







  • 冯晓娟
  • 研究员

2003年获北京大学环境科学学士学位,2005年和2009年分别获加拿大多伦多大学地理学硕士和博士学位,2009年至2012年先后在美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所(WHOI)及瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院(ETH Zurich)进行博士后研究。2013年加入植物所成立碳循环与有机地球化学研究组,2014年获得基金委“优秀青年科学基金”资助。现任《植物生态学报》编委、中国生态学学会稳定同位素生态专业委员会委员;担任Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Global Biogeochemical Cycle, Geophysical Research Letters等期刊的审稿人;并受邀担任2016年Goldschmidt大会有机地球化学领域的召集人(co-ordinator)。




[1] “湿地土壤有机碳与铁的交互作用及其对干旱的响应”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(41773067),2018-2021,项目负责人。

[2] “草地土壤碳氮的迁移、转化过程及其机制研究”,科技部青年973项目(2015CB954200),2015-2019,项目负责人。

[3] “土壤有机质的生物地球化学研究”,优秀青年科学基金项目(41422304),2015-2017,项目负责人。

[4] “青藏高原高寒草甸土壤有机碳库的分子组成、年龄及气候敏感性”,国家自然科学基金面上项目(31370491),2014-2017,项目负责人。



[1] Ma T, Zhu SS, Wang ZH, Chen DM, Dai GH, Feng BW, Su XY, Hu HF, Li KH, Han WX, Liang C, Bai YF, Feng XJ*. 2018. Divergent accumulation of microbial necromass and plant lignin components in grassland soils. Nat. Commun., 9: 3480.

[2] Liu T§, Wang L§, Feng XJ*, Zhang JB, Ma T, Wang X, Liu ZG. 2018. Comparing soil carbon loss through respiration and leaching under extreme precipitation events in arid and semiarid grasslands. Biogeosciences, 15: 1627-1641.

[3] Dai GH, Ma T, Zhu SS, Liu ZG, Chen DM, Bai YF, Chen LT, He JS, Zhu JT, Zhang YJ, Lü XT, Wang XB, Han XG, Feng XJ*. 2018. Large-scale distribution of molecular components in Chinese grassland soils: The influences of input and decomposition processes. J. Geophys. Res.-Biogeosci., 123: 239-255.


[4] Wang Y, Wang H, He J-S, Feng X* .2017. Iron-mediated soil carbon response to water-table decline in an alpine wetland.Nature Communications, 8: 15972, doi: 10.1038/ncomms15972.

[5] Cai Y, Tang Z, Xiong G, Xie Z, Liu Z, Feng X* .2017. Different composition and distribution patterns of mineral-protected versus hydrolysable lipids in shrubland soils. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 122: 2206-2218.

[6] Feng X*, Vonk JE, Griffin C, Zimov N, Montlu?on DB, Wacker L, Eglinton TI .2017. 14C variation of dissolved lignin in arctic river systems. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 1: 334-344.

[7] Jia J, Feng X*, He J-S, He H, Lin L, Liu Z .2017. Comparing microbial carbon sequestration and priming in the subsoil versus topsoil of a Qinghai-Tibetan alpine grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 104: 141-151.


[8]Feng X*, Feakins SJ*, Liu Z, Ponton C, Wang RZ, Karkabi E, Galy V, Berelson WM, Nottingham AT, Meir P, West AJ .2016. Source to sink: Evolution of lignin composition in the Madre de Dios River system with connection to the Amazon basin and offshore. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 121: 1316-1338.

[9] Dai G, Zhu S, Liu Z, Chen L, He J, Feng X* .2016. Distribution of fatty acids in the alpine grassland soils of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau.Science China Earth Sciences, 59: 1329-1338.


[10] Feng X*, Gustafsson O, Holmes RM, Vonk JE, van Dongen BE, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Yunker MB, Macdonald RW, Wacker L, Montlu?on DB, Eglinton TI .2015. Multimolecular tracers of terrestrial carbon transfer across the pan-Arctic: 14C characteristics of sedimentary carbon components and their environmental controls. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29: 1855-1873.(封面文章)

[11] Feng X*, Gustafsson O, Holmes RM, Vonk JE, van Dongen BE, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Yunker MB, Macdonald RW, Montlu?on DB, Eglinton TI .2015. Multi-molecular tracers of terrestrial carbon transfer across the pan-Arctic: Comparison of hydrolysable components with plant wax lipids and lignin phenols. Biogeosciences, 12: 4841-4860.


[12] Whalen Joann K*, Gul Shamim, Poirier Vincent, Yanni Sandra F, Simpson Myrna J, Clemente Joyce S, Feng Xiaojuan, et al. 2014. Transforming plant carbon into soil carbon: Process-level controls on carbon sequestration. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 94: 1065-1073.


[13] Feng X*, Vonk JE, van Dongen BE, Gustafsson O, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV, Wang Z, Montlu?on DB, Wacker L, Eglinton TI .2013. Differential mobilization of terrestrial carbon pools in Eurasian Arctic river basins. PNAS, 110: 14168-14173.

[14] Feng X*, Benitez-Nelson BC, Montlu?on DB, Prahl FG, McNichol AP, Xu L, Repeta DJ, Eglinton TI .2013. 14C and 13C characteristics of higher plant biomarkers in Washington margin surface sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 105: 14-30.


[15] Feng X, Simpson AJ, Gregorich EG, Elberling B, Hopkins DW, Sparrow AD, Novis PM, Greenfield LG, Simpson MJ* .2010. Chemical characterization of microbial-dominated soil organic matter in the Garwood Valley, Antarctica. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 74: 6485-6498.

[16] Feng X, Simpson AJ, Schlesinger WH, Simpson MJ* .2010. Altered microbial community structure and organic matter composition under elevated CO2 and N fertilization in the Duke Forest. Global Change Biology, 16: 2104-2116.

[17] Feng X, Simpson AJ, Wilson K, Williams DD, Simpson MJ* .2008. Increased cuticular carbon sequestration and lignin oxidation in response to soil warming. Nature Geoscience 1: 836-839.