- 张宪春
- 研究员

张宪春,男,博士,研究员,博士生导师。 |
1965年11月出生于河南省南阳市,1986年河南师范大学生物系毕业;1989年云南大学生态学与地植物学研究所硕士毕业,同年毕业分配到中国科学院植物研究所植物分类研究室与标本馆工作;1994年至1997年在职博士。1995年至1996年在荷兰莱顿大学荷兰国家植物标本馆访问,2003年至2004年在奥地利维也纳大学植物研究所访问,2004年至2005年在韩国全北大学作合作研究。1989年至今在中国科学院植物研究所工作。曾任国际植物分类学会理事和国际维管植物命名委员会委员,现任中国花卉协会蕨类分会主任、中国野生植物保护协会蕨类委员会主任和中国植物学会蕨类专业委员会主任。2011年至2017年任中国科学院植物研究所标本馆馆长。现任中国科学院植物研究所孢子植物分类研究组组长。 主要研究工作: 多年来坚持野外工作,采集了大量标本资料,独立完成了《中国植物志》蕨类3卷册中10科的编研。作为中国植物志英文版中外联合编委会委员和蕨类编委会负责人,组织和协调Flora of China第二卷和第三卷的编研。在秦仁昌院士提出的蕨类植物分类系统(1993年度国家自然科学一等奖成果)的基础上,从形态学和分子系统学上进行了分析和评价, 尝试提出了新的分科概念,发表了“石松类和蕨类植物研究进展:兼论国产类群的科级分类系统”(2008);2011年和国际同行一道发表了一个完整的世界“现代石松类和蕨类植物的科属分类的线性分类系统”,并建立蕨类植物新科2个,肠蕨科Diplaziopsidaceae X. C. Zhang & Christenh.和轴果蕨科Rhachidosoraceae X. C. Zhang;对中国石松科部分类群、卷柏科、世界瘤足蕨科、凤尾蕨科部分类群、冷蕨科、铁角蕨科部分类群、肠蕨科、轴果蕨科、金星蕨科、岩蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、鳞毛蕨科部分类群、三叉蕨科部分类群、骨碎补科部分类群和水龙骨科等类群开展了分类学研究和系统发育研究,发表了有关类群新的科级和属级分类系统;主编和参编专著30余部,在国内外专业学术杂志上发表论文100余篇。已经培养博士和硕士研究生20多名,其中外籍学生4名。 主持项目 1.“中国瓦韦属植物的分类学修订研究”,国家自然基金项目 2.“蕨类植物虚拟标本馆和数据库建设”,科技部平台项目 3.“水龙骨科瓦韦属的分子系统学研究及宽带蕨属的谱系地理学研究”,国家自然基金 4.“瓦韦属Lepisorus (J. Sm.) Ching的系统学研究”,中国科学院其他项目 5.“中--俄一些重要维管植物的分类学和植物地理学研究”,中国科学院国际合作项目 6.“广义伏石蕨属的分类学研究”,国家自然基金 7.“喜马拉雅的隆起对东亚及东南亚蕨类植物分化的影响”,中国科学院国际人才项目 8.“泛喜马拉雅植物志预研野外考察”中国科学院国际合作项目 9.“蹄盖蕨科双盖蕨亚科的分子系统学和生物地理学研究”,国家自然基金 10.“《中国植物志》的数字化和DNA条形码”,科学技术部重点专项 11.“印度尼西亚热带植物分类调查与生命之树重建的合作研究” 院级国际合作项目 12.“东北亚植物区系研究”韩国环境署生物资源研究所国际合作项目 13.“《泛喜马拉雅植物志》膜蕨科分类”,中国科学院国际合作项目 14.“东亚伏石蕨属(水龙骨科)的物种形成研究” 国家自然基金 15.“广义蹄盖蕨科转录组基因的演化及系统关系的重建”上海市园林管理局攻关计划 16.“中华蹄盖蕨复合体的谱系地理和物种形成研究” 北京市自然科学基金 17.“蛇足石杉及近缘植物的资源收集和繁殖体系研究” 中国科学院成套技术服务项目 18.“中国和喜马拉雅地区卷柏属异形孢子叶植物的分类修订” 国家自然科学基金 19.“面向我国出入境口岸动植物检疫工作的技术服务” 中国科学院其他任务 20.“中国科学院国际人才计划“国际访问学者”-Ronald Louis Leo Viane(比利时),中国科学院国际人才项目 21.“植物实物标本库、资源信息整合与共享” 中国科学院重点项目 22.“泛喜马拉雅地区植物多样性调查和《泛喜马拉雅植物志》编研”中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目“一带一路”专项 论文专著 2019 Zhao CF, Wei R, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2019. Backbone phylogeny of Lepisorus (Polypodiaceae) and a novel infrageneric classification based on the total evidence from plastid and morphological data. Cladistics. https://doi.org/10.1111/cla.12403. Zhang HR, Xiang QP and Zhang XC. 2019. The unique evolutionary trajectory and dynamic conformations of DR and IR/DR-coexisting plastomes of the early vascular plant Selaginellaceae (Lycophyte). Genome Biology and Evolution. 11(4): 1258–1274. Zhang HR, Zhang XC andXiang QP. 2019. Direct repeats co-occur with few short dispersed repeats in plastid genome of a spikemoss, Selaginella vardei (Selaginellaceae, Lycopodiopsida). BMC Genomics. 20: 484. Shalimov AP, Wu YD and Zhang XC. A taxonomic revision of the genus Selaginella (Selaginellaceae) from Nepal. PhytoKeys, 133: 1-76. ShalimovAP,ZhuYM,ZhangMHandZhangXC.2019.Selaginelladianzhongensis(Selaginellaceae),anewspikemossfromChina.PhytoKeys.118:75–87. Shao YZ, Chen Y, Zhang XC, Xiang QP. 2019. Species delimitation and phylogeography of Abies delavayi complex: Inferred from morphological, molecular, and climatic data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12500. Liang SQ, Viane RLL, Zhang XC, Wei R. 2019. Exploring the reticulate evolution in the Asplenium pekinense complex and the A. varians complex (Aspleniaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/jse.12530. Li ZY, Zhang XC, Liang ZL and Li J. 2019. A taxonomic revision of fern genus Pseudocyclosorus (Thelypteridaceae) from China and the Pan-Himalaya region, with special reference to the identity of Pseudocyclosorus stramineus. Phytotaxa. 