- 张扬建
- 研究员

个人简况 男, 1976 年生,江西万年人,研究员,2004年在美国乔治亚大学(University of Georgia)获得博士学位,中组部“万人计划”中青年科技创新领军人才,中国科学院拉萨高原生态试验站站长,中国科学院青藏高原地球科学卓越中心骨干人才。 研究方向: 高寒生态系统与全球变化。应用遥感、生态模型和空间统计分析技术及地面控制实验来探讨在全球变化和人类活动干扰急剧增加的背景下生态系统格局和功能的变化。研究区域主要是青藏高原。 主要英文论著: 2016: [1] Zhu Juntao, Zhang Yangjian*, Jiang Lin. Experimental warming drives a seasonal shift of ecosystem carbon exchange in Tibetan alpine meadow. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 10.1016/j.agrformet.2016.12.005. [2] Huang Ke, Zhang Yangjian*, Zhu Juntao, Liu yaojie, Zu jiaxing and Zhang jing. The Influences of Climate Change and Human Activities on Vegetation Dynamics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(10): 876. [3] Zhu Juntao, Jiang Lin, Zhang Yangjian*. Relationships between functional diversity and aboveground biomass production in the Northern Tibetan alpine grasslands. Scientific Reports, 2016, doi:10.1038/srep34105. [4] Niu Ben, He Yongtao, Zhang Xianzhou*, Fu Gang, Shi Peili, Du Mingyuan, Zhang Yangjian, Zong Ning. Tower-Based Validation and Improvement of MODIS Gross Primary Production in an Alpine Swamp Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau[J]. Remote Sensing, 2016, 8(7): 592. [5] Zhu Xuchao, Shao Ming’an*, Zeng Chen, Jia Xiaoxu, Huang Laiming, Zhang Yangjian, Zhu Juntao. Application of cosmic-ray neutron sensing to monitor soil water content in an alpine meadow ecosystem on the northern Tibetan Plateau[J]. Journal of Hydrology, 2016, 536: 247-254. [6] Chu Haiyan, Sun Huaibo, Tripathi B M, Adams M J, Huang Rong, Zhang Yangjian, Shi Yu. Bacterial community dissimilarity between the surface and subsurface soils equals horizontal differences over several kilometers in the western Tibetan Plateau[J]. Environmental microbiology, 2016, 18(5), 1523–1533. [7] Zhang Tao, ZhangYangjian*, Xu Mingjie, Xi Yi, Zhu Juntao, Zhang Xianzhou, Wan Yanfen, Li Yingnian, Shi Peili, Yu Guirui, Sun xiaomin. Ecosystem response more than climate variability drives the inter-annual variability of carbon fluxes in three Chinese grasslands[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2016, 225: 48-56. [8] Zhu Juntao*, Zhang Yangjian*, Wang Wenfeng. Interactions between warming and soil moisture increase overlap in reproductive phenology among species in an alpine meadow[J]. Biology Letters, 2016, 12(7): 20150749. [9] Zhu Juntao, Zhang Yangjian*, Liu Yaojie. Effects of short-term grazing exclusion on plant phenology and reproductive succession in a Tibetan alpine meadow[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6. doi:10.1038/srep27781. [10] Shen Zhenxi, Wang Jiangwei, Sun Wei, Li Shaowei, Fu Gang*, Zhang Xianzhou, Zhang Yangjian, Yu chenqun, Shi peili and He yongtao. The soil drying along the increase of warming masks the relation between temperature and soil respiration in an alpine meadow of Northern Tibet[J]. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2016, 64(1): 125-129. [11] Jiang Yanbin, Zhang Yangjian*, Zhu Juntao, Tao Jian, Zhang Tao, Xi Yi. Effects of community structure on precipitation-use efficiency of grasslands[J]. Journal of Vegetation Science, 2016, doi: 10.1111/jvs.12484 2015: [12] Shen Miaogen*, Piao Shilong*, Jeong Su-Jong, Zhou Liming, Zeng Zhenzhong, Ciais Philippe, Chen Deliang, Huang Mengtian, Jin Chun-Sil, Li Laurent Z X, Li Yue, Myneni Ranga B, Yang Kun, Zhang Gengxin, Zhang Yangjian, Yao Tandong. Evaporative cooling over the Tibetan Plateau induced by vegetation growth. