







  • 赵娜
  • 副研究员




2011-2014 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室,地图学与地理信息系统专业,理学博士;

2008-2011 中国海洋大学,计算数学专业,理学硕士;

2004-2008 济南大学,信息与计算科学专业,理学学士。


2014.07-2017.12 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,助理研究员

2018.01-至今 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,副研究员




1).国家自然科学基金青年基金,项目名称:融合多源多尺度数据的降水空间分布模拟研究201801-202012, 项目负责人。


3) 国家自然科学基金委创新群体项目,课题名称:城市时空大数据质量的若干问题研究2015.1-2020.12,课题负责人。

4) 国家自然科学基金重点支持项目,项目名称:黑河流域气候要素的空间插值及动态模拟分析,2016.03-2017.12,课题负责人。


6) 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所资源与环境信息系统国家重点实验室青年人才项目,项目名称:站点稀疏地区降水的高精度曲面建模方法研究, 2015.05-2017.05,项目负责人。




1) Na Zhao, Tianxiang Yue, Han Li, et al. Spatio-temporal changes in precipitation over Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, China. Atmospheric Research, 2018,202:156-168.

2) Na Zhao, Tianxiang Yue, Chuanfa Chen, et al. An improved statistical downscaling scheme of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission precipitation in the Heihe River basin, China. International Journal of Climatology, 2018,3,doi:10.1002/joc.5502.

3) Na Zhao, Tianxiang Yue, Chuanfa Chen, et al. An improved HASM method for dealing with large spatial data sets. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2018, 61, http://doi.org/10.1007/s11430-017-9205-1.

4) Na Zhao, Tianxiang Yue, Xun Zhou, et al. Statistical downscaling of precipitation using local regression and high accuracy surface modeling method. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 2017, 1: 1-12.

5) Na Zhao, Ning Lu, Chuanfa Chen, Tianxiang Yue, et al. Mapping temperature using Bayesian statistical method and high accuracy surface method. Meteorological Applications. 2017,24: 571-579.

5) Na Zhao, Tianxiang Yue. A convergence criterion for a high accuracy surface modelling method. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 2016, 40,9615-9623.

6) Na Zhao, ChuanFa Chen, Xun Zhou, TianXiangYue. A comparison of two downscaling methods for precipitation in China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015,74(8), 6563-6569.

7) Na Zhao, Tiangxiang Yue, Mingwei Zhao, Zhengping Du, Zemeng Fan, Chuanfa Chen. Sensitivity studies of a high accuracy surface modeling method. SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences. 2014, 57(1):1-11.

8) Na Zhao, Tianxiang Yue. A modification of HASM for interpolating precipitation in China. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2014,116:273-285.

9) Wang ChenLiang, Na Zhao*, TianXiangYue, et al. Change trend of monthly precipitation in China with an improved surface modeling method. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015, 74(8) 6459-6469.

10) TianXiangYue, LiLi Zhang, Na Zhao*, et al. A Review of Recent Developments in HASM. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015, 74(8), 6541-6549.

11) Xin-Guo Liu and Na Zhao*. A note on the distance bound for pseudospectra of matrix polynomials. Applied Mathematics Letters. 2010, 23(9): 1082-1086.

12) Xin-Guo Liu and Na Zhao*. Linearization estimates of the backward errors for least squares problems. Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications. 2012, 19(6): 954-969.

13) TianXiangYue, Bing Xu, Na Zhao *, et al. Thematic Issue: Environment and Health in China—I. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015, 74(8), 6361-6365.

14) Yue TX, Zhao N, Fan ZM, Li J, Chen CF, Lu YM, Wang CL, Xu B, Wilson J. CMIP5 Downscaling and Its Uncertainty in China. Global and Planetary Change. 2016, 146,30-37.

15) ChuanFa Chen, Na Zhao, YanYan Li, et al. The generation of inverse distance weighting method and its application to surface modeling. Arabian Journal of Geosciences . 2015, 8, 6623-6633.

16) Tianxiang Yue, Na Zhao, R. Douglas Ramsey, Chenliang Wang, Zemeng Fan, Chuanfa Chen, Bailian Li. Climate change trend in China, with improved accuracy. Climatic Change, 2013, 120:137-151.

17) Tianxiang Yue, Na Zhao, Hai Yang, Yinjun Song, Zhengping Du, Zemeng Fan, Dunjiang Song. A multi-Grid method of high accuracy surface modeling and its validation.Transaction in GIS,2013, 17(6): 943-952.

18) Chuanfa Chen, Yanyan Li, Na Zhao, et al. Least squares compactly supported radial basis function for digital terrain model interpolation from airborne lidar point clouds. Remote Sensing. 2018,10(587),doi:10.3390/rs10040587.

