communications. (2018) 9:2709. 109. Liu S., J. Cheng, C.Wang, J. Chen, Y.Jin, Z.Zou, S. Li, S.Niu, J. Zou. 2018. Climatic role of terrestrial ecosystem under elevated CO2: A bottom-up greenhouse gases budget. Ecology Letters. 21: 1108–1118. 108. Chen J. Y. Luo, P. García-Palacios, J. Cao, M. Dacal, X. Zhou, J. Li, J. Xia, S. Niu, H. Yang, S. Shelton, W. Guo and K. van Groenigen. 2018. Differential responses of carbon-degrading enzymes activities to warming: implications for soil respiration. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14394. 107. Chen J, Y Luo, J Xia, X Zhou, S Niu, S Shelton, W Guo, S Liu, W Dai. 2018. Divergent responses of ecosystem respiration components to livestock exclusion on the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau. Land Degradation & Development 29 (6), 1726-1737 106. Du Y., H. Han,Y. Wangn, M. Zhong, D. Hui, S. Niu, S. Wan. 2018. Plant functional groups regulate soil respiration responses to nitrogen addition and mowing over a decade. Functional Ecology.32 (4), 1117-1127 105. Tian J, He NP, Hale L, S. Niu, Yu GR, Liu Y, Blagodatskava E, Kuzyakov Y, Zhou JZ. 2018. Soil organic matter availability and climate drive latitudinal patterns in bacterial diversity from tropical to cold-temperate forests. Functional Ecology, 32:61-70. 104. Wang CH, Wang NN, Zhu JX, Liu Y, Xu XF, S. Niu, Yu GR, Han XG, He NP. 2018. Soil gross N ammonification and nitrification from tropical to temperate forests in eastern China. Functional Ecology, 32: 83-94. 103. Xu L., G Yu., N. He, S. Niu, J. Ge. 2018. Carbon storage in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: A synthesis. Scientific Reports 8(1). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-20764-9. 102. Crowther T. W., M. B. Machmuller, J. C. Carey, S. D. Allison, J. M. Blair, S. D. Bridgham, A. J. Burton, F. A. Dijkstra, B. Elberling, M. Estiarte, K. S. Larsen, H. Laudon, M. Lupascu, S. Marhan, J. Mohan, S. Niu, J. J. Pe?uelas, I. K. Schmidt, P. H. Templer, G. Kr?el-Dulay, S. Frey, M. A. Bradford. 2018. Crowther et al. reply to N. van Gestel et al. Nature 554, Nature. doi:10.1038/nature25746. 101. Liu Y., X. Wen, Y. Zhang, J. Tian, Y.Gao, N. Ostle, S.Niu, S. Chen, X. Sun, N. He. 2018. Widespread asymmetric response of soil heterotrophic respiration to warming and cooling. Science of The Total Environment. 635:423-431 100. Chen H, D. Li, W. Feng, S. Niu, A. Plante, Y.Luo, K. Wang. 2018. Different responses of soil organic carbon fractions to additions of nitrogen. European Journal of Soil Sciences. 2018. DOI:10.1111/ejss.12716. 2017 99. Niu S, F. Zheng Fu, Y. Luo, PC. Stoy, TF. Keenan, B. Poulter, L. Zhang, S. Piao, X. Zhou, H Zheng, J. Han, Q. Wang, G. Yu. 2017. Interannual variability of ecosystem carbon exchange: From observation to prediction. Global Ecology and Biogeography. DOI: 10.1111/geb.12633 98. Zhang FY., Q. Quan, B. Song, J. Sun, Y. Chen, Q. Zhou, S. Niu*. 2017. Net primary productivity and its partitioning in response to precipitation gradient in an alpine meadow. Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-15580-6. 97. Li, Y., J. Sun, D. Tian, J. Wang, D. Ha, Y. Qu, G. Jing, S. Niu*. 2017. Soil acid cations induced reduction in soil respiration under nitrogen enrichment and soil acidification. Science of the Total Environment. 615, 1535-1546 96. Wang, J., J. Sun, N. He, S. Niu*. 2017. Vegetation and soil carbon turn over time from tropical to boreal forests. Functional Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.12914 95. Li, Y., D. Tian, H. Yang, S. Niu*. 2017. Size-dependent nutrient limitation from subtropical to cold temperate forest. Functional Ecology. DOI:10.1111/1365-2435.12975. 94. Song B., J. Sun, Q. Zhou, N Zong, L. Li, S. Niu*. 2017. Initial shifts in nitrogen impact on ecosystem carbon fluxes in an alpine meadow: patterns and causes. Biogeoscience. DOI: 10.5194/bg-2016-436 93. Fu, Z, J. Dong, Y. Zhou, P. Stoy, S. Niu*. Long term trend and interannual variability of land carbon uptake-the attribution and processes. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa5685. 92. Fu, Z, P. Stoy, Y. Luo, J. Chen, J. Sun, et al. S. Niu*. 2017. Climate controls over the net carbon uptake period and amplitude of net ecosystem production in temperate and boreal ecosystems. Agriculture and Forest Meteorology. DOI: 10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.05.009. 91. Fu, Z., D. Li, O. Hararuk, C, Schwalm, Y.Luo, L.Yan, S.Niu*. 2017. Recovery time and state change of terrestrial carbon cycle after disturbance. Environmental Research Letters. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/aa8a5c 90. Luo, Y., L. Jiang, S. Niu, X. Zhou. 2017. Nonlinear responses of land ecosystems to variation in precipitation. New Phytologist. 2017. 214: 5–7 89. Liu, Y., N. He, J. Zhu, L. Xu, G. Yu, S. Niu, X. Sun, X. Wen. 2017. Regional variation in the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in China's forests and grasslands. 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Nyckowiak J., Le?ny J.,Olejnik, J., Merbold L., Niu S. 2017. Regional carbon uptake of croplands in Poland between 1960 and 2009. Meterology Hydrology and Water Management. DOI:10.26491/mhwm/80505. 84. Yu G., Chen Z., Zhang L., Peng C., Chen J., Piao S., Zhang Y., Niu S., Wang Q., Luo Y., Ciais P., Baldocchi D. 2017. Recognizing the Scientific Mission of Flux Tower Observation Networks—Lay the Solid Scientific Data Foundation for Solving Ecological Issues Related to Global Change. Journal of Resources and Ecology. DOI:10.5814/j.issn.1674-764x.2017.02.001 2016 83. Niu, S; A. Classen, J. Dukes,P. Kardol,L. Liu, Y. Luo,L. Rustad, J. Sun, J. Tang, P. Templer, Q.Thomas, D. Tian, S. Vicca, Y. Wang, J. Xia, S. Zaehle. 2016. Global patterns and substrate-based mechanisms of the terrestrial nitrogen cycle. Ecology Letters. 19:697-709. 82. Li, Y., Niu, S*, Yu, G. 2016. Aggravated phosphorus limitation on biomass production under increasing N loading: A meta-analysis. 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