424(4):197-216. WangYR,ZhaoCF, YuXDandZhangXC.2019.ThecompletechloroplastgenomesequenceofatypicalalpinefernLepisoruswaltonii(Ching)S.L.YuinPolypodiaceae.MitochondrialDNAPartB-Resources.4(1):801-803. 2018 Wei R, Ebihara A, Zhu YM, Zhao CF, Hennequin S and Zhang XC. 2018. A total-evidence phylogeny of the lady fern genus Athyrium Roth (Athyriaceae) with a new infrageneric classification. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 119: 25–36. He LJ, Schneider H, Hovenkamp P, Marquardt J, Wei R, Wei XP, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2018. A molecular phylogeny of selligueoid ferns (Polypodiaceae): Implications for a natural delimitation despite homoplasy and rapid radiation. Taxon. 67: 237–249. Shen H, Jin DM, Shu JP, Zhou XL, Lei M, Wei R, Shang H, Wei HJ, Zhang R, Liu L, Gu YF, Zhang XC and Yan YH. 2018. Large scale phylogenomic analysis resolves a backbone phylogeny in ferns. Giga Science. 7: 1–11. Xiang QP, Wei R, Zhu YM, Harris AJ and Zhang XC. 2018. New infrageneric classification of Abies in light of molecular phylogeny and high diversity in Western North America. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 56(5): 562-572. Xie SP, Zhang SH, Chen TY,Zhang XC, Zeng X and Yang Y.2018. Late Miocene occurrence of monogeneric family Oleandraceae from southwest China and its implications on evolution of eupolypods I. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology. 256: 13–19. Wang LJ, Zhang XC and Liu JX. 2018. Studies on the complementary relationship of surface ornamentations between megaspores and microspores. Microscopy Research and Technique. 81:1474–1488. Zhang XC.2018. Some new records of Selaginella from China. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology. 12(1):22-23. Zhang XC and Han BC, 2018. In memoriam: Ming-Li Zhang (1959–2017). Turczaninowia. 21 (2): 268–276. 张宪春, 孙久琼. 2018. 生存游戏里的远古“忍者”——蕨类植物. 知识就是力量. 5: 22–25. 2017 Wei R, Yan YH, Harris AJ, Kang JS, Shen H, Xiang QP and Zhang XC.2017. Plastid phylogenomics resolve deep relationships among eupolypod II ferns with rapid radiation and rate heterogeneity. Genome Biology and Evolution. 9(6):1646–1657. Wei XP, Wei R, Zhao CF, Zhang HR, and Zhang XC. 2017. Phylogenetic position of the enigmatic fern genus Weatherbya (polypodiaceae) revisited: evidence from chloroplast, nuclear gene regions, and morphological data. International Journal of Plant Sciences. 178(6): 450–464. Wei XP, Qi YD, Zhang XC, Luo L, Shang H, Wei R, Liu HT and Zhang BG. 2017. Phylogeny, historical biogeography and characters evolution of the drought resistant fern Pyrrosia Mirbel (Polypodiaceae) inferred from plastid and nuclear markers.Scientific Reports. 7: 12757. Shao YZ, Zhang XC, Phan LK, and Xiang QP. 2017. Elevation Shift in Abies Mill. (Pinaceae) of Subtropical and Temperate China and Vietnam—Corroborative Evidence from Cytoplasmic DNA and Ecological Niche Modeling. Frontiers in Plant Science. 