19) Chuanfa Chen, Yanyan Li, Na Zhao, et al. Robust interpolation of DEMs from Lidar-derived elevation data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 2018,56(2):1059-1068.

20) Chuanfa Chen, Changqing Yan, Na Zhao, Guolin Liu. 2016. A robust algorithm of support vector regression with a trimmed Huber loss function in the primal. Soft Computing. 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s00500-016-2229-4.

21) Chuanfa Chen, Yanyan Li, Na Zhao, et al. 2017. A fast and robust interpolation filter for airborne lidar point clouds. Plos One. Doi:PONE-D-16-44330R2

22) MingWei Zhao, TianXiangYue, Na Zhao, et al. Parallel algorithm of a modified HASM and its application in DEM construction. Environmental Earth Sciences . 2015, 74(8), 6551-6561.

23) Ming-Wei Zhao, Tian-Xiang Yue, Na Zhao, Xiao-Fang Sun. Combining LPJ-GUESS and HASM to simulate spatial distribution of forest vegetation carbon stock in China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014, 24(2): 249-258.

24) Ling Jiang, Mingwei Zhao, Tianxiang Yue, Na Zhao, et al. A modified HASM algorithm and its application in DEM construction. Earth Science Informatics,2018,7:1-9.

25) Lili Zhang, T.X.Yue, John P. Wilson, Na Zhao, et al. A comparison of satellite observations with the XCO2 surface obtained by fusing TCCON measurements and GEOS-Chem model outputs. Science of the total environment. 2017, 601:1575-1590.

26) Zhang Lili, Yue Tianxiang, John P. Wilson, Wang Dingyi, Zhao Na, et al. 2016. Modelling of XCO2 surface based on flight tests of TanSat instruments. Sensors, 16(11):pii1818

27) Yue TX, Liu Y, Zhao MW, Du ZP, Zhao N. A fundamental theorem of Earth’s surface modelling. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2016, 75(9): article 751 (pages 1 -12).

28) Tianxiang Yue, Wangyi Fu, Zhengping Du, Mingwei Zhao, Lili Zhang, Na Zhao, Ming Lu, et al. 2016. Modeling the uncertainty of estimating forest carbon stocks in China. Biogeosciences, 13, 3991 – 4004.

29) 赵娜, 岳天祥,王晨亮,范泽孟. 1951-2010年中国季平均降水高精度曲面建模分析.地理科学进展,2013, 32(1):49-58.

30) 赵娜, 岳天祥. 高精度曲面建模的一种快速算法. 地球信息科学学报, 2012, 14(3): 281-285.

31) 赵娜, 岳天祥, 范泽孟, 王晨亮. 基于HASM-SSOR模型的近60年来中国气温与降水变化趋势模拟. 地理与地理信息科学, 2013,29(1): 86-90.

32) 赵娜, 岳天祥, 赵明伟. 基于改进的HASM方法的中国日照百分率的模拟研究. 地理研究, 2014. 33(7): 1297-1305.

33) 赵娜, 岳天祥, 史文娇, 周勋, 刘羽, 杜正平. 基于HASM方法对气候模式的年气温降水降尺度研究——以黑河流域为例.中国沙漠. 2016, 37(6): 1-10.

34) 李晗,赵娜*,岳天祥,等. 基于HASM方法的黑河流域潜在蒸发量的模拟.地球信息科学学报, 2017, 19 (11): 1466- 1474.

35) 刘羽,虢建宏,岳天祥,赵娜.地表CO2浓度分布模拟试验及分析[J].地球信息科学学报,2017,19:197-204

36) 张涛,李宝林,赵娜, 许丽丽. 2015. 结合TRMM数据的区域降水高精度曲面建模研究. 地球信息科学学报. 8: 6623-6633.

37) 田会,张承明, 赵娜, 岳天祥. 2015. 高精度曲面建模方法的系统构建. 计算机工程与应用. 51(12): 38-42.

38) 赵明伟, 岳天祥, 赵娜. 基于HASM的中国森林植被碳储量空间分布模拟. 地理学报, 2013, 68(9): 1212-1224.

39) 赵明伟, 岳天祥, 赵娜. 改进的HASM-AD算法及其空间变量模拟的应用分析. 地球信息科学学报, 2013, 15(4): 1-7.

40) 赵明伟, 岳天祥, 赵娜.高精度曲面建模优化方案. 中国图象图形学报,2014,19:290-296.

41) 秦晓伟,刘新国,赵娜. 关于解极大相关问题P-SOR算法的收敛性. 计算数学,2011,33(4): 345-356.