







  • 崔惠娟
  • 副研究员


女,辽宁沈阳人,博士,中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所副研究员。 2005-2009年就读于清华大学水利系,获学士学位;2009-2015年就读于美国Texas A&M University水资源管理与水文学专业,获硕士、博士学位。2015年7月至今在中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所工作,任助理研究员、副研究员。研究方向为随机水文学、水文预报与气候变化,主要研究基于信息熵理论的水文预报方法及其不确定性分析,气候变化下的水文变化及响应。目前共发表SCI学术论文20余篇,担任国际SCI期刊Entropy的客座主编。




[1] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2017), Entropy Spectral Analyses for Groundwater Modeling, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, in press

[2] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2017), Application of Minimum Relative Entropy Theory for Streamflow Forecasting, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 31(3)587-608.

[3] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2016), Minimum Relative Entropy Theory for Streamflow Forecasting with Frequency as a Random Variable, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 30:1545-1563.

[4] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2016), Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis for Streamflow Forecasting, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Application, 442:91-99.

[5] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2015), Configurational Entropy Theory for Streamflow Forecasting, Journal of Hydrology, 521:1-17.

[6] V.P. Singh, H. Cui* and A. Byrd (2014), Sediment Graphs Based on Entropy Theory, Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 20(16),10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001068 , C4014004.

[7] V.P. Singh, H. Cui* and A. Byrd (2014), Derivation of Rating Curve by the Tsallis Entropy, Journal of Hydrology, 513(0):342-352.

[8] V.P. Singh, A. Byrd, and H. Cui* (2014), Flow Duration Curve Using Entropy Theory, Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 19(7): 1340-1348.

[9] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2014), Suspended Sediment Concentration in Open Channels Using Tsallis Entropy, Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 19(5): 966-977

[10] H. Cui and V.P. Singh (2014), One Dimensional Velocity Distribution in Open Channels Using Tsallis Entropy, Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 19(2):290-298.

[11] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2014), Computation of Suspended Sediment Discharge in open channels by combining Tsallis Entropy-Based Methods and Empirical Formulas, Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 19(1):18-25.

[12] H. Cui* and V.P. Singh (2013), Two Dimensional Velocity Distribution in Open Channels Using Tsallis Entropy, Journal of Hydrological Engineering, 18(3): 331-339.

[13] H. Cui and V.P. Singh (2012), On the Cumulative Distribution Function for Entropy-Based Hydrologic Modeling, Transactions of ASABE, 55(2):429-438.