







  • 温学发
  • 研究员


男,1975年11月生,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所研究员、博士生导师。现任中国科学院生态系统网络观测与模拟重点实验室副主任,兼任中国科学院大学岗位教授、中国生态学会稳定同位素生态专业委员会副秘书长、亚洲通量网(AsiaFlux)科学指导委员会委员等。2001年获沈阳农业大学农学学士和硕士学位(本硕连读);2005年获得中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所(中国科学院大学)理学博士学位;2005-2014年在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所任博士后、助理研究员和副研究员,期间多次访问美国耶鲁大学森林与环境学院任博士后、访问副研究员等。2014年至今在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所任研究员。荣获国家科技进步二等奖“中国陆地碳收支评估的生态系统碳通量联网观测与模型模拟系统(10/10)”、中国生态学会第二届青年科技奖、IHDP-IGBP-WCRP START第十四届奖学金、中国科学院王宽诚教育基金会奖学金资源与生态环境人才专项、中国科学院知识创新工程青年人才项目等。目前,已在Global Change Biology、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology等期刊合作发表论文144篇,其中SCI收录81篇,h-index=29,他用>2000次(Web of Science);其中第一或通讯作者论文49篇 (SCI收录30篇)。授权和申请国家发明专利12项(第一发明人4项)。主持国家重点研发计划课题(2017YFC0503904)、国家自然科学基金重点项目(41830860)、国际(地区)合作与交流项目(41571130043)、面上项目 (31470500、31070408和30670384)等。


研究方向是同位素生物地球化学与生态系统生态学,研究重点是以生态系统和小流域尺度水、碳和氮循环过程与机理为核心,以稳定同位素红外光谱(IRIS)和质谱(IRMS)技术为基础,与涡度协方差(Eddy Covariance)、全自动箱式(Chamber)和通量-廓线(Flux-gradient)等观测技术和方法相结合,开展生态系统和小流域水、碳和氮通量及其稳定同位素通量的原位连续的协同观测以及过程与机理解析研究。


1.Wang J, Wen XF*, Zhang XY*, Li SG. 2018. The strategies of water-carbon regulation of plants in a subtropical primary forest on karst soils in China. Biogeosciences, 15, 4193-4203.

2.Wang J, Wen XF*,Zhang XY*, Li SG, Zhang DY. 2018. Co-regulation of photosynthetic capacity by nitrogen, phosphorus and magnesium in a subtropical Karst forest in China. Scientific Report, 8:7406 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-25839-1.

3.Wang J, Wen XF*, Li SG. 2017 Differentiated correction on the signal intensity dependence of GasBench Ⅱ-IRMS from blank effect and instrument nonlinear effect. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 422, 80-87.

4.Chen CH, Pang JP Wei J, Wen XF*, Sun XM*. 2017. Inter-comparison among three models for the δ13C of respiration with four regression approaches. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 247, 229-239.

5.Liu Y, He NP*, Zhu JX, Xu L, Yu GR, Niu SL, Sun XM, Wen XF*. 2017. Regional variation in the temperature sensitivity of soil organic matter decomposition in China’s forests and grasslands Global Change Biology, 23(8), 3393-3402.

6.Wen, XF*, Yang, B, Sun, XM, Lee, X. 2016. Evapotranspiration partitioning through in-situ oxygen isotope measurements in an oasis cropland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 230-231,89-96.

7.Pang JP, Wen, XF*, Sun, XM*. 2016. Mixing ratio and carbon isotopic composition investigation of atmospheric CO2 in Beijing, China. Science of the Total Environment,539,322-330.

8.Pang JP, Wen, XF*, Sun, XM*. 2016. Inter-comparison of two cavity ring-down spectroscopy analyzers for atmospheric 13CO2/12CO2 measurement. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 3879–3891.

9.Tang, YK, Wen, X.F.*, Sun XM, Chen YM, Wang, HM. 2016, Environmental variability rather than functional change dominated the interannual variability of carbon and water fluxes over a subtropical coniferous plantation. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, doi: 10.3832/ifor1691-008.

10.Tang YK, Chen YM, Wen XF*, Sun XM, Wang HM. 2016. Variation of carbon use efficiency over ten years in a subtropical coniferous plantation in Southeast China. Ecological Engineering, 97, 196–206.

11.Meng Y, Wen, XF*, 2016. The characteristics of dew events at an arid artificial oasis and a semi-humid cropland in China. Journal of Arid Land, 8(3): 399–408.

12.Mi N, Wen XF*, Cai F, Zhang YS, Wang HM. 2016. Influence of seasonal drought on ecosystem water use efficiency in a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15666/aeer.