8:578. New TY and Zhang XC. 2017. Taxonomic studies of lycophytes and ferns from the Pan-Himalaya (I): Hymenophyllum (Hymenophyllaceae). Turczaninowia.20 (2):75–96. New TY, Shalimov AP and Zhang XC. 2017. Taxonomic studies of lycophytes and ferns from the Pan-Himalaya (II): Crepidomanes, Didymoglossum and Vandenboschia. Turczaninowia.20(4): 97–118. Wu YD, Zhang HR, and Zhang XC. 2017. Selaginella guihaia (Selaginellaceae): A new spikemoss species from southern China and northern Vietnam around the Gulf of Tonkin. PhytoKeys. 80: 41–52. Shalimov AP, N. Shrestha and Zhang XC. 2017. Taxonomic study of the genus Huperzia Bernh. (Lycopodiaceae) in the Pan-Himalayan region. Indian Fern Journal. 34: 130–168. Xu CL, Huang J, Su T, Zhang XC, Li SF and Zhou ZK. 2017. The first megafossil record of Goniophlebium (Polypodiaceae) from the Middle Miocene of Asia and its paleoecological implications. Palaeoworld 26: 543–552. Zhang HR, Kang JS, Viane RLL and Zhang XC. 2017. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Huperzia javanica (Sw.) C.Y. Yang in Lycopodiaceae.Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 2(1): 216-218. Kang JS, Zhang XC and Kwak M. 2017. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite markers for Viola websteri (Violaceae) and cross-species amplification within the genus Viola.Plant Mol Biol Rep. 35: 145-153. 2016 PPG I. 2016. A community based classification of ferns and lycophytes. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 54: 563–603. Liu HM, Zhang XC, Wang MP, Shang H, Zhou SL, Yan YH, Wei XP, Xu WB and Schneider H. 2016. Phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic fern genus Trichoneuron informs on the infra-familial relationship of Dryopteridaceae. Plant Syst Evol. 302:319–332. Wu YD, New TY, Sun JQ and Zhang XC. 2016. Additions to the pteridophyte flora of Xizang (V)-Didymoglossum (Hymenophyllaceae), an unrecorded fern genus from Xizang, China. Newsletter of Himalayan Botany. 50: 4-6. Wei R and Zhang XC.2016. Athyrium sessilipinnum: A new lady fern (Athyriaceae) from southern China. Brittonia. 68:440-447. Guo ZY, Zhang HR, Shrestha N and Zhang XC. 2016. Complete chloroplast genome of a valuable medicinal Plant, Huperzia serrata (Lycopodiaceae), and comparison with its congener. Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 4(11): 1600071. Guo ZY, Zhang HR, Wei R, Li ZY, Yao ZM and Zhang XC. 2016. New Records of Lycopods and Ferns from Maolan Nature Reserve of Libo (Guizhou, China). Indian Fern J. 33: 222-225. WeiXPandZhang XC. 2016. Distributionalpatternsof themonoleteandtriletefernsinChina. BiodiversityScience. 24(10):1129–1134. ZhouXL,ZhangXC,SunJQandYanYH.2016.DiversityanddistributionoflycophytesandfernsinChina.BiodiversityScience.24(1):102–107. 2015 Wei R, Xiang QP, Schneider H, Sundue M A, Kessler M, Kamau PW, Hidayat A and Zhang XC. 2015, Eurasian origin, boreotropical migration and transoceanic dispersal in the pantropical fern genus Diplazium (Athyriaceae). Journal of Biogeography. 