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2015, 112(30): 9299-9304. [13] Wang Jingsheng, Wang Zhikai, Zhang Xianzhou*, Zhang Yangjian, Ran Congqian, Zhang Junlong, Chen Baoxiong and Zhang Bingsong, Response of Kobresia pygmaea and Stipa purpurea grassland communities in northern Tibet to nitrogen and phosphate addition[J]. Mountain Research and Development, 2015, 35(1): 78-86. [14] Qian Hong*, John J. Wiens , Zhang Jian and Zhang Yangjian Evolutionary and ecological causes of species richness patterns in North American angiosperm trees[J]. Ecography, 2015, 38(3): 241-250. [15] Jiang Yanbin, Tao Jian, Huang Yongqi, Zhu Juntao, Tian Li, Zhang Yangjian*. The spatial pattern of grassland aboveground biomass on Xizang Plateau and its climatic controls. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 8(1): 30-40. [16] Xi Yi, Zhang Tao*, Zhang Yangjian*, Zhu Juntao, Zhang Geli, Jiang Yanbin. Nitrogen Addition Alters the Phenology of a Dominant Alpine Plant in Northern Tibet. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 2015, 47(3): 511-518. [17] Zhu Juntao, Jiang Lin, Zhang Yangjian*, Jiang Yanbin, Tao Jian, Tian Li, Zhang Tao, Xi Yi. Below-ground competition derives the self-thinning process of Stipa purpurea populations in northern Tibet. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 26: 166-174. [18] Zhang Tao, Xu Mingjie, Xi Yi, Zhu Juntao, Tian Li, Zhang Xianzhou, Wang Yanfen, Li Yingnian, Shi Peili, Yu Guirui, Sun Xiaomin and Zhang Yangjian*. Lagged climatic effects on carbon fluxes over three grassland ecosystems in China[J]. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2015, 8(3): 291-302. [19] Zhang Tao, Zhang Yangjian*, Xu Mingjie, Zhu Juntao, Wimberly Michael C, Yu Guirui, Niu Shuli, XiYi, Zhang Xianzhou, Wang Jingsheng. Light-intensity grazing improves alpine meadow productivity and adaption to climate change on the Tibetan Plateau. Scientific reports, 2015, 5: 15949. [20] Tao Jian, Zhang Yangjian*, Dong Jinwei, Fu Yu, Zhu Juntao, Zhang Geli, Jiang Yanbin, Tian Li, Zhang Xianzhou, Zhang Tao, Xi Yi. Elevation-dependent relationships between climate change and grassland vegetation variation across the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. International Journal of Climatology, 2015, 35(7): 1638-1647. 2014: [21] Zhang Yangjian*, Yu Guirui, Yang Jian, Wimberly Michael C., Zhang XianZhou, Tao Jian, Jiang Yanbin and Zhu Juntao. Climate-driven global changes in carbon use efficiency. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014, 23(2): 144-155. [22] Zhang Tao, Xu Mingjie, Xi Yi, Zhu Juntao, Tian Li, Zhang Xianzhou, Wang Yanfen, Li Yingnian, Shi Peili, Yu Guirui, Sun Xiaomin, Zhang Yangjian*. Lagged climatic effects on carbon fluxes over three grassland ecosystems in China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2014, 8(3): 291-302. [23] Wang Lingen, Zhong Linsheng, Zhang Yangjian, Zhou Bin. Ecotourism Environmental Protection Measures and TheirEffects on Protected Areas in China. Sustainability, 2014, 6: 6781-6798. [24] Tian