13.Yang, B, Wen, XF*, Sun, XM*. 2015. Irrigation depth far exceeds water uptake depth in an oasis cropland in the middle reaches of Heihe River Basin. Scientific Report. 5, 15206; doi: 10.1038/srep15206.

14.Yang, B, Wen, XF*, Sun, XM*. 2015. Seasonal variations in depth of water uptake for a subtropical coniferous plantation subjected to drought in an East Asian monsoon region. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 201, 218-228.

15.Zhang, H., Wen, XF*. 2015. Flux footprint climatology estimated by three analytical Models of a subtropical coniferous plantation in southeastern China. Journal of Meteorological Research. 29, doi: 10.1007/s13351-014-4090-7.

16.Bao, XY, Wen, XF*, Sun, XM*, Zhao, FH, Wang, YY. 2014. Interannual variation in carbon sequestration depends mainly on the carbon uptake period in two croplands on the North China Plain, PLOS ONE, 9(10): e110021. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0110021.

17.Huang LJ,Wen, XF*. 2014. Temporal variations of atmospheric water vapor δD and δ18O above an arid artificial oasis cropland in the Heihe River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research–Atmospheres, 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD021891.

18.Tang, YK, Wen, XF*, Sun XM, Zhang, XY, Wang, HM. 2014. The limiting effect of deep soil water on evapotranspiration of a subtropical coniferous plantation subjected to seasonal drought. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 31(2), 385–395.

19.Tang, YK,Wen, XF*, Sun XM*, Zhang, XY, Wang, HM. 2014. Interannual Variation of the Bowen ratio in a Subtropical Coniferous Plantation in Southeast China, 2003-2012. PLOS ONE, 9(2): e88267. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088267.

20.He NP, Wang RM, Gao Y, Dai JZ, Wen XF*, Yu GR*. 2013. Changes in the temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition with grassland succession: Implications for soil C sequestration. Ecology and Evolution, 3(15), 5045-5054.

21.Wen, XF*, Meng, Y, Zhang, XY, Sun, XM, Lee, X*. 2013. Evaluating calibration strategies for isotope ratio infrared spectroscopy for atmospheric 13CO2/12CO2 measurement. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 6, 1491-1501.

22.Wen, XF*, Lee, X*, Sun, XM, Wang, JL, Hu, ZM, Li, SG, Yu, G.R. 2012. Dew water isotopic ratios and their relations to ecosystem water pools and fluxes in a cropland and a grassland in China. Oecologia, 168, 549-561.

23.Wen, XF*, Lee, X, Sun, XM, Wang, JL, Tang, YK, Li, SG, Yu, G.R. 2012. Inter-comparison of four commercial analyzers for water vapor isotope measurement. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29, 235-247.

24.Xiao W, Lee X*, Wen, XF*, Sun, XM, Zhang, SC. 2012. Modeling biophysical controls on canopy foliage water 18O enrichment in wheat and corn. Global Change Biology, 18, 1769–1780.

25.Zhang, SC, Sun, XM, Wang, JL, Yu, GR, Wen, XF*. 2011. Short-term variations of vapor isotope ratios reveal the influence of atmospheric processes. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 21,401-416.

26.Wen, XF, Zhang, SC, Sun, XM, Yu, GR, Lee, X*. 2010. Water vapor and precipitation isotope ratios in Beijing, China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 115, D01103, doi:10.1029/2009JD012408.

27.Wen, XF, Wang, HM, Wang, JL, Yu, GR, Sun, XM*. 2010. Ecosystem carbon exchange of a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation subjected to seasonal drought, 2003-2007. Biogeosciences, 7, 357-369.

28.Wen, XF, Sun, XM, Zhang, SC, Yu, GR, Sargent, SD, Lee, X*. 2008. Continuous measurement of water vapor D/H and 18O/16O isotope ratios in the atmosphere. Journal of Hydrology, 349, 489-500.

29.Wen, XF, Yu, GR*, Sun, XM, Li, QK, Liu, YF, Zhang, LM, Ren, CY, Fu, YL, Li, ZQ. 2006. Soil moisture effects on the temperature dependence of ecosystem respiration in a subtropical pinus plantation of southeastern China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 137: 166-175.

30.Wen, XF, Yu, GR*, Sun, XM, Liu, YF.2005. Turbulence flux measurement above the overstory of a subtropical Pinus plantation over the hilly region in southeastern China. Science in China Ser. D Earth Sciences, 48(Supp I), 63~73.