42: 1809–1819. Shrestha N, and Zhang XC. 2015, Recircumscription of Huperzia serrata complex in China using morphological and climatic data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 53(1):88–103. Xiang QP, Wei R, Shao YZ, Yang ZY, Wang XQ and Zhang XC.2015. Phylogenetic relationships, possible ancient hybridization, and biogeographic history of Abies (Pinaceae) based on datafrom nuclear, plastid, and mitochondrial genomes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 82:1-14. Shrestha N, and Zhang XC. 2015 On the presence of North American clubmoss Huperzia lucidula (Lycopodiaceae) in China: An intercontinental disjunction or misidentification.Phytotaxa. 219(3): 243–252. Shao Y, Wei R, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2015 Molecular phylogeny of the cliff ferns (Woodsiaceae: Polypodiales) with a proposed infrageneric classification. PLoS One.10(9): e0136318. Zhang XC. 2015. Gymnosphaera austroyunnanensis (S. G. Lu) S. G. Lu & Chun X. Li: a new record tree fern from North Vietnam.Indian Fern J. 32: 132-134 Zhu C, Zeng Q, McMichael A, Ebi KL, Ni K, Khan AS, Zhu J, Liu G, Zhang XC, Cheng L and Ziska LH. 2015. Historical and experimental evidence for enhanced concentration of artemesinin, a global anti-malarial treatment, with recent and projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Climatic Change. 132: 295–306. 王利松, 贾渝, 张宪春, 覃海宁. 2015. 中国高等植物多样性概况. 生物多样性.23(2):217-224. 2014 Zhou SL, Dong WP, Chen XQ, Zhang XC, Wen J and Schneider H. 2014. How many species of bracken (Pteridium) are there? Assessing the Chinese brackens using molecular evidence. Taxon. 63 (3): 509-521. Wei R and Zhang XC. 2014. Rediscovery of Cystoathyrium chinense Ching (Cystopteridaceae): Phylogenetic placement of the critically endangered fern species endemic to China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 52(4): 450–457. Shrestha N, Xing FW, Qi XP, Yan YH and Zhang, XC.2014. Huperzia nanlingensis (Lycopodiaceae), a new terrestrial firmoss from southern China.Phytotax. 173 (1): 73–79. Shrestha N, Prasai D, Shrestha KK, Shrestha S and Zhang XC. 2014. Ethnomedicinal practices in the highlands of central Nepal: A case study of Syaphru and Langtang village in Rasuwa district. J. Ethnopharmacol.155 (2): 1204-1213. 王利松, Vincent SS, 张红瑞, 张宪春. 2014. 互联网时代的生物多样性虚拟研究环境. 生物多样性.22(3):264-276. 2013 Wei R, Schneider H and Zhang XC.2013. Toward a new circumscription of the twinsorus-fern genus Diplazium (Athyriaceae): A molecular phylogeny with morphological implications and infrageneric taxonomy. Taxon. 62: 441–457. Wei XP, and Zhang XC.2013. Species delimitation in the fern genus Lemmaphyllum (Polypodiaceae) based on multivariate analysis of morphological variation. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 51: 485–496. Li ZY, He ZR and Zhang XC.2013. A taxonomic revision of Cyclosorus subgenus Cyclosoriopsis (Thelypteridaceae) from China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 51: 609–638. Schneider H, He LJ, Marquardt J, Wang L, Heinrichs J, Hennequin S and Zhang XC. 2013. Exploring the origin of the latitudinal diversity gradient: Contrasting the sister fern genera Phegopteris and Pseudophegopteris. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 51: 61–70. Schneider H, He LJ, Hennequin S and Zhang XC. 2013. Towards a natural classification of Pteridaceae: inferring the relationships of enigmatic pteridoid fern species occurring in the Sino-Himalaya and Afro-Madagascar. Phytotaxa. 77: 49–60. ZhangXCandBenitoTC.2013.Twonew recordsofSelaginellafromMalaysia.GuihaiaSept.33(5):588-590. 张宪春, 卫然, 刘红梅, 何丽娟, 王丽, 张钢民. 2013. 中国现代石松类和蕨类的系统发育与分类系统. 植物学报. 48: 119–137. 王利松, 杨永, 张宪春. 2013. 在线植物志: 网络时代分类学的方法和实践. 植物学报. 48: 174–183. 张宪春, 邢公侠. 2013. 秦仁昌与蕨类植物分类系统. 生命世界. 11: 36–39. 2012 He LJ and Zhang XC. 2012. Exploring generic delimitation within the fern family Thelypteridaceae. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 65(2): 757–764. Wang L, Schneider H, Wu ZQ, He LJ, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2012. Indehiscent sporangia enable the accumulation of local fern diversity at the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 2012, 12:158. Wang L, Schneider H, Zhang XC and Xiang QP. 2012. The rise of the Himalaya enforced the diversification of SE Asian ferns by altering the monsoon regimes. BMC Plant Biology. 12: 210. Ebihara A, Fraser-Jenkins CR, Parris BC, Zhang XC, Yang YH, Chiou WL, Chang HM, Lindsay S, Middleton D, Kato M, Praptosuwiryo TN, Amoroso VB, Barcelona JF, Ranil RHG, Park CH, Murakami N and Hoya A. 2012. Rare and threatened Pteridophytes of Asia 1. An enumeration of narrowly distributed taxa. Bull. Natl. Mus. Nat. Sci., Ser. B. 38(3): 93–119. 蒋日红, 张宪春. 2012. 中国网藤蕨属一新异名. 广西植物. 32(2): 146-149. 郭梦桥,郭捡,张大维,张宪春,刘保东. 2012. 扫描电镜下9种卷柏叶表皮特征的系统学意义. 电子显微学报 . 31 (2): 163—167. 2011 Jiang RH, Zhang XC and Liu Y. 2011. Asplenium cornutissimum (Aspleniaceae), a new species from Karst caves in Guangxi, China. Brittonia. 63: 83-86. Christenhusz MJM, Zhang XC and Schneider H. 2011. A linear sequence of extant families and genera of lycophytes and ferns. Phytotaxa. 19: 7-54. Hovenkamp PH, Fraser-Jenkins CR, Schneider H and Zhang XC. 2011. Proposal to conserve the name Lepisorus against Belvisia, Lemmaphyllum, Paragramma, Drymotaenium & Neocheiropteris (Pteridophyta, Polypodiaceae). Taxon. 60(2): 591–592. Wang L, Wu ZQ, Bystriakova N, Ansell SW, Xiang QP, Heinrichs J, Schenider H and Zhang XC. 2011. Phylogeography of the alpine fern Lepisorus clathratus on “the roof of the world”. PloS One. 6: e25896. Yang FC, Zhang CL, Wu G, Liang SY, and Zhang XC. 2011. Endangered Pteridophytes and Their Distribution in Hainan Island, China. American Fern Journal. 101(2):105-116. 齐新萍, 张宪春. 2011. 中国瓦韦属三种植物的细胞分类学研究. 广西植物. 31: 181-183. 张宪春. 2011. 亚洲热带植物研究的摇篮—莱顿标本馆. 生命世界. 263: 38-39. 张宪春, 石雷, 2011. 中国蕨类植物研究进程. 中国花卉园艺. 243: 8. 胡宗刚, 张宪春. 2011. 秦仁昌与植物标本馆. 生命世界. 263:44-49. 李中阳, 张宪春. 2011. 跟着Ralf Knapp的镜头寻找台湾蕨类植物. 生命世界. 264:92-93. 张宪春,2011. 第十八届国际植物学大会植物命名分会情况简介. 仙湖. 10 (2): 29. 2010及以前 Wang L, Qi XP, Xiang QP, Heinrichs J, Schneider H and Zhang XC. 2010. 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II, vol. 3., 1998, 荷兰莱顿大学. 27.Authors of Scientific Names in Pteridophyta, 1996, 英国皇家邱植物园. 28.《武陵山地区维管植物检索表》, 1995, 北京:科学出版社. 29.《龙栖山植物》, 1994 , 北京:中国科学技术出版社. 30.《广西九万山植物资源考察报告》, 1993 , 北京:北京林业出版社. 31.《中国植物标本馆索引》, 1993, 北京:科学出版社. |