Li, Zhang Yangjian*, Zhu Juntao. Decreased surface albedo driven by denser vegetation on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 2014, 9(10): 104001. [25] Liu Yingchun, Yu Guirui, Wang Qiufeng, Zhang Yangjian, Xu Zehong. Carbon carry capacity and carbonsequestration potential in China based on an integrated analysis of mature forest biomass. Sci China Life Sci, 2014, 57(12): 1218-1229. [26] Liu Yingchun, Yu Guirui, Wang Qiufeng, Zhang Yangjian. How temperature, precipitation and stand age control the biomass carbondensity of global mature forests. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014, 23(3): 323-333. 2013: [27] Fu Gang, Zhang Xianzhou, Zhang Yangjian, Shi Peili, Li Yunlong, Zhou Yuting, Yang Pengwan, Shen Zhenxi. Experimental warming does not enhance gross primary production and above-ground biomass in the alpine meadow of Tibet. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, 2013, 7(1): 073505-073505. [28] Dong, Jinwei,Zhang, Geli,Zhang Yangjian, Xiao Xiangming. Reply to Wang et al.: Snow cover andair temperature affect the rate of changes in spring phenology in the Tibetan Plateau. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,2013, 110(31):E2856-E2857. [29] Zhang Geli,Dong, Jinwei,Zhang Yangjian*, XiaoXiangming. Reply to Shen et al.: No evidence toshow nongrowing season NDVI affects spring phenology trend in the Tibetan Plateau over the last decade. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110(26):E2330-E2331. [30] Tao Jian, Zhang Yangjian*, Yuan Xiaoyong, Wang Jingsheng, Zhang Xianzhou. Analysis of forest fires in Northeast China from 2003 to 2011. International journal of remote sensing, 2013, 34(22): 8235-8251. [31] Qian Hong, Zhang Yangjian, Zhang Jian, Wang Xianli.Latitudinal gradients in phylogenetic relatedness of angiosperm trees in North America. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2013, 22(11): 1183-1191. [32] Cao Yu, Wu Yuhuan, Zhang Yangjian*, Tian Jie. Landscape pattern and sustainability of a 1300-year-old agricultural landscape in subtropical mountain areas, Southwestern China. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 2013, 20(4): 349-357. [33] Zhang Geli, Zhang Yangjian*, Dong Jinwei, Xiao Xiangming. Green-up dates in the Tibetan Plateau have continuously advanced from 1982 to 2011. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2013, 110(1):4309-4314. [34] Zhang Yangjian, Claus Holzapfel, Yuan Xiaoyong. Scale-dependent Ecosystem Service. Chapter seven of book Ecosystem Service in Agricultural and Urban Landscapes. Edited by Stephen Wtratten, Harpinder Sandu, Ross Cullen, Robert Costanza. 2013, Wiley-Blackwell publisher. 2012: [35] Yu Cao, Wu Yuhuan, Zhang Yangjian, Tian Jie and Qian Zhang. Landscape spatial pattern analysis for a traditional agricultural landscape of Hani terrace in southwestern China. Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering (RSETE), 2012 2nd International Conference on. IEEE, 2012: 1-4. [36] Hong Qian, Wang Xianli, Zhang Yangjian. Comment on “Disentangling the drivers of β diversity along latitudinal and elevational gradients”. Science, 2012, 335(6076): 1573. [37] Yu Chengqun, Zhang Yangjian*, Holzapfel Claus, Zeng Rong, Zhang Xianzhou, Wang Jingsheng. Ecological and environmental issues faced by a developing Tibet. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 46: 1979–1980. [38] Fu Gang, Shen Zhenxi, Zhang Xianzhou, Zhou Yuting, Zhang Yangjian. Response of microbial biomass to grazing in an alpine meadow along an elevation gradient on the Tibetan Plateau. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2012, 52: 27–29. [39] Fu Gang, Shen Zhenxi, Zhang Xianzhou, Shi Peili, He Yongtao, Zhang Yangjian, Sun Wei, Wu Jianshuang, Zhou Yuting, and Pan Xu. Calibration of MODIS–based gross primary production over an alpine meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 2012, 38(2):157–168. [40] Liu Yingchun, Yu Guirui, Wang Qiufeng, Zhang Yangjian. Huge carbon sequestration potential in global forests. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2012, 3(3), 193-201. 2011: [41] Zhang Yangjian, Miao Zewei, John Bognar, Richard G. Lathrop Jr*. Landscape scale modeling of the potential effect of groundwater-level declines on forested wetlands in the New Jersey Pinelands. Wetlands, 2011, 6(31):1131–1142. [42] Zhang Yangjian, Jonathan Adams*, Zhao Dehai. Does insect folivory vary with latitude among temperate deciduous forests?Ecological Research, 2011, 26(2): 377–383. [43] Zhang Yangjian*, He Hongshi, Stephen R. Shiey, Yang Jian, Brian J. Palik. Evaluating the effects of alternative forest management plans under various physiographic settings using historical records as a reference. Journal of Environmental Management, 2011, 92(6): 1618–1627. [44] Zhang Yangjian, Jonathan Adams*. Top–down control of herbivores varies with ecosystemtypes. Journal of Ecology, 2011,99(2): 370–372. [45] Li Xiaojia, Zhang Xianzhou, Zhang Yangjian. Modeling the effects of climate change and elevated CO2on soil organic carbon in an alpine steppe. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2011,2(2): 168–174. [46] Fu Gang, Shen Zhenxi, Zhang Xianzhou, Shi Peili, Zhang Yangjian, Wu Jianshuang. Estimating air temperature of an alpine meadow on the Northern Tibetan Plateau using MODIS land surface temperature. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2011, 31(1):8–13. [47] Li Xiaojia, Zhang Xianzhou, Wu Jianshuang, ShenZhenxi, Zhang Yangjian, Xu Xingliang, Fan Yuzhi, Zhao Yuping, Yan Wei. Root biomass distribution in alpine ecosystems of the northern Tibetan Plateau. Environment Earth Science, 2011, 64(7): 1911–1919. [48] Yang Jian, He Hongshi, Stephen R. Shi?ey, Frank R. Thompson, Zhang Yangjian. An innovative computer design for modeling forest landscape change in very large spatial extents with ?ne resolutions. Ecological Modelling, 2011, 222(15): 2623–2630. 2009: [49] Zhang Yangjian*, Hong S. He, William D. Dijak, Yang Jian, Stephen R. Shi?ey, Brian J. Palik. 2009. Integration of satellite imagery and forest inventory in mapping dominant and associated species at a regional scale. Environmental Management, 2009, 44(2):312–323. [50] Zhang Yangjian*, Xu Ming*, Chen Hua, Jonathan Adams. Global pattern of NPP to GPP ratio derived from MODIS data: effects of ecosystem type, geographical location and climate. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2009, 18(3): 280–290. [51] Zhang Yangjian*, Xu Ming, Jonathan M. Adams, Wang Xiaochun. Can Landsat imagery detect tree line dynamics? International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009, 30(5): 1327–1340. [52] Jonathan M. Adams, Zhang Yangjian*. Is there more insect folivory in warmer temperate climates? A latitudinal comparison of insect folivory in eastern North America. Journal of Ecology, 2009, 97(5): 933–940. [53] Jonathan M. Adams, Brian Rehill, Zhang Yangjian, Jonathan Gower. A test of the latitudinal defense hypothesis: herbivory, tannins and total phenolics in four North American tree species. Ecological Research, 2009, 24(3): 697–704. [54] Jonathan M. Adams, Zhang Yangjian*, Md. Basri, NorainiShukor. Do tropical forest leaves suffer more insect herbivory? A comparison of tropical versus temperate herbivory, estimated from leaf litter. Ecological Research, 2009, 24: 1381–1392. 2008: [55] Zhang Yangjian*, He Hongshi, Yang Jian. The wildland–urban interface dynamics in the southeastern U.S. from 1990 to 2000. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2008, 85: 155–162. [56] Zhang Yangjian*, Michael A. Tarrant, Gary T. Green. The importance of differentiating urban and rural phenomena in examining the unequal distribution of locally desirable land. Journal of Environmental Management, 2008, 88: 1314–1319. [57] J.M. Adams, W.A. Green, Zhang Yangjian. Leaf margins and temperature in the North American flora: Recalibrating the paleoclimatic thermometer. Global and Planetary Change, 2008, 60: 523–534. 2007 and previous: [58] Zhang Yangjian*, Michael C. Wimberly. The importance of scale in using hierarchical census data to identify the wildland–urban interface. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry, 2007, 31(3): 138–147. [59] Michael C. Wimberly, Zhang Yangjian, John A. Stanturf. Digital forestry in the wildland–urban interface. 11: 201–222. Guofan Shao, Keith M. Reynolds. Computer applications in sustainable forest management: Including perspectives on collaboration and integration. Springer, 2006. [60] Gary T. Green, Michael A. Tarrant, Uttiyo Raychaudhuri, Zhang Yangjian. Wilderness in whose backyard?International Journal of Wilderness, 2005, 11(3):31–38. [61] Zhang Yangjian, Dai Limin, Pan Jie. The trend of tree line on the northern slope of Changbai Mountain. Journal of Forestry Research, 2001, 12 (2): 97–100. 主要中文论著: [62] 朱军涛, 陈宁, 张扬建*, 刘瑶杰. 不同幅度的实验增温对藏北高寒草甸净生态系统碳交换的影响[J]. 植物生态学报, 2016. [63] 姜炎彬, 张扬建*. 西藏天然草地植物功能群分布的初步研究[J]. 植物科学学报, 2016,,34(2): 220-229. [64] 张宪洲*, 何永涛, 沈振西, 王景升, 余成群, 张扬建,石培礼,付刚,朱军涛. 西藏地区可持续发展面临的主要生态环境问题及对策[J]. 中国科学院院刊, 2015, 30(003): 306-312. [65] 张宪洲*, 杨永平, 朴世龙, 包维楷, 汪诗平, 王根绪, 孙航, 罗天祥, 张扬建, 石培礼, 梁尔源, 沈妙根, 王景升, 高清竹, 张镱锂, 欧阳华. 青藏高原生态变化[J]. 科学通报, 2015 (32): 3048-3056. [66] 付玉, 韩用顺, 张扬建*, 陶健. 树线对气候变化响应的研究进展[J]. 生态学杂志, 2014, 33(3): 799-805. [67] 徐丽, 于书霞, 何念鹏*, 温学发, 石培礼, 张扬建, 代景忠, 王若梦. 青藏高原高寒草地土壤碳矿化及其温度敏感性[J]. 植物生态学报, 2013, 37(11): 988-997. [68] 肖明, 吴季秋, 陈秋波,金美佳, 郝雪迎, 张扬建*. 2012. 基于CA-Markov模型的昌化江流域土地利用动态变化. 农业工程学报. 28(10):231–238. [69] 潘蔷,范文义,于海群,张峰,张扬建* (2012)北京市植被指数变化与影响因素分析。北京林业大学学报。43(2):26-33. [70] 杨丽韫*, 代力民, 张扬建. 2002. 长白山北坡暗针叶林倒木贮量和分解的研究. 应用生态学报. 13 (9): 1069–1071. [71] 徐振邦*, 代力民, 张扬建, 李晓辉, 梁永军. 2001. 长白山森林生态系统中椴树叶分解进程的研究. 应用生态学报. 12(4): 501–504. [72] 代力民*, 徐振邦, 张扬建, 陈华. 红松针叶的凋落及其分解速率研究[J]. 生态学报, 2001, 21(8): 1296-1300. |